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ost followers, with over ke up 24.6% of verithe world’s leaders are ounts are held outside timates 23m of its acy bots. Twitter usage 00 million Tweets sent Tweets every second. Tweet has 3.65m RTs: i on Twitter is the Face . During the 2014 FIFA ,725 tweets were sent day’s worth of Tweets n page book. Twitter’s es) account for 50% of ears, 2 months and 1 t Tweet to the billionth.

What do we create online? A representation of our life? A fake identity? A set of ideals we partially live?

Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. Initially called Facemash, then Thefacebook. Originally only open to Harvard students. On September 26, 2006, Facebook was opened to everyone at least 13 years old with a valid email address. Facebook financial statistics: Net income was $4.7bn for the third quarter of 2017. Facebook’s IPO raised $16 billion, making it the third largest in U.S. history. Facebook is now the 4th most valuable brand in the world with a value of $73.5bn. Since 2012, it has spent well over $25 billion buying competitors such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus. That’s just what we know of as well. Facebook has 23,165 employees. Facebook user statistics: There are 2bn billion monthly active users (as of Q3 2017). Over 1bn of those are mobile-only users. There are 1.37 billion daily active users. 47% of Facebook users only access the platform through mobile. 83% of parents on Facebook are friends with their children. Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new profiles every second. 72% of all US online adults visit Facebook at least once a month. Worldwide, 38.6% of the online population use Facebook

The average (mean) number of friends is 338. Facebook usage statistics: There are an estimated 81 million fake Facebook profiles. 200 million people use Facebook Lite – the app for the developing world’s slow connections. Facebook takes up 22% of the internet time Americans spend on mobile devices, compared with 11% on Google search and YouTube combined. Users spend an average of 20 minutes .

per day on the site. Facebook n daily video watch time. Users minute. More than 250 billion p Facebook. This equates to 350 book marketing statistics: Th business Pages. But only 5 mill be ‘active advertisers’. Although mote posts. 78% of Facebook a mobile ads. Videos earn the hig spite only making up 3% of con sents 80% of Facebook’s advert on Thursday and Friday receiv

now sees 100 million hours of generate 4 million likes every photos have been uploaded to 0 million photos per day. Facehere are over 60 million active lion of those businesses pay to h 75% of brands will pay to proadvertising revenue comes from ghest rate of engagement, dentent. Mobile advertising repretising revenue. Posts published ve the ÂŹÂŹhighest engagement.

creating more issue creating more is than you realise.

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‘The spectacle ‘The spectacle isisnot nota a is not a collection of collection of collection of mages; rather, images; rather, images; rather, ititisisa asocial social it is a social relationship relationship relationship between between between people peoplethat thatisis people that is mediated by mediated by mediated by images.’ images.’ images.’

Instagram history statistics: Instagram launched on October 6, 2010. The first ever photo was posted by Kevin Systrom (@ kevin) on Jul 16, 2010. Instagram financial statistics: In 2015, Instagram was forecasted to bring in $595m in mobile ad revenue. In 2017, it was estimated Instagram would reach nearly $4bn in revenue. By 2019, it’s said Instagram ad revenue could reach over $10bn. Instagram user statistics: Instagram now has 800 million monthly active users, and 500 million daily active users.

Over 60% of users log in daily, making it the second most engaged network after Facebook. 90 percent of Instagram users are younger than 35. Instagram usage statistics: Over 40 billion photos have been shared. Instagram clocks up 3.5 billion likes every day. On an average day, 80 million photos are shared. Instagram usage has doubled in the last two years. than 5 million were shared in 24 hours. Instagram Marketing Statistics: 48.8% of brands are on Instagram. If we only look at the top 100 brands in the world, 90% have an Instagram account. Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter.

Posts that include another 56% more engagement. Po least one hashtag gain 12.6% gagement. And posts with receive 79% more engagement more engage ment than vide gram. The average engagement grown by 416% compared to tw

handle gain osts with at % more ena location t. Photos see eos on Instat per post has wo years ago.

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Twitter historical facts: Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass and launched in July 2006. Jack Dorsey sent the first ever Tweet on 21 Mar 2006. In August 2007 the hashtag debuts, first proposed by user @chrismessina. On 15 January 2009, a US Airways flight crashed on NYC’s Hudson River. A photo posted to Twitter broke the news before traditional media, highlighting Twitter’s role in breaking news. Twitter financial statistics: Twitter reached a peak in revenue of $717m in Q4 2015. In Q3 2017 it was $590m. There are 3,900 employees. Twitter user statistics: There are 330M monthly active users. A total of 1.3 billion accounts have been created. Of those, 44% made an account and left before ever sending a Tweet. 707 is the average number of followers. 391 million accounts have no followers at all.

Twitter usage statistics: There are 500 million Tweets sent each day. That’s 6,000 Tweets every second. A day’s worth of Tweets would fill a 10 million page book. It took 3 years, 2 months and 1 day to go from the first Tweet to the billionth.

Each photo of ‘you Each photo is of ‘you’is right? Each photo is of ‘you’ right?

s of ‘you’ right? Each photo is of ‘you’ right?



really you?

u’ right?

Each photo

But is it really you?

But is it

But is it really you?

But is it really you?

But is it really you?

Accumulation is a graphical exploration into the increasing online identity presence being witnessed across social media. The project aims to highlight the dominating role the digital has within one’s identity as, through the merging of the online self and the ‘true’ self, complexities often arise. Your signal has been blocked, you cannot communicate with the outside world, so spend your time within this exhibition interacting with your online identity in a new way. Through the installation, the same images have been constantly reworked; adding, distorting and glitching each layer as it goes. Online, the same images can be constantly reprogrammed into the same algorithm, yet different results are created each time, something Smith has placed particular emphasis on within the artifacts produced. What appears to be an endless collection of paper across two walls highlights how different the same pixels can appear, something

often overlooked as any social media is scrolled through. The space is brought together by a zine, that is available for purchase, highlighting that just some of the complexities that Smith has identified within her own online presence. Although you are immersing yourself in yet another combination of the online and ‘true’ self, consider the construction of the work before reflecting on the construction of your personal feeds across each social media platform. Do you really behave like this every day? Is this not just the ‘perfect’ representation of your life?

Debord, G. (1994) The Society Of The Spectacle. trans. by Nicholson-Smith, D. 3rd edn. Zone books. Smith, K. (2017) 41 Incredible Instagram Statistics You Need To Know [online] available from < instagram-stats/> [23 April 2018] Smith, K. (2017) 44 Incredible And Interesting Twitter Statistics [online] available from <> [23 April 2018] Smith, K. (2017) 47 Incredible Facebook Statistics And Facts [online] available from <> [23 April 2018]

Katy Perry has the mo 108m. Journalists mak fied accounts. 83% of t on Twitter. 79% of acco of the U.S.. Twitter est tive users are actually statistics: There are 50 each day. That’s 6,000 The most retweeted T The most popular emoji with Tears of Joy emoji. World Cup Final, 618, in a single minute. A d would fill a 10 million top 5 markets (countrie all Tweets. It took 3 ye day to go from the first

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