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My biggest takeaway from the Midterm review was further exploring the idea of intervening pathways and creating an abundance of them, both in terms of creating interesting moments within the building, but also using the negative space to develop means of circulation for pedestrians that will not enter the galleries. This design approach completely changed the appearance of the building.
I started with paper models adjusted to a wire to play with different curves and intervening paths. The paper model I liked the most has a long pathway that started at the bottom, raised up, and then curved back down, allowing visitors to explore different height levels without the need of stairs.
After modeling this into Rhino, I decided to create a series of secondary pathways that started below the building. Some of the pathways connect other parts of Central Park, such as the ice skating ring, and some lead upwards to the green pavilions- semi-opened zones that provide shade and protect plants from the elements, allowing the building to have rooftop gardens.