Mail To Anna

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Mail to Anna 2011

3 2011

Mail to Anna is a long-term project between the artists Anna Nordström and Katrin Steiger. They met each other first time in Baltimore, USA in August 2009 while they did a semester abroad. They part company in December 2009 when both of them flew home to their home countries, Nordström to Sweden, Steiger to Germany. One year passed till Steiger asked Nordström to do a long-term project together. MAIL TO ANNA = MTA is about an artist friendship, about communication via mailings, about going to the post office every second day, about personal life, up and downs of two young artists studying in Stockholm and Weimar. MTA started on March 1st 2011 and continues still. This publication is a documentation of the first four months of MTA (March – June 2011).


index introduction




letters in s. o.* 4 - 40 *special order: outgoing letters ordered chronological, incoming letters ordered by arrival date at Steigers house in Germany


A to K #001 13th January Dear K, This is a test mail – how long will it take for it to get there? – as well as some too late Christmas presents. Today is the 10th of January, but it’s night time so it will not be in the mail until tomorrow. The sewing machine is one from MICA, also the picture on the scarf (my sex-class, remember?). Please accept these gifts as a token of my appreciation of you & your art. All the best to you! Anna


K to A #002 1st March Dear Anna, This is the first message. This is the first message with some typewriter mistakes, but also with this little note, I still have with me since Baltimore. Do you remember? This note, the original note is my first present for you. Hope you like it. I do have to say – writing an English letter with an old typewriter is wonderful but embarrassing. I feel ashamed a little bit, because it’s quite hard for me to eliminate stupid mistakes in English writing and grammar. What can I say, I’m not the best English writer and there will be always mistakes. I don’t care, I care, I don’t know. Good thing about writing on old typewriters is the sound PLING at the end of every line. I love it. Lovely Anna, I’m looking forward that much, sending you kisses and hugs. Next two months will be great months. Especially yours, Kat

K to A #003 1st March 2011 / mood: excited Hello again, As you can see, we (Jan and me) came up with special forms and stamps for our project. Attached I’ll send you two stamps and some forms on different paper. I bought the paper, stamps and two different inkpads (red and black). I’ll use paper like the paper I send you. Maybe you can use similar paper but you don’t have to. I really hope you like the stamps. I also bought a dater (German version). Feel free to use stamps and form in a way you like. Best, Kat


K to A #004 4th March I found this ear today on a grassy hill.

K to A #005 13th March We needed four hour walk to buy some Sunday-rolls. K to A #006 14th March Jag har ont om pengar och snuva. K to A #007 15th March Dear Anna,15 days are gone since we start our cooperation project. I’m currently working in a surprise-mailing parcel for you. I hope I will finish it this week. To bridge time I’ll send you this magazine. It’s the R U N magazine, Jan and I did last year. Unfortunately it’s only with German texts but I hope you like it anyway. You’ll find ‘men at work’ and me page 56-61. Marie Burkhard is my fantastic flatmate by the way. She is an inventor. Hope to hear from you quite soon. Yours, Kat K to A #008 16th March I had to work in that bar but I got sick today. K to A #009 17th March Still sick but feeling better continuously. Yes. Yes. Yes. 8

K to A #010 18th March Drank myself healthy again somehow. Mostly with white wine + Aperol and ice cubes, prosecco and champagne. And I smoked a lot of cigarettes of course. It’s magic. K to A #011 20th March It’s a lazy afternoon. A to K #012 8th March Dear Kat, I’m in Tirana, drinking coffee in the sun with my friend Elias. The last 3 days I’ve been on the road with Elias, his dad, his brother: Tomorrow I’m heading home. H tells me there’s mail waiting for me there. Weather here is 10° + sun & the beer is cheap, so is the shopping & food. You’ll hear from me as soon as I find Internet. Hi to Jan. Bye. xoxo / Anna . N

A to K #013 11th March / mood: pretty good Dear Katrin, How are you? I just got back from Albania, two days ago. It was a great trip. I went with my friend Elias to visit his family who lives in Tirana. His dads new wife (and mother of Elias two stepbrothers) works at Swedish embassy in Tirana = no Internet / delicious fish, with questions concerning Albania and the country’s future. We went on a three-day road trip in a jeep and saw some scenic views. When we stayed in Tirana we just walked around and looked at, you know, everything. I wont say more. I’ll send to you with this letter a small book with notes from the trip. I feel like there’s so much I want to tell you about, but I don’t know where to start. So I leave it in my head for a while to sort it out & then I’ll know what to tell you. Whatever. I got your mail! Yesterday I went to buy inkpads for the stamps. 1 big black one and 1 small one. I already had a red one, several years old from China. The stamps are great and this paper as well. I’m fixing my home-office into this project workspace, it’ll be perfect and of course I’m saving every piece of information I get from you very carefully. Can you read this btw? I know my handwriting can be somewhat eccentric. I don’t know about spelling…as long as you understand me. I’ll stop here so I can send the first message to you as soon as possible. Talk to you soon / Anna.N 9

A to K #014 17th March Thursday 13.06 Dear Kat, I have mail for you but I haven’t mailed it yet. I’m still working on cleaning my desk. I’m getting there. It takes me a while to start. I just woke up. I have decided not to go to school for a while. I’m on a break. Not with this though, I still enjoy making notes and drawings. Sitting now at my desk = kitchen table. Applying for summer jobs, working on my portfolio. Not going great. I’m in this dip [descriptive illustration] and I’m scared because I don’t want to go back to feeling like that the way I used to. I can’t go out because I can’t control my mood and I end up crying at the subway. Actually, I have serious doubts about my future and work and education. I’m dropping out, I’m not meant for this, I have been fooling myself. And I feel really stupid. So, the general state of the situation is crisis. But I’m trying to handle it the best way I can, I think. And I will continue this project. I won’t let you down. Miss you. Hope to see you when we finish. I’m curious to know what you’ve been doing since I saw you last. Bye / Anna


K to A #015 22th March / mood: feeling for you Dear Gorgeous, I’m sitting down here on a bench sun is shining on me. It’s so much nicer outside than inside right now. I’m sitting and reading your letter, the second one. Dearest, I’m feeling with you and I know exactly what you’re talking about. These doubts and future panic could come over night and makes oneself doubtful and the opposite of self-confident. You said there were better times once in the past. So appointed to them. Don’t be scared and wait for this shitty-feeling. Stand up and do things. Work, produce, be a maker, stay a maker. It’s all about you and your mind, feel gorgeous and don’t worry. Don’t plan to far in future. In our business everything happens suddenly, spontaneously. Be open for new inspiration and ways of life but stay true to yourself. I know you know all that and it’s hard to believe that things will work out someday, especially when you’re in this dip. But it will work out. Believe me believe in yourself. I had a lot times down in a dip too, time of doubt, time of panic. I’m 28 years old now and my father still subsidises me monthly with money. My 3 ½ younger sister is earning money since ½ year (or longer). I’m also frightened someday but I try not to think about. I like to think about other things. About me as an artist, having fun to work at my MTA studio, working the way I love to work, having this project with you. I love to be a maker, love to work on projects. I’m not earning money at all, so I’m a poor girl BUT a happy poor girl. I’m happy, I’m in love, I’m an artist, I believe in me and in you too. Saying all those happy-words do not mean that I’m save of those doubts. They might come back quite soon. This year I have to finish study. What happens next to my life and me? I don’t know. I think it’s helpful to do and think in little steps, accomplish little goals. Stop to think about your future-future, think and work on current life. We, you and me or someone might never become a super-rich person, but a super happy person. Richness doesn’t count anyway. Trust in yourself and in your work. Remember self-confidence Anna, the gorgeous Anna I know. Keep on working and be proud of yourself from time to time. Truly yours, Kat K to A #016 24th March I’m selling vintage stuff in a shop from April 4-6 in Weimar. I did it once last year and earned 100€ by selling old clothes and shoes and mags and hats. I hope I’ll earn more money this time. The shop where I sell stuff is named ‘Der Laden’. We plan to offer milkshakes and drinks. Vintage clothes will be organized by color and men/women. One can get a brand new haircut for free while the shop is open. I came up with this quick drawing yesterday evening. Maybe we’ll use it for flyer, poster, and announcements.


