The Interviews

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The Interviews My personal interviews with a variety of Stylists and PR Interns across the UK. Part of Primary Research for my Final Major Project ‘Get The Look’.

Charlotte James Public Relations Intern 1)

To begin, do you mind telling me a little bit about yourself?

I studied specialist makeup at uni, graduating 2 years ago. 2) How did you get your job in Public Relations? After freelancing as a makeup artist for 2 years I decided that my real interest lay with the business behind the beauty industry and how brands use the media to convey a certain image of the products. So decided to go into the world of PR as an intern within a fashion PR agency. 3) How long have you worked in PR for? I have only been working in PR for 5 months. 4) Can you describe what your typical day would consist of? My typical day consists of scanning all forms of media for brand coverage, sending out samples to press, responding to press in regards to credit information and call ins, and creating hot sheets for upcoming launches. 5) What is you least favourite part about your job? My least favourite part of the job is the whole admin side and reporting as I don't find that I'm able to express my creativity.

6) What is the main difference between In house PR and Agency PR and which do you prefer to be involved in? In house PR you only focus on the promoting of one brand, whereas in agency, you are promoting numerous brands at the same time making it much faster paced. 7) What in your opinion do you think would be the ideal pathway for someone to get a job in Public Relations? I don't think there is a specific pathway or candidate for a career in PR as everyone I've ever met has come from different backgrounds, studying different subjects, I just think you need to be passionate about what you do.

8) Do you think you’ll stay in the PR sector for the rest of your working career? You never know where your career will take you but I see myself working in PR at least up until my mid-thirties.

9) What other areas of work do you think your job could lead to, if any? I think there is a very close link between the press and PR, so I think working in PR could lead to a job with a publication or vice versa. It is very much the same skills involved.

10) For someone looking for a career in PR, what do you think is the best way to go about getting work experience or an internship? The best way to get work experience or an internship within PR is taking the time to research the company. Even finding out someone's name rather than a generic sir/ madam can go a long way.

11) Do you have any memorable moments of you career so far? My career within PR has only really just begun so every day I face a new challenge. My most memorable moments so far however are definitely the events I've had to work.

12) What do you feel are the biggest misconceptions of you job if any? I think the biggest misconception is that the job just consists of parties. There are obviously a lot, but you also have to work long unsociable hours.

13) Fun question – if you could work for any PR company in the world, where would you choose and why? Given my background in Beauty I would love to work for Beauty Seen PR or The Communication Store. I would love to work in New York.

14) And finally, what piece of advice would you give to an up and coming Public Relations assistant? I would just say do your best at every little thing you do, make yourself indispensable and always be the person that will offer to go out of their way to help out.

Emily McCallen Public Relations Intern 1)

To begin, do you mind telling me a little bit about yourself? My name is Emily McCallen I am a Canadian fashion styling student living in London. I study at Istituto Marangoni and I am currently in my placement year at L.K. Bennett 2) How did you get your job in Public Relations? I obtained my current position through my university program. As I am doing a placement and I was put here through my careers officer. 3) What made you want to work in PR? Well originally I wanted to get an experience in a different aspect of fashion as my background is in styling. That being said I also enjoy the communications side of PR and the integration of creativity with a more business and admin style of work. 4) How long have you worked in PR for? Less than a year. 5) Can you describe what your typical day would consist of? Every day is a bit different but typically the day starts with send-outs of samples to different stylist/magazines. Because I am only an intern I usually deal with all the minor call-ins that have been passed on to me from my seniors or fashion assistants that I have been able to build a small relationship with. Call-ins require us to do a selection of samples that may fit the brief of an upcoming shoot or feature in press. This could also be in the form of image request which I would then compile a specific set of images of

our samples to send out to the recipient. Sample call-in and send-outs mainly happen sporadically throughout the day. On top of this I have individual projects that I work on such as; Editorial Coverage list, Communications Calendar, Mood board for Instagram creative concepts, help with upcoming press releases. These project tend to change month-month depending what events/releases we have coming up. I also do much of the simple admin work to assist all senior/junior press officers on the team (booking couriers, booking meetings etc.) 6) What is you least favourite part about your job? There is not too much freedom of creativity at my level, which can sometimes be a bit repressing. But these are things that can be earned with experience and dedication. Low - income. As I am only a placement student I do not receive a wage for the work I put in.

