Squeeze Page | How to Build a High Converting Squeeze Page

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“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages� DISCLAIMER The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This manual is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. This publication is not intended for use as any source of advice such as legal, medical, or accounting. The publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying international, federal, state, and/or local laws or regulations. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including international, federal, state and local governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the EU, US, Canada or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. Neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials. Any perceived slight of any individual or organization is purely unintentional. This guide assumes you have basic online marketing skills and knowledge, for example you know how to edit and upload webpages, you have an auto-responder account, a domain name and hosting.. This book is for personal use only.



“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”



Page 4 – 7

Parts of a Squeeze Page

Page 8

Squeeze Page Design

Page 8 - 10

Your Squeeze Page Copy

Page 10 - 16

Your Free Gift

Page 16 – 17

Split Testing

Page 18 - 19

How to Split Test

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“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”

INTRODUCTION In this guide, you will learn the “trade secrets” of designing a squeeze page, that captivates your traffic and converts them into subscribers.. You will then discover how you can fine tune your squeeze page through testing and tweaking, for maximum conversions.. The majority of the people approaching internet marketing ignore squeeze pages and building a list when they begin online marketing.. And they are likely to avoid it altogether or put it off for as long as possible, because they have no idea how to structure a squeeze page so that it converts.. In doing this they are missing out on what I believe is the most lucrative way to make money online both short term and long term.. Your squeeze page is the “gateway” to your list, and is fundamental to you achieving massive success in your online marketing business.. For example a squeeze page that converts traffic into subscribers at 40% is in theory, twice as profitable as one that converts at 20%

** Your squeeze page has an ENOURMOUS! Impact on your profits and list-building achievements..** Once you have a high converting squeeze page set up and regular traffic landing on your page, you are well on the way to true financial freedom...

The Two Types of Squeeze Pages There are two main types of squeeze pages that most marketers use..  Mini Squeeze Pages;  Soft Call to Action Squeeze Pages..



“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”

Video Squeeze Pages are very similar to the Mini-Squeeze Pages, in that they typically have an auto-run video, and very little text or bullet points (if any at all) as the video delivers the message.. So we will treat these two as the same..

Mini Squeeze Page: The mini squeeze page is likely to be extremely short and straight to the point.. It has a powerful headline and aggressive call to action – without any descriptive bullet points and frequently without any graphics.. It could be something as plain and simple as:

“Grab this free traffic generation course (cost $27) here & now while you can. Reseller rights included!” These mini squeeze pages are typically set up with a single Opt-In.. {i.e the visitor enters just their email address, (sometimes name is needed as well) and then they get instant access to the download..} Instead of requiring a double Opt-In, where the visitor is initially sent an e-mail and is then required to click a link to verify their email address (double opt-in) before being sent to the download page or One Time Offer (OTO) page.. Soft Call to Action Squeeze Page: The soft call to action squeeze page is more general and is frequently used when you have a somewhat more complicated offer.. It will still have a powerful headline and aggressive call to action – but will also have 3-7 bullet points to further sell the benefits of your offer.. On the soft call to action squeeze page you’ll frequently have an E-book graphic – a “High Impact” graphic that makes your offer more enticing and creates added value in the eyes of the visitor.. There can/will also be “red arrows” leading the visitor’s attention to the opt-in box..



“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”

Psychological Triggers for Huge Conversions Without going to deep into psychology, the human mind has certain “laws or rules” that it uses, so that we can interact and communicate with the world and the people and things in it.. Some of these “laws” cause us to respond, with very little or no choice.. They are “triggers” that make us behave in a certain way.. For example if you are walking down a street and a car back fires, you will most likely, instantly experience some sort of a shock.. What has happened is your fight or flight response has been activated.. This is something you have very little conscious control over.. It is one of several psychological triggers the we have.. How it works is “your trigger is pulled” and you have to respond.. So by designing a squeeze page with these “triggers” in mind we can make it, “irresistible compelling” to your visitors.. This means they HAVE to respond and they will most likely respond in the way we want.. And the effect of this is that our conversions will be through the roof.. So pay attention.. Some of the most powerful “Triggers” you should aim to have in your squeeze page are listed below..  Attention: The squeeze page must capture the visitor’s attention.. It must make you want to stop and read more.. This is what we use the headlines and sub-headlines for..  Curiosity: This is also carried out by the headline and sub-headline if suitable – as well as the body copy.. You can ask the reader a question, or offer an opportunity for a chance of discovering a secret for instance.. When you make them curious, you engage them.. You have to “reel” them in (see examples below)

