Part 4 Typography - Different Fonts

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Part 4 typography Different Fonts

What to I think I will be exploring here?

- How to categorise typefaces - Fonts that may work well together and some that just shouldn’t be paired with each other. - What characterstics make a font fall into a certain category.

What skills do I want to develop?

- I want to be able to develop my understanding of different fonts, how they are structured and what makes them stand out or contrast from another font. - This is more about developing what I started to understand in the previous part.

What do I need to make sure that I focus on during my research?

- The different variations that are available for different typefaces. - The way in which they change appearance if the characteristics are changed in terms of vertical height etc. - Similar fonts, ones that could solve smaller issues. Say I didn’t like the A on one of the fonts, finding similar fonts that solve this issue.

Exercise: If The Face Fits

I wanted my font book to be easy to find for future reference so I made it as a completely different document (I will put access to it on my blog). And instead of separating each category, I wanted to colour code the document as this was a better visualisation method for me. Doing this means I can flick through the whole book and be open to suggestions of other fonts instead of being adament that a San Serif font will work when maybe there is a Serif font that will work better.

A short story in a woman’s magazine entitled “I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure”. The story is 1300 words long so you will need to identify a text font and a headline font.

What am I aiming to achive with this font? This exercise and project is emphasising the importance of looking at the purpose of a font so I need to continuously ask myself this question. The idea of romance, although it is in question, could be portrayed within this title. If I decided to portray the idea of uncertainty instead, the way in which this wold look would be more glitch like, uneven gaps and wouldn’t provide for an easy read within a magazine. Women’s magazines typically try to use a romantic font. To already give this impression before even reading any words suggests that it will be a good read and everyone loves a bit of romance within a women’s magazine. Heading Fonts:

Didot Italic High Tide Nueva Standard Condensed Italic Red Velvet Savoye LET Snell Rounbound

Body Text ideas:

Arial Narrow Athelas Avenir Light Baskerville Bodoni 72 Adobe Casion Pro Chaparrel Pro Cochin Hoefler Text Iowan Old Style Khmer MN Lao MN Sinhala MN

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure Didot Italic I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - High Tide I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Nueva Standard Condensed Italic

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Red Velvet

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Savoye LET I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Snell Roundbound Which works best?

At the moment I think it is safe to say the two demos don’t work very well. This isn’t just because there are no symbols (because it is a demo version) but also I don’t think that they compliment the story. They are quite difficult to read although I do like the way ‘loved’ is written within the Red Velvet font. Between the other fonts, I’m not quite sure which works best which is why it may be best to work with these 4 alongside the body text. The way in which they appear larger on a page and with other text can influence the way the eye sees this so I think it is best to use this as a next step in order to develop the font. Just as side notes I like the weight of the Nueva Standard Condensed Italic however, I am not sure if this would appear too heavy at a larger size. The Savoye LET is very vertical and although this can be adapted, the I wouldn’t appear as elegant as it does with the Snell Roundbound. I am not sure the entire font of the Snell Roundbound works though. The didot font is a really nice font but I can’t decide whether I like it within this context or whether I like it because I do love the fonts that appear in Vogue magazines.

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Didcot Italic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam. Arial Narrow

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure Nueva Standard Condensed Italic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam. Arial Narrow

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Savoye LET

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Snell Roundbound

Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere.

Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere.

Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam.

Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam.

Arial Narrow

Arial Narrow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis.

Looking at other Text fonts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Athelas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Avenir Light Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Baskerville

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Bodoni 72 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Adobe Casion Pro Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Chaparrel Pro

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Cochin Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Hoefler Text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Iowan Old Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Khmer MN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Lao MN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum eu turpis non condimentum. Vivamus fermentum erat non urna malesuada pulvinar. Morbi eu diam quis neque sagittis feugiat sagittis a justo. Pellentesque rhoncus eu magna in posuere. Morbi facilisis massa eget tempor placerat. Curabitur fermentum neque non purus congue, id scelerisque turpis tristique. Nulla egestas, lorem a sagittis pharetra, massa lorem venenatis sem, in pulvinar velit erat id ex. Pellentesque varius consequat est at maximus. Nulla suscipit venenatis risus, vitae cursus arcu finibus at. Pellentesque sodales suscipit leo, at hendrerit ligula. Maecenas feugiat, ligula eget vestibulum euismod, nisi urna tincidunt. - Sinhala MN

