1 minute read

Cover Winners: L to R: Khasen: age

The Go-To Resource for Kaua'i Families


As we continue to find our path through another year of this pandemic, my hope is that Kaua`i Family Magazine brings to your home, Joy, Happiness and Love. I am grateful for so much. To start, I am grateful for my family and friends who continues to support me and my son through celebrations and growing pains. I am grateful for the many contributors and advertising partners for your dedication and knowledge to share healthy, educational family support from keiki to kupuna. I am grateful for the County of Kaua`i, the Department of Education and the Kaua`i community. As the holiday season is upon us, we at Kaua`i Family Magazine wish a healthy, joyous and blessed time spent with your `ohana into the new year. Please don't hesitate to let us know how we can be the resource you trust for the most reliable `ohana and parenting information. Don't forget to hug your kids!


Chrissy Schechter, Publisher chrissys@kauaifamilymagazine.com


PUBLISHER Kauai Family Magazine ADVERTISING SALES Chrissy Schechter EDITOR editor@kauaifamilymagazine.com ADVERTISING INQUIRIES advertising@kauaifamilymagazine.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Meg Knight


COVER PHOTO T. Fuerte Photography Contributors Ella Arume, DVM Kathleen Berchelmann, M.D. Patrick Ching Thomas Daubert Monty Downs, M.D. Lee Evslin, M.D. Christa Melnyk Hines Michael Lutwin, D.D.S. Sarah Lyons Chef Mark Oyama Leah Ragsac Robert Wotring, M. Next Issue: SPRING 2022

Advertising Deadline: December 8, 2021 Kauai Family Magazine is published quarterly as Spring, Summer, Fall and Holiday editions.

Distribution: 15,000 printed quarterly and Digital E-Editions. Public and Private Preschools, Elementary and Middle Schools, Hospitals, Medical and Health Clinics, Libraries, KIUC, Jamba Juice, Gather Federal Credit Union, Retailers and Community Organizations. Subscription Rate: $16.00 for one year (4 editions) Subscribe at KauaiFamilyMagazine.com

Copyright © 2021 Kauai Family Magazine All rights reserved. No portion of Kauai Family Magazine may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Kauai Family Magazine assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements.

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