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Academy KAUST Gifted Student Program
from KAUST Impact - Spring 2020
HE Dr. Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al Rabiah
KAUST Gifted Student Program
Managing a global scholarship during the pandemic
KAUST’s community extends well beyond its campus walls. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the university has navigated the challenges and facilitated the smooth continuation of its flagship US-based undergraduate scholarship, the KAUST Gifted Student Program (KGSP). Working with nearly 50 partner universities, KAUST has ensured that the KGSP’s 500-strong student body has continued to thrive and receive the support they need across the US amid rapid shifts in education models and international disruptions to logistics, travel and communication.
In a time of unparalleled uncertainty and risk, KAUST has continued to provide its KGSP undergraduate students with individualized attention and support. This has included new strategies in transitioning to online learning; housing solutions when many campuses have shut down; and well-being and mental health support during this stressful time away from family and friends.
In today’s new reality, the KGSP is continuing in its core mission to prepare Saudi Arabia’s top youth to recognize, leverage and shape the unprecedented opportunities of the 21st century. Whether they choose future academic, scientific, professional or entrepreneurial pursuits, the KGSP ensures students have the global mindsets, holistic skills and credentials to tackle the nation’s and humanity’s greatest challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic serves as a stark example of the strategic, innovative and critical thinking skills required to navigate change – a fact that has been embraced by KGSP students as they consider their roles in the Kingdom’s future.