Enhanced training guide for gad planning and budgeting sept23

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Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session TRAINING GUIDE FOR GAD PB for NGAs A. Training Module Title: GAD Planning and Budgeting Training for NGAs B. Participants:

Agency GAD Focal Point System Members (Planning Office, Budget and Finance Office, HRDO, Policy Development Office, MIS, OSEC, Program Office)

C. Desired learning outcome 

Increased capacities of agency GFPS members to conduct gender based analysis using GA tools and to formulate their annual GPB and GAD AR

D. Training objectives (Immediate outcome) 1) To level-off understanding on basic gender and development concepts; gender mainstreaming framework and tools; 2) To level-off understanding on policy imperatives for GAD, particularly on the provisions of MCW and JC 2012-01; 3) To orient the participants on the legal basis of GAD planning and budgeting; 4) To provide venue for hands-on application of GA tools (GMEF, HGDG and data analysis) and formulation of agency GPB and GAD AR; and 5) To enable the participants to formulate a draft GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report. E. Duration: 3 days F. Pre-requisite training/skill for participants:  Participants should have undergone gender sensitivity trainings  Participants should have undergone training on GA/GA tools  Availability of sex disaggregated data for the agency/sector  Availability of project document for application of HGDG G. Learning facilitator’s knowledge and skill requirements:  Experienced GAD trainer; basic facilitation and presentation skills  Broad understanding of basic GAD concepts and gender issues  Familiarity with gender related laws and policies  Knowledge of gender analysis concepts and tools  Familiarity with national GAD planning and budgeting processes  Working knowledge national planning, programming, budgeting and implementation processes  Knowledge of the agency’s mandate and status of gender mainstreaming efforts H. Core Topics: 1. Review of Basic GAD concepts; difference between sex and gender; 2. Discussion on the Policy Imperatives for GAD planning and Budgeting especially MCW provisions related to the mandate of the agency; 3. Introduction of Gender-based analysis and application of GA tools (Essential for the identification of gender issues) 4. Presentation of the essential elements, procedures and schedule of GPB preparation provided for in JC 2012-01 with hands-on exercise on preparing GPB using new format 5. Preparation of GAD Accomplishment Report 6. Acceptable and non- acceptable GAD PPAs 7. Transforming GAD plan into action. Reflecting the GPB in the agency plan and budge I.

GPB Concepts

1. GAD Plan and Budget – is an instrument to mainstream GAD in regular plans, programs and budgets of agencies and LGUs. It contains a systematically designed set of programs, projects and activities with corresponding budget carried out for a period of one year.


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session 2. GPB contains specific gender issues and concerns of an agency’s clients and its personnel. Thus, gender issues and corresponding GAD activities are clustered as client focused and organization focused. Gender issues are identified through conduct of gender based analysis or gender audit. Gender Audit or gender analysis is one of the essential elements of GAD planning and budgeting. 3. Gender Audit and GAD Funds Audit are different. Gender Audit is a social audit conducted to assess the level of gender mainstreaming of an agency or an LGU while GAD Funds Audit refers to the financial audit conducted by the Commission on Audit (optional for Heads of Offices/LCEs). 4. Gender and Development Focal Point System is the primary mechanism mandated to lead the formulation and monitoring of the annual GPB of agencies and LGUs. GPFS members are expected to be capacitated on GAD related issuances and procedures and should provide technical advice on gender mainstreaming in their respective agency and LGUs. GFPS members are not the (only) ones responsible for the implementation of agency GPB, instead the relevant units in the agency where GAD activities are lodged should be primary responsible for its effective implementation. Creating and/or strengthening the GAD Focal Point System is another essential element of GAD planning and budgeting. 5. Capacity development on GAD for its GAD Focal Point System, agency/LGU personnel, and top level officials is the third essential element of GAD planning and budgeting. Thus, the GAD PB of an agency should include conduct of capacity development activities for specific groups of people, based on results of the training needs analysis (TNA). Some of the suggested capacity development sessions includes: a. Gender Sensitivity Sessions/Trainings (for planners, program implementers, evaluators, admin, personnel, new staff and top level officials) b. Gender Audit/Analysis and application of gender analysis tools (GMEF, HGDG, GeRL, PGA, qualitative analysis and use of sex-disaggregated data for identification of gender issues) c. Procedures for GAD plan and budget preparations based on provisions of JC 2012-01 d. Setting up and strengthening GAD Focal Point System based on PCW MC 2011-01 e. Setting of GAD databases and gender responsive M&E System f. Sector based specific GAD trainings (HR-VAW, RH, WEE) 6. New GAD plan and budget templates for NGAs and LGUs put identification of gender issues and cause of gender issue in columns 1 and 2 of the format. Both the gender issues and causes of gender issues should be addressed by the agency by identifying specific GAD related activities. 7. Some gender issues may recur on succeeding planning cycles, in recognition of the fact that some gender issues may take time to be resolved. Thus it is ok to see gender issues articulated repeatedly in agency and LGU plans; however, the GAD related activities, targets and performance indicators should vary. 8. GAD budget is not an additional budget given to an agency or LGU. The cost of implementing the GAD plan should be derived from the approved budget of the agency and LGU. The GAD budget should be at least 5% of total budget; it may be culled from PS, MOOE and CO budget items. PS budget item is usually reported as attributable GAD budget reflected in the GAD Accomplishment Reports of the agency. 9. Attributing portion or total cost of implementing regular programs and activities as part of agency GAD budget is allowed under the JC/JMC. The HGDG is currently the only acceptable tool for attribution. Results of HGDG tool application to a specific program should be submitted together with the GPB and GAD AR for review and endorsement of PCW.


