Gpb guide in completing the gad budget and gad ar nha

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Philippine Commission on Women

Guide in Completing the GAD Plan and Budget Template Orientation on GPB for SSS April 8, 2014 Timberland Sports and Nature Club Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

OLD GPB FORM FOR NGAs (JC 2004-01 ) GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) PLAN FY _____ Department: Agency: Major Final Output: Program/Activity/ Project (1)

Gender Issue/ Concern (2)

GAD Objective (3)

Identified GAD Activity (4)

Target / Output (5)

Performance Indicators (6)

TOTAL Prepared by:______________

Approved by:__________________


Recommending Approval: _______________________




GAD Budget (7)

NEW GPB FORM FOR NGAs (JC 2012-01 ) ANNUAL GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) PLAN AND BUDGET FY 20____ Agency/Bureau/Office:__________________________ Total GAA of Agency:__________________________ Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objectives (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/ PAP (4)

Department (Central Agency):___________

GAD Activity (5)

Output Performance Indicators and Targets (6)

GAD Budget (7)

Source of Budget (8)

Client focused

Org Focused

Attributable PAPS TOTAL Prepared by: Chairperson, GAD FP System


XXX Approved by: Head of Agency

Date: Day/Month/year

Responsi ble Unit (9)

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1) The gender issue to be addressed should result from the review of sex disaggregated data or analysis of relevant information that surface the unequal situation of women and men. The issue could be client-focused or organization-focused ; Client-focused gender issue refers to concerns arising from the unequal status of women and men stakeholders of a particular agency including the extent of their disparity over benefits from and contribution to a policy/program and/or project of the agency Organization-focused gender issue points to the gap/s in the capacity of the organization to integrate a gender dimension in its programs, systems or structure The agency, SUC, or LGUs may directly cite a specific mandate that it needs to implement, (e.g. based on a specific provision of the Magna Carta of Women)

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Client-Focused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on gender-responsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and non-judgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCW-IRR Sec 20 C 3.c) Insufficient number of female agents/investigators to handle VAW and other cases involving women (RA 9710)

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Organizational-Focused Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization especially among top level officials

Cause of the Gender Issue (2) It is important to establish the cause (what and the why of the issue) of the issue to ensure that the GAD program or activity will directly address the gender issue leading to its gradual or complete elimination

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Client-Focused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on genderresponsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and non-judgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCW-IRR Sec 20 C 3.c)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

Fast turnover of trained staff. Feedback from clients served in DOH retained hospitals and LGU managed hospitals showed that health service providers lack sensitivity to the flight and concerns of women clients, especially victim-survivors of VAW and women that had abortion.

Low level of appreciation on women Insufficient number of female agents/investigators to handle VAW and related concerns. Need to look at other cases involving women (RA 9710) recruitment process and hiring policy to make it more appealing to women

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Organizational-Focused Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming

Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization especially among top level officials

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

Members of the GAD Focal Point and Technical Working Group lack the necessary competencies and skills to initiate and sustain gender mainstreaming. Non-implementation of PCW Circular 2011-01 on GAD Focal Point System Limited or lack of top level support and champions for GAD issues manifested by low priority of the organization to implement GAD related programs.

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3) Both the GAD objective and the GAD activity should respond to the

gender issue including its cause or the specific GAD mandates relevant to the agency. spells out the result that the agency intends to achieve. The GAD Result Statement/Objective Column clarifies and

It may also be the intended outcome of the GAD mandate the agency intends to implement (e.g. improved provision of gender-responsive PPAs for the clients of the organization)

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Client-Focused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on genderresponsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and nonjudgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCW-IRR Sec 20 C 3.c)

Insufficient number of female agents/investigators to handle VAW and other cases involving women (RA 9710)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Fast turnover of trained staff. Feedback from clients served in DOH retained hospitals and LGU managed hospitals showed that health service providers lack sensitivity to the flight and concerns of women clients, especially victimsurvivors of VAW and women that had abortion.

Availability of training module with clear articulation of core competency on GAD required to be taken by health service providers. Health service providers trained on gender-sensitive handling of clients.

Low level of appreciation on women related concerns. Need to look at recruitment process and hiring policy to make it more appealing to women

Increase in the number of gender sensitive female investigators handling VAW/women related cases. Recruitment Policy reviewed and revised to encourage more women to apply.

