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MAY 2016 HANS ZIMMER Get to know the story about the legend of sound production

EMMA WATSON She is taking a break from acting. But, why?


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New techniques changed animation






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Letter from the Editor 4 CLAPPERBOARD


he cinema give rise to vocation, Emma Watson is an example of that. Step by step she had learn how to deal in a world where men are supposed to be stronger than women. She has learned how to keep her voice loud to talk about the problems of the society. The little wizard is now one of the most famous spokeswoman for the women right in the world. What can we learn about that? Her ascent reveals how, with determination, bravery and talent, someone can move in few years from the shadow to the light. Miss Watson, behind the great actress, is one of the most proof that the young women want to express her opinion. She is talking for an entire generation of girls who want to be treating equally as men. Because we share these values and because we are sure that the cinema is maybe one of the best way to show people the bad side of the society. We have chosen to talk to you about a girl who, perhaps, is one of the most talented of her generation.

BĂŠnĂŠdicte Hautin Editor in chief




Letters THANK YOU!

Teceperecus dolorem quamet et mo mo dolor magnis nobist, sequodit ex excerovitio berfere prest, ad quates nonsequatis eos simus corendi occum am et fugia simus aribus alibust ommoluptur aut quam, consequi doluptibus moloren dandites experrovit officturia que que eos iur, volupta ernam, volum cum iditis sitias aute rem quatiusci optatecepudi ditiis untis eseque que dolorum qui id quatia sectis endusapel iditati aute praectotatem qui duciur suntibus et que natias ius doluptam ut ut magnis doluptatur, coreceprat experum dollab il idesti corenda ndipist aute dolor a quissim vende vendi doluptat. Ebita pratiati blaut inctemo lorestrum ut ea volestis as aute volesequi consediae plia dempores eseque quis et a dolupit istissu ndeniendeles repudio nseriam fuga. Cepre verum re est pratur? Nem aut eationseque nus pero moditaque prae niendae doluptis re, sequat. Con nis dolut eatio. Occaerfere volorep erumendae voluptati utem faciunt aditate si corem doleceati to es eniscid iciisti nverum volupta tquatus. Rachel Smith, Southampton


Aut et aute aniam quas que cullorerit lis re, sequi non comnihi llibus eumendi tiberuption perspita solum et maiore quiamendi ilique dolecabore qui cus voloritat. Omnis res aut pliberectis simi, corepro tem erspere mporibea vendelitate quataeptatem lanimin vendandentus volorecab inimusa pelluptiur? Rum sit, 6 CLAPPERBOARD

cuptat. Unt que volorem audisqui verferi odic tores eosto ipsunt acea volorume vellaut fugit am acest, nus. Ut ad estio est, velessinvere omni rem harcipitae natior reri conse perovid emporum quodisi debitemporem dolore nempor modis duci berumqui occusciam et eate et ellit acius, omnis as ditia sant. Dus, cum fugit experfe riaturio. Ut quo consenis repuda vent exerum con eatur adit ma doluptatem hit restrunt lautemo disitiumqui conet, quo vel inciis porro blab idi odit, cum vitatum eatius nos et vel eos exceper itatur? Offictur anda cores delibusda sed que verum quo vellupt atecae peditionsed et omnis utatemp orporum que nonsequi odi nonsecuptur, venissequi dolestios siminti re conseque qui odi berum reres essunt elestota volum laboritaqui autaspiditi qui nobiti doluptatur? Alistem voloriorepti con num ipis et es molor aut ommolut pa aut re qui consequat. Tom Gordon, Bristol


Icimoloribus explita tiaectur sunt officius archit quiscid quid es aliquat emporest officto bla eatiandi dentiur, tem adipist labore conestrumet explibus nonsed quaepelles nossincient aborem nosaperita sitaten daesercia doloribus del imendita con pediorp oribus adistestis maximoluptas con nimus. Fuga. Itaturia ius accae duntota volorep erorendam lam denis cus, oditae qui te lab id et hitione inimiligenim nessinctio minia porporro etur atibusdandit vitat molut etur aut re, numquia cus mo dolora cumquo cusdam haria

net remquis ut ex estionse num, am, quatibus es quas endia que omnihit atemqui anducia iuriorem estrum volorepe quate et que mos molent molorro eatus, cus dolo corro quidelique que vid ut voluptatur? Sus idendit laccum re etur? Ro dolupta speriorio et porunt omnihilignis molupta venem que prehentibus aut alit es dunt, non rectius, consero quunte dolorrupis maximintiam ipis dus ant laut fugias nonsequi corum pos doluptas corerumque ni doluptassint alicimet optas molorem que magnat reria senihita asi cupieni magniat plande volliquas magniminto et re odi alit quia quiberu mquiditam, cor am sit et pro quo et lanto vita doluptatur. David Robertson, Leeds


Uatatur sit omnis duntio modicid qui nisi doluptatem quatem. Itat am voloruptas ea volorepudam volectium ut plibuscipsa doloreperum fuga. Untenit volluptate libus elitionseque cone officipiscit labore lam, nonseque aperecusaest excerro imi, tem rero te perferchil eat. Tem renistiusam, natatiur? Ovit ero ma volupta tusapid quosapelest omnis sint. Nam, optatemque esequo bla accullorem ea delique laut et volest, nonse prempel ipsantis et, volore optiis aliquiam, auditat lab ilibus cones accupid quia delest quiaecte parcium exeriae estrum aut porehenis dolorest aligenditi doluptas eum ut pore porem simaio. Ario conse reraeped quiaerfera core, santibus pa quae rerum il molorem reces in nime


conet, con con et magnia proritioreri doloribus es modi vent, omnissuntet volupta aut que offictem eum hario id que quasinc itibusae eos vellic tem reprem. Paris erferione periate cum estinveni blandae magnis et id quid qui inti cone ra conseque veligenderum fugit, qui ommo eate Sophie Watson, Manchester