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session 10. Line/mother agencies are expected to alert their attached agencies and regional offices to commence preparation of their GPB and GAD AR based on the GAD Budget Memorandum issued by PCW in September of each year. Line/Mother agencies are expected to review the GPBs of their attached agencies to check its alignment with the overall GAD agenda of the agency. GAD PBs of regional offices are to be consolidated by line agencies into their own GPB. Only GADPBs and GAD ARs transmitted by line/mother agencies will be reviewed by PCW. 11. Knowing and following required format and set deadline for submission of agency/LGU GPBs are important information that should be noted by the GFPS members. GAD plans and budgets submitted after the set deadline will no longer be reviewed and endorsed by PCW. GPBs without the GAD Accomplishment Report will also not be reviewed and endorsed. 12. The heads of NGAs and LCEs of LGUs who repeatedly fail to prepare and submit their annual GAD Plans and Budgets may be subject to administrative sanctions provided for under the Magna Carta of Women. 13. Agencies may still implement additional GAD PAPs other than those included in their GPBs provided that they explain in the GAD AR why said PAPs were implemented. 14. GAD-related economic and health issues are NOT allowed as gender issues unless it is within the sector and mandate of the agency proposing them. Establishment/operationalization of programs to address women’s practical and strategic needs (e.g. establishment of child-minding center) are acceptable GAD activities but must be supported by data and in depth analysis.


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session TRAINING GUIDE FOR GAD PB for LGUs A. Training Module Title: GAD Planning and Budgeting for LGUs B. Participants:

LGU GAD Focal Point System Members (MPDO, Budget and Finance Office, HRDO, MIS, OLEC, Local Program Office)

C. Desired learning outcome Increased capacities of LGU GFPS members to conduct gender based analysis based on local socio-economic profiles, GA tools and to formulate their annual LGU GPBs and GAD ARs D. Training objectives (Immediate outcome) 1) Leveled understanding on basic gender and development concepts; gender mainstreaming framework and tools 2) Leveled understanding on policy imperatives for GAD, particularly on the provisions of MCW and JMC 2013-01 3) Provide venue for hands-on application of GA tools (GMEF, HGDG, GeRL and data analysis using SEPP data) and 4) Formulate LGU GPB and GAD AR E. Duration: 3 days F. Pre-requisite training/skills for participants:  Participants should have undergone basic gender sensitivity trainings  Participants should have undergone training on GA/GA tools  Working knowledge of LGU situation and its planning, programming and budgeting processes  Availability of sex disaggregated data or updated Socio-economic and Physical Profile (SEPP)  Availability of local project document for application of HGDG G. Learning facilitator’s knowledge and skill requirements:  Experienced GAD trainer; basic facilitation and presentation skills  Broad understanding of basic GAD concepts and gender issues in the local context  Familiarity with gender related laws and policies, particularly those that apply to LGUs  Knowledge of gender analysis concepts and tools  Familiarity with local GAD planning and budgeting processes  Working knowledge LGU policy making, planning, programming, budgeting and implementation processes  Skill in local data analysis  Knowledge of LGU mandates and the extent of gender mainstreaming efforts of the LGU H. Core Topics: 1. Review of Basic GAD concepts; difference between sex and gender; 2. Discussion on the Policy Imperatives for GAD planning and Budgeting 3. Introduction of Gender-based analysis and application of GA tools (essential for the identification of gender issues) 4. Presentation of the essential elements, procedures and schedule of GPB preparation provided for in JMC 2013-01 with hands-on exercise on preparing GPB using new format 5. Preparation of GAD Accomplishment Report 6. Acceptable and non- acceptable GAD PPAs 7. Transforming GAD plan into action. Reflecting the GPB in the LGU Annual Investment Program 8. MCW Indicators related to the mandate of LGUs in implementing the law I.

