1 minute read
Make A Journal
• Have your child decorate a summer journal using stickers and colored paper.
• Give them time each day to write in their journal to tell about their summer adventures. You don’t have to go on a trip to have a journal.
• Take a hike or walk down a path and collect leaves. Your child can make a leaf picture and write about it.
• Let them draw a map of their room.
• Let your child make lists in their journal.
• The opportunities are endless!
Find A Pen Pal
This could be their former teacher, an aunt/ uncle, or a friend. Have your child set aside time to write to their Pen Pal. They will love getting letters back in the mail.
Start A Reading Routine
• Let your child make a sheet tent and read under it.
• Drive to a park on a nice day and read under a tree.
• Partner read with your child. You read one page and let your child read another page.
• Create incentives for reading.
• Invite peers over and have a Reading Club one day a week. Each child can bring his/her favorite book and share their favorite parts.
• Go to your public library and sign up for their reading program.
• Make sure you read to your child, at a reading level above theirs. They need to hear wonderful vocabulary and the model of a fluent reader.