7) What would you consider to be the benefits of working in PR? PR offers a fast paced, varied and challenging career with the ability to engage in many different activities. It is a career that is constantly on point with current trends and issues, so it offers a life with constant change and innovation. I also think the benefits of working in PR is the fact it is a communication based field. The ability to interact, create and maintain relationships is essential and this is something that I find very rewarding and essential not only in business but in my personal life. 8) To date, where have you worked and have you had a favourite? Fashion Assistant to Dee Moran (Tatler, Ponystep, Love, Celebrity Styling, Harpers,) Fashion Intern at Ponystep Editorial Styling Intern at Net-A-Porter for The Edit and Porter Magazine Press and Marketing Intern at L.K.Bennett Press Officer for The Southern Dutchess, Fashion Lifestlye Blog 9) What is the main difference between In house PR and Agency PR and which do you prefer to be involved in? In-House: more refined focus as it is only managing the one brand. Agency: juggle different clients, with different priorities, schedules, strategies, needs, and urgency I have never experience the Agency side of PR and therefore I am unable to know for sure which I would prefer. I think I would like to try the Agency side as it seems it may be a busier faster paced environment. 10) What in your opinion do you think would be the ideal pathway for someone to get a job in Public Relations? Graduating with a BA in either, Fashion based degree, business degree, communications, or marketing. Putting in a lot of time as an intern and building relationships in the industry, gaining experience. A well as proactively having a media presence of your own through different social media platforms.

11) Do you think you’ll stay in the PR sector for the rest of your working career? I would like to phase into the digital marketing sector 12) What other areas of work do you think your job could lead to, if any? General public relations such as public affairs, food, beauty, sports, technology Marketing E-commerce Advertising 13) For someone looking for a career in PR, what do you think is the best way to go about getting work experience or an internship? - Apply to as many internships as possible. - Ensure you have a well formatted resume and cover letter. - A cover letter that can showcase your written ability is essential. - Beforehand try to gain as much experience as possible with any side projects/ volunteer work you can do such photo shoots, blogs, assisting, LFW backstage help, dressing etc. - Be well prepared for your interview, including have a knowledge of current events, issues, trends as well as a full understanding of the brand and/or agency 14) Do you have any memorable moments of you career so far? Assisting to style the front cover of Irish Tatler Working with Phoebe Arnold at Love Magazine Having the ability to meet Natalie Massenet Meeting Laura Bailey and attend an ELLE shoot at her home Attending LFW as press for Ponystep Working backstage at LFW Meeting Kate Moss Working at Net-A-Porter (the offices alone are amazing) The list goes on.... 15) Fun question – if you could work for any PR company in the world, where would you choose and why? Kelly Cutrone Peoples Revolution 16) And finally, what piece of advice would you give to an up and coming Public Relations assistant? Don't expect anything to be handed to you on a plate. You must work hard to be able to create your own opportunities in your career.

