Design Studio 4 - Portfolio

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Design Studio 4

Kavin A. Dawkins

Academic Year 2014/15

“Teamwork makes the dream work.” -John C. Maxwell





Table of Contents


Assignment 1


Group Work 1

In the world of architecture, a charrette is a situation which requires intensive effort to be placed into finishing a final project, especially for group projects, before a deadline. As students the project required us to design a piece of outdoor structure. The purpose of the piece will be to provide a safe shelter for those waiting on public transportation as well as a secure and hygienic restroom for individual use.


Lecturer: Camiel Stanburry No. of Sessions: 3 Group No.: 1


For this project the group was required to choose our own site and present a site analysis. As a group we decided to choose a site located near Souvreign Liguanea due to the fact that several diffferent types of people gather there depending on the time as well as two of the group members as well as myself were somewhat familiar with the site. We then proceded to the site at various times throughout the day to ensure that accurate data about the site was attained, as to whether or not the conditions throughout the day differ. After collecting the data the group decided to come to each come up with a design so that we could choose one design as the main structure of the bus stop. After we tried to incorporate something from each design that would alternatively benefit the structure. The design had proven to be one that was effective as it met the requirements that needed to be made without obstructing the site while carrying out its primary functions (providing shade for the pedestrians) and more. I personally liked the design as a different light was shed on the public to private transition by the designated lecturer as well as the implimentation of a water catchment system. However, there was room for adjustments where the structural detail was concerned. Further adjustments could have also been made to the aluminum members that hung from the roof as they were blocking the path of the pedestrians coming from the opposite end of the road. None the less I enjoyed the project overall as it was a great kick start to group work for the second semester of second year.


Assignment 2

Master Plan

Group Work 2

Master Plan, to develop or improve (land, a community, a building complex, or the like) through a long-range plan that balances and harmonizes all elements. For this project the group was required to make adjustments to a given site the would enevitably maximize circulation and layout for the proposed areas.


Lecturer: David Cuthbert No. of Sessions: 2 Group No.:1


For this project, the group was required to develop a long-range plan that would enevitably maximize circulation and layout for the proposed areas and as a result should balance and harmonize all elements on a site, located in the Mona area; that was carefully analyzed by the entire class. As a group we decided to go with a one way street that would pass both the Proposed Building and the Proposed Covered Area upon entry and eventually exiting through a gate near the existing buildings on site as a way to link both structures. As for the Proposed Play Area they were placed to the north of the Proposed Building for significant usage as well as other factors such as proper drainage and odour elimination from other elements on site. Lastly, a lay by was placed close to the entrance of the site to limit the traffic on site. All in all the design had proven to be one that was more or less effective as it met the requirements that needed to be made, however it slightly obstructed the site where the space between one of the existing structures and the road had to be taken into deep consideration. I personally liked the design and think that it works based off of my observations made on site.


Assignment 3


Assignment 3


In this project one was required to design a place that facilitates and encourages learning for early education and primary school students. One should also investigate design opportunities that explore form, human activity, meaning and climatic mediation. The ďŹ nal proposal should demonstrate the rigorous development of a single idea through the design approaches used in the previous semester.

Lecturer: David Cuthbert No. of Sessions: 4


This project acted as a followup to Master Plan where it was now time to design my own personal proposed space for the site which are divide up into different areas for usage. At first the design started off being rectilinear due to the fact that a rectangles were the easiest ways of representing/ understaning area; or so I thought. After speaking with the lecturer I came up with a design that worked but I wasnt entirely appreciating when it came onto aesthetics. So i redesigned and came up with a more unique shape which involved a Hexagon. To my suprise I found it to be easier to work out the areas and making them transition well with each other while representing the term Kindergarten. After placing the structure on the site and speaking with a few of the lectures a few transitional details were changed. The entry into the structure was now on the south due to the fact that that was where most people entered the site from. Due to the fact that the structure is on a slope I decided to use Heiarchy in section to place certain areas. For example, the building was primarily used as a kindergarten space so the designated rooms for the kindergarteners (classroom and nap area) were placed on the upper parts of the slope versus the secondary usage which was for the Homework Centre space was placed on the lower part of the slope. Everything else was sorted where it would best fit. Due to the fact that the proposed area was placed ontop of a tree, a courtyard had to be implemented into the design where it was open to the outside and bordered by brise soleilfeature which aided in emphasizing its purpose to being a general gathering area. As for the Proposed Play area it was designed to mimic the shape of building, hence, linking the play area with the building. I very much enjoyed this project as it was my first building design ever. The project on a whole to me was surely beneficial as it required the implementation of knowledge attained from studio in the previous semester (Ritual, Memory, Outlook, Climate and Tectonics). Furthermore, learning how to design without disrupting other services being offered within the project area. The most interest part of this project was getting design the proposed building and play area.


Assignment 4


Assignment 4

In this project one is required to design and detail a prototype shelter for sleep and observation in a rural context. The shelter must be no larger than 35 metercubed. The shelter should aim to offer protection from the elements and due to the proximity to the river be designed as a temporary facility as the sites are subject to floods and must be made primarily of timber. The shelter will be used to view activities on the water and thus be designed to handle reflection from the river.