K to A #017 25th March Dear Anna, I hope you’re feeling well and better and well. The deep dip deserves a kick in the ass. When I red your deep-dip-letter I totally felt for you. I start up with this letter not to talk about deep dips but to tell you about my current projects besides MTA. Be warned – there might be tons of grammar and writing mistakes in this letter. But that’s the way it is. This summer I pause study for one semester to finish projects and to prepare my upcoming master thesis. I’ll start on thesis in middle of August and will have 18 weeks to work on it. I currently collect ideas, pictures, impressions and locations, Stuff I like and love. I’m making lists and try to organize them. There is no fix name for my thesis work until yet but this project will combine all things I like and love and like. Maybe that should be also the name: LIKE LOVE LIKE. I don’t know. Only a few things are for sure at this point: There will be a space, a weekly, monthly program, delicious food, vernissages, finissages, showrooms art and workshops. I’m excited so far. Other current projects I’m mainly working on until I start with master thesis are: 1.Nachtdigital (ND) - - Nachtdigital is a yearly festival for electronic music and loved by a many people. It was sold out in just one hour this year. I came to ND because of Jan. He’s working for ND since 12 years mainly on graphic design issues. Since two years I’m also involved. It’s great and wonderful. This year ND will celebrate it’s 14th anniversary. We decided to film a documentary about the festival makers. So I’m part of the film team and also member of festival crew. Last year and this year I’m responsible for festival clothes and graphic design (illustration and ideas). I build this year’s logo out of straws. We’re planning to do an all over digital print on fabric for these years festival clothes and try to dip dye them afterwards. I tried the dip dye at home two weeks ago. There will be bag packs, clothes, shirts and hoodies. Last year I worked out a hood, which was all over, cut out. You can have a look at;4.html. Yes, I was also modelling the stuff. So there is a lot to work on until first weekend of August when ND14 takes place. We’re trying to get some support money for doing the documentary but you know – it’s always that difficult to get some. I think it will be a great and kind of artsy documentary about the people behind ND. Beautiful pictures and emotional stories. I’m looking forward.



A to K #018 23th March / mood: let’s do this crap Good morning K, This is a sketch, some sketch work for a project I call for the moment: hapi face, saad face. I’ve been cutting out faces from gossip magazines, called Vekans Nu and Veckans Bild, like this week now or picture of the week. By now I have collected quite a few faces. And also their hair which I have divided into light, medium & dark. The faces I have divided into hapi and sad. I will soon start, when I get the time. Right now I’m practicing on drawing realistic portraits of ‘smiling’ me and ‘sad’ me to make a big face on A 10 x 100 cm large paper of quite nice quality out of all faces. [descriptive illustration] – not that ugly. And the hair is made of hair. So the eyes and skin and everything, except the hair, look something like the collage on the backside. Hapi collage for hapi face and saad collage for saad face. Then I will scan it and print it in a bigger format. (The magazines-cut outs will probably not last, the will fade.) I have to work now. xoxo / Anna.N.

A to K #019 28th March Hej dear Katrin, Thank you for your wonderful letter full of kindness and intelligence, as usual. I highlighted some parts. It was what I ‘needed’ (or something) to read / hear. Like, I know you’re right, but sometimes logic doesn’t connect to my analysis of the situation, when in doubt. So thank you very much. I remember America and I also remember your artist statement from Jessica Braitermans (yeah) class, in combination with your work and how inspiring it was. Before I felt bad / guilty over not … how should I say this … making genuine, thought-though, concept-filled / based, intelligent art. I was just producing my ideas, and they were short and simple, ‘shallow’. Your work was born from your brain like a force of nature, clearly showing / containing your love for art / working / producing, it was not heavy, slow, (hours) years of research, but it was still important and powerful. Do you understand? Since I met you in Baltimore I have often been thinking about this, and it’s still inspiring to me, also comforting, makes me work more. Thinking of you and your work. My newest approach is working as hard as I can for a while, trying to get somewhere. Big hug and again, your letter was wonderful / awesome. Thank you. My best regards / A 14

K to A #020 31st March Travel by train to visit Antje, dad and little sister. K to A #021 1st April at ‘hometown’ named Gelnhausen My favourite hairdresser at my ‘hometown’ village Gelnhausen was cutting tops of my hair to make it look healthy again. My bangs is too long – I can’t see trough. Birthday present for my sister: to big 80s denim jacket by Wrangler in light-blue-old-washing. A to K #022 22nd March, Tuesday Hej, I’m at National Library of Sweden, just sat down in the large reading room randomly and ended up next to science of language – German section. It’s nice here you’d like it. It’s sort of medieval meeting 70’s. You said you got my mail. Can you read it? Are you feeling better? It’s a nice yellow on your cards, but I report now that the Sharpie didn’t smell, but it’s a smell I know really well so it was a success anyhow! There are two yellows I like extra much. That is: • Buttercup – warm, very light in shade, like the lightest shade of ‘Gelb’ – name of warm yellow pigments from dye kitchen makes me think of dying with you and Natty Boh. Dye or Die. • Lemon – cold! Ice, also very light shade but the lightest of lemon yellow. Other names of colour I use (for my favourites): • White trash – a light Lila. The only shade of purple I like, like one of the papers you sent. – would be nice for lipstick, walls, etc. • Blue Klein – yeah Klein Blue. Prussian, a blue that is dark and has black in it. No more pigment can full fit in the very colour. • Red O-Red – super cold red not orange but going there, also good for lipstick. Bra färg. I’m here anyway at the library to go to a lecture about artist books, the class I’m having. It’s not going too well but I’m trying now to make something for Friday-presentations, because I have decided not to give up and to go there. I’m making notebooks with blank pages and embroidered fronts and I really want to send you one but I have to wait until April so I can present it for my teachers.Yesterday, Monday, I had a Mexican evening with Henrik. We made quesadillas and salsa. Then we watched top model finale. You were confused on 07. März 2011. Do you still feel that way? I’m sorry if my last notes to you were depressing to read. I can say now that I will not quit school. I will continue one more year and then take my masters. I make a plan with my little sister, that she will finish school (she’s taking her master in HR = Human Resources = working with recruiting ppl. For companies) at the same time as I, and then she will get a hotshot job and hire me and buy my art with her fat pay check! = bullet proof. 15

To do: work hard, have fun, stay focused, maybe write some more, make a portfolio, get a website – I have a name: but no knowledge of making one. It’s an ongoing project. After this day I will go home and make a notebook and apply for summer jobs. Do you have plans for the summer? Maybe I should get an internship... It’s 12.53 now, I’m meeting the group at 13.00, so I should go. Weather: almost spring – sun Mood: ambivalent Hair: yellow Watch: 15 minutes off time Music: Hotchip Material: pen and paper, scissors and magazines Looking forward to hear from you soon. You’re mailing skills are awesome. You rule. Bye / Anna N A to K #023 28th March / mood: sunny morning Dear Katrin, Please accept this gift for your lovely gorgeous brain. From your friend Nordström.


