Web de ene. de What you learned today In this lesson you learned . about plagiarism, . the importance of citation styles, . and how to use MLA citation style. Good Luck building your research paper. Use your . Web de feb. de Lesson Creating citations - Research Basics an open academic research skills course - LibGuides at JSTOR Research Basics an open academic . Weblearn proper citation for books, newspapers, photos, websites, and interviews using the MLA method. practice citing vario us sources and learn what to do when a tricky . Web de mar. de Chicago Manual of Style. Citation Machine. Citefast. Citing Sources, Guide to Library Research Duke University CSE Citation Guide. Easy Bib. MLA . Web de mar. de Discuss in-text citation, reference and bibliography and model in-text citation . Introduce types of plagiarism and attempt to use plagiarism feedback symbols . Use proper MLA . WebVolume . Burns, Elizabeth, and April M. Dawkins. . School Librarian Preparation and Practice An Exploration of the AASL