RURAL SHELTER Lecturer: Michael Lorde No. of Sessions: 6 Site: 2


For this project a road trip was taken to a site near Blue Hole, St. Mary, Jamaica called White River Valley where the site was analyzed as a class. I was assigned Site 2 or as I like to call it “Corner Drift”. It was for this site that I designed my rural shelter and came up with my first concept, which I was having difficulties with, of a structure that bends with the corner. However, I did not wish for the structure to have any curves;difficulty. None the less after speaking with my assigned lecturer it finally looked the way I wanted it. the design was now angular after using a tree as a reference point to align the outside deck with the structure. The structure has a grand entrance where one walks onto a deck that leads to the entrance of the structure or to the side staircase that leads to the outside deck. The structure entailed electricity provided by a solar panel (1000mm x 600mm)(placed on the roof), a dry and secured space for 3 batteries which was hooked up to a current controller/inverter the size of a laptop(placed inside the structure), a kayak (3500mm x 900mm) (placed outside under the entry deck and a 350 liter tank of potable water (placed under the shelter). The structure consisted of 3 loading point 4”x10” timber members that was braced by running them at least a thrid of its legnth into the ground. These in turn were used to support the floor and the roof. The flooring was made using 2”x8” timber members for the skid, 2”x6” timber members for the joist and 2”x8” timber members for the flooring. Those members were connected to each other using hurricane ties and joist hangers where needed. The implementation of a cladding over the structural members for the wall. As for the roof covering it was covered was acrylic roofing material that was laid over a coat of dampproof membrane. The project on a whole to me was surely beneficial as it required the implementation of knowledge attained from studio in the previous semester (Outlook, Climate and Tectonics). Furthermore, learning how to design without disrupting nature and other services being offered within the project area, but instead using them todesign the structure as well. The most interest part of this project was getting to render the various prespectives of how the different spaces wold have been used.


Site Location

Site Plan


Assignment 5


Group Work 3

Precedent, an example or reference used to justify later similar occurrences or attributes. Groups were required to research the selected building, providing clear and concise insight into the principles and ideas intrinsic to the architect’s response in relation to the previous exercises on Form, Memory, Ritual and Climate. The project also required us to extract data not only through research, but also by an analysis of the drawings (plans, sections, etc) and images of the projects.

PRECEDENT Lecturer: Omari Wright No. of Sessions: 1 Assigned Building: Frame House


For this project, the group was required to research the assigned building and analyze it based off of the principles of architecture learned from first year Head Studio as well as the previous semester. The building that research had to be done on was none other that the Frame House by UID Architects locaed in Hiroshima Japan (34°50’N, 133°00’E). Guidelines were used in doing such research and analysis the building was read in terms of scale, hierarchy, symmetry, plan to section, unit to whole, repetition, additive and subtraction, balance, geometry, configuration, patterns, progressions, reduction, etc . At the same timeresearch was also done to see how the building responded to Ritual, Outlook, Climate, and Tectonics to understand how the building is put together conceptually.


Assignment 6


Assignment 6

This assignment required one to develop a setting that can simultaneously accommodate living and working needs in one place. It must be both personal to the inhabitants as well as their business. Using the skills learn throughout the year as well your own personal attitude towards the idea of home, students will design a live/work space. Where tectonics is concerned it is the art or science of construction where structural features are analysed.

LIVE/ WORK Lecturer: Omari Wright No. of Sessions: 8 Family: D Street: John’s Lane


For this project I was assigned Family D, a sign painter with a child and an elderly person, where John’s Lane was the access point into the structure. From the begining I knew that I wanted a floating effect for my building where the residence would be completely blocked off from the public. The first concept of my building had the residency being entirely on the ground floor and the workspace would transition to the upper level through a gallery space. However, after talking over with some of the lecturers I had decided to place the sign painter’s sleeping quarters on the upper level of the building to be closer to his workspace. The materials used on the structure were bricks for the foundation, glass for the windows and concrete for the walls. The structure has a garage area covered by a cantilevered roof which is actually the studio workspace. Within the residency side of the building an open studio feel is being represented which entailed the living, dining and kitchen areas merging. This was done to let the furniture separate the space instead of building up walls. A courtyard space was added towards the back off the structure where it served as a greenspace allowing the other residential necessities (bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry, etc.) wrapped around it to emphasize its purpose. The structure also entails a transitional viewing space that allows customers to view the works of art that has been created while heading towards the studio workspace on the upper level of the building. Upon arriving to the upper level of the structure there is an open roof terrace bordered by planters filled with greenry that has a seating area to capture the view of the synagogue across the road. The painter’s quarters was also located on the upper level as well not only to bring him closer to work but to have a lookout that would bring him great insipiration from the site’s surroundings. Both the painter’s quarters and the studio workspace were linked by a sort of floating roof (whcih had major support from the walls of the viewing space. The project on a whole to me was surely beneficial as it required the implementation of knowledge attained from studio in the previous semester (Ritual, Memory, Outlook, Climate and Tectonics). Furthermore, learning how to design without disrupting other services being offered within the project area. The most interest part of this project was getting to render the various prespectives of how the different spaces wold have been used.


Site Plan

Perspective of Structure from John’s Lane

West Elevation

1st Floor Plan


Ground Floor Plan

“ In the end you’ll find that you might learn more by being in a group with someone rather than trying to figure things out on your own.”

- Kavin Dawkins

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