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Didcot Italic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam. Iowan Old Style

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure Nueva Standard Condensed Italic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam. Iowan Old Style

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure - Didcot Bold with Italic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam. Iowan Old Style

I was able to come up with a shortlist with these however, I still couldn’t quite work out what would look best and what would look too much within a larger context. This was more in terms of the title fonts than the body text as I was very happy with the Iowan Old Style font. For this reason, I started looking more at other articles.

Ok Magazine in particular has a different layout for each section that they have. It seems like the layout is never changed too much, this makes it easy for a quick flick through the magazine. Very few people read this from cover to cover so making the layouts so easy to dissect helps with this kind of reading. Title wise, the font always remains the same and a second font is used to expand on the title a little more instead of having to read the body text. In this case it works, the titles are often a quote from the article, which this one also is, but I think that maybe using two fonts could work well, to show the contrasting nature of the two parts of the quote.

Something like this, like I found in a Vogue magazine, could work really well. The combination of two fonts works really well here although the fact the two fonts are intertwinned is a little less effective. The choice of words that are presented like this are very simple words but with sentences like the ones that need to be portrayed here, they wouldn’t work.

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure

Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere.

Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere.

Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam.

Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam.

Iowan Old Style

Iowan Old Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis.

I thought I loved him; now I’m not so sure

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam. Iowan Old Style

I thought I loved him;

now I’m not so sure I thought I loved him;

now I’m not so sure I thought I loved him;

now I’m not so sure Although I had liked just using one font, I couldn’t help but keep thinking that I was trying to romanticise the second part of the sentence when this really shouldn’t be the case. Therefore, I tried combining the two fonts and as you can see this begins to work a lot better

I thought I loved him;

now I’m not so sure

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id gravida nisi, quis tempor orci. Cras sodales nulla et ex aliquet rutrum. Proin in ipsum non tellus tristique elementum sit amet et quam. Sed id ullamcorper sem. Integer pellentesque quam vel ipsum mollis interdum in in sem. Donec et vehicula elit. Morbi ipsum urna, euismod in pretium sit amet, ullamcorper in ligula. Aliquam eget nisi quis sapien maximus scelerisque. Nunc eu mi tincidunt, congue massa sit amet, fringilla libero. Nam et risus vel nunc consectetur laoreet eu quis elit. Aliquam et odio ac odio vehicula pellentesque a non dolor. Aenean tincidunt ex vitae quam sollicitudin venenatis. Duis suscipit, felis quis auctor aliquet, mi dui malesuada tortor, hendrerit fermentum justo diam quis diam. Ut eget lorem ut erat sagittis accumsan. Maecenas ut ipsum pellentesque, ultrices dolor eget, cursus sem. Phasellus posuere lectus turpis, eu laoreet ligula sollicitudin in. Nulla eu metus et lectus mollis auctor vel vel lorem. Quisque efficitur elit id malesuada egestas. Sed tincidunt at arcu sed auctor. Nulla vehicula convallis lorem eget tempus. Nunc quis eros a felis fringilla accumsan. Mauris consectetur facilisis congue. Nunc ac dictum augue. Proin dolor augue, fringilla sit amet massa in, tristique sodales nulla. Etiam ut ornare massa. Vestibulum consequat bibendum magna, vitae bibendum nisl vestibulum sed. Aliquam placerat porta posuere. Pellentesque vitae ipsum sit amet nunc auctor pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor eros, lacinia in nibh scelerisque, auctor pellentesque lectus. Praesent ut sollicitudin tellus, sed convallis tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean finibus metus lacus, quis rutrum eros aliquam in. Pellentesque sollicitudin blandit felis, fringilla dictum tortor finibus et. Donec euismod lorem et convallis rutrum. Donec ut nibh pellentesque, pellentesque nunc in, blandit orci. Fusce pretium orci felis, eu convallis nisi rhoncus vitae. Maecenas rutrum suscipit augue, consequat rhoncus dui pharetra at. Aliquam.

