Gad accomplishment 2013

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Agency/ Bureau/ Office: Marinduque State College Total MOOE of Agency: P 835,000 Gender Issue and/ or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender issue (2)


GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/ PAP (4)

GAD Activity (5)

Output Performance Indicator and Targets (6)

Actual Results (7)

Total Approved Agency Budget (8)

Actual Cost/Ex penditur e (9)

Variance/ remarks (10)

Organization Focused GAD Planning and Budget Allocation

Need to strengthen the capability of MSC GAD Focal Point System and to finalize the GAD Plan and Budget

To enhance the knowledge and kills of the MSC GAD Committee on GAD Planning and budget allocation

General administrati ve support

Conduct GAD Planning session or consultation with the MSC GAD Committee, planning and budget officer

The MSC GAD Committee coordinators, planning and budget officer of MSC participated in the GAD planning and budget meeting

10 staff increased their knowledge and skills on GAD planning and budgeting

P 5,000


Research Development on Gender Issues and Concerns

Need to gather data on gender issues and concerns in the college

To determine the gender issues and concerns in the college that can serve as basis for modification and improvement of the MSC GAD plans and programs, projects and activities

Higher education

Conduct research studies on gender issues and concerns in the college met by administrators, faculty members, ,non teaching personal and even students

The target research studies can be determined from April and May 2013 and ca be accomplished by 1st semester and 2nd semester 2013 to 2014

At least 1 research studies on gender issues and concerns

P 150,000


Research and extension

Summer Course on gender fair education and gender budget planning did not push through due to conflict in schedule

GAD has been able to present the preliminary proceedings of Inang Uyang studies during the 5th South and Southeast Asia Study of Religions last May 17 at UST

GAD Advocacy Program

Need to enhance the awareness on women’s human rights and their important roles to cultural, ,social, political and economic development

To commemorate the women’s day/ month and pay tribute to the great contributions of women in history their success in the different spheres of development and enlighten them on women’s human rights

Higher education General support services

Celebration of the International Women’s Day or National Women’s Month with the lecture forum or seminar

The celebration will be participated by the administrators, selected faculty members and students from the 4 MSC campuses

120 participants enhanced their awareness on the topics presented

P 20,000


participated during the Provincial Government of Marinduque Gender Sensitivity Training at the new convention center last March 12 and 13. Shared their One Billion Rising and Vday celebrations. More advocacy programs and consciousness/ awareness raising should be conducted in different MSC campuses to participate in Violet Lecture series

College Wide Information dissemination campaign on Gender and Development

Low levels of awareness on the concept and principles of GAD

To acquire comprehensive knowledge on the concept and principles of gender equality, women empowerment

Higher education Research and extension

Orientation/ lecture on the following: - sex and gender - agents of gender Socialization - evolution of gender paradigms

6 lecture for a for faculty members and 4 orientation for the freshman students in the 4 campuses of the college from June to October 2013

50 female and 30 P30,000 male participants with increased awareness on GAD concepts and principles


School of Secondary Teacher Education, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Allied Medicine Presentation of research on History of MSC. A

and why gender is a development perspective adopted by the government

Capability Building and Human Resource development

Need to acquire comprehensive knowledge and to develop capability on GAD strategies, mechanisms and procedures

To acquire comprehensive knowledge and build capability on: - gender mainstreaming, planning and budgeting - curriculum evaluation and

and milestones - gender mainstreaming - gender fair language - integration to the college curriculum

Higher education General administrati ve services

To conduct the following: - seminarworkshop on gender mainstreaming, planning and budgeting

150 females and 150 male faculty members, 200 female and 150 male students from the 4 MSC campuses will gain comprehensive knowledge on the topics presented and they will learn to support the vision of the college and the national government

120 faculty members, 12 GAD focal persons and 24 members of MSC will participate in the activities

75% of the total participants will become more gender sensitive and - follow-up session responsive. Hey on the should learn to

culminating activity was organized along with Mrs. Teresita Tubongbanua regarding the history of MSAT, MIST and MSC, there are hard and soft copy of the presentations SAS students proposes and complete thesis projects on gender related topics