K to A #024 2nd April I eat and drink way too much these days. K to A #025 4th April I’m selling old stuff in a little store and will be a rich girl soon. K to A #026 8th April Ingmar – a very good friend of mine is visiting this weekend. He lives and works in Basel, Swiss, Switzerland. Mandy is visiting too and Franz, also a friend, will visit tomorrow. It’s an old-friends-are-visiting-weekend and lots of beer I guess.

A to K #027 2nd April / mood: w-o-r-k and later wine and more work Kat, sending you this refreshed pack, for you to fill. Smoking is fresh! I don’t know if you smoke still. Don’t hesitate to fill it whatever, yarn or food or clothes (something sexy I guess). I’m in computer lab, making contact-sheets. Working in a poster filled with covers of self-help books. I’m having a small exhibition with a friend in a couple of weeks. I think it’s going to be great, something to work towards. I hope I can keep my sanity, cool until! And not back down. (I have exhibition phobia sometimes. He.) I love making contact-sheets. All my love to you gorgeous. / A 17

A to K #028 5th April / mood: some stress (nice) + sun outside Hey you, Slam - got mail from you today! It was indeed nice to here from you. It’s been a while it feels like. I’m done with my poster and tomorrow I will try to go to a serious print-place and get it printed. And at the same time get them to scan my face-collage. I think it will start to fade, the magazine-cut outs (faces), so I’ll scan it and print it, both 70 x 100. I think your plan for your master thesis sounds great. I have to visit you when you exhibit it, I really want to see it! It’s like what I meant in my last letter, about how I like how you work, live, do, think about what you do – if you know what I mean >> grammar error <<. Good method. Keep it up. As you said once: maybe not rich but happy girl. You’ll probably be rich tho. You’re too good not to be. I went to my ‘gymnastic’ class this morning. Go up 8.30. One-hour breakfast. Gymnastics: 10.30 – 11.30. One-hour lunch (fish, sauce, potato). Just a short reply xxx / Anna.N K to A #029 10th April No toilette paper at my studio toilette = annoying. A to K #030 7th April Hey girl, how are you? Sending this box for you to use for our project if you want. I have the same one and I put your mail in it. I mean the mail from you. I don’t know yet what it will cost to send it, but I’ll let you know next mail. I’ve been writing for an hour and a half now. I will pack the green box now and get going. Love from A – keep it real, as always. letter on transparent paper Hey again, I wanted to connect some more on your last letter. It’s 8.20 in the morning and I’m having breakfast; the best one = grape, apple juice (best juice), knäckebröd with strong cheese and delicious coffee. Listening to the radio. Planning what to do today. I have to prepare for tonight. My class from school will come by tonight for a potluck party. Have to clean. I feel like getting a typewriter! Looks so nice, it’s like fit for exhibiting with yellow paper, and the top part. Beautiful. On the radio now: Star broker working in NYC, never sleeps, answers 150 emails every morning at the gym in his Iphone. All of your projects sound very fun, interesting. I’d love to see the illustrations for both ND and FFF. Haha and yeah, nice person, the vintage one, … wait… Der Laden. And my heart throbs a little extra when I hear about Textilwerkstatt. I wish I were there to join in. Show me when I visit you. I love to hear about what you, people are working on, when they describe their projects, and explains how they’ve been thinking. Like, not in a ‘selling’ way that would fit a product design website, portfolio, (ick) but just from the heart, Complicated and messy. My friend Jana Pesicova gave me a tip about a kind of documentary series by David Lynch and I think about it now. Google The Intervju Project & David Lynch. Have you heard about it? I haven’t seen it yet actually. But it sounds good. – Must make more coffee. – Last night I glued 18

until I felt sick, too strong, too much glue. Current favourite materials of the month: • Tracing paper Pauspapier – goes good with acrylic paint: see fig. 1 • Magazine – for fashion and collage and inspiration Magazin • Glue – don’t sniff, your brain will melt. I have a lot of different kinds of. Leim - Haha • Ink pen Kugelschreiber – used to hate it, but look at me now. • Paper (other) Papier (anderen) – doing drawings on large papers, 2-3 € each. Makes it seem more serious. Right now it’s something psychological. I’m used to work with what I find in the recycling-bin at school. • Acrylic paint (white), classic Acrylfarbe (weiß) - always • Scissors, sharp Shere • Rulers Herrscher • Plants – will use a plant in my exhibit (haha like my first! It will stand on a table ca 28 x 28 x 40 cm, see fig.1 again) Pflanzen – I have plants at home, all over the place. I like them and I care for them. • Wood Holz – wish I had access to wood shop. Wait, I do at my school. I wish I had more time. But this summer, I’ll go back to my hometown (Gävle), live in my parent’s apartment while they live in their summerhouse. Water their flowers, use my mothers ancient and totally awesome sewing machine (so much power and steel), work at my old job and in between go to visit my parents in their summerhouse, swim in the lake, lay on the grass, Brücke and read art books, novels and use my dads tools and his wood-work basement, build stuff. He’s a handyman. Once he built me a Kücheninsel, very small so it would fit my small apartment. I have glue and paint in it. On top I keep a little palm tree and my grandmothers Chanel N°5. [descriptive illustration]. Also this Pinselstift is a current fav. The end for now, sincerely yours, Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Anna Hope my German was correct, fun.


K to A #031 12th April / mood: in the mood for green Dear You, You, You, I’m writing and responding while I read your letter 5 from April 7th (transparent one). It’s always stress when people, friend, family, class come to visit. I always have to clean up a lot of mess and dirt and food, old bottles, especially clothes. I always do a mess with clothes. Because when I’m in a hurry and need to dress up but don’t know what to wear, I’m producing a total mess while dressing and throw clothes on the floor (when I don’t like them). It’s been almost a week since you had this pot lock at home – so the stress is over and your house is cleanest in town? Typewriters are great for sure. Good things about Typewriters: • Looks nice • Is fun • Lovely PLING-sound at the end of every line • Official look (office) Bad things about Typewriters: • Kind of heavy, transport-problem • Hard, impossible to correct mistakes (ready for exhibition?) • Refilling paint might cost some money It’s not that much illustration work done for this years ND14 only the logo, sign – I prepared a perversion, made out of straws.