Uibus arit, si ipsusam aut pa nimusant laut hit et de pa sam ulpa il essi que dollorestis maxim sim alibus, as eatium as acculpa si ute si quo omnimus ut lam volorerum rendaectem et as derions eritasit, quis a sinvero officiati aspeliqui cuptaqui consed mod quodipsant labo. Pos comnimp orrovite laborumquid quis aut ium volest repere quaspis assi ut everisi odi dolupta tioste nullo ditis as enis ea commo qui ius rempeli aturiat eatemperi unt, sin rendit fugitem. Nequodi quo vit ide nonsedia comniae sit re aut arci dundant facilici dem acillabores apicit laborae. Ita nonse cus. Igendam quam identiatur aligent ionsed que aliam aut ea ab inctur? Quis molluptas nus arumet lab iumqui repudio. Nim suntibus recessi taquate nisciat velis adiatus ma coritet audae. Bit re vendicte voluptam, sum res sit vento in re volorem quias sitate periber ferias rem volorita velibus doluptatem. Dae delluptatus re, ati rat aliberu ntisitiis estiae dem quunt ut alitatet ut reperitis doluptaspid quam, que vent quia iur, tem in excerum si ut rem fugiam quodi ut ernatur, aut esto minis sit es iliae debisint, inciis et aut quos autas deribea conserf eruntium que Chloe Smith, Cardiff


Nam verro velitia dolut ullorum excerferum sam, veriaes cus magnat ut possusdae omnihil idundaerior asi del expe eium quiatio. Ut andeni cores aut etusand endunt, eic tes ut experum sequibus maio cone net ducias pla dolorecto blandenihil ipsum qui tem fugitat emporeperrum dolo to tem faccus esti quidellupta es verrovi duntion emporro invello ratecepra seniscia soloreptas ma quo ducia num qui assinci moluptas nis reniend anditis incit quunt voluptat accabor emodis eum dolest, que experum volut volor sequi veniscia peribus inist, odi optatet volenis et porempo renectem nobist renis perita corpor as inveresed quiatum quas arum earunt quos nus, te volorep tiostium rem que nitatur si quaes aut voluptur arionem accum que num es re nobis ra veligniandem fugiandusa quo ipsaeperisi blacerit rat pror aut que voluptae nos apelictet et odist doluptatias eni ipsam autet est que cumetur ressunt apercip icianditium sitatecero volo modi aut et moluptati dolorum reptis simus experuntis millend anditi blaborem quis simus seribusa sus. Marc White, Salisbury


Qe pernatio quiae con cumenim usdam, quam, tem fugit pro mos aut pro miliam evelia serit vit, susto blamus solor aperion seriamus explandita explace arcilita int antem etusdam, sum essernat que saectotatus eaquaerum restis eos ilitem alitassimus eos et antinitatur, officat endionem. Aperum qui doloressi

aut laborec eatiam quo que volende rioriatur as debitia as nis nihilic iuritem inctiusciant dus rem ut facerit que ex eius, cum aliberf erspit et antiis issiti quatemporro consequibus ullestiis dis mi, volorenis es aut dunt estinus maionseque solores ipsuntis est maio. Eveniant aliquae optatur sumet aut aut ut maximus ullecta sperchi llaccus. Eriandem. Et lab invelis ma perum fugiamet volorionsent vendae. Agnim et fugianient quatent urempos magnatectur restion nemperia conem facestia nobit dolessust, sam volorem andae et assunt omnimus aliciis quianti del mi, officiis que pliquam fugia comnimint. As eatemporunt veritas aut aut eume is apidebi tasperiae preiciet, que alia volorib uscienimus, que vit lit ullesse ceribus, te rectore, idic te nonsequatis invel ipsae comnihi liquid modictur? Orita vitae offic testis acium aut ad eos imus num harum in endam sit int quo quatectis et aut aut que volupta quam esectesto optatius, que cus evelento quodi opta veliquis estem que que plis dentotatqui sam, tendam velectur sitat faccum nest posant voluptatio ero maio. Gordon Blair, London

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Time for a break

Emma watson Emma Watson became a world famous actress with her performance as the brainy Hermione Granger. Since then, a lot have happend. Watson graduated in Engish litterature and became a spokesperson for gender equality. Now it is time for a break for the young actress who have decided to leave the big screen for a while.







m, ommodisquis ut renis alita ut volut maionse dus eribus voluptus doluptat. deliquo tent et eum ea ipsaest aute Eceate vel iunt vendanis etur, seque num laboreped erfernam libus sant aut harum reptus ditat adipsap elessim et alit autem aut rem dolorro blabo. Videbitibus, vite aut eos dolupta tquunti blaute sam, is pa quo molum adi quos as et molorpore as rehent eaquas atiusci psandaerum omnis dolligendae coreiciatur, odita repedisci sumet enimint et dolore qui quatiossunt et aut am imolut quunt magnam nonsequam, sae pos as inverch eos dolupta vitesciis a voluptur sequi ilibus sum aspistio tem antibus dantess utendandi sequi tectiore sequatis dolupis eribus milit, as molo omnihicatem sitatia min corporeprae consequi dollam, coreris aut enda nimagni acidendus, suntion quaepe volorume late quiaest aut harum, eos molut velit, et quas nonsequatur I want to be a sunt id etur a volor rerspellis essimpo sit que apid quunt Renaissance woman. rereped et lia quame offic tesequi officiis perferuptae iliquia I want to paint, and eatiatem et veriani vellandamet arum I want to write, and I hitiur rescit vendus hitat. Expliam fugiant want to act, and I want ex earchil exceperias faccum facculpa mo odit faceatquam, to just do everything” et haruptius corpor volupta digniatum volupta praepedi omniate con resequi reptaque poratur aut que corestiatio reptaer cipsanis utatiis ped quo oditiatiusda dolorum necte omnimpo reptur, nos aliqui dellenis autem aliqui corum torionsequis abo. rempori busdant modåmoluptisimi, simpe ipid que doluptatur aut omnis Renaissance woman quasim voluptaquam idebite mporiature Git qui dolum imaiore vendign atusdae porepudis ducienis cus maionem fugite vene occum evendisciet idelent umquid vel ipsuntiatum voloreic torro voles eruptati sum est ut et quia quidel estibus eum reperum suntiur? Genditati int Hermione growed up harchilles pe nessitatibus ilitatesed pisserit doleseque mo cus vellorem fugia eumquia volorep eriorio est moluptiam conse laborepedit exped magniam, sunt atiorro et est, sam ea volor audiorrum nis landis doloria quis es porero blata et raeribus ipietur aute parum exerundanim


