Report Zimbabwe May 2022 Katalin

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Report Zimbabwe May 2022

Cover photo: market in Hatcliffe, high density (poor) district in the north of Harare, Zimbabwe.

Photo: palm trees in my garden in Mount Pleasant, a low density (rich) district in the north west of Harare, Zimbabwe.

Table of Contents

1 How is work in the NGO?..........................4 2 Who is my Zimbabwean family?................7 3 What do we eat?......................................10

Photo: sunrise in the savanna in the northern outskirts of Harare, Zimbabwe.

1 How is work in the NGO? The Forum for African Women Educationalists Zimbabwe Chapter (FAWEZI) is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered as a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) in 1998/1999. FAWEZI is part of a pan-African membership NGO, the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) based in Nairobi, Kenya, and spread over 14 other African countries. It was founded by five African women ministers of education in 1992. FAWE is a membership organisation for everyone promoting My first month in Harare, Zimbabwe has flown by. The work with FAWEZI is very interesting and I can learn a lot. It is quite busy.

education of girl children. The FAWEZI team in Harare, Zimbabwe consists of 13 people including the driver and me as an intern.  I am part of the subteam “Information and Communication”. My tasks are social media, enhancing the visibility of the NGO, researching about crowdfunding and international funds, and attending and participating in community workshops. Photo: induction team training and photo shoot with the complete FAWEZI team in Harare, Zimbabwe.

From left to right: Loverage (info and comms), Nqobile (chairperson, my supervisor), Katalin (intern), Hazel (finance), Mr. Kiwane (driver), Mildred (ifinance), Edmond (monitoring, evaluation), Ms. Vangani (in blue, receptionist), Rujeko (at back, social worker), Runyararo (volunteer), Sandra (volunteer, social worker), Lydia (execotive director, boss), Wendy (volunteer).

Photo: Office complex at Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education MoPSE), where FAWEZI rents its offices we do not have running water on the first oor).

Follow FAWEZI on social media and see what we are currently doing: Instagram: fawezim2 Facebook: FAWEZimbabwe Twitter: @fawezim YouTube: FAWE Zimbabwe Website: Blog: Email: Tel.: +263/ 242307793 WhatsApp: +263/ 0785541612

Photo: I ntroduc tion me training eting, te at Cres am ta Hote l, Harar e.

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Photo: social media on World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022.

Video: “Ochi Safari Lodge” in the north of Harare close to the village Domboshawa.

Photo: FAWEZI “junior” team .

Community work: FAWEZI conducted a sensitization project called „Towards Resilient Communities with Health, Equity, and Safety for all (TORCHES) to train Community Champions from Shamva (mining district) and Chitungwiza (third biggest city in Zimbabwe) to raise awareness about gender power imbalances, and reduce Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in the communities. The training took place at „Ochi Safar Lodge“ from the 17th to the 19th of May 2022.

Photo:group picture with Community Champions from the TORCHES community work project to reduce Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).

2 Who is my Zimbabwean family?

Maid Ruth

Mama Clareta

Bro Mac Donald

Mama Clareta is my

My Zimbabwean brother

The maid Ruth (we call

Zimbabwean Mama, I

Mac Donald is 15 years

her Ruthy) comes from a

call her Mama. She now

old. He goes to grade 11

rural area outside of

has four children with

(“form 3”, last year of the

Harare. She used to

me, she calls me the first

lower secondary school)

work selling clothes in

born kkk (Zimbabwean

and still has 3.5 years to

villages or was a maid.

way to laugh, Clareta

go until A-Levels. He

Ruthy once said her

literally laughs like that).

attends an expensive

family is poor. Her sister

Her two daughters Lisa

boarding school (Falcon

worked in a shop Mama

and Panashe are in

College) in Bulawayo in

once run. One of Ruthy’s

Germany. Her youngest

the south of Zimbabwe.

brothers lives in South

Mac Donald still goes to

He comes home to

Africa. In the house,

school. Mama rents out

Harare every third week

Ruthy works very hard,

some cottages in our

for the weekend. Each

she washes all the

backyard and has

time he takes sweets

clothes by hand, cleans

chicken and a vegetable

back to school worth 60-

the whole house, helps

garden. She is very

80 US Dollar. They play

to cook at night etc.

welcoming, has a strong

rubgy, soccer and

When I have time in the

character and knows

hockey at school and on

evenings I help her

what she wants.

some weekends.

cleaning up the kirchen.

Photo: unexpected wild zebras and a giraffe close to the Lion and Cheetah (Leopard) park, Zimbabwe.

Saturday trip with Mama, Mac Donald and an aunty

Photo: we could get out of the car and take pictures, the zebras came up to one meter close, the giraffe was 2-3 meters away. It was the first time I saw wild savanna animals, it was beautiful. What is better than nature?

Photo: wild “mhofiem” (m) or “chihera” (f) (male and female name of the animal in Shona).

What is your Totem? Totems are part of African cultures since immemorial times. Totems identify the different clans that historically made up the dynasties of their ancient civilisations. Today, up to 25 different totems are common among Shona and Ndebele people, the two majorities in Zimbabwe. My Zimbabwean Mama taught me I am a „Mhofiem, Mcono, Chihera, Chihelele“ (the animal in the photo and video), known to be self-confident, the totem of her. Since then, everyone at the TORCHES community training and at work call me „Chihera“ :D. Video: wild mhofiems walking in the

3 What do we eat? What do we eat?

urban poetry Photo: Baobab fruit Photo (dry by and acid), one can make porridge with Sadza or icecream with milk and suggar.

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Photo: Sadza (fine white maiz meal cooked with water and without salt) with vegetables and beef. We usually eath with our fingers.

Photo: Mama preparing her vegetables (spinach and Kofu- Zimbabwean radish) order for supply.

Photo: Kofu (Zimbabwean radish).

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© Katalin Steiner, Transnational Social Work, self-organised graduate internship with FAWEZI in Harare, Zimbabwe from the 3rd of May 2022 until the 31st of September 2022. Financed through a scholarship Erasmus+ by the International Office of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

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