FFF is still to do. But Jan is doing a project, class at university this semester where he’ll work on the whole identity graphic design for FFF. Maybe he’ll do it on his own, but maybe not. We will see. I’m thinking about to have a Smartphone too. My mobile company is offering me one for free. But I don’t know yet. I’m not into Smartphones that much. Of course I’ll show you our little Textilwerkstatt. I hope you like my tumblr-blog a bit. I totally do this by my own. 20

No, I didn’t hear anything about this David Lynch documentary until yet. But I will inform myself. I’m wasting paper, but who cares? I’m still that hungry for cake but I also have a kind of flow in writing you these pages. More response on what you wrote me:

Need to jump to post office for your mail and cake. Love, Kat K to A #032 12th April / 4:20h Hi, I opened your letter from 7th April (inside of green WOW-parcel) and realized that you did exactly the same thing I did one hour ago: No forms left? – Use transparent paper and copy the header of form. Ha Ha Ha. I did the same. Funny, crazy, funny. Thank you so much for your previous letters and mailings. It’s very gorgeous and inspiriting for me. As I told you in my last letter I’ll try to be more productive from now on. I’ll read your transparent letter 5 now and then get up to bring today’s, already packed parcel to post office. No sport but cake. I want cake very badly. Oh no – the scanner is calibrating right now. I have to wait until it’s finished – could take a while. Ok, Hun, thank you once more for doing this project with me and having such nice words for my work and me as an artist. Hope you are right but if I become a rich girl you have to become one too. There is no other way. Lot’s of love straight from the heart, Kat 21

K to A #033 16th April / 11am Dear Anna, I’m writing with my fountain pen I used when I was in school. I feel very nostalgic because it might be more than 10 years ago I used this fountain pen the last time. I’m writing in cursive handwriting and hope you can read everything. A fountain pan like this deserves to write in cursive handwriting, especially when he (the pen) was discarded for so many years. Current issues and feelings: I’m struggling with time these days. I set up my alarm clock this morning to finish my mailing for you and run to post office. Our post office is only open until 12 am on Saturdays. And today, around 1pm, I have to drive by car to Großböhla, a little village near Leipzig, to shoot our documentary about ND crew. My alarm clock was set to 8:45am but I totally overslept and woke up at 10:45am. I’m feeling very tired still. I overslept completely because I worked in the bar yesterday, last night until 5am this morning. Shit. I will not make it to post office I guess, sorry. It’s annoying because now I have to wait until Monday to send you all my stuff. And I have to send you a lot of stuff these days. Thank you for the green box – I really like. A lot is happening in my life and work life. It’s always filled with many things and projects I have to work on. I really have to take care of myself not to overwork and get enough sleep. I have to chill down myself a bit; otherwise you will meet me looking like an old crumpled woman. We have to plan your visit by the way. List of things I’m working on these days: • Nebenanbar. I really have to work a lot these days in the bar. It’s a nice little bar in the direct neighbourhood and I work there 3 times a week. When I work, I have to clean the bar during daytime and work as a bartender from 7:30pm till it’s closed. Closing time depends on how many guests are still there. • Vernissages and releases. Also on Thursday when I had to finish blag-foil-bag, I was invited to LOOM magazine release. I’m published in that magazine. It’s the 7th issue of LOOM with the topic: The catwalk instinct. There is no work of mine published only two pictures by DasSchmott the two photographers I made the bag for. I was modelling clothes for Vilde Svaner a fashion label. You can have a look online: and also at Vilde Svaner’s website: I don’t like the pictures of me that much – they are ok. I had to leave the release party to finish the black-foilbag but I returned after finishing it and had a lot of champagne and cigarettes. On Friday and a bit hangovered I went to a vernissage of a friend at a gallery. Because I had to work in the bar that night (11pm) I wasn’t able to drink and hang out that much. • Gym. I have to go to the gym more often – I pay 13€ weekly. • ND documentary and clothing. ND is a very time intense project. Especially all the trips we have to do. Today (in one hour) we = Jan, Flo and I need to drive to this village (Großböhla) where the old bunnies of festival crew is meeting. We need to film interviews with outstanding crewmembers. 22

Hopefully we don’t have to stay over night (but maybe we have to). I’ll pack my toothbrush. We’ll also drive to Wroclaw (Poland) next week (during eastern) for three days with whole ND crew – 50 people in 1 bus. Will be fun but exhausting at the same time and a lot of alcohol I guess. I try to meet Kasia there. I also have to work on the festival clothing. Time is ticking away and we’re already very late with everything. Hopefully we’re not too late for production in Portugal. Will be much work still. We need to do an extra shooting with a sculpture (which is not build yet) for the shirt print. It has to be done until next Friday – kind of utopistic – but it has to be work out hopefully. • Master thesis. I need to apply for support money. Deadlines are pretty close (end of April). AHHHH. • Textilwerkstatt. People want us to cooperate with them and we have to give lectures. Nice but very time intense too, Firs date for cooperation meeting is one day after Wroclaw, next Tuesday. I hope I’ll have a clear mind then. Resume: Time is my worst enemy right now. I don’t know how to solve this problem. All things are important and tomorrow I badly need to step by at grandmas (and our) garden to pick spinach. I have to leave now and get things packed for our trip. Always on the run … Yours Kat K to A #034 18th April Dear Anna, We stayed over night in Großböhla to shoot our ND documentary. I’m powerless but we did a good interview job. I was responsible for audio and had to carry this sound fishing rod (in German: Tonangel) all the time and the smallest headphones up on my head and ears.


K to A #035 20th April I received a flower today. A to K #036 8th April, Friday / mood: hung over Hi. So I can proudly say I was hosting a party yesterday for my class. I woke up, made a box for you, took a walk in the sunshine to go and mail it (9€! And it was so light, I think). Walked to school to get a furniture that H bought from a friend of ours (pål). [descriptive illustration]. Went to the supermarket, bought some sparkling wine. Went home and cleaned like a crazy person. Made food. mmm. Food. (When we meet we should cook a fabulous and delicious meal.) I’m sitting at a lecture now, listening to an artist. I’m almost fainting because I sprayed so fucking much perfume (Henrik’s Jil Sander) on me this morning. The drawings on the back are a project I’m working on, trying to figure it out. Like small two-dimensional still lives made of picture and text. I’m trying to write something about the project, but I’m not finding the words for some reason… They’re drawings, trying to explain something abstract with very concrete objects. Also kind of personal (obs, not in a sad way). And like rebuses – Bilderrätsel. My hope is to make ‘the viewer’ smile and be entertained = to think. I’m thinking; this is something I would like and be inspired by if I saw it. I’m enjoying working on it (and it needs much more work). What’s the final form? Anyways. Thank you, this made me find some (dorky maybe) words to start with. End-of-paper. Love / Anna Nordström Miss you. Looking forward to hear from you. A to K #037 11th April / mood: alert A mixed letter by a confused person (moods & subjects & dates). Dear Katrin, I’m sitting in a lecture at Stockholm Modern Museum. Thursday 14e, 19.13. Lecture has been going on since 18.30. Hal Forster is speaking – well known art historian. I don’t understand hardly anything. English academia – stupid. I’ve been walking around for a week with mail in my bag. Always forgetting to mail it!! ‘Slept’ till 16.30 today. Couldn’t make myself get out of bed. Such awful presentation yesterday, with professors and students. So embarrassing. Went home, smoked too much weed, watching TV between 17.00 and 01.00. It’s a new dip. But let’s not talk about it!! I just wanted to declare the situation. Wrote an email to my professor, said I wanted to quit. And I cancelled the exhibition I was supposed to have in a couple of weeks. But whatever. No comments!!!! Henrik is in ‘the north’, skiing with his family. I feel very angry with him and them for skiing around in the mountains in the sunshine, fucking bourgeois assholes. I am crazy. I’m wearing glasses, but I think I need stronger ones. I see a ‘friend’ from school in the audience. Blurry stone carving from ancient Greece or something. …………………………………… I feel like I can’t look people in the eye anymore. ……………………………………………………………Also ………………… I 24