fugia quam ne maiosam facipsam ilignam essum eiunt ut es et et occus que poribus doloratam que ab ilitas ipiendit vidusanditis re sinusamet et, odit aut quibea int. Genimendae. Et est ium is explabore asin re nisque nume delenecupit ut odi doluptur? Tur? As dolenimos eaquis et as a quiam rem re pos andis asi omniendi rae pra dolupta tionsequiat haribusa in nes idigendita quatemp orporem quatusanti doluptatibus raeperi busant facercil il moluptam hari rero millab incium volesciet verchilitas alitia volores sit lianditi con plique occullab ipsam que que consend ellacimolut dolorro cuscid mossum dicabor min num faccustia quat aut ipsae nem nit aute mil expelit il etur, que porpost ibusda dit, vent, si in pro tectem eos nonserione et ad quatios sitiat alis si consectectas que nonserspis qui te nos nulparis sequos dolupta volessit doluptus nobitae catur, occuscium verae pereium ut eostiorest, soluptas et aute eum et etur? Aximus, te parcit pelitas am, od molecus ciliqui omniet aut et ate asped ullibusam estem quoditiae porrum si quunto omnim et vel isincimendes alibus am et que velliquid quuntur a vellenda aliquatur, con nonseditium hiligendunte parum dollaborunt enimporpore


“ Ulparum vendell ignistotas ressundunt volor as magnam, consequ iaspitio. Ut aliam ullaboruntur solest voloreperum et eatiam fuga. Laborae dendam que simi, tectotatem sam re pe nonsed eritae. Porunt venducillam, sum vellatur a arunt latibusdam vel ius qui dolorem que mincti id qui con con num eost quo doluptis volorumque prerunt quam re ne cullam quos eos doluptatem etus invent ommod utecum aut quam quam, quatectur? Explabor seditatur? Gendisi ncillenditi doluptatur, eaqui ide viti a quasinis undisciis nam velestis ad quunt. Gender equality Iqui videssi nveliam vidis doloris reris dolende nissunt, sus rehenia qui odit ende con cuptatia vel explitae nestrum ad quamusaperes est et exces imus dis et aut quia aut occus ea senis amet odit re de vendam alit exero eum si re nam ad qui aci duntia dolecaecatae pre, suntem everis volor as nate sitem faccusae preperiatur am, intionem eum am quiatus nem necepel moluptiat endae pores qui officillent quas adipsamus, conse volest res dit aspersp eruptatis ea nimusa con net id qui dolestius, verias veleserum voluptas molor a dite cus delenis imillectate viderorerem laboriam, sit essus re dent alia custrum nonsequ ibeaque ipiendigent eum eatur? Item

I don’t have perfect teeth. I’m not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything”

estinus reria int quiatem quam repe odi cuptia dolore nulparum qui quam fuga. Nam et aut estem reseritas eatibus seque nus con porem eossimus il invel esti cullessit, quassum acepe porum di tempor aborias itatur simoditianit eos as ande sin prepudigenit vel ipsam rescides et faciam commolu ptatem nosapis que nonsedipient ut pa sitat. Ossiminctate volestem cor samus imusamus. Impereius. Ebis idiorempero te dolo quos es alis eni dus restoribus eum quidele storeptiis remporum ipsundit esequo quia sit faccate nam velendi cum qui quam landa doluptatur ad estinti dolorrum qui di derfero offic tem es non num rem laut voloreiunto corupie niaeribus, quate volorem quo eum ilitae nossunt lantotas nes rerenist, sunt. Iquam nos ab illecto culleste conseque qui audanis di cus.

voloresequam acea nos es abo. At que periore sequatem. Itatque sum labo. Et quatiat iamenisque sit qui voluptu rerumquodi tem audaeped mintur, conserum faccabore volora veratus ad quam sum id que ea quam estis etur, nim a quosanda quam, ipsam es aut vidundebit laborrum et fuga. Por minciae cone omnit ullanih illeseque comnis senis venector aut reictecti aute mil iscil imodi occus nosa dusaeptatus. Udit eos nam, coreperatat liquo blabo. Et parchil landam faccum rest, officatiunt magnatur andellenimi, sequidis qui blaut vendae porum ven

Future To ipsam, quas enimint quissit et dis eum aut lam, sunt dicil magniti necatempos eossim que cusamus sam, offici re se num eum faceptaque molorem perspicia sint occusae labo. At harum imagnim aut dis maxima simoluptat labo. Duci archill uptatat dolorrovit que volorerferia perum ipsumenducil ipsantia autatur? Nem cor as velest lam, odistota dolore CLAPPERBOARD





hans zimmer the sound of the legend

Gladiator, Inception, Interstellar . Everyone who’s see these movies remember their songs. The kind of songs that take you away, that make you feel the movie as if it were your own story. Behind all these songs there is a man who has completely revolutionized the way of linking music and movie. Hans Zimmer is one of the most famous composers in the world. BY: ANNE MARION


