Township Design

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Kavan Pathak | PG180406 | MUD | Semester 3 | Cept University

CO-EXISTENCE OF NATURE, CULTURE & ACTIVITY Urban Township as a place of co-existence between nature, habitable spaces with sociocultural character & urban activity nodes

I. Studio Brief: The studio is aimed at learning the key aspects involved in preparing a large‐scale urban design master plan. The emphasis of the studio will be on exploring the design process through various concepts and approaches, achieving a detailed design resolution, evolving an appropriate development model and to prepare a persuasive communication and representation strategy for the master plan. The studio uses the Township Policy as the basis for initiating the development. Through the studio the students will prepare a three – dimensional urban design proposal for this area with proposed massing, height, densities, orientations, grids and blocks, movement routes both for pedestrians and vehicles and the location and role of public open spaces in the plan. The studio will have underlying concerns focused on creation of liveable neighbourhoods, imageability of a place along with the issues of land economics and development mechanisms.

PREFACE Studio 3: Master Plan Studio Instructors: Brijesh Bhatha, Purvi Chhadva, Rajiv Kadam, Vipuja Parmar Teaching Fellow: Mariana Paisana Teaching Assistant: Pranav Meghani

Contents Introduction

• • •

Site Analysis Context Project Background

Vision & Objectives

• •

Design Vision Design Objectives

Urban Block • •

Urban Design Guidelines • • •

Design Strategies • • • • •

Capatalizing on Site Features Creating Identity Multi Scalar Open Spaces Green Network Strong Connectivity

Masterplan • Masterplan Render Masterplan Features

CONTENTS Studio 3: Master Plan Studio Instructors: Brijesh Bhatha, Purvi Chhadva, Rajiv Kadam, Vipuja Parmar Teaching Fellow: Mariana Paisana Teaching Assistant: Pranav Meghani

• • • • • •

Art District Social Spine Residential Square Canal Front Shared Street Commercial Spine

Residential Commercial

Commercial Block Low RIse Residential High RIse Residential

Phasing Strategies

• •

Phase 0 Phase 1-5


INTRODUCTION Site Analysis Context Project Background Spatial Programme

Regional Context Located in Ahmedabad district, between Ahmedabad and Sanand Talukas. Part of NH running through GUjarat and lies on major ais connecting Ahmedabad with Saurashtra. In very close proximity to the proposed DMIC and hence can be in vicinity of booming TOD.

City Context Site lies in middle of Ahmedabad Urban area and Sanand.

City Level Connectivity Connected to the city primarily thorugh SP ring road. National highway acts as regional connector .Proposed 90 Meter Ring road is in vicinity as well as the DMIC corridor. Site is 20-25 minutes from CEPT

Proposed Land Use in Development Plan With the help of Development Plan of the drivers of change can be identified as Kameti Logistics zone, DMIC Corridor, Knowledge & Institutional Zone . Site partially lies in RAH and Agriculture zone.

Future Sources of Clientile & Economic instigators Recent Infrastructure Proposals and nature of development along the NH hints at booming TOD focused on industrial development, along the corridor. These industries will need housing and certain commercial facilities. Also proposed knowledge zone nearby requires residential services. THese factors coupled with growing development pressures within the city will form prospective clientile for the project.

Citywide Magnets in Vicinity Proximity to Sanand, Industrial belt along NH, Residential townships like Applewood, Proposed DMIC Corridor and dedicated Logistics zone in Kaneti, are the key magnets that are attracting development around the site

Site Topography

Existing Landuse

Site is flat in nature with pockets of depressions along the northern edge that lie amongst densely vegetated areas. The site gradually slopes outwards from the canal that cuts through in the middle.

Existing Landuse is predominantly Agricultural with only pockets of Urban activities like Industrial & Township area on the southern side.


Site Accessibility

There are pockets of green along the site. THe most dense vegetation is found in the upper left corner of site. The nature of vegetation in upper left corner can be catogarized as a partial wetland. The site otherwise has a generous amount of foliage.

