KATRYN IVANIA CHANDRA showcase of projects.
A Graphic Design Portfolio
contents. 2023 Editorial Design, Illustration 2020-2022 Editorial Design, Illustration, Social Media Design 2021 Social Media Design 2022 Branding READY, SET, EMBRACE! 04 40 10 34 ULTIMAGZ MAGAZINE KRISPY CRYP GOSSAPE GIRL
2022 Packaging, Campaign 2023 Editorial Design, Social Media Design 18 46 26 NO MORE BUTT IN THE DRAIN BEAMARRY NEW YORK CURRICULUM VITAE
<university final project>
ready, set, embrace!
4 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
An illustrated guidebook for soon-to-be-parents on essential preparations before entering the postpartum period to prevent postpartum depression.
Editorial Design, Illustration
ILLUSTRATION 6 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
7 <2023> Editorial Design, Illustration
Creating a postpartum plan. 8 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
GIMMICKS 9 <2023> Editorial
ultimagz magazine <campus media> 10 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
A collection of works in ULTIMAGZ Magazine as an illustrator, magazine layouter, and creative director. 11 Editorial Design, Illustration, Social Media Design <2020–2022>
Issue No 27 - Miskonsepsi Edukasi Seks: Seharusnya Tidak Tabu
Infografis Angka Kekerasan pada Perempuan di Indonesia
Minizine 2020 - Melawan Jemu di Tatanan Kehidupan Baru
Fenomena Belanja Impulsif di Tengah Pandemi
12 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
13 <2020–2022> Editorial
Guidebook 2021 - Bekal Dunia Perkuliahan: Panduan Dasar Kekerasan Seksual Cover
Design, Illustration, Social Media Design
Issue N o 29 - Anak Muda dan Lingkungan Panggilan Alam tuk
Rangkai Ulang Masa Depan
Ibu Kota Tenggelam, Kondisi Manggrove Masih Kelam
<Illustration: Karen Phalosa> <Layout: Katryn Ivania>
Issue N o 29 - Anak Muda dan Lingkungan Panggilan Alam tuk
Rangkai Ulang Masa Depan
Chit Chat
Issue N o 31 - Privasi
Keep in Touch (Contact)
14 A Graphic Design Portfolio
showcase of projects
15 <2020–2022>
Illustration, Social Media
Editorial Design,
COMMEMORATION DAY POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA 16 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
17 <2020–2022>
Editorial Design, Illustration, Social Media Design
beamarry new york
project> 18 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
Visual direction for brand’s print collaterals, social media, and digital promotional banners.
Editorial Design, Social Media Design
20 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
21 <2023> Editorial Design, Social Media Design
SOCIAL MEDIA 22 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
23 <2023> Editorial Design, Social Media Design
24 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
25 <2023> Editorial Design, Social Media Design
<intern project @TOMO Studio>
no more butt in the drain
26 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
In response to the cigarette butts that overpowered plastic in the ocean, this cigar pack encourages smoker to avoid butt littering
27 Packaging, Campaign <2022>
SKETCHES 28 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
OVERVIEW 29 <2022> Packaging, Campaign
Outer Box net 30 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
Inner Box net 31 <2022> Packaging, Campaign
32 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
33 <2022> Packaging, Campaign
34 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
gossape girl
<TOMO Studio Project>
Lead Designer: Jocelyn Desiree
Graphic Designer: Angie Erica
Graphic Design Intern: Katryn Ivania
GossApe Girl is a collection of NFTs that presents inclusivity, equality, and style. The brand has a feminine and fashionable approach as portrayed in the female ape.
35 Branding <2022>
36 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
37 <2022> Branding
38 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
39 <2022> Branding
40 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
krispy cryp <freelance project> 41 Social Media Design <2021>
KrispyCryp is a social media platform to share informations and educate people about the world of cryptocurrency.
42 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
43 Social Media Design <2021>
44 A Graphic Design Portfolio showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra
45 Social Media Design <2021>
INFJ-T 18.10.2001 Tangerang, Indonesia Hello! I am a graphic design graduate whose experience mostly lies within editorial design, illustration, as well as social media design. <contact> +62 89507789041 katrynivch@gmail.com 46 showcase of projects katryn ivania chandra A Graphic Design Portfolio
Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN)
Visual Communication Design
UPH College
Science Major
Bahasa Indonesia
Native Language
Advanced Level
Beginner Level
Adobe Certified Professional
Graphic Design & Illustration using Adobe Illustrator
<Score: 934/1000>
Listening and reading
<Score: 940/990>
47 <2020–2023> Curriculum Vitae
Head of Visual Team - ULTIMAGZ
Creative direction and team assisting
Illustrator - ULTIMAGZ
Editorial illustrations for print media
Visual Team - Mentoring UMN
Graphic deisgn for social media and committee’s needs
<august 2022–january 2023>
Graphic Design Intern - OKULAR
Creative Studio
Social media and editorial design
<march–june 2022>
Digital Designer Intern - TOMO Studio
Branding and a little of UI design
<february–july 2022>
Internship - Unilever Indonesia
Video editing and poster design
<may 2019>
Internship - GlobalArt Indonesia
Illustrations to be colored by students
48 A Graphic Design Portfolio katryn
ivania chandra showcase of projects
Adobe Illustrator
Vector illustrations
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Photoshop
Digital painting and digital imaging
Adobe Premiere Pro
Video editing
Adobe After Effects
Motion graphics
3D modeling
49 <2020–2023> Curriculum Vitae