Beginning Xna 3.0 Game Programming
1. Game Planning and Programming Basics. 2. 2-D Graphics, Audio, and Input Basics. 3. Creating Your First 2-D Game. 4. Improving Your First 2-D Game. 5. Basics of Game Networking. 6. Dealing with Sound in XNA 3.0. 7. Rock Rain Live! 8. 3-D Game Programming Basics. 9. Rendering Pipeline, Shaders, and Effects. 10. Lights, Camera, Transformations! 11. Generating a Terrain. 12. Skeletal Animation. 13. Creating a Third-Person Shooter Game. 14. Playing games on the Zune console. EAN/ISBN : 9781430218180 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Apress Discussed keywords: Computerspiele (Programmierung/Entwicklung), XNA Game Studio Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Lobo, Alexandre Evangelista, Bruno - Leal de Farias, Jos A.
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