Access can be through NH and Shela Sanad Highway, Canal Road and various other proposed DP roads that acts as cross over infrastructure.


Points of interest

The site doesnt offer any unique or interesting vistas and has a feel of an empty urban pocket. Some of the interesting views and ambience is created by the canal and the dense vegetation. It is surrounded by institutions, township, Gamtal area and agricultural land.

The two main points of interest in the site are a Canal passing through it, Pockets of dense vegetation & Wetland areas.

VISION & OBJECTIVES Design Vison Design Objectives to achieve VIsion

DESIGN VISION: Envisioning Districts with different ethos so that people with varied lifestyle to develop a belongingness to the imagined character of the Neighbourhood

A township that offers habitable & open spaces to a wide variety of people In the form of , Quite livable spaces with social cohesiveness, An active urban spine with high rise residential & corporate park And an experiential art district that lies midst nature.

Art District which is in sync with nature and provides an experiential trail


Living & Work Spaces which are socially cohesive and lie amongst a network of Multi-Scalar open spaces, and are peaceful in nature


Living & Work Places which are integrated with live-work-play culture and are active compared to other the residential neighborhood


DESIGN STRATEGY Capatilazing on Site Features Developing identity for each sector Multi Scalar Open Spaces Walkable Green Network Strong Multi-Modal Connectivity


Design Strategy

Site features as a tool for Fragmenting Site

Developing anchor points in each sector so as to develop belongingness

Interconnecting Hierarchy of open spaces & Developing Open Space that cater to each level of Urban Structure

Distinct Urban Structure for habitable sectors

Strong Multi-Modal connectivity

Urban Structure

Site features as a tool for Fragmenting Site

Existing Pockets of Dense Vegetation

Water Canal passing through site

Developing anchor points in each sector so as to develop belongingness

Proposed DP road passing through site

Art District

Social Spine

Commercial Spine

Developing an art district to provide an anchor point to the whole township

A social spine to anchor the residential sector and render identity to it

Adding Activity nodes in form of Studios, Galleries, Art Display Areas, Amphitheaters, Jamming rooms, Camping Sites etc

Social Spine with Market, Community Centre and Public Infrastructure. Spine forms an axis and is contained by two Public Plazas

Commercial spine along the DP road to provide identity to the high density development

Capturing Value of anchor through High End Work / Artist Studios and office spaces overlooking green expanse

Developing Green areas with recreational character with art district to capitalize on existing vegetation. And to provide city level green oasis.

Developing a canal front with green spaces and urban parks to capitalize on canal front.

Value addition through Social Spine is reflected in its neighboring residential blocks and imbibes belongingness towards sector.

Crossover DP road used as a commercial Spine developing High Street retail & Commercial spaces along it that gradually open up to canal Connected & Accessible Corporate spaces that offer a new age work environment that is integrated with open spaces forms the USP for this sector

High density Corporate Park along the DP road to form a commercial spine.

Distinct Identity for 3 sectors 3 Sector anchored by 3 types of Design interventions, aimed to develop an identity for each sector as well as help one associate to his/her habitat.

Green Network

Lowest Hierarchy: Intra block Open Spaces inside Porous Perimeter Blocks

Built, Open & Public Spaces

Middle Hierarchy: Community Open spaces viz. Community Plazas, squares, smaller parks, pedestrian trails

Highest Hierarchy: City level open spaces connected and bound by shared street running horizontally throughout the site

Green Spaces from smallest to largest scale are connected with shared street & pedestrian walkways to enhance the overall experience of open spaces

Built form of 27%

Open Spaces that are either public or semi public in nature

Connected Public realm that consists of Parks, Social spine, Squares,Pedestrian walkways, streets & Public Infrastructure.

Nolli’s Map Linked Public realm that connects township level open spaces & Public Infrastructure.

