Katwalk Planet May/ June 2012

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What & Who’s MAY/ JUNE 2012



Crown Royalty Ent– 2 Publisher’s Letter-5 The Team– 5 Avon (Tisha B. Carter) - 6 Beauty Tips– 6 Lynda Payne-10 Ask Ms. Katwalk Planet-11

Lasting Look Photography-12 Business Street –10 Stage Avenue-12 Sex & Love Alley-16 Horoscope Road-17 Directory Circle-18 Up Next Lane-19


Nelio P. 1 Cover Nelio – 1 Cover Edwina Williams –20


Edwina Williams P. 20

LaKeshia Tarvin-8 Charlisha Simpson-8 Lady G-9 LaQualance Turney-9 JL-10 B.Ez!-11

Mr. Muni-12 Yung Petro-12 Big Fitz-12 Waycovia-12 Peoples-14 Royalty-15 Ace Boog-15 Georgi Mac-15

ALL CONTENTS © All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents without the written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Katwalk Planet, KP Stage and BEST Model are Owned and Published by Katrina Mosley Publications. All rights reserved. Unsolicited photographs or articles are submitted at the risk of the Photographer/ Author. Katwalk Planet assumes no liability for the return of any unsolicited materials and may use them at its discretion. 4

on the Hello Everyone-

atwalk? THE

I will keep it short and to the point. THANK YOU!



We tend to move so quickly that we hardly take the time to say thank you. We have so many projects going on I wouldn’t dare try to list them all.


Yes, we have made many changes. The changes were necessary to maintain the strength of our Brand. I appreciate you patience and understanding during our changes. Enjoy this Issue. Remember...This World Is YOUR Stage!







HEADQUARTERS 149 S McDonough Street Suite 215 Jonesboro, GA 30236

www.katwalkplanet.com Facebook/ katwalkplanetmag

MAILING www.katwalkplanet.com

P.O. Box 422 Harvest, AL 35749


NUMBER 256-929-1277 251-454-5646 256-682-7461

Twitter/katwalkplanet 5


also goes by the Stage name, Ms. Mina; Edwina is a 5 feet 6 inches tall CNA-Certified Nursing Assistant with a strong smile and bubbly personality. She has a strong desire and passion for Modeling. She believes she has a unique style of dress. She defines success as, “Being able to become great or even good at something and sharing it with those around me.” Edwina believes she will be an all purpose employee as a Model. She says, “I might struggle here and there, but I learn and master tasks through commitment, hard work and support.” Edwina says you will never catch her with a bad hair day and never catch her without her purse. The one thing she must have in her purse is make-up. She loves the color teal because it brings out her skin. Edwina says her oldest brother is her Mentor. Her favorite food is Tilapia. Her favorite fruits are mango, pineapple and grapes. Her favorite places to eat are G’s Country Kitchen, Wings to Go, Golden Star Chinese Restaurant and Bar B Que Joints.


Edwina’s Last Words are: “To all the readers, Awaken your Dreams. Nothing beats A failure, but A Try!”

PHOTOS BY: Wanake Washington 7


goes by the name, Charlisha Rená. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall and began Modeling at the tender age of 13 years old.

WANAKE WASHINGTON for following her Dreams of Photography! charlisha.simpson@yahoo.com


She defines success as, “Achieving your ultimate life goals, while simultaneously finding happiness and contentment with Self.” Charlisha Rená says you will never catch her without her eyebrows filled in and highlighted with concealer. She loves all kinds of food especially pastas. She also enjoys chocolate turtles and Hershey cookies and cream bars. Her favorite color is purple and favorite fruit are purple grapes. Charlisha Rená’s Last Words are: “Life’s journey may not be as easy as we might like, but it’s as hard as we need to produce the person we shall be.” is an aspiring 5 feet 3 inches tall Model who has always wanted to Model since she was a child. She goes by the short version of her name, Keshia. She describes herself as an upbeat, hard worker and defines success as, “To reach your goals and dreams in


life and be profitable from it.” Keshia also dreams of Business Ownership with a Day Care Center. Keshia says you will never catch her without a somewhat open mind and Lip Gloss in her purse. Her first love was Shoes. Her favorite color is Black and she enjoys Soul Food, Ike & Mike Candy, Oranges and Grapes and especially any Steak House.


