KATRINA DEICMANE Visualization III Portfolio
AAID 340
Fall Semester 2022
Professor Daniel Avilan
AAID 340
Fall Semester 2022
Professor Daniel Avilan
First week’s assignment follows a rule based system that explores form finding strategies through stereotomic carving of masses. The assignment works with primitive and platonic geometries and emphasizes process, craft, 3D spatial, and compositional understanding.
The assignment explores subdivision surface modeling techniques utilizing SubD mode in rhino3D. It examines the evolution of simple primitive geometry into a high resolution multi-object “artifact”. The design methodologies and techniques include seams, joints, creases, bridges, polygonal extrusions, bevel, accumulations as well as formal exploration to generate the artifact.
The assignment explores subdivision surface modeling techniques used in the previous assignment to generate the evolution of a structural system. The design methodologies and techniques include seams, joints, creases, bridges, polygonal extrusions, bevel, acummulation as well as formal exploration. The artifact from the previous assignment informs the language, geometry and form of the structural system.
I used Rhino, Sub D and Paneling Tools for Grasshopper to design a pavilion and landscape design. For the first part of the assignment I focused on learning to use Grasshopper. In the second week I used what I learned from previous assignments to come up with a pavilion that suits my design strategies.
Understanding and working with Platonic and Archimedian Solids, a geometry was selected and constructed in 3 dimensions and then into 3D patterns, clusters, aggregations, and finally a modulated surface. The output of these 3D patterns produced not only a systematic architectural approach, but also an understanding and handling of complex geometries. Using the explored aggregations and clusters, a public pavilion was made to emphasize the way spaces and interventions can either create dissconnection or foster social connectivity
Unfolding process
Hollow shapes used in pavilion
Double hollow shape
Unfolded shapes used in pavilion
Cross hollow shape
Original shape
Semi-unfolded shape
Unfolded shape
Hollow shape