Top font is a Serif font. The next one is a San Serif font. And then the body text is a Serif font. The use of a San Serif next to two Serif fonts creates the element of contrast to juxtapose the romantic origins of the story.

I thought I loved now Image


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elementum ac lorem ut iaculis. Mauris bibendum odio sapien, et efficitur velit ultrices sit amet. Nulla facilisi. Nam aliquet orci in arcu suscipit, id vehicula turpis fringilla. Fusce interdum dui ac faucibus sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi sed felis consequat, placerat metus vel, viverra enim. Sed facilisis urna vitae purus consequat fermentum. Sed at tortor vitae ipsum auctor imperdiet ut sit amet augue. Fusce ullamcorper erat libero, sed vehicula dui interdum ac. Cras vehicula aliquet massa, id euismod massa efficitur vel. Vivamus ultrices velit quis est consequat pretium. Ut ornare urna at magna varius, id commodo odio venenatis. Praesent feugiat, dolor tincidunt viverra maximus, libero dolor sodales lorem, non vestibulum diam dolor ut quam.

Vivamus nec condimentum purus. Sed eleifend, purus eget efficitur convallis, magna nunc accumsan mi, congue fringilla est elit sed erat. Pellentesque sed sollicitudin mauris. Etiam efficitur arcu quis congue tristique. Nulla non diam non justo porttitor cursus. Ut

tincidunt quam risus, id fringilla ex semper sit amet. Proin non pulvinar ipsum. Suspendisse vel porta diam. Phasellus ipsum ante, malesuada tristique pulvinar aliquam, dapibus sit amet massa. Nulla vulputate elit lectus, vel vehicula dui congue imperdiet. Donec vitae massa vitae urna congue ullamcorper vitae id orci.

Duis ac vehicula orci. Aenean sed egestas nisi. Nunc molestie eros diam, sit amet luctus est lacinia sit amet. Sed molestie posuere nibh, vitae scelerisque libero facilisis ut. Nunc at arcu porta, interdum augue eget, viverra orci. Maecenas posuere dictum ipsum at posuere. Quisque ex turpis, varius sit amet erat non, interdum rutrum elit. Fusce blandit, mi at rhoncus molestie, augue urna condimentum erat, nec viverra diam sapien eget nisi. Quisque lacinia felis sed nisi mattis fermentum. In sit amet nibh dapibus, vestibulum dui vel, porttitor nulla. Suspendisse blandit lorem nec lectus ornare, eget tempus lacus rhoncus. Fusce condimentum ullamcorper bibendum. Proin bibendum nibh nec tortor lobortis consectetur. Nullam vestibulum mollis vehicula. Quisque et sapien ut purus pretium placerat.

him; w I’m not so sure Integer viverra arcu id ipsum bibendum pellentesque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus interdum lobortis urna. Etiam ut aliquam diam. Pellentesque bibendum risus vitae dolor venenatis tempus. Ut dapibus metus sed lacinia porttitor. Sed vitae orci dolor.

Mauris purus risus, fermentum in lorem eu, luctus pretium libero. Donec laoreet laoreet nulla, et consequat est volutpat in. Integer eleifend ex quis elit fermentum, sit amet hendrerit massa tristique. Duis placerat porttitor augue, vitae convallis est pellentesque non. Donec at fringilla turpis. Maecenas nec accumsan nisi. Duis tincidunt urna consequat, facilisis ante eget, vehicula metus. Nulla pulvinar, neque vitae consequat rhoncus, arcu ante malesuada sem, et finibus ante est in lacus. Praesent pellentesque mi eu eleifend lobortis. Maecenas euismod tempus lacus, consequat mollis eros tempor id. In gravida eget nunc sed efficitur. Mauris pellentesque massa odio, eu pellentesque urna aliquet in. Duis sapien turpis, tincidunt in magna vitae, lobortis consectetur quam. Aenean