Core Messages for GPB training

1. GAD Plan and Budget – is an instrument to mainstream GAD in regular plans, programs and budgets of agencies and LGUs. It contains a systematically designed set of programs, projects and activities with corresponding budget carried out for a period of one year.


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session 2. GPB contains specific gender issues and concerns of an LGUs clients and its personnel. Thus, gender issues and corresponding GAD activities are clustered as client-focused and organizationfocused. Gender issues are identified through conduct of gender based analysis or gender audit. Gender Audit or gender analysis is one of the essential elements of GAD planning and budgeting. 3. Gender Audit and GAD Funds Audit are different. Gender Audit is a social audit conducted to assess the level of gender mainstreaming of an agency or an LGU while GAD Funds Audit refers to the financial audit conducted by the Commission on Audit. 4. GAD Focal Point System is the primary mechanism mandated to lead the formulation and monitoring of the annual GPB of LGUs. GPFS members are expected to be capacitated on GAD related issuances and procedures and should provide technical advice on gender mainstreaming in their respective LGUs. GFPS members are not the (only) ones responsible for the implementation of agency GPB, instead the relevant units of the LGU where GAD activities are lodged should be primarily responsible for its effective implementation. Creating and/or strengthening the GAD Focal Point System is another essential elements of GAD planning and budgeting. 5. Capacity development on GAD for its GAD Focal Point System, agency/LGU personnel, and top level officials is the third essential element on GAD planning and budgeting. Thus, the GAD PB of an LGU should include conduct of capacity development activities for specific groups of people, based on results of TNA. Some of the suggested capacity development sessions include: a. Gender Sensitivity Sessions/Trainings (for planners, program implementers, evaluators, admin, personnel, new staff and top level officials) b. Gender Audit/Analysis and application of gender analysis tools (GMEF, HGDG, GeRL, PGA, qualitative analysis and use of sex-disaggregated data for identification of gender issues) c. Procedures for GAD plan and budget preparations based on provisions of JMC 2013-01. d. Setting up and strengthening GAD Focal Point System based on JMC 2013-01 e. Setting of GAD databases and gender responsive M&E System f. Sector based specific GAD trainings (HR-VAW, RH, WEE) g. Formulation of GAD Code 6. New GAD plan and budget templates for LGUs put identification of gender issues and causes of gender issues in columns 1 and 2 of the format. Both the gender issues and causes of gender issues should be addressed by the agency and LGU by identifying specific GAD related activities. 7. Some gender issues may recur on succeeding planning cycles, in recognition of the fact that some gender issues may take time to be resolved. Thus it is okay to see gender issues articulated repeatedly in agency and LGU plans; however, the GAD related activities, targets and performance indicators should vary. 8. GAD budget is not an additional budget given to an r LGU. The cost of implementing the GAD plan should be derived from the approved budget of the agency and LGU. The GAD budget should be at least 5% of total budget; it may be culled from PS, MOOE and CO budget items. PS budget item is usually reported as attributable GAD budget reflected in the GAD Accomplishment Reports of the LGU. 9. Attributing portion or total cost of implementing regular programs and activities as part of an LGU’s GAD budget is allowed under the new JMC. The HGDG is currently the only acceptable tool for attribution. Results of HGDG tool application to a specific program should be submitted together with the GPB and GAD AR for review and endorsement of the DILG.


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session 10. LGU GPBs are to be submitted to DILG field officials for review and endorsement. For Barangay GPBs, the MLGOOs will review and endorse. For municipalities and cities outside Manila, GPBs are submitted first to the PPDO to check alignment with provincial GAD agenda, and then the revised GPB is submitted to DILG regional offices for review and endorsement. Provincial and highly urbanized and component cities’ GPBs are submitted directly to DILG regional offices for review and endorsement. 11. Knowing and following required format and set deadline for submission of LGU GPB are important information that should be noted by the GFPS members. GAD plans and budget submitted after the set deadline will no longer be reviewed and endorsed by the DILG. GPBs without the GAD Accomplishment Report will also not be reviewed and endorsed. 12. The LCEs of LGUs who repeatedly fail to prepare and submit their annual GAD Plans and Budgets may be subject to administrative sanctions provided for under the Magna Carta of Women. 13. LGUs may still implement additional GAD PAPs other than those included in their GPBs provided that they explain in the GAD AR why said PAPs were implemented. 14. GAD-related economic and health GAD PAPs may be attributable to GAD if it clearly addresses a specific gender issue of the LGU proposing them. Establishment/operationalization of programs to address women’s practical and strategic needs (e.g. establishment of child-minding center) are acceptable GAD activities but must be supported by data and in-depth analysis.