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Organizational-Focused Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming

Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization especially among top level officials

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Members of the GAD Focal Point and Technical Working Group lack the necessary competencies and skills to initiate and sustain gender mainstreaming. Non-implementation of PCW Circular 2011-01 on GAD Focal Point System

GAD Focal Point System able to lead gender mainstreaming efforts of the organization. GPFS with enhanced capacities to formulate, implement and monitor GAD PB.

Limited or lack of top Increased awareness on GM level support and and identified top-level GAD champion for GAD issues champions manifested by low priority to implement GAD related programs.

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4) This column indicates the major final output of the agency that can be integrated with gender perspective to respond to the gender issues and/or implement the specific GAD mandate/s identified in Column 1. This ensures that gender perspective is mainstreamed in the agency's mandates.

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Client-Focused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on gender-responsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and nonjudgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCW-IRR Sec 20 C 3.c)

Insufficient number of female agents/investigators to handle VAW and other cases involving women (RA 9710)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

Fast turnover of trained staff. Feedback from clients served in DOH retained hospitals and LGU managed hospitals showed that health service providers lack sensitivity to the flight and concerns of women clients, especially victimsurvivors of VAW and women that had abortion.

Availability of training module with clear articulation of core competency on GAD required to be taken by health service providers. Health service providers trained on gendersensitive handling of clients.

Health Promotion or Disease Prevention and Control

Low level of appreciation on women related concerns. Need to look at recruitment process and hiring policy to make it more appealing to women

Increased number of General gender sensitive Investigative female investigators Services handling VAW/women related cases. Recruitment Policy reviewed and revised to encourage more Office of the President women to apply.Philippine Commission on Women

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

OrganizationalFocused Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming

Members of the GAD Focal Point and Technical Working Group lack the necessary competencies and skills to initiate and sustain gender mainstreaming. Non-implementation of PCW Circular 2011-01 on GAD Focal Point System

GAD Focal Point Planning and System able to lead Monitoring gender mainstreaming efforts of the organization. GPFS with enhanced capacities to formulate, implement and monitor GAD PB.

Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization especially among top level officials

Limited or lack of top level support and champion for GAD issues manifested by low priority to implement GAD related programs.

Increased awareness on GM and identified top-level GAD champions


Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

GAD Activity (5) Client-focused GAD activities are activities that seek to address the gender issues of the agency’s clients or contribute in responding to the gender issues of the sector. Organization-focused activities may seek to: a) create the organizational environment for implementing gender-responsive policies, programs and projects; b) address the gap in knowledge, skills and attitudes of key personnel on gender mainstreaming; and c) address the gender issues of employees in the workplace.

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issues (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Client-Focused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on genderresponsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and nonjudgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCW-IRR Sec 20 C 3.c)

Fast turnover of trained staff. Feedback from clients served in DOH retained hospitals and LGU managed hospitals showed that health service providers lack sensitivity to the flight and concerns of women clients, especially victimsurvivors of VAW and women that had abortion.

Availability of training module with clear articulation of core competency on GAD required to be taken by health service providers. Health service providers trained on gendersensitive handling of clients.

Low level of appreciation on women related concerns. Need to look at recruitment process and hiring policy to make it more appealing to women

Increased number of gender sensitive female investigators handling VAW/women related cases. Recruitment Policy reviewed and revised to encourage more women to apply.

Insufficient number of female agents/ investigators to handle VAW and other cases involving women (RA 9710)

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4) Health Promotion or Disease Prevention and Control

GAD Activity (5)

Development of basic core competencies on GAD Review , enhancement and integration of GAD Core messages and competencies in existing training modules for health service providers Conduct of training for health service providers using revised GR modules

General Investigative Services

Review and when needed revise recruitment policy Develop IEC campaign to encourage more women to apply ( TV Ad, posters in strategic areas)

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issues (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

OrganizationalFocused Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming

Members of the GAD Focal Point and Technical Working Group lack the necessary competencies and skills to initiate and sustain gender mainstreaming. Nonimplementation of PCW Circular 201101 on GAD Focal Point System

GAD Focal Point System able to lead gender mainstreaming efforts of the organization. GPFS with enhanced capacities to formulate, implement and monitor GAD PB.

Planning and Monitoring

Limited or lack of top level support and champion for GAD issues manifested by low priority to implement GAD related programs.

