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Call for Proposals ITTO Thematic Programme on Community Forest Management and Enterprises (CFME) Spring Cycle 2010 Deadline: Friday, 28 May 2010, midday (noon), Japanese Time ITTO producer and developing consumer member countries are hereby invited to submit proposals under the ITTO CFME Thematic Programme. Details on the programme, including objectives and scope can be found in the CFME Thematic Programme Document (TPD) at

An indicative non-exhaustive list of activities that can be supported by the programme is provided on pages 15-17 of the TPD. This call will give priority to proposals focused on: (i) (ii)

Strengthen community level capacity in SFM and adding value to the forest resource (TPD, Chapter 6 A) Strengthen country capacity and enabling conditions for community forest management and enterprises (TPD, Chapter 6 B)

All proposals are to be prepared adhering to the guidelines provided in the ITTO Manual for Project Formulation (Third Edition, 2009) which is supported by the ITTO ProTool software. Proposals must be consistent with the format recommended in the Manual. For the Manual and the ProTool software please access:

The Manual is divided into four chapters, plus Appendices. Chapter 1 of the Manual presents important information about ITTO, the objectives of the International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA), 2006, project proposals and project cycle or the logframe approach. Appendices A, B and C provide useful guidance and examples for the preparation of your proposal. This call recognizes three types of proposals, i.e.: project proposals, small project proposals and pre-project proposals. Each proposal type has different requirements concerning contents & sections to be included, format of the proposal cover page, and page limitations. Details are outlined in the respective chapters as follows:   

Project proposals - consult Chapter II Small Project proposals - consult Chapter III Pre-Project proposals – consult Chapter IV

In addition to the requirements of the Manual your proposal must include a section elaborating on its conformity with the CFME scope and objectives (as outlined in the TPD). The additional section must be included under ‘1.2.1 Conformity with ITTO’s objectives and priorities’. Proposals must be submitted directly (or provide proof of endorsement) by the “Official Contact Point” of an ITTO Member. The official ITTO Contact Point must be the person and/or institution designated by the Member Country and registered by the Secretariat to handle ITTO matters.

If your proposal has already been submitted under earlier calls (TP or ITTO regular cycle) and/or includes recommended revisions by the Thematic Programme Advisory Committee (TPAC) and/or the Secretariat you must highlight all additions/deletions or amendments in the revised version. Such highlighting may take the form of underlining, using boldtype or a different color. Highlighted sections must be clearly distinguishable from the original text. You must furthermore provide the proposal ID of the previous submission. Deadline and submission: Proposals must be submitted electronically in MS Word format to The deadline for proposals submission is Friday, 28 May 2010, midday (noon), Japanese Time. After your submission has been received a confirmation will be send to the senders email address. So please make sure that you submit your proposal via a functional email account. The same email address will also be used for all follow-up information/communication. Contact: Dr. Gerhard Breulmann Office of the Executive Director E-mail: -------------------Supplementary information: You can check the time in Japan at: Please use the checklist below to verify whether your proposal fulfils the basic requirements for eligibility under this call for proposals. Has your proposals been prepared adhering to the guidelines provided in the ITTO Manual for Project Formulation (Third Edition, 2009)? Does your proposal include a section which elaborates on its conformity with the CFME scope and objectives as outlined in the TPD? The additional section must be included under ‘1.2.1 Conformity with ITTO’s objectives and priorities’. Does your proposal (incl. cover page, main proposal, annexes) include all sections required and follow the format for the respective proposal type (project, small project or pre-project) as outlined in the ITTO Manual for project formulation (Third Edition, 2009)? If you did not elaborate on certain sections, did you justify why those sections do not apply to your proposal? Does your proposal follow the page limitation for the respective proposal type (project, small project or pre-project)? Has your proposal been submitted through the ITTO Official Contact Point of your country – or, alternatively, does it include a formal (and signed) proof of endorsement? Has your proposal been submitted electronically to the correct e-mail address and before the deadline (Friday, 28 May 2010, midday (noon), Japanese time)?

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