Obscure Monograph

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A mirror is an object with a surface that has good specular reflection, smooth enough to form an image. Many believe they have seen obscure figures trapped behind the glass but who are these unknown faces?






any old mirrors thick and old and silver back stained are said to be haunted by the ghosts of those that died. Their image forever frozen or trapped in the glass. Some recent stories tell of people selling their antique mirrors that were either bought or passed down the generations in their families and said to be very haunted . It is said by some that if a ghost or lost soul wanders your home during the night, a mirror can capture it. An old New Orleans Voodoo way to capture a ghost was to put a large standing mirror in your bedroom door way. When the ghost thinking it is a door enters the mirror it is forever trapped in the rooms that were reflected in it when caught not the real rooms. Fear of mirrors probably arose from the time when the first humans saw their reflections in a pool of water and once they had got over their initial shock of seeing someone


or something, believed that the image was their soul or spirit and to endanger it would mean risking injury to the other self. Also since ancient times, mirrors were said to have magical powers, including the power to foretell the future and were considered to be devices of the gods. Thus breaking a mirror would end its powers and bring untold miseries and misfortunes upon the one whose reflection it last held. Ever since human beings became aware of their own image there has been fascination and mystique surrounding reflective surfaces. Folklore and legend have hundreds of stories relating to magic and haunted mirrors. Most, needless to say, tend to be warnings about the dangers of mirrors having negative, supernatural qualities. Mirrors are also viewed by many as portals to other dimensions and with this comes the added risk of meeting the unknown. Phenomena

reported in connection with haunted mirrors varies. The most common manifestation is the formation of images of people/entities other than the people occupying the room. However, it should be remembered that natural distortions and curious light effects can create a number of bizarre effects. The brain has a phenomenal ability to create meaningful shapes and faces out of random patterns through a mirror. But despite this, many of the reported cases of haunted mirrors were witnessed by more than one person at different times of the day, in various lighting conditions. Therefore, these cases may possibly rule out natural causes. Added to this, other forms of paranormal manifestations developed in addition to that connected with the mirror involved. The phenomena experienced by people is diverse. In most cases, but not all.







ENIGMATIC Most often shadow people look like living shadows. When you stand near a wall and a shadow is cast of yourself, this is what shadow people look like, living shadows. They are most often seen out of the corners of the eyes, or as a fleeting image passing behind. Sometimes, others see formless translucent black splotches and twirling columns of murky smoke. Alone in your room, minding your own business, a quick movement in the corner of your eye suddenly comes into view. You’re sure that it was a shape of a person you just saw. You feel the presence of something you think was once human. Was it just a silhouette? A shadow perhaps? Or maybe a ghost? You think maybe it’s nothing, but think again, is it your keen mind playing tricks on you? Or is it a supernatural entity that we don’t know? Shadow like beings appearing in dark forms of silhouettes and are supernatural in origin are the Shadow people. Often times mistaken to be ghosts, these beings appear in the corner of people’s eyes, remaining

for a moment and sometimes moving between the walls, appearing in mirrors and when we are aware of them, they disappear, they flee and disintegrate into nothingness, moving and toddling through walls before you get a chance to see them clearly. Also known as Shadow Beings or Shadow Folk, Shadow People are drawn to one person or location for mysterious motives. Their characteristics range from being diffident and playful to downright spiteful and malevolent. The only way to describe it is pure evil. Unusual descriptions of people who came across these beings, in different countries all over the world, have been very daunting. While some people see a shadowy form which is human like, others see formless translucent black splotches and twirling columns of murky smoke. Shadow People are said to travel extremely rapid and can toddle through solid matter, making them less prone to direct visual contact with anything or anyone that appear.






They are reported to vanish before having a chance to be seen evidently. People who encounter these creatures come upon the feeling of dread, shock and panic. Some people even reported being attacked and chased by these horrifying shadows. They claim to feel a being in the presence of something that was once amongst us, once human. Substantiation of these creatures appeared before mankind throughout history and therefore unfolding the ultimate essence of pure evil. An increase in reported detection of these beings all around the world are accounted for. More and more people stumble upon these dark shadows of unknown nature. Shadow people are often times mistaken to be ghosts, but the truth of the matter is they are totally different. Ghosts are said to be ethereal spirits of dead human beings and take on the manifestation and attributes of human beings none of which is familiar to that of the Shadow people. Shadow people do have human



forms but do not bear similarity to any person, dead or alive. Many records depict Shadow people as having human-like figures, but they are by and large not told to bear a resemblance to the actual persons, alive or departed. Shadow people do not correspond to people in words but they leave feelings of extreme trepidation, shock and panic. Even when animals stumble upon these beings, fear and hostility are the main outcome to these encounters. So the next time you see something at the side of your eye, don’t be surprised if it may just happen to jump right at you and give you the oddest surprise of your life. Injury to the other self. There can be no doubt that Shadow People are spiritual creatures, and they seem to be highly negative or demonic in nature. The first thing most notable of being demonic in nature, is that they are most often seen by a distorted means, such as out of the corners of

the eyes or behind, the same is often reported in cases of demonic activity. Another thing to note is their dark colour or form. People that encounter them note they have the ability to pass through solid items, such as walls, etc. And they often give off a essence of pure evil when encountered. Shadow people are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer’s peripheral vision. They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel. Those who are experiencing and studying the shadow people phenomenon say that these entities almost always used to be seen out of the corner of the eye and very briefly and very quickly.








But more and more, people are beginning to see them straight on and for longer periods of time. Some experiences testify that they have even seen eyes, usually red, on these shadow beings that appear. The mysterious sightings have become a hot topic of conversion in paranormal chat rooms, message boards and websites, and it is given widespread attention on paranormal talk radio and television. The explanation we get from sceptics and mainstream science and who are usually people who have never experienced the shadow people phenomenon - is that it is nothing more than the active human imagination. It’s our minds playing tricks on us our eyes seeing things in a fraction of a second that aren’t really there - illusions real shadows caused by passing auto headlights, or some similar explanation.

The explanation we get from sceptics and mainstream science - and who are usually people who have never experienced the shadow people phenomenon - is that it is nothing more than the active human imagination. It’s our minds playing tricks on us... our eyes seeing things in a fraction of a second that aren’t really there - illusions real shadows caused by passing auto headlights, or some similar explanation. In general, although the shadow people often do have a human outline or shape, because they are dark, the details of their appearance is lacking. This is in contrast to many ghost sightings in which the witness can describe the ghost’s facial features, style of clothing and other details. The one detail most often noted in some shadow being sightings are their glowing red eyes. The dark countenance and malevolent feelings

that are often reported in association with these creatures has led some researchers to speculate that they may be demonic in nature. If they are demons, we have to wonder what their purpose or intent is in letting themselves be seen in this manner. And without a doubt, these explanations probably can account for some if not many experiences. The human eye and mind are easily fooled. But by almost any definition, shadow people are somewhat different than ghost phenomena. Whereas ghost apparitions are almost always a misty white, viperish or have a decidedly human form and appearance shadow beings are much darker and more shadow-like. Perhaps this is an old phenomenon with a new name that is now being discussed more openly. Or maybe it’s a phenomenon that, for some reason, is manifesting greater.

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