Increased awareness on GM and identified toplevel GAD champions

Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization especially among top level officials

GAD Activity (5)

Issuance of admin orders to reconstitute and strengthen the GAD Focal Point Continuing systematic capability building for members of the GFPS members and TWG Preparation of 2014 GAD Plan and Budget and 2012 Accomplishment Report Preparation of communication and training plan for top level officials. Conduct of orientation sessions and briefings

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6) Indicators are quantitative or qualitative means to measure achievement of the results of the proposed activity and how they contribute to the realization of the GAD objective. Quantitative indicators are measures or evidence that can be counted such as, but not limited to, number, frequency, percentile, and ratio. Qualitative indicators are measures of an individual or group’s judgment and/ or perception of congruence of established standards, the presence or absence of specific conditions, the quality of something, or the opinion about something (e.g. the client’s opinion of the timeliness of service). (RBM Tools at CIDA)

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6) The target is an important consideration in budgeting that specifies what the agency’s GAD plan and budget intends to achieve within one year in relation to the GAD result or objective. The target should be realistic and attainable within the implementing period. Monitoring and evaluating the GAD plan and budget will largely be based on attainment of targets and performance indicators.

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/PA P (4)

GAD Activity (5)

Client-Focused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on genderresponsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and nonjudgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCWIRR Sec 20 C 3.c)

Fast turnover of trained staff. Feedback from clients served in DOH retained hospitals and LGU managed hospitals showed that health service providers lack sensitivity to the flight and concerns of women clients, especially victim-survivors of VAW and women that had abortion.

Availability of training module with clear articulation of core competency on GAD required to be taken by health service providers

Health Promotion or Disease Prevention and Control

Development of basic core competencies on GAD Review , enhancement and integration of GAD Core messages and competencies in existing training modules for health service providers Conduct of training for health service providers using revised GR modules

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6)

Core competencies on GAD developed and approved by DOH EXECOM by July 2014 One training module for health service providers integrated with core GAD competencies Two batches of orientation session on the GR modules with 50 participants per batch conducted by December 2014

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

ClientFocused Insufficient number of female agents/investig ators to handle VAW and other cases involving women (RA 9710)

Cause of the Gender Issues (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Low level of appreciation on women related concerns. Need to look at recruitment process and hiring policy to make it more appealing to women

Increased number of gender sensitive female investigators handling VAW/women related cases. Recruitment Policy reviewed and revised to encourage more women to apply

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

General Investigative Services

GAD Activity (5)

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6)

Review and when needed revise recruitment policy

Revised recruitment policy issued by second semester of 2014

Develop IEC campaign to encourage more women to apply ( TV Ad, posters in strategic areas)

3 types of IEC materials with clear message for equal employment opportunity developed (print, tv, radio) 500 pieces of posters printed and posted in selected schools and public areas.

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issues (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

OrganizationalFocused Limited capacities of agency focal point mechanism to advance gender mainstreaming

Members of the GAD Focal Point and Technical Working Group lack the necessary competencies and skills to initiate and sustain gender mainstreaming. Nonimplementation of PCW Circular 201101 on GAD Focal Point System

GAD Focal Point System able to lead gender mainstreaming efforts of the organization. GPFS with enhanced capacities to formulate, implement and monitor GAD PB.

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

Planning and Monitoring

GAD Activity (5)

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6)

Issuance of admin orders to reconstitute and strengthen the GAD Focal Point

Admin Order strengthening GAD FP issued by Q1 of 2013.

Continuing systematic capability building for members of the GFP and TWG

2 deepening sessions on GAD conducted for the member of GAD FP and TWG

Preparation of 2014 GAD Plan and Budget and 2012 Accomplishment Report

Agency FY 2014 GAD PB approved and endorsed

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issues (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Organizational -Focused Uneven level of appreciation of GAD within the organization especially among top level officials

Limited or lack of top level support and champion for GAD issues manifested by low priority to implement GAD related programs.

Increased awareness on GM and identified toplevel GAD champions

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

GAD Activity (5)

Preparation of communication and training plan for top level officials. Conduct of orientation sessions and briefings

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6)

% completion of communication and training plan Communication and training plan adopted by management 4 orientation sessions conducted in 1 year

GAD Budget (7) The GAD budget is the cost of implementing the GAD plan. For more realistic budgeting, the cost of implementing each activity should be estimated by object of expenditure. For example, if the agency conducts one GST, it should cost the board and lodging (if training is live-in) or food for x number of persons for x number of days, professional fee for resource persons, supplies and materials, travel expenses, communication costs for coordinating the training, among others. It is possible that certain activities, such as nomination of women to third level positions, do not have direct cost implications

Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

ClientFocused Need to develop training programs for health service providers on genderresponsive, culture sensitive, non discriminatory and nonjudgmental behaviors and attitudes (MCW-IRR Sec 20 C 3.c)

Fast turnover of trained staff. Feedback from clients served in DOH retained hospitals and LGU managed hospitals showed that health service providers lack sensitivity to the flight and concerns of women clients, especially victimsurvivors of VAW and women that had abortion.