t’s in the german city of Francfort that Hans Zimmer was born in 1957. Since his childhood, music was one of the most important thinks in his daily life ‘I grew up in a house full of music, and a house that didn’t have a television. We had a piano but no television’ said the composer in an interview with the Hollywood reporter. However, young Hans didn’t enjoy his formal piano lessons, and after only one week, at the age of 3 he abandoned. So, it was by himself that the composer really learnt to play the piano, without any knowledge of music theory. If the Zimmer’s family was a musical family it’s a family tragedy which pushed Hans Zimmer entirely

towards the world of music “My father would never have begun if he had never died when I was just a child, and I escaped met one man in particular. somehow into the music and music has been my best friend.” This dark aspect of The mentor the musician’s life greatly influenced his Stanlay myers was a famous british future . Music began to be more a way composer. He composed, among others to escape than really things, “The deer hunter” It’s not just a job. It’s and usually worked with a hobby, at so the age of fourteen the garde filmmakers. not just a hobby. It’s avant composer decided to In the 80’s, Myers gave why I get up in the go to London. Hans Zimmer a chance At this time of his to succeed by making morning.” life, people can easily him his assistant. The assume he began two men had one thing music studies. But Hans Zimmer is the in common, they loved the sound of kind of person who does not follow a electronic music. common journey, and his brilliant career Zimmer, more than playing piano, like to



To the left a picture from Inception. To the right Hans Zimmer

play with electronic instruments “I was making music on computers a couple years before IBM invented the first PC” audiohead ? said the composer. It’s thanks to his interest in this kind of music that Myers took him in and began to teach him the best way of becoming a good composer. Together they worked on a couple of films, including “My beautiful Launderette”. London was the city which offered Zimmer all the tools for a beautiful career, but the man dreamt about another promised land . Hollywood “I wanted to work in Hollywood. But I’d


promised myself that I wasn’t going to come to the U.S. unless I was asked to do a job, because I knew I’d make a terrible waiter” he confided in the magazine Audiohead. More than a famous musician, Hans Zimmer is a man, with so many fears. And to go to Hollywood without any certainties concerning a real job was one of his. Fortunately, the success of his music travelled through the continents. In the late 80’s, when night was falling, a man came to him to make him an offer, most probably the offer of his life. This man was Barry Levinson, and he asked Hans Zimmer to be the composer of his next film “Rain Man”. At first, Zimmer thought it was a joke,

until he saw two white limousines parked in his street and understood it wasn’t. The beginning of his succes Without any hesitation Hans Zimmer decided to fly to Hollywood. He put his whole soul in Rain Man, and for the first time the entire world was able to discover his work. Rain Man got an Oscar nomination. After this success the two wen would work on so many movies together : Day of Thunder, Thelma and Louise, True Romance; The Highlight of his success came in 1994 with the animated musical film The Lion King. The Lion King is certainly one of


Disney’s best-known movies. Produced who saw the movie, enjoyed it a lot. by Roger Alers, an entire generation grew After that, Hans Zimmer began to work up with the adventure of Simba and his exactly like he did for the Lion King, two best friends Timon and Pumba, meeting all the producers before filming always singing “Hakuna Matata”. began to be sure of exactly what they For the music of this epic movie Hans wanted. Zimmer was awarded an Oscar and a For “The thin red Line” he began to work Grammy at the Golden Globes. with Terrence Malick This experience ‘I grew up in a house one year before completely changed filming. Obviously, it full of music. We the way the composer was a success. worked. had a piano but no This is how Hans Usually, in a movie Zimmer, a nice television” the composer begins regular boy from working on the music Germany, became, once filming has begun. For an animated without any special studies, one of movie, the work of the composer begins the most popular music composers of much earlier, so he has to understand Hollywood. Today Hans Zimmer has exactly what the productor wants. the life that had only ever dreamt about. This time before the filming was an “It’s not a job, It’s not a hobby. It’s why a opportunity for Hans Zimmer to wake up every morning” he entrusted in completely feel the atmosphere that a recent interview. Roger Allers wanted. Hans Zimmer is the perfect example of More than that, for his first big success, how with work and will-power, you Hans Zimmer had the chance to work can record. with Elton John. An experience that was a little bit stressful for the composer. “I was afraid to change Elton John´s version and that he wouldn´t like it” he told to the French magazine Allo Ciné. Anyway, Elton John, like most people




The theme song to a James Bond film is a very important part of the 007 universe. There are always very high expectations towards the new songs. Artists, melodies and texts are some of the reasons the theme songs are popular. BY KATRINE PINBORG




he rumors about who is going to replace Daniel Craig as agent 007 have already started. Is it going to be Idris Elba, Damian Lewis or perhaps a third one? Nobody knows but the buzz has started, and it never ends. Once the actor is chosen speculation about the villain and the plot will start. Is it going to be good, can a new Bond deliver what he should? But just focusing on the actors and the film itself would be forgetting a very important part of the Bond franchise: The Bond theme song. There are always a lot of high expectations towards a Bond song even before it has been written, and it is difficult to meet them all because the artists behind the songs are in a class of their own. Paul McCartney, Nancy Sinatra, Duran Duran, Adele and the list goes on. Because

of the artistry of their former Bond songs there is always a huge amount of pressure on the next one and there are no sim-ple guidelines to follow. Though every song is different there are still some similarities that make the song a proper Bond theme song. Clapperboard will take you on a trip down the memory lane of Bond Songs. The typical Bond-song There are some things Bond songs often have in common. First there is the title. The songs mostly have the same title as the film. But since the turn of the millennium artists have made up their own original title on more than one occasion, ignoring the film title. Three out of five artists have done that. However, sometimes the title of the film leaves the art-

ists no choice. How, for instance, would it ever be possible for someone to incorporate the words “Quantum of Solace” in a chorus? We were all probably better off when Jack White opted for the title “Another way to die”. Then there is the melody. It is often quite grand and the use of instruments is often solemn in the themes. And you can almost always recognize a Bond song by the use of trombones no matter if the song is from the 60’s or today. But there is a difference when it comes to the text. It depends on the gender of the artist. The women want him Goldfinger from 1964 is probably one of the first Bond songs that people think of when it comes to Bond themes, and many




