2 minute read
Bible Trivia
I t’s t h e o a k t r e e s, D D
Hands d own. I u s e d t o c l i m b o n e just like this w h e n I w a s a k i d . I think I may give this one a g o . S p o t m e?
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OAKS. TRAILS. CONSERVATORY. THE OAKS KITCHEN & BAR. Everyone at Cane Island has their thing. Head to caneisland.com to learn more about this one-of-a-kind community.
What’s your thing?
The Cane Island Welcome Center is located at 2100 Cane Island Parkway in Katy. We are open seven days a week. 281-725-6555
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Jesus wanted us to prioritize discipling others above all else. He wants us to help others learn about Him, understand His commands and follow Him in baptism. Countless women need a discipler and a mentor. They need someone who will get in the boat with them and then help them understand Jesus, the Bible and the Chris tian life. But alas, do you have time? Do you have margin to create space for disci pling others?
Finding Time to Disciple Others in Var ious Stages of Life
I want to help you! I love discipling women, and I know first-hand the chal lenges to make it work in numerous phases of life. Listed here are some of the ways I have found time over the years. College years – Late afternoons I disci pled women in my residence hall, typically in my dorm room. I kept a small fridge of cold soft drinks. When we added a sweet treat and our Bibles, we were good to go! Single years – After college and before I married at the age of 34, I was able to use evenings to disciple women. One dear friend and I met for two years at a local restaurant on Tuesday nights for disciple ship. We had a corner booth and were on a first-name basis with the wait staff! Baby years – Newborn baby haze, when you don’t even know what day it is
OUR MISSION IS HIS SUCCESS. At Marine Military Academy, challenge leads to growth and growth leads to success. By providing a college-preparatory curriculum in a structured, disciplined and focused se� ng, our cadets rise to new heights as scholars and leaders. No other school can unlock a boy’s poten� al like MMA. The sooner he starts, the sooner his transforma� on begins.