Urban Structure - Residential

Urban Structure - Residential


Super Block

Extended Super Block

Social Spine

Residential Sector

Residential block with small block size. Perimeter type block with porous edge and central open space. One of the quadrants is flipped to sculpt community square at superblock level.

Super block that is structured around a open space in the centre of the super block. The blocks are defined by pedestrian walkways whereas superblock is defined by vehicular roads.

Urban Structure strategy is the same as other super blocks. The only difference in this block typology is that open space gains prominence. These are located typically in the social spine where the sandwiched blocks are typically Public in nature.

Social Spine is the urban tissue made up of Extended Super blocks. The central open space is fronted by Public Buildings and markets.

Superblocks structure around the Social spine form the core of residential sector, where multiscalar open spaces act as guides to urban structuring.

Block size is derived from the theory to foster community feeling by having no more than 50 houses in each block. And thus achieve a desirable community size of 200 - 250 houses in a superblock.

The Open Pocket and the super block shall have functions that can suffice physiological, needs recreational ammenities and public transport to its residents hence enhancing community feeling by inbibing sense of belongingness.

The primary reason to keep block size smaller and Superblock size larger was to cut down on vehicular intersections, hence reducing traffic. Whereas smaller block sizes help in enhancing walkability.

The whole low rise residential sector is structure around this tissue.

75 x 75 mts

150 x 150 mts

150 x 225 mts

Urban Structure - Residential

Urban Structure - Commercial

Extended Residential Sector

The core residential sector is supported by blocks having open space cutting through its one side hence opening up the residential sector towards a large green space in form of art district.


100 x 75 mts

Commercial block with comparetively larger block size. Perimeter type block with porous edge and central open space. One of the quadrants is removed to sculpt community square at superblock level.

Super Block 200 x 150 mts

Super block that is structured around a open space in the centre of the super block. The blocks are defined by pedestrian walkways whereas superblock is defined by vehicular roads. The linear nature of the open space connects interior open space of each block as well and hence forms a consolidated space that connects the super block from within.

Extended Super Block 200 x 250 mts

The extension of superblock also houses High rise residential which are of similar size to residential blocks. This urban tissue is connected by pedestrian walkways. Here, the block size is larger to accomodate more dense built form and the super block size is smaller to activate corners and provide more intersections that enhance vehicular connectivity.

Urban Structure - Commercial

Urban Structure - Commercial

Super Block - II

Core Commercial Sector

Large open space abuted by residential blocks . The open space serves as a open reief to the dense built up on the sector.

The core commercial sector is made up of commercial Superblocks and High rise residential blocks interwoven by pedestrian walkways and open spaces in between commercial blocks.

Commercial Sector

The Commercial sector also includes some public buildings and a long canal front recreational space. The edge of the commercial sector gradually opens up towards the canal front.

Mobility Network - Concept

Mobility Network - Street Hierarchy

Boulevards: 36 - 45 mts

Site features as a tool for Fragmenting Site

Developing anchor points in each sector so as to develop belongingness

Interconnecting Hierarchy of open spaces & Developing Open Space that cater to each level of Urban Structure

Major DP roads passing through the site which are 36 mts to 45 mts wide and connect the city with the site. These roads will act as primary traffic harbours for the site.

Thoroughfares: 24 - 36 mts

Secondary level of vehicular infrastructure that connects the site with adjoining context. And act as thoroughfares to traverse the site. The width of these roads range from 24 mts to 36 mts.

Transitways: 18 - 24 mts

Intra Site infrastructure that connects the commercial area sector of the site with high built density and ranges from 18 to 24 mts in width.

Mobility Network - Street Hierarchy

Mobility Network - Connectivity

Accessways: 24 - 36 mts

Shared Streets: 18 - 24 mts

Intra Site infrastructure that connects the residential sector of the site with low built density and ranges from 9 to 15 mts in width.

Shared street that runs horizontally in the site and act as a back bone for the green network. It widens and narrows down with respect to the built form adjoining it.