don’t know. I’m tired of thinking and talking about it. I wish I could take action. Note to self: Take action. Don’t be paralyzed. I wish I could be taken into a witness protection program. …………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… better people skills. I wish I had the ability to push myself more. ……………………… The lecture is coming to an end – applause – The auditorium is filled. ……………………………………………………………… I try to fix this stuff. …………………………………It’s getting old,…………………………………… I’ll stop here before this goes too far. (It went too far on the previous page). Sorry. Promise me, we’ll never speak out this again. Burn this letter after reading it. No comments!!! (I will maybe read your light grey letter again when I’m home.) I might regret sending this tomorrow or later. I just wanted to tell someone about this, not to feel so lonely. I’m sorry for too much negativity. No more. Now burn it. Love you / Anna Nordström, 14.3 Stockholm, Sweden. K to A #038 26th April I received a mailing today – shit – it was my Easter-mailing for you. I send it again today but I was annoying pretty much. K to A #039 27th April Dear A, Thank you for this wonderful mailing you sent recently. I really love the way you illustrate. It always makes me smile. By the way, your illustrated cardboard is perfect for our MTA catalogue. Today I’ll send you the first book I’ve ever made. It’s my Wroclaw-diary (kind of). The black spots at cover are blood, because I hurt my finger with needle while stitching holes for binding. I hope you like it and puts a smile on your face. Hugs/Kisses Kat A to K #040 25th April Hola chica, I haven’t sent you a letter in a while! Feel so bad about that. I have been kind of busy, mentally. Well, can’t do anything about that. Only better myself. My summer schedule: June second or 3rd – NYC – YES. With H’s family, fun but also nerve-wracking. The social stuff can stress me out sometimes. When I feel too quiet. Home 17th June. June 24th till August 10 or 11 – working my ass off! $$$$ Home for old people. August 12 till 14 Music Festival Göteborg. School starts August 29th = master thesis. I haven’t got my schedule for work yet. Sometimes I have 2-3 days off. But, it’s really hard for me to get away…and I really need the cash. I’m hoping that you get $-support financial aid for your masters. And don’t overwork yourself at the bar. About our exhibition: Can we do it end of August??? Love your exhibition idea. We can make it awesome. Going to close the envelope and mail this mother. From now on MAIL-O-RAMA!!! / Anna 25

K to A #041 30th April Dear, Dear, I collected sad and happy faces for you. I bought all these faces of famous actors (60s/70s) at a flea market in Weimar. Hope you like them and it fits your work. I worked a lot last days. I organized a shooting for ND festival. It went great. We shot in a big sand pit near Weimar. I’ll send you pictures real soon. For this shooting we built up a sculpture, made out of neon lights, looked like a spider with neon legs. The sand pit background makes the pictures look like we’re on the moon or different planet. Did you receive Bunnypaw-gloves? I plan to do more gloves (for exhibition). Also inspired by your Albania-book I plan to do an installation for exhibition called BAD FRIES. It should be huge: 2 x 1,5 meters. Regarding your schedule: You’re busy as hell too. So it’s impossible for you to visit Weimar in July? We choose 13th -17th July because it’s the best time to have an exhibition here. In the end of August nobody will be here because of semester break. But we can do an August- exhibition in Stockholm. What do you think? Kisses and Hugs, Kat K to A #042 3rd May I smoked your cigarette today while I was walking through sunshine. A to K #043 2nd May / mood: nervous Long time – no mail (from me). Shame on me. From now on – new story. ‘Redemption’ starts now. Hej dearest Katrin (it became May 2nd), I’m in school. Started a new class today called storytelling in patterns. This morning we did a workshop with a play writer. We wrote some ‘poetry’. Right now I’m at a lecture, subject ‘Joseph Frank’. I built my exhibition all weekend. I started Friday night, worked all Saturday and Sunday and now I’m almost done. Lightning is difficult. Right now, I’m really nervous. I know it’s not perfect or the greatest ever but I think I like it. I tried to find a way to create a visual… eh…language of my own. The gallery space is now filled with old and new stuff that I tried to arrange and combine in a way that I thought was interesting and ‘entertaining’ (like use your brain). I’ll send you pictures. I have to sent you a mail about our exhibition!!! Sometimes I get email-phobia. Love your straw ND-logo. Thank you for your recent mail. It’s beautiful. All my love / Anna A to K #044 3rd May Katrin! How are you? Work hard (if you have fun) but never forget the last thing in your artist statement from Baltimore: Make yourself a delicious cake! To this letter e add a small booklet from a workshop I participated in yesterday. I think I told you in my last letter that we had a writing workshop wit a play writer. Seven poems on different subjects, moods, four minutes each. I send you the result. I have to work now, I have exhibition tomorrow. (Sorry for my handwriting) xxxxx Anna 26

Writing May 2nd 2011 A. Nordström 7 poems 4 min each special circumstances Potatoes Friday chips- Salt&Vinegar In a green leather sofa Still watching TV-chefs (Non-Irish) Magic We are cooking in our kitchen Drinking wine with really loud Rap-music smoking under the fan Stirring the pots I called you at work earlier to say I’m sorry A car with no breaks I guess it’s a cab Probably somewhere In Manhatten No parking at any time Kind of like the milk maid In that painting While up and down the streets Thoughts circle around A little island Far out in the archipelago The trunk is empty But what is needed there Anyways

Eyes Eyes I never noticed the color Of peoples eyes So I take this magnifying glass And I walk up to your face Stand close really close And I see warm beer And air pollution A circle of op With cigars and worms Spread like a sun Your eyeball bright Like a refrigerator door The friend I like you And your color choices I ask you what to do What you think about what I have done The distance Keeps us walking 27

Love poem We’re in a swimming pool It’s a fucking David Hockney painting Sun warm concrete with Orange plastic bottles of sunscreen And piles of books All the ones you got me Yoko Ono Nan Goldin That one about selling crack in El Barrio Erica Jong Steve Martin All the Bang-magazines Larry David Dictionary of American Slang Hours & hours Sometimes puffs of gasoline K to A #045 5th May I need a cool website! A to K #046 5th May / mood: arty – because it’d the day of the opening Hej Kat, The opening went really well. I wish you had been here! People said that they liked it and I think they did, for real. Your book arrived yesterday and it was amazing! Like, total wonderfulness. Seemed like a nice trip. Keep on making books and your super-drawings. Yours / Anna I feel like everything I make is kind of ugly nowadays. Messy period… maybe I can turn it into something good. K to A #047 8th May I came home from party 10am, slept 4h and started to clean my apartment and prepare dinner – Italian dinner – for 8 people, I invited today for 8pm dinnertime. P.S. Jan helps me a lot with cleaning P.P.S. Italian dinner is a four-course-meal


K to A #048 9th May A, Thank you for your wonderful mailing. I knew that your exhibition would be great. That was for sure anyway. It’s because you’re best, a strong and genuine artist and good-looking too. Today I’m feeling sick. – not like flue-sick, it’s more mental. I want to hide, I feel old and fucked up. I need a rest but I have to work in this bar tonight. I neglect my family, I don’t do sports but pay 13€ a week. I buy too much shit on eBay. I party too hard. I want it all but will snap because it’s too much, always too much. I’m overwhelmed in a strange way. Overwhelmed of life but I can’t do less because everything is so important to me. later that day Dear Anna, I’m working at the Bar tonight (since 7:30pm). It’s 9:17pm now, the heating is telling me that. It starts to get dark outside. All bar-candles are on fire but only two people are inside, drinking beer and red wine, smoking and playing chess. I’m bored but happy about not have so much work to do. So I’m able to draw and write for you. At this time of our project I really feel and wish and want this project become a never-ending project. Love you extraordinary. Yours Kat A to K #049 6th May, Fri Hej Katrin, How are you? I’m good. It’s Friday and I’m at home making some mail for you. But one item is too large to fit in my small envelopes. I will steal a big envelope as soon as I see one. Today I have a lecture at 10 (shit! In half an hour!) and then I will write my story. It has to be ready for Tuesday. I have never written anything before (since I was 14) and my idea is pretty complicated. But I’m excited! I took some pictures yesterday, of the exhibition. I will email some to you as soon as I get a chance. They’re taken with my bad blue camera, but on Saturday Elias is coming with his awesome super camera and we’re going to have some wine, cheese and baguette and take serious documentation-photos. I really wish you could have been here to see it. I would have liked to hear your comments. And to have you there at the opening. Ok, now I really have to run. (Still in love with Wroclaw-book) Love / Anna K to A #050 10th May Dear Anna, Today is a good day. Sun is shining. I’m wearing shorts, no socks and my brand new sunglasses I bought on eBay last week. I woke up at 12am and when I looked at my mobile, there was a wonderful text message from you that you’re able to visit in July. It’s an amazing day today. Yours Kat


