Agency/ Bureau/ Office: Marinduque State College Total GAA of Agency: P 89,000,000 Gender Issue and/ or GAD Mandate (1)
Cause of the Gender issue (2)
GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective (3)
Relevant Agency MFO/ PAP (4)
Lack of integration, mainstreaming and institutionalization of GAD Planning and Budget Allocation
MSC GAD Focal Point System is not yet emplaced to finalize the GAD Plan and Budget
To enhance the knowledge and skills of the MSC GAD Focal Point System and Technical Working Group Committee on GAD Planning and budget allocation
General Administrative Services
Limited Research and Development on Gender Issues and Concerns in the context of Globalization and ASEAN 2015
There is no systematic sex disaggregated data available for policy formulation on gender issues and concerns in the college
To determine the gender issues and concerns in the college that can serve as basis for modification and improvement of the MSC GAD plans and programs, projects and activities
Research and Extension
GAD Activity (5)
Output Performance Indicator and Targets (6)
GAD Budget (7)
Source of Budget (8)
Responsible Unit (9)
The MSC GAD Committee coordinators, planning and budget officer of MSC participated in the GAD planning and budget meeting
15 stakeholders increased their knowledge and skills on GAD planning and budgeting
P 150,000
OP VP Admin Budget Planning Campus Directors School Deans Students
The target research studies can be determined from April and May 2015 and can be accomplished by 1st semester and 2nd semester 2015 to 2016
At least 4 research studies on gender issues and concerns
P 300,000
Research and Extension
Higher Education
Higher Education
VP Academics
Need to increase GAD Advocacy Program on Sexual Harassment and Violence Against Women
Lack of deeper understanding on women’s human rights and their important roles to cultural, social, political and economic development
To commemorate the women’s day/ month and pay tribute to the great contributions of women in history their success in the different spheres of development and enlighten them on women’s human rights
Moderate level of College Wide Information dissemination campaign on Gender and Development
Mediocre levels of awareness on the concept and principles of GAD and how it is applied to everyday school and domestic activities
Need for continuous Capability Building and Human Resource development
There is no sustainable and comprehensive knowledge and to develop capability on GAD strategies, mechanisms and procedures
Services to Students
The celebration will be participated by the administrators, selected faculty members and students from the 4 MSC campuses
150 participants enhanced their awareness on the topics presented
To acquire more intense Services to but practical Students comprehensive knowledge on the Higher Education concept and principles of gender equality, women empowerment and why gender is a development perspective adopted by the government
6 lecture for a for faculty members and 4 orientation for the freshman students in the 4 campuses of the college from June to October 2015
350 female and 300 male participants with increased awareness on GAD concepts and principles
To acquire comprehensive knowledge and build capability on: - gender mainstreaming, planning and budgeting
To conduct the following: - seminar-workshop on gender mainstreaming, planning and budgeting conceptualizing their GAD plans and budget
75% of total participants with increased knowledge on gender mainstreaming
Higher Education
General administrative services
P 150,000
VP Academics Office of Student Affairs Student Leaders and Organizations
VP Academics Office of Student Affairs employees and faculty members’ association
VP Admin Human Resources
Weak Linkaging and network development
No provision for Facility development of gender related structures
Scarce resources and skills on strengthening linkages and networking to other women’s groups and related organizations
Lack of additional equipment, fixtures and gender=-related reading materials
To acknowledge the critical contribution of establishing linkages and networking to other women’s groups and relation organizations for the success of GAD mainstreaming efforts
To improve the facility of the MSC Gad unit by providing additional equipment, fixtures and gender-related reading materials that are user friendly and accessible
Research and extension
General administrative services
Study visit to the different institutions with best practices on gender mainstreaming
At least 6 genderrelated seminars, trainings or workshops and 2 study visit activities will be attended and participated by the MSC GAD committee and/or selected faculty
Accommodation of the guests from government and nongovernment agencies and institutions who would like to visit Marinduque
4 GAD committee and or selected faculty members and staff participate don gender related seminars and acquired additional knowledge on gender concepts
Purchase or construction of 4 bookshelves
The additional gender-related reading materials can help the faculty and student researchers
Purchase of desktop computer and 3 laptop computers Purchase of 2 LCD projectors and screen
Research and Extension
Physical facilities General services
ORGANIZATION-FOCUSED Capability building for the GAD Focal Points/ Representatives of the Local Government Units and provincial line agencies in Marinduque
Low level of awareness on gender mainstreaming, how to identify gender issues and concerns how to make GAD plan and budget
To acquire Research and comprehensive extension knowledge on gender mainstreaming, how to identify gender issues and concerns and how to make GAD plan and budget
The GAD Focal points/ representatives of the LGUs and PLAs in Marinduque will be invited by April and May 2015
40 participants with comprehensive knowledge on gender mainstreaming
Research and extension
Information Drive on GAD toselected LGUs, Regional and Provincial Line Agencies
Low levels of awareness on the concept and principles of GAD and low level of support on the implemented of GAD related Programs, projects and activities
To acquire comprehensive knowledge on the concept and principles of GAD, ,to gain ideas on how to support, implement and mainstream GAD concerns in the regular programs of their respective units and Agencies
The Officials/ heads, GAD focal points and members, employees/ staff of the LGUs and PLAs will be given GAD orientation/ lecture for by August to December 2015
6 LGUs and 4 PLAs would increase awareness on GAD principles, laws and mandates
P 150,000
Research and extension
Research and extension
Information drive on Gender Fair Learning to Other educational institutions
Low level of awareness on the concept of gender fair learning
To become more aware on elimination of gender bias and stereotype in the teaching and learning process
Student services Higher education
To realize the significance of providing equal learning opportunities to both females and male students
Extension Program for Out of School Youth
Limited chances for livelihood opportunities for out of school youth
To provide equal opportunities for out of school youth to become productive in their respective communities
Research and extension Higher education
The school heads, faculty and staff can realize that school is on of the social agents that can also promote gender bias and discrimination among the students. The said activity can increase their awareness on how to integrate gender concepts in the curriculum and how to become more gender fair in dealing with their students
At least 5 schools would be given lecture for a and 90% of the total participants would learn comprehensive knowledge on how to promote gender fair learning and to eliminate gender bias in the curriculum
Selected out of school youth would be trained for 6 months at the provincial training center with local experts from the school of agriculture, fisheries and the GAD unit
At least 90% of the total number of participants in the 6 months training would gain technical competencies and values formation on gender and development
School deans Student affairs
GAA Provincial Government
School of fisheries School of agriculture Provincial training center
Extension Program for Ceramics and Pottery
Low levels of participated of women in economic activities in their respective communities
To provide additional opportunities for community groups for ceramics and potter production and marketing
Research and extension Higher education
Selected communities would be provided with training for production and marketing would be able to sustain the ceramics and pottery production
P100,000 At least 90% of the total number of participants in the selected communities would gain technical competencies and values formation on gender and development
GAA Local government
University of Northern Philippines Department of Labor and Employment
P 2,250,000
Prepared by:
November 27, 2013
School of industrial technology