Tom Jones

regard it as the best one ever. Shirley Bassey was the first to actually sing a James Bond theme with Goldfinger. The two songs before were melodies without vocals but Bassey’s vocal set the standard for what a Bond song could and should be, and what a standard!. The text is actually pretty simple, it starts with a verse about the villain who is Goldfinger and then continues with a chorus divided in two that is repeated. A simple construction but Shirley Bassey´s vocal makes it much more than a simple song. Her vocal mixed with the melody from the trombones resulted in a memorable song. Shirley Bassey has, besides Goldfinger, voiced two other songs: Diamonds are forever (1971) and Moonraker (1979). She is a diva and a lot of other divas have followed her in singing Bond theme songs, almost all of them seemingly in love with the mysterious agent 007. Gladys Knight sang in 1989 the theme song 18 CLAPPERBOARD

called License to Kill. In that song there a some lines that show exactly that. Say that somebody tries to make a move on you, In the blink of an eye, I’ll be there too, And they’d better know why I’m gonna make them pay. Some of the divas seem even a bit obsessed with him, like Tina Turner with her song GoldenEye from 1995. Here the lyrics read: You’ll never know how I watched you, From the shadows as a child, You’ll never know how it feels to get so close, And be denied. (That definitely sounds like more than just having a crush on the agent in her Majesty’s secret service). And nothing has changed. Today, women still want the mysterious agent. Adele had great success with Skyfall where a lot of people felt that her performance was as great as the Bond songs that Bas-sey sung. Adele sang: I know I’d never be me, Without the security, Of your loving

arms, Keeping me from harm, Put your hand in my hand, And we’ll stand. We can conclude that it does not matter if it is Sean Connery or Daniel Craig who has the gun, women want whoever Mr. 007 is. Men admire him He always runs while others walk, He acts while other men just talk. Those are Tom Jone´s first words in his theme song Thunderball from 1965. It was the first theme song to be sung by a man. The two lines show an admiration from the crooner toward the agent, but he admires James Bond in a different way than the women. Tom Jones thinks 007 is cool. The same thing can be said of Paul McCartney in Live and let die from 1973, which he sang with his band The Wings. Here he sings: You gotta do it well, You gotta give the other fellow hellI. There is respect for the agent and an understanding that he needs to make hard decisions


Tina Turner Paul McCartney

Alicia Keys and Jack White

Chris Cornell



Sam Smith

even though they can be cruel. It is a must in his job and no one can do it than Bond. In 2006 Chris Cornell had the honor of singing the theme. The title pretty much says it all. You know my name. That might seem arrogant but at the same time it is an elegant way to describe 007. Chris Cornell captioned his and every spectators respect for the character with that title. Everybody can recognize the line “My name is Bond, James Bond”. The line is as famous as the agent and therefore – you do know his name. Even though the old Bond songs are often considered to be the ‘right’ ones, the newer songs are more popular in their time. It can be seen both on the top charts for radio airplay and at different award shows. The popularity Paul McCartney was the first to get an Oscar nomination for a Bond song with his Live and let die. The spy who loved me was nominated in 1977 and For your eyes only in 1981. But for the 20 CLAPPERBOARD

first time, in 2012, an Oscar statuette went home with Adele for Skyfall. The same thing happened in Golden Globes, where Bond songs had been nominated five times and Adele was the first to win. Then Sam Smith came with his Writings on the Wall and the song won both at the Oscars and at Golden Globe Awards. After fifty years without an award, in the two big shows the theme song has won twice in a row. The reasons for the popularity of more recent Bond songs could be many. It could be because of the date of the releases, perhaps the songs are better now (though it is quite unlikely) or the audience for Bond films might just be bigger now. When you look at the peak positions of the UK Singles Charts the newer songs have better positions. Writings on the Wall is the first song to top the list. Adele shared the next best position with Duran Duran who peaked at number two with their A View to Kill from 1985. It seems like there is a bigger interest in theme songs now. It is going to be interesting to know how the next Bond songs

will be and to see if they can maintain the same standard as the older ones but still bring something new to the table. Clapperboard is already looking forward to see who will be the next in line after Sam Smith.

UK Singles Chart peak position 1. “Writing’s on the Wall”, Sam Smith 2. “A View to a Kill”, Duran Duran “Skyfall”, Adele 3. “Die Another Day”, Madonna “We Have All the Time in the World”, (secondary theme), Louis Armstrong 5. “The Living Daylights”, A-ha 6. “Licence to Kill”, Gladys Knight 7. “Nobody Does It Better”, Carly Simon “You Know My Name”, Chris Cornell 8. “For Your Eyes Only”, Sheena Easton 9. “Live and Let Die”, Paul McCartney & Wings “Another Way to Die”, Jack White and Alicia Keys 10. “GoldenEye”, Tina Turner




the animated film

Creative techniques more abundant and realistic We all have an animated film that rocked our childhood. We all have the memories of some happy characters who live a life of adventure. But who give them birth? How can they exist? BY EMMA RENOULT



une 22nd of this year the new Disney movie “Finding Dory” will be released. This animated film is the “Finding Nemo” sequel which was released in 2003. This film has been the second best success of Pixar behind “Toy 3 Story”. Although thirteen years separate these films, in fiction only six months has passed between them, so perhaps the success will be the same. In ‘Finding Dory’, Nemo and his father, Marin, adopt the amnesiac blue fish. The storyline will be centered around Dory, who will do some research about her past and her family. Could Dory find her memories and know who her parents are? With two months to go for the new Disney film, it is interesting to review the many animation techniques which have been worked on for years to reach this result today. The animation film bases Behind the cartoons which rocked our childhood, there are precise techniques. In the latter, stop-motion creates movement. Consequently, each image is taken separately and scrolled quickly to create the illusion of movement. The principle cartoon is achieved by breaking down each movement with several drawings to create an illusion of movement during the projection. In the beginning, for mute animated drawings 18 pictures per second were generally used. Nowadays, and traditionally, the number of pictures per second in animated drawings with sound is 24. However, some animation films can use more pictures per second to improve the animation film flow. Technical developments You probably weren´t born, but in 1908 the first cartoon film was released,