K to A #051 11th May As long as you put your legs under my table … K to A #052 12th May I had a small presentation about our project today and realized (again) that I want it to be ongoing and never ending. A to K #053 10th May / mood: sunny Hey K, The first ting I did today was calling my J-O-B and telling them I have an exhibition in Germany I have to attend in July. They weren’t happy but I send you this drawing so you can feel my mood. (Happy). L-U-V / Anna A to K #054 8th May / mood: feeling fine Hej K, Just had delicious Phad Thai for dinner. It’s 19.25 and still very sunny and hot outside. I took down the exhibition today, filled in the holes and painted it white. I’ll call work this week to try to get a week off in July so I can come to Weimar. It would be so amazing. The dates you facebooked to me in a message… Love Did I tell you that I’m writing a novel called Hotel ‘Relax’ but today I didn’t write anything… Qualifying Merits / Work – Nordström 2011 – This was or is the name of my latest publication that I exhibited a couple of weeks ago (artists books). It’s supposed to be attached to the front of the publication (25-30 A4 sheets stapled together) with a paperclip. Tuesday, May 10th Happy about exhibition!! (A bit worried about money.) Let’s do this. K to A #055 17th May Dear Anna, A lot of work to do until weekend. I need to finish a whole collection for a German-Newcomer-Band named KOLOR. It should be a mix out of military and denim. You know I’m not not not a fashion designer, more an artist. Collection has to be finished until 1st of June. Manuel, a red haired friend, invites upcoming weekend Jan and me to visit his hometown in Bavaria. His father will celebrate 50th Birthday and we plan to climb up a mountain if there’s not too much snow lying on peak. Our trip to Bavaria starts on Friday 4pm in the afternoon. Until Friday we (Jan and I) also have to finish an exhibit named ‘Komme gleich wieder’ in English: ‘be right back’. The exhibition we’re taking part is called museums night of Weimar. We’re a bit in time trouble and our exhibit is something very spontaneous, a spontaneous invention looking like that [descriptive illustration]. Maybe, maybe not – we’ll find out on Thursday. Kiss/Hugs/Kat 30

K to A #056 25th May at studio Dear Anna, I worked till 3am in that bar last night. This morning I’ll do a little presentation about our project in front of Weimar’s mayor (Bürgermeister). It’s 9.25am now. I’m tired but will make it – wonderful and real quick, short, quickly. I’m a bit nervous. Later that day Dearest Dear, I have hard days these days. You ‘re making me smile. Unpacked your latest mailing one second ago. Standing in my bar with your #1 around my neck. It’s hard again. I’m exhausted again and again. I totally forgot about the cake. Thank you for reminder! My eyes are not working right today – maybe because of lack of sleep. Oh shit – my English sucks. If there is no English grammar program next to me, I’m totally lost. I’m feeling lost too, also strong, but more lost in this minute. I miss you very much this minute. I’m about to cry. You’re wonderful. Never forget. Never. Oh no, first guests are here. Have to work. – Kat A to K #057 14th May / mood: PMS Thanks for lovely mail (always). Would be great to do some kind of ‘book project’ together. interior of package date: 11 05 14 • Fetish No.1 • New project • Found • Phonebook • Message


K to A #058 26th May A, This camera is the very old analogue camera of my parents. We took tons of holiday pictures with it. The cam is still working but sometimes it’s not. If the cam is doing nothing just pull on/off button for-and backwards several times. I took some pictures with this camera last days. You will find out if you finish the film and get the film developed. I know it’s an ugly cam with an ugly case on top. But it’s 90s, babe. Have fun. Yours Kat A to K #059 18th May / mood: happy about printing again (screen) Wed 18th at school Dearest Katrin, I love all of your mail, the text, cards, illustrations and books. They make me smile when I open the envelopes. I feel like I haven’t been to the mail office for quite some time now, so today’s mission is to send this. I’m working in the printing studio this week and the next. If possible I will send some prints. I forget how much I liked it. I’m experimenting with different techniques and mixing different styles using small screens that I place on the surface (no ruler or measuring-tape, only eyes). Cutting in plastic and laying out newspaper on the fabric to block out colors, some hand painting fast and ‘primitive’ easy. Making decisions based on method of working like. May 19th / mood: ok Hej Katrin, Looking forward coming to visit. I got this letter from Swedish-postal-service yesterday. They found one of my letters to you with too few stamps on it. So they sent me this bill. I have to pay 4€. Now I’m paranoid. I think they will monitor my letters and me from now on. I usually send them with just one stamp (12kr) because it’s so expensive. Now I don’t know if I can keep doing that. Maybe I have to go honest. Today my school have the big spring exhibition where all graduating students exhibit their grad projects. It will be fun. I’m also nervous. I usually get my annual spring-nerves this time of year. I feel expectations from the summer, everyone is talking about a fabulous summer and that can make me nervous. And school is ending and that makes me thinking about the future. But I have to say it gets better each year. Everything will probably be ok. And now, I have planned for a good summer I think. How is everything with your work? = Bar + art (all of it). Don’t wear yourself out. Or, I mean, do it, but remember cake also. I have to get to school now, take care and stay fabulous. From Anna Sending you a No.1-medal (gold) from the exhibition ‘Somewhere Normal’. One of my works was a weave of medals. You’re the best.


A to K #060 22th May Hello Dear Katrin, Today’s Monday but it feels like Saturday. Working on prints at school. Last week of this class storytelling in printing. Also preparing for final reviews on Thursday. And I didn’t even start to prepare for that … I will show pictures from ‘Somewhere Normal’. Right now, I’m at home at the kitchen table, drawing. Watching Gossip Girl. Trying to write down some thoughts about printing: The use, the meaning, purpose, the craft, repetition, surface, patterns, 2D, space, material, technique-options etc. Found some interesting books that I plan to read as inspiration. It concerns ideas and subjects I’ve been thinking about recently. 1. ‘Saker’ by Peter Cornell (Swedish) about things. Philosophy around objects. 2. Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde = in the future people can only see one single color. ‘the greys’ are color-blind slaves to the color seeing. ‘Reds’ and ‘Yellows’ for example are lower class, but ultra-violets are upper-class. Hierarchal society. [this section is crossed by Anna] 3. Flatlands. From 1884 by Edwin A Abbott. A scifi novel that takes place in a 2dimensional surrealism. 2D, 3D, 4D Thank you for your lovely mail! I don’t know if I say it enough, but I could actually say it all the time. Because you’re wonderful! And thank you because this whole project is all because of you! All my love / Anna A to K #061 23th May / mood: thinking a lot Hey, Just thought this was nice, … took it at the spring exhibition. All grad students exhibit their grad projects. Been walking around looking at stuff and taking some business cards. Sending it to you. Makes me want to make business cards!