Pick out a main quote tincidunt, metus a bibendum fringilla, ligula nibh finibus tortor, ac sollicitudin massa lorem eu turpis. Quisque quis massa metus. Nam elit enim, pharetra at vehicula sit amet, venenatis vitae turpis. Fusce malesuada mattis magna nec ullamcorper. Vivamus ac libero at ipsum molestie ultricies quis gravida sapien. Curabitur vel massa sit amet justo lacinia varius a imperdiet ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas scelerisque tortor lorem, ac varius purus ullamcorper a. Quisque sed nisi in tortor hendrerit hendrerit. Sed vitae urna mollis, maximus urna finibus, aliquam urna. Morbi et auctor dui. Maecenas sit amet pharetra nibh. Nulla gravida iaculis tellus, sit amet commodo ligula molestie id. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla augue diam, tempor in odio ut, rutrum molestie ante. Donec aliquet, lorem vel venenatis eleifend, lorem sapien accumsan erat, at malesuada arcu sem a augue. Vestibulum bibendum magna vitae nibh viverra vestibulum. Morbi vitae semper leo. Pellentesque in lacinia lacus. Pellentesque finibus urna quis ornare volutpat. Integer

accumsan vestibulum magna, eu mattis augue porta quis. Nulla non erat quis nunc ultricies pulvinar ut eu turpis. Cras ut est ultricies, tempor quam sed, consectetur risus. Maecenas in magna eu massa porttitor vehicula. Nam venenatis dignissim hendrerit. Sed quam quam, porta viverra ultrices eget, lobortis sed ipsum. Sed vitae odio at neque interdum fringilla. Etiam id metus eu lectus tristique lacinia. Vivamus at felis velit. Vivamus at ex nunc. Sed sodales vehicula malesuada. Praesent et semper magna. Nam placerat quam ut massa vehicula ultricies et in neque. Etiam ut vehicula orci, eu fringilla ligula. Vivamus sodales sem vel mauris elementum tincidunt. Etiam consequat ut nulla porta venenatis. Nulla feugiat ante quis tortor fringilla hendrerit. Integer a fermentum lectus. Aliquam facilisis felis ut magna consequat, sagittis placerat purus lacinia. Cras elementum lacinia orci a facilisis. Curabitur rutrum luctus placerat. Pellentesque suscipit a ante vulputate posuere. Quisque et posuere nisi, ac gravida risus. Aliquam vulputate eros ac sapien iaculis cursus. Nulla iaculis fringilla placerat. Praesent nisi lectus, volutpat sed lorem vel, vulputate malesuada libero. Ut fringilla

pharetra risus. Quisque commodo id mauris sit amet accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae nunc nisl. Etiam turpis est, commodo eu dolor eget, finibus suscipit purus. Nullam malesuada mattis arcu vel imperdiet. Nulla gravida, urna eget pellentesque pharetra, libero neque suscipit nisl, vulputate dapibus elit eros eu quam.


Vestibulum consequat at nisi porttitor posuere. Vivamus a libero arcu. Vestibulum vulputate fringilla tincidunt. Quisque urna nulla, auctor et enim ut, malesuada lacinia lacus. Donec viverra lacinia sagittis. Nullam sed libero porttitor, vestibulum libero id, dapibus lorem. Nam auctor, odio in vestibulum tristique, tellus quam aliquet mauris, quis tempor eros massa quis massa. Praesent semper sit amet ex vel vehicula. Cras mi erat, rhoncus vel mauris sed, fermentum sagittis sem. Pellentesque vulputate magna quis porta eleifend. Nulla ut urna magna. Integer sapien turpis, ornare sed diam sit amet, semper accumsan leo. Nam at ullamcorper lectus, sit amet varius mi. Praesent congue, augue sit amet ornare laoreet, elit mi facilisis enim, sit amet bibendum ligula est sed elit. Nulla ut orci a nisi suscipit aliquam nec in sem. Phasellus non dictum justo, ut tempus arcu. Fusce lorem magna, faucibus nec leo sed, aliquet faucibus lectus. Nullam aliquam et dui eu tempus. Integer mollis condimentum sapien, dapibus vestibulum leo semper eu. Donec tincidunt consequat metus. Vestibulum eget scelerisque felis. Quisque sodales risus vitae ultrices rhoncus. Praesent laoreet euismod nunc eget viverra. Nunc quis sapien ut dui tristique vestibulum.