She is a 5 feet 7 inches tall Model who defines success as, “To me it means achieving your goals no matter your situation, being able to see your progress in the things you do. Being able to say I did that after you have accomplished something.” LaQualance describes her style as different and says you will never catch her without her cell phone. Her favorite color is purple because it means Royalty. Her favorite food is Pot Roast with Potatoes and Carrots. Her favorite fruit are Strawberries. Her favorite place to eat is, “My Granny’s House!”

LaQualance’s Last Words are: “I want to thank you all for the opportunity and for seeing something in me to give me the opportunity. I feel as if I;ve done a good job. I hope that these programs grow and your able to help more girls like me.” Thank you!

Want to Be A Featured Model or Kat On The Walk? Submit to our Virtual Audition at www.KATWALKPLANET.com $10.00 Audition Application Fee Applies Yvette Harris goes by the Stage Name, Lady G, and is a 5 feet 4 inches tall Artist and Model. Lady G defines success as, “When you’ve sat out a good long-term goal, benefits, accomplished the goal to receive the fruits of your hard work. Success is not giving up, it’s determination.” She currently listens to Lady, Ben Frank and Street Army Entertainment. She says you will never catch her with a group of disrespectful people and never catch her without make-up in her purse. Her Mentors are, “ My Mom and Grandma, they have shown me that you can anything despite circumstances. They also Give me helpful advice and encouraging words.”



Her favorite color is Black. She loves Chicken Alfredo and Soul Food, Laffy Taffy and Willie Wonka Candy. Her favorite fruits are Oranges, Green Grapes and Peaches. Lady G’s Last Words are: “Take care of this Planet and Your Body!” 9

Business Street As the Founder of Katwalk Planet I can probably count on one hand the number of Artists, Models and Producers that have ever purchased an Advertising Space from us without us staying on them to promote themselves. Of the few who have decided to promote on their own with us they have seen a great change and made profitable connections. What amazes me about Models today is how they invest so much money in taking photographs with someone who’s ultimate goal is to see her naked and of course the photos and the Model get nowhere, yet when they meet the Founder of an International Publishing Firm they want it for free based on high priced bathroom pics. Artists and Producers do something similar to this also. I am definitely not fussing at you sweeties. I want you all to succeed, but the sad truth is YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY! So start investing in YOU! Not just your clothes, shoes, hair and accessories. I mean invest in your talent. Promote yourself in as many ways possible! Dive completely into it. Come up for air every now and then, but don’t stop until you’ve achieved your goals! Good Luck!



Be sure to check out the Messenger of the Airwaves LYNDA S. PAYNE at WCSU.CSU.EDU 10

Stage Avenue Kintrail Cannady aka Mr. Muni is a Member of the Rap Group, Cloud 9 Money. He is a Writer and Producer along with Mixing and Mastering his own music. He got started in the Industry through family. His first cousin, Ben Frank, Blacked Out Ent. and other relatives and friends such as Fetti, Big Boi, A.K.A. D-Ryde formed a group called TPE –Trigga Play Entertainment. He has release a couple of CD’s, 2 Sides 2 tha Story, Yung Muni and Lady G, and Hall of Fame, Mr. Muni, Waycovia, Yung Fetti and Nelio. When you purchase his music you get real life stories, Hood Athems, Hits. Mr. Muni says, “Success doesn’t have a limit to me. I try to go above and beyond success, never get comfortable. Set goals, achieve them and set new ones. Never too much money.” He says that musically he and his team are the future, and as of right now it’s looking very Bright and that they just have to remember to dot their I’s and cross their T’s. Right now he likes to listen to future, T.I., Yela Wolf, Jeezy, Ben Frank,Gucci, King Kuma, Fetti, Crown Royalty, Lady G, Swag Buddies, Can’t Stop. He describes his style as, “different swag, real, hood and all the way turnt up.” He says you will never catch him with fake jewelry on. The most adventurous thing he has ever done was passed out CD’s while taking a Horse and Carriage Ride in Atlanta. Mr. Muni’s first love was music and family and his first Mentor is God. His favorite color is Purple. His favorite foods are Pizza, Shrimp and Green Grapes. His favorite candy is Chewy Life Savers. His favorite place to go is the Studio. His ultimate dream is to sell out an Arena. The accomplishment he is most proud of is going back to School to be a Pharmacy Tech. Mr. Muni’s Last Words are: “Thanks for the love and support. “We before me.” God Bless and I greatly appreciate the opportunity.”