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session Proposed Modules for GAD Planning and Budgeting for Different Audiences AUDIENCE LCEs/Agenc y Heads (2-3 hours)

Technical: Planning/Bu dget Officers; M&E Team; Proj./Prog. Implementer s, GFPS/GAD TWG (3 days) 1st DayLevellingoff/Refreshe r 2nd Day-

OBJECTIVE  To generate appreciation of gender mainstreami ng in the operation of the department by means of understandi ng GAD Planning and Budgeting  To gain the support of LCEs/Agenc y Heads for GAD Planning and Budgeting

Enhance understandi ng of Basic Concepts, knowledge and GA tools To develop skills of GAD Focal Point System members to cascade knowledge on how to do GAD Planning

CORE TOPICS 1. Situationer on major gender issues 2. Policy imperatives for GAD Mainstreamin g and GAD PB connected to their mandates , UN CEDAW, Gender Mainstreamin g Overview (emphasis on GAD Planning and Budgeting) 3. Essential Elements, Procedures, Schedules and Acceptable and NonAcceptable PPAs 4. Importance of GAD Planning and Budgeting in the Preparation of NGA/LGU GAD Plans and Budgets 1. Basic GAD Concepts 2. Overview of Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreamin g 3. Discussion on the Policy Imperatives for GAD Planning and Budgeting including MC 2011-01 4. Introduction of Gender-

MATERIALS 1. Data/statistics from the NGA and LGUs 2. BPFA and MDG; PDP and relevant MCW provisions 3. JC 2012-01 for NGAs and JC 2013-01 for LGUs 4. MC 2011-01 5. Video presentations, powerpoint presentations, handouts, worksheets and use of indigenous visual aids as appropriate

STRATEGY 1. Preliminary arrangement with the head OSec or Execom Secretariat or Executive Briefing for NGAs and RDC/PDC/MDC for LGUs 2. Lecture type supported by copies of powerpoint presentations to be conducted 3. Tap PCW Chairperson or ED to serve as RP 4. HRBA contextualizatio n of GPB 5. Prior research on profile/situation of NGAs and LGUs

1. BPFA and MDG; PDP and relevant MCW provisions 2. MC 2011-01 3. JC 2012-01 for NGAs and JMC 2013-01 for LGUs 4. Sample GPB Templates 5. Video presentations, powerpoint presentations, handouts, worksheets and use of indigenous visual aids as appropriate

1. Administer TNA prior to the training 2. Level-off understanding of KSAs on Basic GAD Concepts; Frameworks and Tools; 3. Utilize Participatory Learning Activities 4. HRBA Contextualization of GPB 5. Focus Group


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session Presentation of Guidelines for GPB and how to fillout the templates

3rd DayWorkshop and Reporting+ Monitoring Strategy 

and Budgeting in their agencies/LG Us To develop skills of Program Project Implementor s on GAD Planning and Budgeting To come up with the draft NGA/LGU GPB






Women NGOs (3 days)

To Enhance understandi ng of Basic Concepts, knowledge and GA tools To capacitate women NGOs to enhance their participation in Gender

Based Analysis and application of GA tools (Essential for the Identification of gender issues) Presentation of the essential elements, procedures and schedule of GPB preparation provided for in JC 201201/JMC 2013-01 with hands-on exercise on preparing GPB using new format Preparation of GAD Accomplishm ent Report Acceptable and Nonacceptable GAD PPAs Transforming GAD plan into action and reflecting the GPB in the agency plan and budget Preparation of GAD Code (for LGUs)

1. Basic GAD concepts ; difference between sex and gender 2. Overview of Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreamin g 3. Discussion on the Policy Imperatives for GPB

Discussion, Case Studies Analysis and Participatory Learning Demonstration

1. BPFA and MDG; PDP and relevant MCW provisions 2. MC 2011-01 3. JC 2012-01 for NGAs and JC 2013-01 for LGUs 4. Sample GPB Templates 5. Video presentations, powerpoint presentations, handouts, worksheets and

1. Administer TNA prior to the training 2. Level-off understanding of KSAs on Basic GAD Concepts; GM Frameworks and Tools; 3. Utilize Participatory Learning Activities 4. HRBA


Training Guide for GPB – NGRP GR Pool Leveling Session Planning and Budgeting





highlighting how women NGOs can participate in all levels of decision making Introduction of Genderbased analysis and application of GA tools (Essential for the Identification of gender issues) Presentation of the essential elements, procedures and schedule of GPB preparation provided for in JC 201201/JMC 2013-01 with hands-on exercise on preparing GPB using new format Acceptable and NonAcceptable GAD PPAs Formulation of GAD Code (for LGUs)

use of indigenous visual aids as appropriate

contextualizatio n of GPB 5. Focus Group Discussion, Case Studies Analysis and Participatory Learning Demonstration


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