Nulla a elit lorem. Integer dignissim bibendum sem ac vestibulum. Integer a nulla ac metus congue porta. Phasellus dapibus rhoncus metus, vitae pretium mi rhoncus eu. Aliquam vel lacinia eros. Sed consectetur, justo in elementum posuere, urna magna placerat justo, id fringilla erat ipsum quis sem. Donec pulvinar enim nec commodo euismod. Vestibulum varius finibus leo sed scelerisque. Praesent ut erat sit amet dolor ultricies venenatis at vitae velit. Donec blandit, dolor in blandit imperdiet, tortor ipsum consectetur elit, quis pulvinar tortor elit quis nisl. Vivamus a ullamcorper lorem, at consectetur tortor. In nisl risus, lacinia vel enim luctus, ullamcorper gravida nisl. Quisque sed accumsan ex, sed pellentesque nulla. Vivamus non luctus libero. Cras ut viverra nunc. In quis libero nisi. Praesent sagittis, metus a pellentesque euismod, lacus odio mattis mi, at bibendum lorem risus quis nisl. Pellentesque tincidunt facilisis aliquam. Mauris non mauris ut lectus mollis cursus non interdum mauris.

Pellentesque pellentesque sed nunc eu volutpat. Sed eu ex gravida, volutpat sapien et, pulvinar nibh. Ut vel congue arcu. Sed euismod, elit sed rutrum tincidunt, enim lectus volutpat diam, quis sodales sem velit eget justo. Nulla et Vivamus tempor tincidunt blandit augue. Praesent vel pulvinar. Donec in dolor volutpat ex, sit amet suscipit Etiam interdum. eleifend, porta risus eu, metus. volutpat arcu. Phasellus aliquam mi a lectus mollis sollicitudin. Suspendisse sed pharetra mi, et placerat est.


Extra Details

What did I realise as I was designing? What have I learnt at this point?

As I was designing this and being hypothetical with my fonts, I realised that I had made a point on a previous exercise - it is all well and good creating a smaller version of something but you always need to be reminded of the bigger picture and put everything within the context that it is going to be displayed in. Doing this with this article really helped as it reminded me that a lot of magazines actually do use two fonts for their titles, there is usually a happier font and perhaps one that is a bit harsh to act like it is going to tell the audience some home truths. Equally, presenting the text within columns gives a different impression to showing the text in one large chunk. For this reason, it was important to use Lorem Ipsum to notice the effect this would have on the way in which the body text would appear. Luckily all of the fonts that I had planned did work well together in larger quantities and font size. But to make sure that it really would work as a magazine spread, I also added in areas for extra text or images as the pages looked a little bare without these specifically designed areas and this then influenced the way that the text is read. - Fonts do have their own settings to have italicised lettering. This works better as the font isn’t being forced to fit a style, instead it has been designed to be like this (instead of just using the angle option on Indesign). However, sometimes in order to combine two styles there needs to be a compromise as long as it doesn’t look too forced. - I’ve learnt that it is actually ok to put two fonts together in the same sentence. The grammar helps separate them as too elements and as long as it isn’t all on one line and instantly switches, there can be a nice element of contrast that is created. - Throughout this exercise I want to try different ways of approaching tasks in terms of typography. With this one, it was through creating a list of fonts that could potentionally work based upon what I have pictured in my head. As I started working, this became incredibly overwhelming as I realised there were all these fonts that could work and I felt like I had to try every option. I think this can be clearly evidenced within this learning log as I try to show everything and anything. What I really need to do is pick out a couple of fonts that I could start pairing together and then switch them out as I go whilst I work out that maybe a want a font that is a little more weighted or something.