A to K #062 25th May (?) / mood: I think I have mixed up the dates of the last few days Hej Katrin, Thank you for the fork and piece of blue. The museums night piece sounds great! Makes me want to do something, it sounds so fun. Today I will prepare a presentation and write, a day of serious business. Take care / Anna A to K #063 24th May / mood: tired, just woke up (Tuesday 8:30) Hey, How are you? I just woke up. Have so much to do but my mind is scattered. Need to 1. Get a website 2. Portfolio 3. All kinds of shit and the printing of course. It’s a weird time now, school ends in one week, then it’s summer (it’s going to be poor and great, the summer), then I’m taking my master and then: life, work, etc. But I have no time to panic!!!! One more cup of coffee, then school. Love From Anna N. K to A #064 1st June Work - don‘t cry! A to K #065 1st June Dear Katrin. How are you? I’m fine. Last night I was at my schools annual good-bye-spring-party. It was not very fun. But today I feel positive about this summer and travelling and working with new and old art-projects. Also making a website = very important!!! I am writing this to you as I sit at Botkyrka Gallery in front of a video work by Sasha Huber. I found this piece of paper on the seat next to me. I’m here with my friend Elias Kautsky. The Exhibition is not great. It lacks materiality (is that even a word?) And it’s too clear and obvious – I mean, what she’s trying to say. It’s over-pedagogical (word?) which makes it boring. Now – I need to clean my house and do laundry since I’m leaving for New York on Sunday. It will be super. Art and beer … mm … Hope you’re happy and well and that work is working for you. Can’t wait till 11th of July. Much Luv / Anna.N A to K #066 1st June Hello gorgeous (my fav-model with the best laugh). Hey, I’m curious to know how it’s going with your plans for the thesis. I’d love to hear about it. Maybe when I see you. About your mail for me – I’ll leave for NY on Sunday, June 5th and I’ll be back in Stockholm the 18th. Then I will leave again on the 22nd (June) and I won’t be back in Stockholm before I fly to you. Maybe it would be best if you send mail to my parents after the 18th? Otherwise I wont get it until Henrik can bring it to the airport on 11th (June). All my best regards to you (and Jan!) Anna 34

A to K #067 1st June / mood: hang-over Dear Katrin, Many of out Mailings here have two important sides, like this card for example. If we pin the letters and stuff on the wall (thinking of your precious sketch), half of the project will be hidden from the visitors. If we hang them by a thread and tie it to a nail people can touch them and turn them around. We also have the green boxes. What are your thoughts? Maybe this idea is no good but it’s something to consider, I think. Love / Your Anna A to K #068 3rd June / mood: can’t wait to see you Dear Katrin, Thank you for your lovely letter. The Bavarian book was super, in all ways possible. Sorry to hear that your days are hard. I know it will get better. You’re an amazing person and artist – super hard worker. It makes me sad and worried that your tires and have to work that much. Again, it will get better. I send you big hugs across the ocean. It’s Saturday night, early tomorrow morning we’ll fly to New York. I’m looking forward to it so much. But I will miss your mail. I’ll try to send you messages from New York! I’ll bring the camera also! Thank You! It’s so awesome. I’ve packed to 70%. I’m the worst packer. I always bring the wrong stuff and too much. Almost done for tonight: drinking beer, making parcels for you, smoking cigarettes. Next on the list is to put every plant in the bathtub (they wont fit – too many) so they don’t dry out. I have a lot of plants. Every second year I replant them in bigger pots. Will you less busy soon at least? I mean, when is all the work over, for like the ND. Please take care of your self. And take a break when you can but you can’t I know. I wish you could. Another beer now: home office time. HOME OFFICE TIME – at kitchen table My favourite time – sometimes me and you can have company, sometimes it’s nice to be alone with your work. You should have • Beer, coffee, wine • Maybe water if you’re feeling healthy • Radio or music or bad movie on laptop • A lot of tools like pens, scissors, glue, paper • Start by making a list Work with a goal. Have a list and get things done. Maybe make some calls on your cell phone. Send some emails. Take cigarette break. You can do whatever you like. Ok, this is my last letter from Sweden for a while. I’ll be back in two weeks. Big Hug & a lot of love for my favourite Katrin. Love / Anna


A to K #069 9th June NYC / June 9 / Wed. Dear Katrin, I wish I were home so I could receive your mail! Hope you’re doing well. Sleeping and eating etc. Felling better. Right now I’m at the hotel room enjoying air-conditioning. It’s so hot outside, 40°C. I came here 3 days ago, it’s wonderful to be here. Later this day: I got water in my watch so it stopped. Several hours have passed and I’m in the Bronx ant Yankee-Stadium. The game is delayed due to rain and thunder. Yankees vs. Red Sox.

As you might know, I’m here in NY because Henrik’s parents bought tickets for us since his mother is turning 50 years old. They are also paying for our hotel this week and a lot of other stuff like food and tickets and cab-fares. They will leave on Saturday (after one week together with us) but we (H + me) will stay for one week longer. It’s very nice of them to be so generous with money and treating us, me to all of this. But it’s also hard. They are, no, Henrik’s dad is kind of strange, very alpha-male, rich and pompous. He gets upset over small things. You never know what you did wrong. Sometimes being one minute late. Right now, I feel very shitty because I can feel that he’s mad at me because of something I don’t know. I think he is being a jerk, acting kind of like a child, so moody. PMS. And that makes me feel so angry. But I can’t be myself because I have to be a grateful and good and sweet and non-smoking girlfriend. But I can’t. We’re at this game right now he bought our tickets. So, I’m stuck. And angry and sad … Maybe he’s angry because I haven’t been grateful enough? I really don’t know what I did wrong. But I can’t change my personality. Whatever. It’s just that sometimes I can be kind of shy and not so outgoing and maybe people think then that I’m really stuck up and awful, but I’m really not. Maybe. I hate feeling this, that I’m not good enough. For people I don’t even like especially (but sometimes also for people I like). I can’t wait for them to go home. I’d rather be poor and eating a 1$ pizza slice than feeling like this shit. I also miss time for drawing and time to be alone. Yesterday I walked into a Jasper Johns sculpture at a fancy gallery. I almost knocked it over. A gallery art bitch came and looked at me with angry eyes [descriptive illustration]. Then I went to MoMA and saw that weird dude from our accumulation and metaphor class at MICA, the one with the super eccentric clothes and the bad art. It looked like the game isn’t going to be played (thunder). 36

I’m sorry for all this negative information but I feel better. Thanks. It’s strange, but it’s only a few weeks until I’ll come and visit you, so weird. It’s going to be great. Btw. My parents address (if you want to send mail there) is: c/o Ray and Kerstin Nordström 2:a Tvärgatan 21A 80284 Gävle Sweden But you can probably write my name. It’s still on the door. Big hugs / Anna A to K #070 11th June Saturday night (in bed) Dear Katrin, Today Henrik’s parents and sister left NY to go back to Sweden. After breakfast we checked out of the hotel and took a cab to our new place: an apartment on 82nd Street near central park. We’re pretty hangover from last night. We went to a couple of bars and ended the night with a dramatic fight on the street while the rain was pouring down heavily*. We have one week left here and there’s still a lot to do. I have quite a few galleries I want to go to and some museums. So far I have seen gallery exhibitions with Donald Judd, Jasper Johns, Louise Bourgeois (good one, only fabric works), Warhol and Simon Evans (?). I’m spending most of my money on food, beer, pens and notebooks, drawing pads and coffee. Tomorrow I plan to go to the Metropolitan, see a Puerto Rican Day Parade and see a basketball game in the evening. I hope to have time for some drawing also. I’m so tired I’m falling asleep while I’m writing this … Big Hug / Anna *We’re friends again A to K #071 13th June name: Nordström date: 13 June amount: No Money Drinks, beer, wine, drunk (& ugly) Mail to Katrin Date 13/6 YR. 11 Dear K, It’s late at night and we’re on our way home. Today I went to the met (the Metropolitan museum of Art). I say the Alexander McQueen exhibition and a lot of nice contemporary art. Then we went to the Puerto Rican Day Parade. Later = Chinese food and a basketball game and beer. A lot. I love you. I’m sorry for the handwriting but I’m really drunk and on a very shaky subway. *NEW-YORK 2011 / $YOU’RE A BOSS