75% of total participants with increased knowledge on gender mainstreaming

75% completion of the proposed lesson plan on



More sex and gender disaggregated data is needed to establish more gender related research in MSC GAD related materials from the Philippine Commission on Women were obtained during the GST, gender responsive case management was shared with DSWD Mimaropa, experiences in

integration of GAD concepts in college curricula - other genderrelated topics and concerns

Linkage and network development

Need to strengthening linkages and networking to other women’s groups and related organizations

To acknowledge the critical contribution of establishing linkages and networking to other women’s groups and relation organizations for the success of GAD mainstreaming efforts

Higher education

development of sample lesson plans or modules on different subjects where gender issues and concerns can be integrated

consider gender issues in conceptualizing their GAD plans and budget

Participation to gender-related seminars, trainings/ workshops and activities initiated by the various women’s groups and relation organizations

At least 6 genderrelated seminars, trainings or workshops and 2 study visit activities will be attended and participated by the MSC GAD committee and/or selected faculty

GAD curriculum integration

Indonesia and Japan were also collected

the GAD unit initiated a student forum dubbed as “Violet Lecture Series” based on the Wellness and Wellbeing consultations during July and August in most of the 11 schools in 3 campuses in the college.

75% of the selected faculty members from different schools would be able to integrate gender issues and concerns in their subject matter

4 GAD committee and or selected faculty members and staff participate don gender

5 to 6 GAD committee with acquired knowledge on gender concepts and 2 acquired knowledge of best practices on gender mainstreaming



unit was invited to participate a series of meeting in putting a local network of scholars on the study of religion and cultures in the Philippines. The country representative Fr. Hormel Pana of UST and UP

related seminars and acquired additional knowledge on gender concepts

Study visit to the different institutions with best practices on gender mainstreaming

Facility development

Need additional equipment, fixtures and gender=-related reading materials

To improve the facility of the MSC Gad unit by providing additional equipment, fixtures and gender-related reading materials that are user friendly and accessible

Purchase or construction of 4 bookshelves

Anthropology Department would be convening scholars of cultures and religions in the country with representative from Olongapo, Leyte, Marinduque and Marawi City.

2 GAD committee strengthened not only their knowledge of the best practices on gender mainstreaming but also their partnership to other concerned individuals and organizations

The said equipment, ,fixtures and genderrelated reading materials will be Purchase of purchased or desktop computer constructed before the and 3 laptop end of December 2012 computers Construction of 4 bulletin boards with Purchase of 2 LCD glass for distribution projectors and to the 4 campuses of screen MSC

The additional P10,000 gender-related reading materials can help the P50,000 faculty and student researchers, the class doors can P50,000 give security to the books and the bulletin boards can help the GAD committee in the different campuses to


Was not able to request due to lack of proper office for safety keeping of equipment

disseminate information on gender issues and concerns

P 30,000

Client-focused Capability building for the GAD Focal Points/ Representatives of the Local Government Units and provincial line agencies in Marinduque

Low level of awareness on gender mainstreaming, how to identify gender issues and concerns how to make GAD plan and budget

To acquire comprehensive knowledge on gender mainstreaming, how to identify gender issues and concerns and how to make GAD plan and budget

Higher education

Conduct seminarworkshop on gender mainstreaming, GAD planning and budgeting

The GAD Focal points/ representatives of the LGUs and PLAs in Marinduque will be invited by April and May 2012 24 participants from the LGUs and 16 participants from PLAs in Marinduque would become more gender sensitive and responsive in making their GAD plan and budget

40 participants with comprehensive knowledge on gender mainstreaming



unit has presented the results of the CHED RoundTable Discussion last December 13 and 14, the selection of the college as the GAD Council center in MIMAROPA.