What do I set out to do with these font choices?

- It needs to be legible but inviting and encouraging to help out (bold, dominating fonts aren’t inviting) - The Artistic Flourish needs to stand out a bit more, it needs to be a visual representation of the wording. Although both the text and the font will be enforcing the same message, for the purpose of a leaflet this is important (as I found in assignment 2, it isn’t always beneficial but here it will be needed).

Can you add that important artistic flourish to our Church? Can you add that important


flourish to our Church?

Can you add that important

ARTISTIC flourish to our Church?

Can you add that important

ARTISTIC flourish to our Church?

Can you add that important

A RTISTIC flourish to our Church?



Can you add that important



to our Church?

artistic flourish

Can you add that important


ARTISTIC flourish to our Church?

Can you add that important


artistic flourish

ARTISTIC flourish

to our Church? Can you add that important







ARTISTIC flourish

ARTISTIC flourish


TO OUR CHURCH? This time, where I am just trying to focus on one part of the typography, I am struggling because I can’t picture the other elements with it. Although I have tried to visualise it on paper, this transforms differently on the computer. I do realise this step needs to be taken but sometimes I am doing it too late on within the process.





We desperately need more volunteers to join the flower rota. If you can help or would like more information please contact Jennie





We desperately need more volunteers to join the flower rota. If you can help or would like more information please contact Jennie

The second two fonts are working better but the emphasis on the ‘artistic flourish’ aren’t quite right, it stands out for the wrong reasons and I don’t like them being on separate lines.

What did I try between these designs? I needed something that was bold but not too dominate as everything else was quite light. Gobold had the height I wanted but it was too heavy so I went with their Hollow Bold instead as this didn’t have as much weight to it.





We desperately need more volunteers to join the flower rota. If you can help or would like more information please contact Jennie


artistic flourish TO OUR CHURCH?

We desperately need more volunteers to join the flower rota. If you can help or would like more information please contact Jennie

CAN YOU ADD THAT IMPORTANT Green is the colour that is worn for the longest period of time during the Church season and I thought this would fit well with the new tones as it stands out to be something different but the green still links to the concept of flowers.

artistic flourish TO OUR CHURCH?

We desperately need more volunteers to join the flower rota. If you can help or would like more information please contact Jennie


artistic flourish TO OUR CHURCH?

We desperately need more volunteers to join the flower rota.

Top font is a San Serif font. The next one is decorative, san-serif font. The next font, in yellow, is another Sans Serif. And then the final font is a Serif font.

If you can help or would like more information please contact Jennie

What have I learnt at this point?

- Although for a mock up you don’t always need to create the final product, here the image was really important as part of the flyer and I felt like this helped to develop the typography more. - Outline fonts can be a really good way to break down information so that it doesn’t seem so intense, even just having 4 regular fonts can sometimes be too much for the eye. - In my opinon this still doesn’t quite work however, I can’t work out why. Maybe it will help to continue with the exercises throughout this part and revisit it at a later date to work out what it is that doesn’t work. Is it that there are 4 different fonts here? The colours? The lack of visual hierarchy?

What was the title of this section? Different Typefaces Am I fulfiling the aims that I identified?

Reminder - I said I need to focus on developing my understanding of different fonts, how they can be adapted, how the categories effect the way in which they are paired and what actual categories there are for fonts. I have definitely experimented with fonts at this point, working out which not only fulfil the purpose but going on to investigate what looks good together. Through this, I have begun to notice the difference that it makes adding in columns but not only this feature, but also how wide these columns are then made. Equally, the size comparisons of the font can sometimes make the font appear heavier than the original viewing so this all changes the way a typeface is used and interacted with. This explores typefaces more than I thought I would be doing in this part however, it is interesting to see how the context can change all of this. Like I found with the Vogue magazine, the font can appear so different through a few small changes and the context. For this reason, it was important to make sure that the fonts were placed within a mirrored context during the design process.