Reverbnation/ cloud9money1.com Facebook/ Kintrail Yung Muni Cannady.com

ReverbNation: www.reverbnation.com/tpope


Facebook @ Yung Petro


Spoken Word Artist Facebook @ David “Big Fitz” Fitzpatrick

Zabaran Cole aka Waycovia Member of Cloud 9 Money


Cornelius Frazier, goes by the name of Nelio and is the CEO of Cloud 9 Money. He was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. The subject of Music is something he has always had a passion for. Early in life he really didn't take it as serious as he should have because, he was to caught up in the street life. Once he got his mind back on the right track, he came up with this idea to form his own label. He knew a couple guys who were already doing the music thing and they just needed somewhere to record. He got the money together and they came and helped him put together all the finishing touches. Ever since then Cloud 9 Money has been all Gas no Brakes giving the streets what’s on their minds. He got his name Nelio when he was younger in the hood (Clayton Street) he use to think he was running a real mafia with his homeboys and they gave him the name from an old mafia man. He just ran with it from them, since everybody in the city calls him Nelio anyway. He defines success as, “When you feel comfortable or when you have no troubles.” Nelio describes his style as Urban. He says you will never catch him without his Bank Card. His favorite color is Black. His favorite foods are Chicken, Chicken Fries, Gummy Bears or any candy that is Gummy and Oranges. His favorite place to eat is Good Fellas. His favorite place to go is to Atlanta. The accomplishment he is most proud of is that industry people know him. Nelio’s Last Words are: “Don’t Spend No Money!”

The best way to get in contact with Nelio or Cloud 9 Money is the internet… www.katwalkplanet.com

Twitter-Youtube-Facebook @ CLOUD9MONEYCEO


Celebrity Spotted By: Larry Mosley, Owner, Lasting Look Photography

Keith Peoples aka Peoples has been in or around the music industry all of his life. Everyone in his family either sings or plays an instrument. Its only natural for the music industry to be his path. He and his business partner, Delano Crain aka Talkalot, built a studio and have been doing it since Middle School. Peoples describes himself as a hard worker who produces an amazing show.


Peoples says, “Success is living comfortably with my family.” The Artists he listens to right now are Tupac, Biggie, Jay-Z, T.I. and Bossie. He says his style is, “MINE-COMPLETELY-MINE. When I speak on a beat, you know it’s me and I like that.” Peoples says you will never catch him without his Pistol or Permit to carry it. His Mentor is his Father. His favorite color is Black. His favorite foods is Italian. He also likes Mr. Goodbar and Payday candy and Grapes. His favorite places to eat are Olive Garden, Soul Burger and IHOP. His favorite places to go are the Studio, Shooting Range and to visit his family. The most adventurous thing Peoples has ever done is go in the Military. The accomplishments he is most proud of are being a Dad and not being in the Slammer. Peoples Last Words are: “Sometime when opportunity knocks, it knocks so hard it might scare you. Don’t be scared. Be Bold.” “To Kat: Thank you for the Opportunity, it’s Appreciated.”

Photos By: Eric Newby, Jr. 14

Reverbnation/ Peoples256 Google: AllInYourEarEnt Reverbnation/ InYourEarEnt

Ace defines success as, “Being able to make sure my family is taken care of and not in need of anything and being able to pursue my dreams”.