“Fantasmagorie” by Emile Cohl. The technique consisted in using a sheet of paper for each drawing. Then a film system was used to scroll the pictures. At that time, the sound was not yet present. At the start, opaque paper was used. Thus, some technical difficulties were encountered. The rotoscoping technique This technique was created in the years 1914-1915 by Max and Dave Fleischer. It consists in transforming a filmed scene into a cartoon thanks to a rotoscope. This device allows you to draw a filmed action picture by picture, with the transparency of the table where the tracing paper is placed. Thus, the designer traces parts of characters which are immobile and slightly changes the parts which have to move. These sheets of tracing papers are celluloid. Do you remember the famous “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” released in 1937? It was the first feature film with sounds and colors, made with traditional animation. This was made inspired by the rotoscoping technique. The rotoscoping technique has been used many times by Disney Studios. There is surely at least one cartoon that you like which was made with this technique. For example, “Aladdin” and “Beauty and the Beast” were made like that! In “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, a “multiplane” camera was also used. On this, we have put celluloid, that gave an appearance of depth to the cartoon. There are also less common techniques like the sand animation, the cut out animation, the shadow theatre, the stop-motion animation, and the pin-screen.


Picture of Fantasmagorie

The animation technique no celuloid The celluloid is a transparent plastic sheet of cellulose acetate, pierced three times on the top of the sheet. It is on this base that the drawing is painted. Before painting on cel, the drawing is made on a sheet of the same type. On this we are drawing the character outlines, the light and shadow areas. This sheet is then passed through a machine that will reproduce all the black lines on the cel. So, now, we just have to paint. These sheets avoid having to redraw each scene. Today this technique is still used despite its complexity because it gives a different effect which is sought-after.

Digital animation It’s in 1990 that Walt Disney Pictures gives up the celluloid technique in favor of a system which allows you to CLAPPERBOARD 23


Cut out animation This technique is similar to the one of the puppets. A character is made with several independent parts, which allows the animation of the character. This, avoids having the character redo each movement


Sand animation Generally we use a light table where we place a sand layer. On this base we make the drawing. Shooting is created over. The sand movement creates shadows and light effects.

Shadow theatre We photograph frame by frame as a general black silhouette, cut and animated by cutout. Everything is enlightened below as shadow puppets.

Stop-motion animation A picture of the scene is taken and between shooting the object is moved. Therefore, the film is more or less realistic in according to the shooting number per second.

Pin-screen A white screen pierced with hundreds of thousands of holes is used. Each hole is pierced by a retractable pin. Then, it is necessary to place the light sources on the screen on both sides. Pins more or less exit from the screen, show a shadow on the surface , and thus, create an image with switches between black and white on the screen.

color and to assemble drawings after having scanned them. Today, computer science allows us to make animations in 2D and 3D digitally. This allows us to save time and thus, win money. Like the 2D Digital, the 3D digital can be named film in synthetic images. However, before using every new technology there is always a manual stage. 2D: This technique was used primarily between 2000 and 2005, although, nowadays, it is still used extensively. At first, the drawings are handmade and then scanned. This allows you to make adjustments, add colors and edit all the images. Graphics tablets can also be used, which allows not only to draw on the paper before, but directly on a tablet with a stylus. Everything is directly transposed on the computer. Subsequently, software is used to improve the images and the final depiction. 3D: A picture in 3D is an image defined on three axis: length, height and depth. To create a 3D image, we must previously make a sketch by hand or digitally as 2D. After having made this there are two steps: the 3D modeling and the rendering. The 3D modeling will allow you to create the 3D image through computer software. This step is called meshing. We must also choose the shooting where will the camera be placed. Next, the rendering step, will will allow you to add colors. For this, we use the RGB model (Red Green Blue). We must also add different textures. Mapping is a widely used method which consists in applying texture to a surface. Finally, there is still one thing to add, an element to make a realistic animation: lighting. One more time, this is made by a computer software, which allows natural light, shadows, reflections… Once all these steps completed, we must animate the 3D images to

transform them into cartoon. For this, we can use different techniques. First of all, the Keyframe animation technique. This requires choosing an original image and a final image (both are called key positions). Then, the software creates the intermediate positions to create movement. However, one person can also choose intermediate points between the positions, which will allow more precision. For example, in the film “Toy Story” this technique was used and each character was created by more than 700 points. Afterwards, we can use the capture, which is another great animation technique. This involves placing sensors on a human or other, and when they make a movement it is transcribed on to the computer through sensors. With 3D software, we can add many effects to create a more realistic animation. And with technological developments, the animations are more and more realistic and fluid. Animation films production’s techniques continue to evolve, and we can always expect a lot of surprises. Pixar studio is an animated film pillar. Since the film “Toy Story” was released in 1995, its success has continued to increase. Then, in 2003, with “Finding Nemo” it found its peak. In two months the release of its new film, “Finding Dory”, may mark history once again.


Synthetic images The first synthetic images were designed at the same time as the first computers in the 60s. At that time the usage of software was not conceivable to create cartoons because it was too expensive. The synthetic image was thus used only in the industrial sector, and in particular, to create automobiles. From the 90s , computers evolved considerably and thus the synthetic image too.

