Inked Out Vol. 1 - Human condition

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INKED OUT VOL. 1 HUMAN CONDITION This is a collection of chosen pieces from my challenge �daily drawing 2017�. More specific, this is a small collection of 18 out of 31 drawings from the month of october 2017, where I participated in the global drawing challenge #inktober on Instagram. The rest of the 31 drawings (as well as the remaining of my 365 drawings) can be seen on my Instagram profile: katrinelaerkes

NO. 278 (6/31) REANIMATED (SPACE GIRL) I didn’t want to draw something dead that came back to life, so I recreated my way of drawing with ink, to create more depth, since I got new tools to play with. Inspired by the feeling you get when you look at the deep dark waters, and only see your reflection.

NO. 274 (2/31) COSMIC EXISTENCE - MOON (SPACE GIRL) The second drawing of #inktober was this spacy girl. I was inspired by a picture I found on Pinterest, with this beautiful girl, looking all sassy and powerfull - yet fragile and innocent.

NO. 295 (23/31) KEEP IT (NO THEME) A really quick and simple cosmos drawing, no theme that day. Motive inspired by popular culture online / social media.

NO. 275 (3/31) COSMIC KISS - SATURN Third drawing of #inktober was this spacy kiss. Motive inspired by popular culture online / social media.

NO. 282 (9/31) COSMIC SKULL (SKULL AND BONES) This days theme at #abnormalinktober was ”Skull and bones” - I drew a regular ol’ skull and added a handfull of stars! Spacy all the way.

NO. 282 (10/31) COSMIC GIGANT - GIGANTIC (SPACE GIRL) Here’s my gigant, drawn from the theme ”Gigantic”. Must say I really enjoyed drawing this cosmic beauty. Inspired by old school comics and super heroes/villains.

NO. 283 (11/31) BELLA DONNA / DEADLY NIGHTSHADE - POISON �Did you know that during the Renaissance, women used to put poison in their eyes? A little drop of Belladonna to dilate the pupil to simulate erotic excitement. But like all addictions, it took more and more to produce the desired effect - so they slowly killed themselves.� - Penny Dreadful

NO. 284 (12/31) PORTRAIT (NO THEME/SPACE GIRL) Yet another space girl, no theme drawing. Inspired by this simple, yet powerfull portrait of a young girl who, to me, seems to have alot of stories to tell.

NO. 292 (20/31) DEEP SPACE I struggled with this days theme on both of the promplists I followed in the challenge - mostly because both themes that day; ”deep” and ”space” sparks some enormous fears in me. And how do you translate that onto paper?

NO. 293 (21/31) ENGULFED I didn’t follow a theme this day, but got inspired by #abnormalinktober’s ”evil”. I always imagined evil as a state of ”being” that engulfs a person and alters the way they see the world and how they respond to it.

NO. 296 (24/31) BLIND / MASK (LONG TITLE) ”The eyes are useless when the mind is blind” For this day I combined two themes; #inktober’s ”Blind” and #Abnormalinktober’s ”Mask”, both os which I find very fitting for each other. And I also found this quote very fitting. I was partially inspired by ’the pale man’ from Pan’s Labyrinth with this one.

NO. 297 (25/31) PORTRAIT (NO THEME) ”In space no one can hear you scream” Inspired by the beginning of the #meetoo movement.

NO. 300 (28/31) FRECKLED GIRL How much do we love freckles? Alot!! Simple portrait of a young freckled girl (in space). Yet another powerfull portrait, that inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and do something out of the ordinary for me. Tried something new, that worked out in the end, for me.

NO. 298 (26/31) ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND No theme - no description. Inspired by old school New Orleans, suberstition and what lies beyond the realms of reality.

NO. 287 (15/31) MYSTERIOUS This days theme at #inktober2017 was �Mysterious� - so I made this psychedelic cosmic being, full of secrets! I was inspired a drawing I found on Pinterest, with a single eye like the one you see repeated in the pattern in the background.

NO. 299 (27/31) EVERY PIECE OF ME! On this day, I joined #inktober2017 for the theme �Stitches�. The idea was to show how every part of our personality is stitched together and that one part is always the one shining through. Inspired by a pattern I found online.

NO. 294 (22/31) PLANTS The theme at #abnormalinktober this day was �Plants�. So I drew this girl disappearing in / reappearing from her natural fern black hair. Was inspired by Mother Earth and fairy tales.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I highly appreciate your visit and time, and I really hope you enjoyed my collection of ink drawings. If you liked it, please feel free to visit my Instagram profile: katrinelaerkes for more original and creative content. Do you have any questions or do you want to get in touch? Send me an e-mail on:

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Katrine LĂŚrke

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