What do I still need to work on throughout this exercise?

For some combinations, I’m still not quite sure why they may work or may not and I think I need to investigate this more. I have an understanding of the anatomy of the typeface and the way in which it can be presented in multiple ways, but I still can’t pinpoint why some things do and don’t work. This is about developing my visual language skills.

1) Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go? 2) Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. 3) We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more. 4 )All free just come along. It’s aimed at boys 13-14 so a more ornate font won’t be appreciated!

1) Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

2) Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. 3) We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more. 4 )All free just come along. Not keen on the first font and the combination of 4 fonts hasn’t worked previously? May be worth trying but not every sentence needs s different style. The balance between heavy and light fonts is ok however, there is no in between font, nothing to ground the texts as regular.

1) Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

2) Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. 3) We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.

4 )ALL FREE JUST COME ALONG It now seems to have gone in the other direction, there are a lot of fontas that are just waiting in the middle instead of creating any kind of impact. With a poster that doesn’t create any impact, it isn’t going to sit well with this kind of audience.

1) Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

2) Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. 3) We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.

4There)ALL FREE JUST COME ALONG is a better balance here between each element and no font is too similar although this works in some ways, it may

be interesting to have some fonts that are quite similar as there is still some interest there but the amount of contrast is then reduced. As this goes back to the issue that I first mentioned about possibly having too many fonts on one page.

1) Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

2) Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. 3) We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.

4I think)ALL FREE JUST COME ALONG this is getting closer to what it needs to be. The fonts are paired on 1 &3 and 2&4 in terms of being bold fonts

and slightly lighter fonts however, they still are very clearly their own font without much similarity. This helps to being the overall poster together however, I now need to see how this appears on a poster of the correct size in terms of dynamics between each element.

What was the title of this section? Different Typefaces Am I fulfiling the aims that I identified?

Reminder - I said I need to focus on developing my understanding of different fonts, how they can be adapted, how the categories effect the way in which they are paired and what actual categories there are for fonts. One thing I wanted to try and do throughout this is try different methods for building up different font combinations. So far, I have found this method the most helpful so instead of creating individual lists of suitable fonts, I pick 4 and keep switching them around until they work. This is helping me understand the effects that each font has on being paired with different fonts in a more successful way than previously tried.

Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym.

Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym.

We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.

We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.



What do I still need to work on throughout this exercise?

Working out what fonts will go together. How many fonts to use in terms of when to block the text together or to separate it into individual sentences with individual fonts.

Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go?

Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym.

Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym.

We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.

We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.



Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go? Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym.

We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.


Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go? Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.


Bored? Feeling got at? Nowhere to go? Then why not come and join us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school in the Old Gym. We’ve got football, ping pong, table soccer, computers, Karate, cooking and lots more.


Top font is a Fixed Width, Serif font. The next one is another Serif font. And then the final font is a Sans Serif.

What did I realise as I was designing? What did I learn?

- As I have realised here, 4 fonts is definitely too much so maybe this is something that I need to look at in the previous design as this could solve some of the issues. - Unintentionally here, the fonts get lighter in terms of weight as you go down the poster. I think this has actually worked out really well as it means that your eye naturally works its way down the frame and this is the order that the information needs to be read in. Although the visual hierarchy could easily be altered in terms of what images are added, it is important that the text also plays on this. - The text doesn’t have a very interesting layout which to me, would be considered slightly boring however, for the target audience I think it works perfectly. It is functional, has all the necessary information and there isn’t much to distract the eye - it is to the point. - With typography I did think it would be hard to have a target audience for each font however, I am learning that it isn’t the font itself, it is how it is used on the page, how it is paired with other elements and the visual hierarchy that is created as a result. From this point, you will be able to identify if the font fits with the target audience, and your vision for the poster.

What is the intention with this font?

