Dr. Prashant Nadkarni and KL Fertility Centre

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Dr. Prashant Nadkarni and KL Fertility Centre DR. PRASHANT NADKARNI Dr. Prashant Nadkarni graduan kelulusan perubatan dari Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1982, serta memperoleh ijazah kepakaran dalam bidang perubatan reproduktif sejak 1989. Sejak itu, pengalaman beliau dalam bidang perubatan reproduktif ini sudah melangakau 20 tahun. Diketahui umum, masalah kesuburan sememangnya mampu merunsingkan dan membebankan kepada pasangan di luar sana. Di KLFC, Dato Dr Prashant berjumpa setiap klien untuk konsultasi serta terlibat dalam setiap rawatan dari awal hingga akhir. Prinsip kami di KL Fertility Center (KLFC) adalah untuk membantu serta menyediakan rawatan kesuburan mengikut keselesaan dan kehendak setiap klien kami. Kami percaya, setiap pasangan atau individu adalah berbeza dan unik dari segi keperluan dan kepercayaan. Oleh itu, rawatan yang disediakan adalah berbeza bagi setiap pasangan.

Dato' Dr. Prashant Nadkarni Gynecologist pengajian ijazah perubatan di Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1977 hingga 1982. Selepas menamatkan latihan beliau di Hospital Universiti di Kuala Lumpur, beliau menyambung latihan dalam bidang Obstetrik and Ginekologi di UK. Sepanjang latihan beliau di sana, beliau turut berkhidmat di beberapa healing facility berprestij di London seperti Hospital St. Bartholomew,Guy's, Middlesex dan juga Hospital University College. Beliau memperoleh kelulusan kepakaran (MRCOG) dan memilih untuk mendalami dalam bidang rawatan reproduktif. Pada waktu itu, bidang ini masih lagi baru dan tidak ramai individu yang terlibat. Beliau sangat bertuah kerana berpeluang bekerjasama dengan Prof. Ian Craft, antara pelopor dalam bidang rawatan reproduktif. Beliau

menghabiskan masa selama dua tahun (1981-1991) di London Fertility and Gynecology Center di Harley St, di mana beliau juga terlibat dalam penyelidikan awal rawatan yang masih lagi digunakan pada hari ini. Pada tahun 1991, Professor Ian Craft dan Pusat Kesuburan London dijemput oleh Jabatan Kesihatan Dubai untuk menubuhkan Pusat Kesuburan di Emiriah Arab Bersatu. Pada ketika itu, Dato Prashant dipindahkan sementara ke Dubai untuk menubuhkan pusat yan kesuburan kemudiannya berkembangmenjadi g salah satuterbesar di kawasan pantai pusat kesuburan dengan timur menjalankan lebih dari 500 GIFT dan IVF setahun. Selepas kepulangan beliau ke tanah air pada tahun 1997, beliau kembali berkhidmat, menubuhkan unit IVF Di Hospital Universiti dan mengajar . Beliau aktif dalam latihan dan kajian dan sering kali dijemput menghadiri gathering, persidangan perubatan berkaitan isu kesuburan. Pada tahun 2001, beliau beralih arah menubuhkan unit IVF dan menjadi pengarah klinikal di unit IVF Hospital Pantai (2002-2009). Selepas Pusat Perubatan Prince Court milik Petronas ditubuhkan, beliau dijemput bagi menubuhkan unit IVF yang mengambil masa selama 2 tahun bagi melengkapkan unit ini sehingga mempunyai program IVF yang berjaya.

Beliau juga merupakan individu yang bertanggungjawab menetapkan standard menjalankan praktis kesuburan dalam beberapa jawatankuasa untuk Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Akademi Perubatan Malaysia, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi dan Persatuan Kualiti Kesihatan Malaysia. Pencapaian beliau sepanjang 17 tahun dalam bidang kesuburan: Sejak 1989 – GIFT, IVF and pemindahan embrio beku. Sejak 1990 – Pendermaan ovum dan bayi tumpang. Sejak 1993 – Bayi PESA and TESA . Sejak 1993 – Bayi ICSI. Sumbangan beliau dalam bidang ini bersama Azizah Fertility Foundation (TAFF) mendapat pengiktirafan apabila dianugerahkan gelaran 'Dato' oleh Sultan Pahang selain dari anugerah Fellowship Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists di UK. Pengalaman beliau yang meluas telah membawa kepada jemputan menjadi rakan kongsi kepada sebuah pusat