Cornelius “Royalty” Washington C.E.O. of Crown Royalty ENT “Don’t take a day given to you for granted, yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn’t promised so accept and enjoy today for today”. www.reverbnation.com/Royalty773 . www.facebook.com/Cornelius royalty Washington . www.twitter.com/ Royalty773

Reverbnation.com/allinnent Facebook.com/ mr8732

Georgio Mac’s Last Words are: “My last words to anyone would be to NEVER GIVE UP; continue to grind no matter what anyone says. If you do that, you will see progress.” Reverbnation/ Georgi Mac



Georgio McCullough aka Georgi Mac decided to pursue his dreams in the music industry after family and friends encouraged him he should. Georgi Mac says, “Success is Simple, I think success is no more than progression. If your putting work into a project and you find at least one aspect or one area that’s working your are succeeding in that area. It’s the small things that lead up to the big things.” The most adventurous thing Georgi Mac has ever done was go on a vacation to Panama City, Florida alone, “It was a challenge at first, but by the end of the trip I met a lot of new friends.” He describes his style as laid back and he likes to watch to see how things might turn out. Georgi Mac says you will never catch him without some Carmex Chapstick, “I can’t stand for my lips to be chapped; lol.” His mentor right now is his girlfriend, she stays on him about things he needs to be doing. “It’s fair to call her my second Mother.” His favorite color is Red. His favorite foods are Hamburger Helper, Butterfinger Candy and Oranges without seeds. His favorite places to eat are Zaxby’s and Taco Bell and his favorite place to go are the studio, and to be around other musicians and Artists, places where his peers are.

Sex & Love Alley

1. Blindfold your guy and lead him to a spot in the house where you two haven't gotten it on before. This will definitely get him ready cause you're in complete control and nothing turns a man on faster than a take charge woman! OR... 2. Have your guy sit in a chair. Stand in front of him and slowly strip while giving him a lap dance, teasing him! OR... 3. Wear all black underwear and some boots and nothing else or you may choose to wear boots only. Whisper to him, "You're going to do whatever I say tonight!" Do any or all of these things to change things up a little. Trust me… He will do whatever you say that night! Have FUN!!!

Alright Fellas you all know that female arousal is very different from yours. For you guys, arousal can hit like a freight train, it comes out of the blue or because you spotted a girl with a nice body. For women, though, a picture of a sexy, guy with no shirt usually isn’t enough to jump-start the sex engine. Females sex drives are different in a unique way. Women have to be prompted first to want to have sex. This is also a good explanation as to why it’s not enough to start kissing your girl on the neck and hope she gets in the mood. I know your wondering what to do. Well here it is… You have to go Old School!


Seduce her all day long. Start in the morning. Tell her how sexy she is. Give her small kisses on her cheek, her lips, the back of her neck as she’s getting ready, or when she’s on her way out the door. Throughout the day, let her know you’re thinking of her by sending her text messages and maybe a phone call. And at night, when you see her again, hug her, give her a deep kiss, and ask about her day. The more nurtured and adored she feels, the more likely she is to wanna get it on! Try it… It works! Have FUN!


Horoscope Road ARIES MARCH 21– APRIL 20



Your relatives, neighbors, homet own pe ople , or your current local community members are in an uproar about something or someone. There is a decent chance that lies, secrets, mental health issues, self-destructiveness, h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n , o r institutionalization is involved. You are stuck in the middle of this drama. It can even affect your ability to get any work done. The good news is that your spouse, best friend, or business partner is able to calm people down and get your clansmen to brainstorm long-term solutions rather than just running around freaking out.

You are working hard to earn more money and to succeed professionally. But your friends, teammates, fellow committee members, networking projects, and/or something Internet related is having a negative affect on your personal finances. Eventually, it causes problems when you want to splurge on loved ones, luxury items, vacations, fun outings, etc. You have some very creative ideas that can help you to resolve the financial challenges, but you will still need to be fiscally responsible when it comes to your social life and your playtime spending.

You are meant to be having a wonderful time, vacationing, playing with children, falling in love, dancing, working on your favorite hobby, etc. And mostly that is the background theme for the entire month. Just when you think things are going really well, you get upset about your career, public life, or boss and then you get upset about your roommates, private life, or housing situation. But the good feelings are far bigger and more easily felt than the grumpy stuff at the end of the month.

All three of your people-oriented sectors are blending together to create a wonderful energy for you to work with this month. You and your partner can use it for business networking, social outings, bonding with each other's clansmen, etc. If you are single and looking for a romantic, social, or business partner, this could be a great time to ask friends, colleagues, relatives, neighbors, etc to introduce you to interesting new people. You are able to use this month's positive energies for all kinds of social and professional uses. But you are determined to see the good in people no matter how stupid, gossipy, bigoted, and/or unenlightened they might be.





