Intensive Care Medicine
Genomics and Proteomics.- Inflammatory Response.- Current and Future Management Sepsis.Proposed Targets for New Therapies.- Septic Shock.- Intravenous Fluids.- Hemodynamic Support.Airway Management.- Mechanical Ventilation.- Respiratory Monitoring.- Perioperative Management.Cardiac Function.- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.- Renal Function.- Hepato-splanchnic Function.Nutrition.- Glucose Control.- Adrenal Function.- Coagulation.- Neurological Aspects.- Malignancies.- Drug Dosing.- Sedation and Analgesia.- ICU Management.- End-of-Life Issues. EAN/ISBN : 9780387922782 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, New York Discussed keywords: Intensivmedizin Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Vincent, Jean-Louis
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