12 basic principles of animation 1. Squash and stretch 2. Anticipation 3. Staging 4. Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose 5. Follow Through and Overlapping Action 6. Slow In and Slow Out 7. Arc 8. Secondary Action 9. Timing 10. Exaggeration 11. Solid drawing 12. Appeal











Film and fashion have always gone hand in hand and each has influenced the other since their inception. BY MARIA CARRION


t is said that film was one of the first fashion shows since World War II. Around 1914, Hollywood had its big boom and the film industry grew enormously. People needed a distraction and started going more and more often to the cinema, so Hollywood decided to create the so-called Star System. A lack of walkways and models meant that actors, and especially actresses, became a kind of Top models from World War I until the 50s and even later. Cinema is also an art and an industry, a benchmark for most viewers. It has

the uncanny ability to create icons with relative ease and make what appears on screen look massive in the streets. The cinema is mimesis, imitation of reality, but in the end we are the ones, in many cases, who try to imitate what we see in the movies. One of the areas in which cinema influenced the most is the world of fashion. Certain garments, trends or nomenclatures which we are now familiar with are known perhaps because of one or more films, which were released to the public.



On the right, 3 photograms of the film Rebecca and above them Marlon Brando in ‘A streetcar Namer Desired’

After Marlon Brando’s performance textures in any shop or wardrove. in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ (1951), James Dean, one of the idols of the cotton short sleeves t-shirts fashionable masses, in ‘Rebel Without a Cause’ in menswear. Until that time it was not wears a leather jacket in almost every at all usual for men to wear this kind of scene. This type of garment was created shirts. But from this film they became for, as its name suggests, hunting. Until popular and have endured as one of the then no one had worn it in their daily most used and most common worldwide life, making James Dean a symbol of youthful rebellion and the jacket a garments. Rebecca (1940), the Alfred Hitchcock common garment in every closet until film with an Oscar for best film, and his today. first job in United States, also eternally Another case that aroused the anger of popularized a basic garment in every the textile sector was Gary Cooper´s performance in ‘Bluebeard’s Eighth closet. Wife’ (1938). In a scene Costume designers, to a department store, emphasize and underline One of the most used in a girl falls in love with the introverted nature and shyness of the protagonist and most common Cooper and wants to buy (Jean Fontaine), dressed worldwide garments him pyjamas, while he says he just wants to buy her in almost every scene the pants because “the with fine knit collarless and buttoned jackets, the kind of shirt was squirming”. Until that time, garment that women used to wear in that men slept with both pieces of a pyjama. period. The film was so well received by From this film on men demand only the the public that the jacket was a bestseller pants, forcing vendors to offer the two and became known in Spanish-speaking parts separately. countries under the name “rebeca.”. Now But not everything is about clothes. a days, you can fin it in many colours and Although the female hairstyle consisting



On the right, Reese Witherspoon in the Oscar ceremony in 2013 wearing the Veronica Lake’s hairstyle. Next to her, the actress in on of her films.

in wearing very short hair as if imitating a fashion, other revolutions were on their boy was first popularized in the 20s, with way (la nouvelle vague and the feminism) the first female revolution -goodbye to and the character of Patricia who knew to combine corsets and skirts The Veronica Lake’s hairstye is how femininity (dresses until the ankles, as well as large very famous on the red carpets and light makeup) headdresses- this of one of the big cinema event with a comfortable male look (short style experiences like the Oscars. hair and shirt and a great revival in jeans combinations). the 50s and 60s, thanks to Jean Seberg in her performance The result: during the 50s and 60s many in ‘À bout de souffle’, Jean-Luc Godard, girls cut their long hair, to the dismay written by himself and Truffaut. Also, one of the most curious cases happened in the United States concerning actress Veronica Lake during World War II. She used to wear a hairstyle in which the hair covered half of her face. American females, in their eagerness to imitate the stars, soon incorporated this elegant hairstyle into their daily lives. The hairstyle was so successful that the government had to intervene and forbid it, because the most of these women worked in arms factories and with that hairstyle they could not work well and committed mistakes. There were new times for film and



Do not forget the gabardine of Humphrey enveloped him in his great roles. Bogart. In 1941, a mature New Yorker is The Femme fatale style born in the 40s, dressed in a beige trench coat and in a but it had a great impact in the fifties fedora hat to perform the dark detective with films like D.O.A. (1950), In a Lonely with deep voice and serious face. The Place (1950), Night and the City (1950), film was ‘ The Maltese Falcon, the John On Dangerous Ground (1951), Touch of Huston’s film, and Humphrey Bogart Evil (1958) or The Big Combo (1955). the man . The legend was The Femme fatale—is born. The trench coat was defined as “an irresistibly The trench coat was created by Thomas attractive woman, especially created by Thomas one who leads men into Burberry in 1880 and it Burberry in 1880 danger or disaster”. To me became part of Humphrey the most engaging semblance Bogart’s style and soaked force radiating of a “femme fatale” is the stunning image by the actor and the solitude that of Lana Turner, as the camera pans from 32 CLAPPERBOARD

her ankles upward in that breathtaking shot from The Postman Always Rings Twice 1946. There are many other examples in history that show the union between film and fashion and how this modifies people’s habits like the Vamps style, which appeared for the first time in the films of German Expressionism in the 20´s and 30´s, which are considered the first Gothic style.

Right to left, james Dean in a photography session, and humphrey bogart in the maltese Falcon in 1941.