kesuburan termaju iaitu Monash IVF. Perkhidmatan dan rawatan yang disediakan di KL Fertility bertaraf antarabangsa Dr. Prashant Nadkarni is an endocrinologist in Syracuse, New York and is partnered with Upstate University Hospital. He got his therapeutic degree from Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Malaya Faculty of Medicine and has been practically speaking for over 20 years. Dr. Nadkarni acknowledges a few kinds of medical coverage, recorded underneath. He is one of 11 specialists at Upstate University Hospital who spend significant time in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism.

KL Fertility Centre, the richness authority focus committed solely to getting you pregnant. We have been giving richness mastery to more than two decades, helping couples have

children crosswise over three landmasses. What's more, now we are a piece of Australia's driving IVF gathering, Monash IVF to offer the most recent innovation in richness medication. Since our foundation, KL Fertility Center has strived to constantly enhance the ripeness expert treatment gave, and take care of your needs with the most extreme care. At our fruitfulness focus, we likewise offer help connects to help guarantee you roll out positive improvements to your eating regimen and way of life to accomplish better results. ICSI: INTRA-CYTOPLASMIC SPERM INJECTION Similarly as IVF changed the predetermination of ladies with harmed tubes, ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm infusion) is another fruitfulness treatment which has upset the treatment of male barrenness. Without it, a great many men with poor or frail sperm could never have the capacity to father babies. With male barrenness expanding around the world, an ever increasing number of couples are resorting to ICSI treatment to have children. Regardless of how feeble, few or poor the sperm, ICSI will for the most part work. Intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI treatment) includes infusion of single sperm in to an egg so as to cause preparation. The means included are the same concerning

IVF aside from that in the research facility, a solitary sperm is gotten with a fine needle and infused into the egg. This is improved the situation all the great quality eggs. ICSI is chiefly valuable for barrenness because of low quality sperm. In this circumstance, the couple can't have an infant in light of the fact that the sperm can't enter and treat an egg, and ICSI is regularly the main expectation. Pregnancy rates are like IVF. Our sister unit, Monash IVF, were the world's pioneer in this method, and we gladly proceed with this convention development and achievement. KL Fertility Center, the ripeness expert focus committed only to getting you pregnant. We have been giving fruitfulness skill to more than two decades, helping couples have children crosswise over three mainlands. What's more, now we are a piece of Australias driving IVF gathering, Monash IVF to offer the most recent innovation in ripeness solution. ABOUT MALE INFERTILITY PROGRAMME Customarily, 15% of the fruitlessness is identified with male barrenness.

Throughout the last 5 – 10 years , we have seen an expansion in male fruitlessness. Right now, as much as 40 – half of barrenness is identified with male. The Male Infertility Program is intended to evaluate , analyze and oversee male barrenness. Our group which includes a gynecologist, endocrinologist , urologist , embryologist and attendant advisors offer an extensive and a one-stop arrangement community for male factor fruitlessness. We devote our exertion in helping couples determined to have male barrenness to wind up guardians. CAUSES OF MALE INFERTILITY AZOOSPERMIA Azoospermia is where there is no sperm cells found in a discharge. Azoospermia can be expected to : a) Production issue (i.e. sperm not delivered by gonad)

b) Obstructive issue ( i.e. sperm is delivered yet there is block in the sperm leave pathway). Examinations to search for the reasons for azoospermia involve: a)Physical examination including examination of the size and consistency of the testicles b)Hormonal blood test estimating blood levels of FSH , LH and testosterone hormones. For a situation of sperm generation issue in the testicles , the testicles might be little and the hormone levels of FSH and LH are hoisted. Testosterone level can be low or typical. For a situation of unadulterated obstructive issue, the physical examination and hormone levels are generally typical. Be that as it may, there is dependably varieties in the clinical and blood tests relationship with the real reason. Your male ripeness master will talk about the discoveries with you. Elawoman Website

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