Distribution of Built Use

Public Buildings concentrated along social spine & Shared Street

Distribution of Built Density

High Rise-Mid rise Commercial Buildings along major DP roads

High Rise Residential along natural features and open spaces. Low Rise residential along social spine.

Built Use Scattered built use responding to Street Hierarchy and Open Space adjacency.

High Density Built Up along Major DP roads

Moderate Density Built Up fronting Open Spaces

Low Density Residential & Public Infrastructure

Built Density: 1.79 GFSI Segregation of Built Density to achieve Desired built mass that responds to open spaces

MASTERPLAN Rendered Township Masterplan


Activity Nodes with Studios, Galleries, Display areas etc, inside art district

Bungalows / Detached Dwelling

Activity Areas, Sports facilities, Plazas along Canal front

Canal front Park Amphitheatre Waterfront Display area for art festival Work Studios facing art District

High rise Residential sloping towards Canalfront

Art Gallery & Anchor Building for Art District

Squares on either side to emphasize social spine in middle

Educational Institutes Housing for SEWS with access from outer road

Market, Community Centre, Hall etc in Social Spine Shared Street culminationg into a park Community Squares in between Residential Blocks

Recreational Ammenities in Club House in near vicinity of Canal Front

Civic centre Mix Use Commerce oriented High rise

Elevated walkway over Canal from Commercial Sector to Recreational Club

Mix Use, Residential oriented High Rise Landmark Building with towers, large podium & iconic architecture

MASTERPLAN FEATURES Art District Social Spine Canal Front Block Squares

Shared Street Commercial Spine



Art Hotspots along the Art district that house studios, galleries, expo spaces & temporary display areas along waterfront to activate the green area.

Experintial walking trail amidst dense vegetation that opens uo into openings that house art related functions to render usability to the green area.


Recreational Built Use such as club House, Sport centres etc along the canal front, with elevated walkways parallel to canal front

Public Gathering spaces such as amphithatres, Plaza overlooking canal front and green areas


Community Squares & Social Spine

Social Spine which includes Public & Community serving built uses such as market place, congregational areas, community hall etc

Open Urban Pockets defined by Built form that act as open spaces shared by 4 residential blocks to foster community interaction

Social spine is anchored by two public squares on either ends to give it a strong definition of Public realm.

Open Pockets widening towards larger open spaces to visually and physically connect the built form to larger open spaces


Public Congregational Spaces

Developing anchor points in develop belongingness

Interconnecting Hierarchy of open spaces & Devean Structure


Shared street running horizontally throughout the site fronted by active urban built use

Pedestrian walkways interlinking multi scalar open spaces to form an accessible green network that enhance open space experience

URBAN BLOCK VISUALIZATION Block Along Art District Block Along Canal Front



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URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES Built Mass Along Canal Built Mass Along Commercial Spine Built Mass in Residential Sector


Built Form Regulations

Urban Design Guidelines

Block Land Parcel

Interior Facade with Volumetric cutouts Exterior Facade with Volumetric cutouts & Projections Facades to foster interaction – Porous, visual Barrier free facades

Setbacks to form Pedestrian Trail

Built Envelope sloping towards Green space

Kinetic Shading Elements Vibrant Built Use to activate Canal edge Vibrant Canalfront – Active Uses in Podium floors & Shading Elements along wide footpath

High rise Residential Built form along Open & Green Spaces Central Open Space

Porous Built Block

Elevated Ground Floor residential with shrubs along periphery to seperate active public use from residential.