“Did you know, that you are losing out on hundreds – if not thousands of visitors daily by not doing (XXXXXXX)?” “I’ve just discovered a secret (XXXXXX) that not many marketers know. This secret (XXXXXX) has made me an extra $912.54 this month. Would you like to know?”



“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”

If you are offering something like a free webinar, give a 1-2 minute video preview of it where you provide some good content.. But it is 100% vital at this stage to grab the reader’s attention.. If you don’t do it here, you’ve lost them..  Want: Once you have their attention and curiosity through the headline, then the body copy and the highlighting of the benefits “creates” their desire for your offer.. Here you’ll discuss what they’ll discover by signing up for your offer..  Forced Action: This is notably accomplished by the design and “flow” of the squeeze page.. You want the graphics like arrows and design to completely guide the reader’s attention (and their eyes) to the opt-in box so that they will subscribe.. It is also accomplished by providing them a clear instruction of what action you would like them to do.. “Enter your details now to get instant access..” This is also known as a “Call to Action”..

Later on in this module we will look further into “psychological triggers”.. Now you have an understand of the “overview” of a squeeze page we will dive in deeper..



“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”


When we “break a squeeze page down”, we find there are 3 main parts:  The Design: How the page looks.. The structure of the page..  The Copy: The text/words on the page..  The Offer: Something that will be given to the visitor when they give you their email address.. Your offer can be something you have created yourself or a PLR (Private Label Rights) product, whatever you decide, it needs to have a “perceived value” to the visitor when they land on your page.. It needs to be something that makes them think it will help them in some way.. This is something you will need to organize yourself as we are concentrating on the design and the copy for optimal conversion rates.. If you are having trouble coming up with a product for your offer, a good place to start is to search Google for PLR products.. Now it’s time to get down to the business of crafting a “Crazy Converting Squeeze Page” but, before we go any further, take a moment to really, REALLY get this…!!!

** The Only Purpose Of Your Squeeze Page Is To Persuade Visitors To Give You Their Email Address.. ** Keeping this in mind is vital to the success of your squeeze page..

Squeeze Page Design The parts that make up the “Design” of a squeeze page are:      

The Headline Sub – Headline (depending on the type of squeeze page) Bullet Points Images Colors and Text Fonts Opt-In Box



“Crazy Converting Squeeze Pages”

Design is a critical element to your squeeze page, it is significant in that your squeeze page needs to be effortless to read and that it “flows”.. Your offer (what’s in it for them) must be “Loud and Clear” The most vital thing is the design must be simple.. When it comes to squeeze pages, always remember less is more.. Your graphics/images should not be confusing or over powering and must always guide the visitor to the opt-in box – without being too aggressive of course.. They must also load fast.. It really goes without saying that the opt-in box should stand out.. It should be hugely noticeable, preferably “above the fold” (this means it is seen before the visitor needs to scroll down the page..) You don’t want them to have to scroll too far down the page and have to go looking for where they have to subscribe.. It must be in front of their face.. If they can’t see it when your page loads in their browser then you will miss out on a certain number of subscribers simply because some of them won’t scroll down the page, so that means they won’t see your opt-in box.. Remember people can be lazy.. Strong, plain or animated arrows that point to the opt-in box should be used (because they work).. Although you want the opt-in box to be in the visitor’s line of sight – you don’t want it to be so in their face that it puts them off, forcing them to exit the page.. The best areas for placement of your opt-in boxes are on the right hand side of your page, (top or bottom) or in the center of the page towards the bottom, (but above the fold of course)..

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