Information Drive on GAD o selected LGUs, Regional and Provincial Line Agencies

Low levels of awareness on the concept and principles of GAD and low level of support on the implemented of GAD related Programs, projects and activities

To acquire comprehensive knowledge on the concept and principles of GAD, ,to gain ideas on how to support, implement and mainstream GAD concerns in the regular programs of their respective units and Agencies

General administrati ve services

Orientation/ lecture for a on: - sex and gender, ,gender issues, agents of gender socialization, evolution of Gender Paradigm and gender milestones, GAD legislations and mandates Back to back with other topics - convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and Magna Carta of Women - anti-sexual harassment law - use of gender fair language in formal and

The Officials/ heads, GAD focal points and members, employees/ staff of the LGUs and PLAs will be given GAD orientation/ lecture for by August to December 2013

6 LGUs and 4 PLAs is to be given orientations/ lecture for a on the topics presented and 90% of the total participants would gain knowledge and would appreciate better the vale and benefits of gender equality to women and mean and they would learn to support the gender equality goals and efforts of their respective units/ agencies

2 LGUs and 1 PLAs increased awareness on GAD principles, laws and mandates

P 30,000




After meeting the Research and Extension coordinators of Gasan, Sta. Cruz and Torrijos, the GAD unit conducted echoseminar at the School of Engineering and School of Secondary Teacher Education last December 18 and December 19 to 20 respectively. presented its best practices during the CHED Regional Cluster Conference earlier this month at Batangas State University.

The said unit also coordinated with the Extension and Research unit, Breadfruit Team, MCSTD, Samahan ng Kababaihan tungo sa Kaunlaran and the School of Business Management to put up an exhibition during the abovementione d GAD activity.

informal communication -making LGUs and Government agencies genderresponsive

Information drive on Gender Fair Learning to Other educational institutions

Low level of awareness on the concept of gender fair learning

To become more aware on elimination of gender bias and stereotype in the teaching and learning process

Higher education

Lecture forum on - sex, gender and gad - gender fair learning -gender fair language -anti sexual

The school heads, faculty and staff can realize that school is on of the social agents that can also promote gender bias and discrimination among the students. The said activity can

At least 4 schools would be given lecture for a and 70% of the total participants would learn comprehensive

P 20,000


the GAD unit also conducted a series of Sexual orientation and gender identity at the MSC satellite campuses at Gasan, Torrijos

To realize the significance of providing equal learning opportunities to both females and male students

harassment law

increase their awareness on how to integrate gender concepts in the curriculum and how to become more gender fair in dealing with their students

knowledge on how to promote gender fair learning and to eliminate gender bias in the curriculum

At least 90% of P150,000 the total number of participants in the 6 months training would gain technical competencies and values formation on gender and development

Extension Program for Out of School Youth

Limited chances for livelihood opportunities for out of school youth

To provide equal opportunities for out of school youth to become productive in their respective communities

Research extension

Lecture and training for agriculture and aqua culture technologies integrated with gender and development concepts and principles

Selected out of school youth would be trained for 6 months at the provincial training center with local experts from the school of agriculture, fisheries and the GAD unit

Extension Program for Ceramics and Pottery

Low levels of participated of women in economic activities in their respective communities

To provide additional opportunities for community groups for ceramics and potter production and marketing

Research extension

Lecture, workshop and training for ceramics and pottery production with marketing with

Selected communities would be provided with training for production and marketing would be able to sustain the ceramics and pottery production

and Sta.Cruz on January 22 to 23 of this year. The Gender Advancement and Development unit has successfully launched One Billion Rising and Vday last February 14.

P150,000 At least 70% of the total number of participants in the selected communities would gain


Did not materialize due to availability of resource persons and inadequacy of fit and willing participants

P300,00 0

Members of the Ceramics and Pottery Association participated in the town’s exhibit at the Mogpog

integrated with gender and development concepts and principles

technical competencies and values formation on gender and development

covered court. As per advise by COA, either the agency prepare a memorandum of understanding or deed of donation to transfer the equipment .

GAD unit implemented the technology demonstration training for Ceramics and Pottery project with the University of Northern Philippines last February 25 to March 2. Prepared:


Date of Submission



November 27, 2013

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