Terraces dedicated to public use so as to engage building users to observe activity on the street below

Distanced Ground floor Residential

Overlooking Public Activity

Built Form Regulations

Urban Design Guidelines

Block Land Parcel

Interesting & different Facades to form iconic builtscape

Architectural elements to avoid blank facades

Engaging Vista – Interesting & Varied Facades Margins to form Pedestrian Lanes

Mix use / Active Podium Built Volume

Promenade/Arcade/Temporary Shade

Vibrant Built Use with retail, maker spaces, F&B etc

Vibrant Walkway – Active Uses in Podium floors & Shading Elements along wide footpath Permissible Built Envelope

Built form for High rise Commercial along DP road

Porous Built Mass

Terraces dedicated to public use so as to engage building users to observe activity on the street below

Multi Level Connectivity beween buildings to enhance walkability

Overlooking Public Activity

Enhancing Walkability - Bridges

Built Form Regulations

Urban Design Guidelines

Block Land Parcel

Protruding elements that act as Public Spaces on Elevated level

Lower terraces that can be utilized as public open space

Maxmizing Open Spaces – Sculpting Open Spaces on elevated levels

Setbacks to form Pedestrian Trail

Built Envelope - Low rise Interior Facade with Volumetric cutouts

Exterior Facade with cutouts & Projections

Facades to foster interaction – Porous, visual Barrier free facades

Low Rise residential built form in Core residential Sector

Central Open Space and built form anomally to accomodate square

Elevated Ground Floor residential with shrubs along periphery to seperate active public use from residential. Porous Built Block

Distanced Ground floor Residential

PHASING STRATEGY Phase 0 Phase 1-5


Phase 0

Phase 1

Priority Activations to establish USP & Generate Buzz

Idea of community living in a calm neighborhood surrounded by nature

Developing and Beautifying the approach roads along canal and developing an idea of art district as USP.

HIG, MIG Housing, High End Work Studios, Bungalows, Connecting Infra, Glimpse of Art Ditrict, Mix Use development in MIG. Aims at people working in Sanad, People wanting to move out of city, and developing Art District & Trail as the USP

Phase 2

Phase 3

Continuation of first phase and strengthening the said idea

A glimpse of every built typology and open space in the township

HIG, MIG Housing, High End Work Studios, Connecting Infra, Further development of Art Ditrict, Mix Use development in MIG, developing Recreational ammenities along canal and some housing Aims at people working in Sanad, People wanting to move out of city, and developing Art District & Trail as the USP. And people looking for affordable housing options.

Taking advantage of Art district as city wide landmark with art gallery. Developing Social spine and offering community living spaces. Introduction of commercial development along NH. And mix use development along peripheral road. Aims at offering people variety wanting to relocate so as to enhance lifestyle. Aand people looking for well connected office spaces.

Phase 4

Phase 5

Building up Land Value for the final phase

Substantial Final Gains

Connecting Infra, Recreational Ammenities Part of canal front. Completion of art district addition of social infrastructure.

Final set of work studios., Commercial properties along 45 mt Road

Aims at people wanting to relocate or buy homes which help them elevate lifestyle. Main intention is to elevate land value for the final phase.

Aims at people wanting to relocate or buy homes which help them elevate lifestyle. Focus shift from housing to comercial spaces. Commercial spaces aimed at people loking to have Business Hub in a Corporate park kind of setup with ample nature and gren spaces around, with city level accessiblity.

Conclusion:Â Â The masterplan vision evolved from responding to site features. The central idea was to build a township that has advocates people to go outdoor and indulge in social interaction. Furthermore, the vision was to create a township that caters to people from multiple backgrounds and people with various needs. So as to maximise the clientile and broaden customer base. And at the same time bring variety to the design. The site is thus divided into three sectors, Art, Residential, Commercial. The built form, Open spaces, Urban structure etc all change and adapt with respect to the type of sector they are designed for. The strategy to create unique sectors and have anchor points that makes people associate themselves to the sector. It also helps in community building and social cohesiveness because people with similar needs are concentrated. Anchor points in form of Art Trail, Social Spine, Canal front & Commercial Spine help in bringing associativity to its residents/users. Furthermore the strategy to provide Multi Scalar open spaces that are interlinked enhances the open space experience and helps in Socializing on multiple levels.


Co-Existence is a report/portfolio showcasing Masterplanning of an Urban Township. The portfolio is a part of Semester 3 , M.UD programme at CEPT

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