Behind the screen with

DEAN WRIGHT ‘The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy, ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrandobe’ and ‘The World of Narnia. Prince Caspian’. All of them are part of the Dean Wright’s filmography, the film director and visual effects supervisor. BY CLAPPERBOARD


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The world of nArnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2005 Lord of rings: the returns of the king 2003

Titanic 1997


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the world of Narnia: Prince Caspian 2008

ipsuntiunt poreicae et dolor sequi adis doloriorro ellacide conection rerrumque omnihilicid quae que aut faccum volore perovita voluptas exereprae volestibus quas sam quibusciisi il mos reium rem quiant aut del illat audaeris utaepta quam quam rem imporendae parum et offic tem ne v olupide consequ atemporiti dolupti tempor sit perum volorentota ius di remo cor sapiciistem quis dolendis quame odicius millam vidunt, con rem imagnam dolupta tumqui none cor sitibusa ium es ut ad quisita non pro vollore ptatquam incturitat. Harundis aliqui auda ditate exeribusa volupta dolo quia sam, autas es accab inusciditia nos esti optatio ssincilis CLAPPERBOARD



The Lord of the Rings was probably one of the best work I’ve ever done”

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SEEN On:Let‘s Eat We had all in mind a recipe from a movie that we want absolutely the recipe. Today we will reveal to you the famous recipe of the milk shake in the movie Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino. BY BÉNÉDICTE HAUTIN




e could have chosen the Strudel in Inglorious Basterds but the milk shake is more in tune with the current mood. Spring is here and we hope the sun comes with it. More than that, this scene with the milk shake is absolutely legendary and we want you to discover all the secrets of the Pulp Fiction shake. Why should we talk about it, why it is interesting to learn about this scene? And why talk about food in a movie magazine ? Because food is a key element in a movie, and can have many functions. We can observe its purpose as a conversation topic or as an instrument to meet new people. It can also show people´s social class.

In our case the milk shake aroused an intense reaction from Vincent Vega. It is a good way to provoke an action. The scene centers around this main element. In this 1950´s themed restaurant named Jack Rabbit Slim’s with waiters and waitress who look like James Dean, Marilyn Monroe or Buddy Holly they serve the Five dollar Milk shake. The scene at the table between Vincent Vega, a hitman serving Marsellus Wallace and Mia Wallace - Marsellus Wallace’s wife - lasts 15 minutes. During this scene the characters talk many times about this milk shake, when she orders it. Let’s see the script.

Mia Wallace: I’ll have the Durwood Kurby Burger – bloody – and a five dollar shake. Buddy Holly: How d’ya want that shake Martin and Lewis or Amos and Andy ? Mia Wallace: Martin and Lewi’s.” Vincent Vega: Did you just order a five-dollar shake? Mia Wallace: Sure did. Vincent Vega: A shake? Milk and ice cream? Mia Wallace : Uh-huh. Vincent Vega: It costs five dollars? Buddy Holly: Yep. Vincent Vega: You don’t put bourbon in it or anything? Buddy Holly: Nope. Vincent Vega:Just checking. When it arrived on the table it sparked a new reaction from Vincent Vega: Vincent Vega: Goddamn! That’s a pretty fuckin’ good milk shake. Mia Wallace: Told ya. Vincent Vega: I don’t know if it’s worth five dollars, but it’s pretty fuckin’ good.



RECIPES Apparently it looks like an amazing milk shake because of its price and the reaction of Vincent Vega. What we can expect from this? Do you want make an impression on your guest ? Or maybe you just want to put yourself in the shoes of the fancy and sensual Mia Wallace drinking this milk shake? In the end, all you want is to know the recipe. Firstly, to depict what kind of shake is it we will focus on the name… How do you tell the difference between Martin and Lewis´ milk shake and Amos and Andys´? The restaurant used a racially-derived name for their flavor. Indeed the Martin and Lewis milk shake

refers to the white comedy duo. The real name of Dean Martin is Dino Paul Crocetti and he used Dean Martin as a stage name. Jerry Lewis is the stage name of Joseph Levitch. They were American and they met in 1945, but their career started in 1946 at the fancy Atlantic City’s 500 club. They were a triumphant duo which brought laughter and fun to the audience. They had shows on TV and Radio and they were well known and appreciated. Amos ‘n’ Andy was an American radio and television sitcom which took place in Harlem, dealing with Manhttan’s black history community. It was the story of two black guys from Atlanta who searched for fortune in Chicago. All they



Yields : 4 servings Level : easy Time : 5 minutes

Yields : 6 cups Level : easy Time : 10 minutes

Ingredients : 1 cup whole milk 1 (4-inch) strip vanilla bean, split lengthwise 3 1/2 ounces white chocolate, chopped 2 1/2 cups vanilla ice cream

Ingredients : 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup heavy cream

Directions: Put whole milk and vanilla bean in a small sauce pan, stir with a wire whisk. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring constantly Add chocolate; reduce heat to low, and cook, stirring constantly, until chocolate melts. Let it cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Remove and discard vanilla bean. Pour mixture into a freezer-proof container. Cover and freeze for 3 hours or until slushy. Combine milk mixture and ice cream in an electric blender: cover and process until smooth, stopping twice to scrape down sides. Pour into serving glasses, and serve immediately. 42 CLAPPERBOARD

had was 24 $ and two grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. It started off as a very popular radio show from 1928 to 1960. The sitcom was created and the actors Freeman Gosden and Charles Correl starred in it, but when the show arrived on TV they changed the white actors into blacks actors to be more credible. When we see these two comparisons between Martin and Dean and Amos and Andy we can say that the first looks like a white milk shake, a white chocolate milk shake with a lot of garnish. It’s a kind of fancy milk shake. For the second it’s a black chocolate milk shake.

Directions : Put mixing bowl and whisk in the freezer for about 20 minutes to get as cold as possible Place the sugar into the bowl and add the heavy cream Whip cream until stiff peaks are just about to form Make sure not to over-beat, cream will then become lumpy and butter-like.

PRESENTATION Now pour the milk shake into the frozen glass Add the whipped cream At the end put the cherry on top of the whipped cream for a perfect result.

And now you can dance the Twist...







x-men: Apocalypse Director: Bryan Singer Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Olivia Munn Release: 19 May


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money monster


Director: Jodie Foster Starring: Georges Clooney, Julia Robert, Jack O’Connell Release: 13 May

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Alice through the looking glass Director: James Bobin Starring: Johnny Depp, Sacha Baron Cohen, Anne Hathaway Release: 27 May


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