THE NATIONAL GAD RESOURCE PROGRAM (NGRP): Meeting the Demands for Technical Assistance on GAD
Leveling and Learning Session on GAD for Potential GAD Resource Pool Members Batch 4 June 24, 2015 ď Ž Icon Hotel, North EDSA, Quezon City
Where are we now globally? • 9th out of 142 countries in Global Gender Gap Index (WEF, 2014) [5th in 2013] –
Health & survival, educational attainment, economic participation & opportunity, political empowerment
58th out of 160 countries in Social Institutions and Gender Index (OECD France, 2014)
Where are we now globally? • 1st in Asia to have NAP on Women, Peace and Security • 2nd to ratify ILO convention 189 to put it in effect; 1st to pass Domestic Workers legislation in the region • COA’s Citizen Participatory Audit project wins ‘Bright Spots’ 1st prize in the Open Government Partnership in London (Nov 1, 2013)
What are we working on now? • Women’s Priority Legislative Agenda • Baseline Study on Magna Carta of Women • Validation/Application of the Revised GMEF Tool • National Gender and Development Resource Program (NGRP) • Local Gender and Development Resource Program (LGRP) • PCW-AECID Implementing and Monitoring the MCW Project • Project Implementation Plan of the GREAT 2 Project • Monitoring of MCW Implementation • Review of GAD Plans and Budgets
Our main strategy The Magna Carta of Women • institutionalized Gender Mainstreaming as a strategy • mandated PCW to ensure “that all government agencies and local government units are capacitated” to effectively implement the law. • NGAs and LGUs: the primary duty bearers who ensure that GAD perspective is mainstreamed in their systems, processes and programs
Our main strategy Gender and Development (GAD) Mainstreaming is still our mandated strategy to achieve women’s empowerment and gender equality – Philippine GM strategy has two complementary tracks: (1) development planning process; and (2) institutional capacity development
The Philippine Gender Mainstreaming (GM) Strategy Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Programs, projects and activities
Development Planning
Gender Mainstreaming
Institutional Development Agency policies and work environments
Why do we need you? Increased demand for TA from NGAs and even LGUs – Issuance of the new policies on GAD Planning and Budgeting – PCW MC 2011-01 on the strengthening of GFP System
– PCW-DBM-NEDA JC 2012-01 for National Government Agencies, GOCCs, SUCs – PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC 2013-01 for LGU
– COA Circular no. 2014-001: Revised Guidelines in the Audit of GAD Funds and Activities in Government Agencies
The Demand Technical Assistance (TA) •
In 2013 PCW received/rendered/referred 635 TA from requesting NGAs , LGUs, SUCs and other government instrumentalities.
In 2014, PCW received/rendered/referred 359 TA from requesting NGAs , LGUs, SUCs and other government instrumentalities.
GAD Plan and Budget Review • In 2013 PCW reviewed 451 GAD plans and budgets of NGAs and its attached agencies and regional offices • In 2014, PCW reviewed 299 GAD plans and budgets of NGAs and its attached agencies and regional offices.
Why do we need you? 1. PCW only has 20-25 technical officers trained to provide GAD related TA requests 2. You have the capacity to provide Technical Assistance on Gender and Development 3. You have the experience on the ground. 4. You are willing to be part of this new endeavor!!
What TA modes have we tried before? 1. The Gender Resource Centers – In 1996, the PCW and the UP CWS, through the CIDA-ISP established the GRCs in Regions I, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, and 4-A – A one-stop facility based in an University which coordinates and provides both technical and material resources to enable various groups such as regional line agencies and LGUs to mainstream GAD principles and strategies into their policies, structures and programs.
What TA modes have we tried before? 2. The GAD Resource Network (GRN) – Created in 2001 through the support of the PCW-CIDA Institutional Strengthening Project II – A loose network of GAD practitioners from government, NGOs and academe, including members of the GAD Resource Centers gathered to serve as the technical assistance providers of the PCW
What TA modes have we tried before? 3. The PCW-UNFPA Project (6th CP 2005-2011) – As component manager for Gender PCW developed trainings modules on VAW, RH and POPDEV in partnership with key government agencies – Provided technical assistance to pilot LGUs (10 provinces and 30 municipalities) on the formulation of local GPB and GAD Codes – Trained LGOOs, Police offices and social welfare officers on VAW related laws, VAW PS and VAW Referral System
What TA Modes have we tried before?
4. The PCW-DFATD Canada GREAT Women Project (2006-2013): enhancing a gender-responsive enabling environment for women’s economic empowerment (WEE) – TOTAGA for NGA-TWG members, LGU officials and local area coordinators (LACs(), local experts
– Developed WEE training modules and guides on gender and enterprise development, Value Chain Analysis, women and environment, trade, financial literacy, OSH and science and technology
What TA Modes have we tried before? 4. AECID Project (2011-2015): Institutional Strengthening of National and Local Governance on Human Rights and Economic Empowerment with a Gender Focus: Implementation of the Magna Carta of Women AECID Project Components • The project operates with three strategic Components: • Component 1 - Capacity Development for PCW Expected result: Improved efficiency and capacity of the PCW as oversight agency in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the MCW • Component 2 - Capacity development of oversight national government agencies (NGAs) Expected result: Increased capacity of partner agencies to implement and monitor the provisions of the MCW related to women’s human rights and economic empowerment. • Component 3 - LGU Institutional Capacity-Building Expected result: Strengthened local and national convergence of supports and services for women’s human rights and economic empowerment
GREAT Women Project National Partners
Local Partners
Lead Implementing Partner:
Quezon Ifugao Metro Naga Devt. Council (MNDC) Bohol Iloilo Leyte Davao Sur PPALMA Alliance and 36 municipalities
DTI and attached agencies (ie. PPTC, BSMED, CITC, OSC) Advocacy and Networking Cluster: DENR, DILG, NEDA and NAPC Training and Resource Partners: DOLE-OSHC, DOST, UP-ISSI, TESDA and TRC Social Protection and Microfinance Cluster: PhilHealth and PCFC
AECID Project National Partners
Local Partners Albay
National Economic and Development Authority
Oriental Mindoro
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Department of Budget and Management Civil Service Commission Commission on Higher Education
Iloilo Surigao del Norte Sarangani 2 municipalities for each province
PCW Technical Assistance Strategies
1. National Gender and Development Resource Program (NGRP) 2. Local Gender and Development Resource Program (LGRP)
The National GAD Resource Program The over-all technical assistance blueprint of the Philippine on Commission on Women (PCW). • Responds to the increasing demand for technical assistance on general and sector-specific GAD mainstreaming of NGAs and LGUs • Utilizes the gains from the GRCs, GRNs, UNFPA and the GREAT Women Projects.
PCW TA Packages (Individual and Sectoral) GAD Seminars and Courses GFPS Assembly
Capacitating Mother Agencies
GAD Budget Forum
Oversight NGAs
GAD Resource Pool
GAD Research and Learning Materials Development Webinars
PCW Officers
Individual Members (Private, CSO, NGAs & LGUs)
Figure 1: Proposed Structure of the PCW-NGRP
Institutional Members (Private, CSOs, NGAs & LGUs)
NGRP Component 3 Component 3: The GAD Resource Pool:
THAT’S YOU!! Individual and institutional members who will be tapped by the PCW to provide technical assistance, research on GAD Mainstreaming. Invited or referred from the GRCs, GRN, academe and NGOs, as well as GREAT Women Projects, AECID, UNFPA, other partners trained on GAD. Certified by the PCW
Batches 1 & 2
Batch 3
Thank you
for Listening
May the Filipino Women and the future generations reap our efforts for gender equality !