- It needs to look like a party kind of font, it needs to be fun, exciting and have the association with a good night out. - There are normally lots of fonts being combined (there are so many on some of these leaflets) so it is important to create a visual hierarchy that balances these out. - Strong enticing font for the header, perhaps a curved font will work well for part of it. One single font could also be used just in different sizes or one with multiple font options (it looks like the Kasbah one uses a font similar to GoBold and it’s various

1) Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...well almost!!!!!

MANDY AND JOSH ARE FINALLY GO ING TO DO IT...WELL ALMOST!!!!! Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...well almost!!!!! Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...well almost!!!!!

Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...well almost!!!!! Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...well almost!!!!!

Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...well almost!!!!! 2) Come and join them on Friday 24 March from 8pm at the Golden Calf to celebrate their long awaited engagement... 3) and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!! I started trying to make a list of fonts that I thought would work, a technique that I had used earlier, however, because of the style of fonts, and I knew that I would need to be able to see the balance between each element, that this wasn’t going to work. With this design, I need to go straight into the design process digitally instead of planning. Although planning and visualising ideas on paper works for many projects, this one is a bit more complex to balance. PLEASE NOTE: to fit more on a page I have made them slightly smaller however, the final showcase of the design is the correct size.

Mandy and Josh Mandy and Josh are are finally going to finally going to

Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it...

Mandy and Josh Mandy and Josh are Mandy and Josh are finally going to do finally going to do are it... finally going to it... do it... well almost!!!!!

well almost!!!!!

Come and join them on Friday 24 March from 8pm at the Golden Calf to celebrate their long awaited engagement... AND YES WOULD RECEIVED WE CAN


Mandy and Josh are Mandy and Josh are Mandy and Josh are Mandy and Josh are finally going to do finally going to do finally going to do finally going to do it... it... it... it... WELL ALMOST!!!








and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!!

and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!!





and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!!


Mandy and Josh are Mandy and Josh are finally going to do finally going to do it... it... WELL ALMOST!!!




and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!!

and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!!

Mandy and Josh are finally going to do it... WELL ALMOST!!! COME AND JOIN THEM ON FRIDAY 24 MARCH FROM 8PM AT THE GOLDEN CALF TO CELEBRATE THEIR LONG AWAITED ENGAGEMENT... and yes lots of presents would be gratefully received particularly if we can drink them!!!!!

What have I learnt at this point?

- What was interesting with this final design is that I needed to include as many fonts as possible really. The style of invite that was specified within the brief wanted this club style flyer and in all the ones I have seen, there are multiple fonts that have all been balanced in order to create a visual hierarchy. - Perhaps it was made a little more difficult here as this had more information on it that a typical club flyer would have, however, the balance is still there, even if there isn’t as much size difference between the texts as I would perhaps like. - It is important to get the tones right and as the font changes, as will the way the colour works. Sometimes a colour can seem really bold but when placed on to a new font, this impression will change. This is where it is important to draw on the practices of another part of the module, looking at tints and shades. Changing them ever so slightly so that the balance is still there is important as neither element should be compromised. - Giving height to fonts is important. Changing the smaller details of a font doesn’t mean that you are changing the font, but giving it a little extra height is sometimes important to make it have the effect that you want. Ideally, over the rest of this module, and particularly part of the module, I will build up a collection of fonts that is naturally a little higher on some letters as stretching them with the generic settings on Indesign, doesn’t always produce the results that it should. - I still need to learn and experiment with balancing multiple fonts because, as the last couple of exercises have proven, I am not quite sure that I have achieved it just yet.

Compared to the others within this exercise, this one brief has helped me explore the title of DIFFERENT TYPEFACES more as I have been balancing 4 fonts alongside each other. Although some of the others did have a few selections, each sentence here has a completely different font, none of them are similar in any way. With the other designs, they worked best if two of the fonts were very similar or there was one text used for a larger block of text. However, with club posters, there aren’t blocks of text and each piece of information is often given a completely different typeface, they don’t have connections between the two. As I was encouraged to experiment with more and more fonts on this poster, it was able to test my ability to combine them and then also push the boundaries of the title to see how many different typefaces I could combine.

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