Hannah Ellen PR & Branding Intern 1) To begin, do you mind telling me a little bit about yourself? I am currently undertaking my placement year outside of uni where I study fashion management at Nottingham Trent University. I have always been into fashion but not in the conventional sense of liking to shop. I've always been interested in the impact the fashion world has on modern day culture. 2) How did you get your job in Public Relations? My first job in public relations was for at L.K.Bennett. I applied through fashion monitor from their advertisement for a press and marketing intern. 3) What made you want to work in PR? I have always been told I was a sociable person who had great social skills. University taught me a lot of buying, merchandising, garment technology and PR and marketing. PR and marketing was taught less therefore interested me more. My first interning experience was at English designer Emilia Wickstead where I worked with her in the run up to London fashion week a few years back. During my time with her I worked closely with KCD a PR agency and one of the best in the world. Working with them inspired me, their hard work and dedication to what they do made me want to explore the world of PR and agency more. 4) Can you describe what your typical day would consist of? That's impossible, and I challenge anyone to do so. No day is the same and it never will be. Although there are some tasks that a PR worker will do day to day especially interns. Every morning starts with checking emails from the night before, working in PR your worked never stays in London you’re always corresponding with La, New York and Paris therefore checking emails that they would have sent the night before. Emails include responding to credit, photo or

sample requests from stylists and key editors in the magazine wanted to lend product from the brand or brands you’re working for. Checking for daily coverage, getting send outs of requested samples ready to be delivered. Working on fashion GPS management all sample and coverage movement. 5) What would you consider to be the benefits of working in PR? The people you meet and the situations you are put. The amount of people I have met over the past few internships I have done are people I will contact and keep in my phonebook for life. Not to mention the events you got to! 6) To date, where have you worked and have you had a favourite? For opportunity and people I have met. Starworks Group where I worked for brands such as The Kooples, Sophia webster, Ermanno Scervino, Julian McDonald etc For the job role my favourite has been french connection. I have also worked for L.K.Bennett and Drapers magazine. 7) What other areas of work do you think your job could lead to, if any? Being an intern in the field your interested in can lead you into your first entry level job as an assistant or an agency role. Head of press, press officer and all agency manager levels my interning job could lead to. 8) For someone looking for a career in PR, what do you think is the best way to go about getting work experience or an internship? Relentless emailing, having an attitude of not giving up, don't be afraid to "badger" people, look on every intern site advertising internships daily and finally make LinkedIn your best friend! 9) What do you feel are the biggest misconceptions of you job if any? That it will be like the hills or Devils wear Prada as an intern. When you've been in the industry along time sure it can be like that. You need to earn your keep before you get there. 10) And finally, what piece of advice would you give to an up and coming Public Relations assistant? Be prepared to work.

Danielle Nolan Stylist & Personal Shopper 1) To begin, do you mind telling me a little bit about yourself? My name is Danielle and I currently work in John Lewis as a stylist and personal shopper. I also am the proud owner of my new puppy Gromit. 2) Why/How did you get your job as a personal shopper? I sort of fell into the career path, I originally studied something completely different at University but always had an interest in fashion and styling. I saw the role advertised and I applied. 3) How long have you been a personal shopper for? Nearly a year. 4) Can you describe what your average day would consist of? My morning would start with going over emails and information about the days ahead clients. I would gather ideas about what might suit them and walk around the shop selecting different garments and accessories. My day mainly consists of making customers happy and getting a good sale. 5) How do you choose what looks work for each individual client? I basically go off the information they give me and I can then figure out what they will definitely hate, love and possibly give a go. 6) What is your favourite part about your job and your least? Interacting with different people every day is wonderful. I love getting to play around with fashion everyday also.

7) Is your job as glamorous as it seems? What do you feel is one of the biggest misconceptions about your job if any? It can be at times – but this is rare. It is glamourous when I attend the odd event or style the likes of Sheridan Smith for the BAFTA Awards. The biggest misconception is that I am essentially shopping all day – far from the truth! 8) How would you describe your personal style? Do you think this has an effect on what you choose for your clients? I would describe my style as classic, vintage and bohemian. It doesn’t have an effect on what I choose for clients as I know everyone has their own individual style and aren’t necessarily going to like what I do. 9) Fun question – if you could be a personal shopper for any celebrity, who would it be and why? Alexa Chung maybe, or Audrey Hepburn if she were here. 10) And, finally what piece of advice would you give to an up and coming personal shopper? Don’t be afraid of work and if you don’t get a sale every time you have a client, don’t be worrying, not everyone is out to shop!

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