You are in the mood to make new friends, join committees and teams, begin a networking project, launch websites or new online profiles, etc. However, there are financial and/or romantic dramas brewing with these new people or social activities in your life. You have excellent back up and support within your family, neighbors, and local community, so do not be afraid to turn to them for help if you need to. You are a gifted communicator, an excellent team player, and a savvy negotiator this month. You will need to figure out how to speak your mind, negotiate for what you want, and convince everyone to play nice together.

You take your career, reputation, and leadership efforts very seriously. It is important to you that people see you as reliable, smart, and capable. This month, you have some wonderful opportunities to work towards achieving your financial and professional goals. However, your partner or a competitor is unhappy with your level of success, professional focus, etc. By the end of the month, you are beating yourself up for not doing a better job of presenting yourself in the best light. Your inner-critic might be right to attack you, but he could also just be moody and holding you up to unrealistic expectations. Make sure you know which is the case before you start getting too upset about your level of success, achievements to date, leadership style, reputation, etc.

You are focusing on political, cultural, religious, legal, or media related activities, tourism, relocating, traveling, global awareness, getting a college degree, teaching, public speaking, opening your heart and mind to the way that others see the world, and/ or broadening your horizons. But your health, coworkers, work schedule, and/or workload is not cooperating very nicely. Once you get to spend some time really focusing on these goals, concepts, and activities, you begin to question what it is you know versus what you feel is right. By definition, being open-minded means admitting that you might not have all of the answers.

You were already persuasive and charming, now you have fantastic social skills as all three of your "people" oriented sectors work together on your behalf. You can work in pairs or in groups, either way, you are awesome when it comes to getting people to laugh, think, buy, sell, negotiate, communicate, bond, etc. You are also trying to focus on your romantic commitments and your finances. But big trust issues are surfacing and you hate when that happens. As much as you are trying to be smart about things, it is easy to get angry and to start arguing with everyone. Make sure you do not burn any bridges that you might regret later.





You have so much happening at work this month. There are so many dramas and fires to put out. Every time you think you have things set up and moving along in a smart and productive manner, something else goes wrong. You end up wanting to telecommute or just call it in from home. And to a point, that is the solution. You can get a lot more accomplished from home. Your playtime, travel, and "me" sectors are all blending nicely together to inspire you to want to run away to some exotic location rather than to deal with the day-to-day hassles at work. That might not be a bad idea, except that you are meant to win big kudos for showing the boss how well you do in these tough situations.

You are trying so hard to follow your bliss. And much of the time, that is working for you. But your finances are not cooperating at all. You are able to work on some household finances and find ways to bring more romantic, emotional, and financial security into your home life, but the minute you shift your focus towards playtime activities, date nights, concert tickets, vacations, luxury items, hobbies, etc, the money seems to evaporate into thin air. You will have to find creative ways to entertain yourself on a dime. And if you are working in a happiness-oriented industry (music, theatre, fine dining, luxury sales, etc), then you are going to have to work really hard to make sure that you are getting your fair share of the profits. Someone might not be sharing as well as they should.

You are focusing on your home, roommates, parents, or your retirement plans. You have some great opportunities to bring more romance, trust, and financial security into your home life. H owe ver , for some r ea son , someone or something in your home upsets you. You try to launch a fresh start, new beginning, or some new project involving your parents, roommates, mortgage, housing situation, chores, landscaping projects, etc, but you seem to be standing in your own way. Then your partner (or a rival) gets upset too. Throughout this chaotic time in your private life, your financial and/or romantics sectors are still funneling good things into your home.

NOVEMBER 23– DECEMBER 21 You and a best friend, business partner, or lover are trying to focus on having fun, socializing, making a fresh start between the two of you, etc. If you are single and looking for a partner, things look good for you to find a new partner while socializing and/or playing at your favorite things. Unfortunately, your parents, roommates, and/or boss do not get along well with your partner or your partner is unhappy with something or someone in your private life and then they get upset with someone or something in your public life. Still, the two of you seem to be getting along nicely.




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