A to K #072 16th June 82nd street, NYC, June16, 2011 Thusday Dear Katrin, I just got home from a day at Coney Island – red like a tomato (like this pen). Thinking of you and wondering how you’re going. I hope you are less tires, more happy. I really like New York, but I also miss home a little from time to time. A couple of days ago I went to Mood Fabrics. I walked around and looked at all different material and patterns for an hour or so. It was nice. I felt I was ‘working’, which was nice. I choose some materials that I wanted to work with (with the fabric as a starting point): • One flower pattern, 1 yard of one color and 1 yard of another, but same pattern • A shiny material / purple, orange, blue, green, yellow = 1 yard of each, pastel metallic • One super neon orange plastic canvas, 1 yard I know roughly what I want to do with them: some kind of patchwork – cut them up and sew them back together. Yesterday I visited Printed Matter, a store in Chelsea. You might know of it? I bought a book for $8 called ‘I like your work: art and etiquette’. It’s kind of funny. They interviewed artists, gallerists, critics, dealers etc about etiquette and how one should behave in the ‘art world’. Tonight we’ll go for some beers and tomorrow is our last day. I hope you got my previous mail. Lots of love to/for you. Anna N See you soon! A to K #073 21st June Tuesday At home by kitchen table with radio and coffee Sorry for bad handwriting. I’m really trying. Dear Katrin, Today I slept until 14.30. Henrik is at work. I have a lot to do (cleaning and packing) before I leave tomorrow. I’ll go to a small hotel an hour from Stockholm to celebrate my uncle who’s turning 70. I will give him a plate with some painted fruits on and a tablecloth, wall piece with painted tulips (green) on it. And some embroidery at each corner in the lower part: Bush & Tulip. I hope he will like it. I like it. The day after the celebration, it’s going to be small, only my uncle and his girlfriend, my mom and dad, me and H. I will leave with my parents for Gävle and start working on Friday morning, 07.00. From Gävle I will go to Berlin and Weimar on the evening on the 11th. Hope you are great and happy. I really have to start packing now. Thinking of your fries, bad ones. Had some bad fries in the US actually and some good ones. Sending you some sketches of my new projects with fabric I bought in New York. I wish I had bought more fabric, so they could be really big pieces. But my money was low. Can’t wait to start working with it. Have to pack. Love / Anna 38

K to A #074 24th June Dear Anna, Today it’s the day of celebration my moms 50th Birthday. I had to organize nearly everything. Space – a very beautiful and cheap GDR-lookalike garden restaurant with very impolite owners but nice view and colourful holiday lights like this [descriptive illustration]. Honestly this was mainly the reason booking this little cheap restaurant. Toilets are outside of restaurant like in a garage. It would have been a wonderful place to celebrate outside but the weather is bad, rainy, windy, stormy, and shitty. I also had to organize food and music, everything for this birthday event. The party will start 3pm with cake and coffee inside the restaurant, which is pretty ugly inside. I also baked a cake. Name of cake is Fantakuchen, because it has Fanta (yellow soda) in pastry to make it fluffier. On top of cake base is a mixture out of cream, sour cream and cinnamon on top. Schmidti, a regular guest of my bar, is professional violin player at National Theatre Weimar and will play some songs for my mother at this restaurant later on. I need to organize last minute things for birthday. My sister Juliane is also guest at my place. She visits since we’re back from Baltic Sea. It’s not always easy because there is no space and time for work these days. I’m feeling bad because that means – no time to answer your beautiful letters – too. I’m a very bad pen friend. I’m so sorry. Yours Kat K to A #075 26th June Lipstick I realized this idea in a workshop with Eske Rex, a Danish artist. The workshop was about drawing machines. I enjoyed it a lot. Lipstick idea was one of many ideas I had in my mind. I also build the machine-machine, melted chocolate-figures with my 2100-volt hairdryer, just as CMYK and RGB ice cubes on a big sheet of paper.


K to A #076 27th June electric devices at home – a list 1. w-lan router 2. iron 3. sewing machine (2) 4. computer (2) 5. scanner 6. sound system 7. (broken) digital cam 8. alarm clock with radio 9. pedometer 10. hairdryer 2100V 11. cassette player with radio 12. water boiler 13. sandwich maker 14. Quixxx (maybe) 15. Ipod shuffle 16. mobile phone 17. fridge including freezer 18. analogue cam (2) K to A #077 28th June Those pens look nice but don’t work that good/well.


A to K #078 26th June Sunday / at soccer game in my home town Hey gorgeous lady, I’m at a football game. It’s 8 pm and the sun is shining. I’m here with H and dad. I’m a bit tired, hung over. I really need a detox. Only fruit and water until Germany. No more wine. I felt sore in my throat this morning when I woke up (from smoking too much). Later: Our team won – 1-0 ! My uncle came for the second half of the game and he said afterwards “I never thought that this would happen during my life-time.” Henrik will leave today and I will start my job for real. It’s a while now since I heard from you. I hope everything is ok. I started to cut the floral fabric into pieces, while watching a bad teen-TV-show. I have to run now so I can get to the post office before work. Take care / Anna.N P.S. I think the brushes work well with glue?

K to A #079 6th July / mood: excited Dear my favourite Anna of the world, This might be my last letter-parcelmailing before you come to Weimar. I’m nervous a bit. Nearly two years are gone since we met each other. My hair is longer, my bangs is gone, I’m older, wiser (not), bad English speaker still. I really hope you’ll like my apartment, our exhibition space, my flatmate Marie (she is stressed these days because she’ll have her final diploma thesis on Tuesday 12th July). We’ll visit a lot of diplomas; graduation shows that week, because a lot of my friends will graduate and they are good people and designers. And there will be a lot of free champagne too. We will have a great week. I try not to be too stressed with everything, I mean, planning a 24h-I-have-an-idea-what-we-can-do-next-prorgam. We will not doing that tourist thing unless you want to. All you have to do is feeling good/well all the time, smoke cigarettes in my kitchen and drink some alcohol with Jan and me (he will be around all time). And we need to work a bit on our exhibition – that’s all! I didn’t work on BAD FRIES installation till yet. You see, everything is chaotic as usual but I hope it’s fine for you. 41

And once more: I’m really sorry that I didn’t send you mail until yet (except this Baltic postcard, I hope it arrived). Please be sure, it’s not because I wasn’t’ in the mood or something, it always was a time issue. I didn’t have time to really sit down, formulate an English letter, scan all my stuff and pack it into a parcel. I do it today and there is a lot of different stuff inside. I hope you like it. The Baltic-Book is one of my best publications I feel. Hope you like it too. Let’s email regarding your arrival in Berlin on Monday. Looking so forward. Straight from the heart, Kat


© Anna Nordstöm and Katrin Steiger

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