GAD Relevant Result Agency Statement MFO/PAP / GAD (4) Objective/ (3) Availability of training module with clear articulation of core competency on GAD required to be taken by health service providers

Health Promotion or Disease Prevention and Control

GAD Activity (5)

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6)

Development of basic core competencies on GAD

Core competencies on GAD developed and approved by DOH EXECOM by July 2014

Review , enhancement and integration of GAD Core messages and competencies in existing training modules for health service providers Conduct of training for health service providers using revised GR modules

GAD Budget (7)

One training module for health service providers integrated with core GAD competencies Two batches of orientation session on the GR modules with 50 participants per batch conducted by December 2014

Cost of training (including travel, hotel, DSA, supplies, professional fees of experts, registration fees) x the number of participant and the number of training sessions

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Objective (3)

Relevant LGU PPA (4)

GAD Activity (5)

It is possible that certain activities do not have direct cost implications.

Performance Indicator/Targ et (6)

GAD Budget (7)

Massive information dissemination campaign on social protection programs, the agency/LGU should cost the ff: • supplies for the development, printing and dissemination of the IEC materials • transportation in the conduct of the information campaign, if information campaign is through a forum or consultations • food for x number of persons for x number of days • professional fee for resource persons, communication costs for coordination, among others.

Source of Budget (8)  General Appropriations Act (GAA) of the agency;  Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) of legislators;  Complementation with LGUs and other government offices;  Official Development Assistance (ODA);  Corporate Operating Budget (COB) and;  Partnership with private sector, NGOs, and CSOs, among others.

Gender Issue and/ or GAD Mandate (1)

Feminizat ion of poverty, maternal mortality, gender equality in education

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

Based on national targeting more women are laden with responsibiliti es to ensure health and welfare of their families

GAD Result Statemen t/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/PAP (4)

Social Welfare

GAD Activity (5)

Conditional Cash Transfer (4Ps) program With HGDG rating of 15 = Gender Responsive

Output Performanc e Indicator and Target (6)

GAD Budget (7)

Attributing 75% of total CCT funds for 2014 as GAD budget of DSWD

Source of Budget (8)

WB grant – infused in GAA

Responsible Unit/Office (9) This column specifies the unit or office tasked to implement a particular GAD activity. The responsible unit shall have a direct knowledge or involvement in GAD PPAs and shall periodically report the progress of implementing its assigned tasks to the agency’s GAD Focal Point System.

Guide in Completing the GAD Accomplishment Report

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

Preparation of GAD Accomplishment Report • Submitted together with GPB • Prescribed template for GAD AR • Agencies submit 2 copies of GAD ARs to DBM

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women


Department (Central Agency) _______________

Total GAA of Agency: _____________ Gender Issue and/or GAD Mandate (1)

Cause of the Gender Issue (2)

GAD Result Statement/ GAD Objective/ (3)

Relevant Agency MFO/ PPA (4)

GAD Activity (5)

Output Performance Indicator and Target (6)

Actual Result (outputs and outcomes) (7)

Total Agency Approved Budget (8)



Attributable PAPS TOTAL

Prepared by: Chairperson, GAD Focal Point

Approved by: Head of Agency

Date Day/Mo/Year

Actual Cost/Exp enditure (9)

Variance/ Remarks (10)

Column 1: Gender Issue / GAD Mandate • This column lists down the gender issues and/or GAD mandates identified in the previous year’s GAD Plan and Budget (GPB). •

Gender issues and GAD mandates and commitments that were not previously identified in the GAD plan and budget but were addressed or implemented by the agency shall also be reflected.

Column 2: Cause of the Gender Issue • This column lists down the causes or reasons for the identified gender issues in the previous year’s GPB. Column 3: GAD Result Statement/GAD Objective • This column reflects the results/objectives that the agency intended to achieve in relation to the GAD mandates and/ or gender issues it committed to address in the previous year’s GPB. Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

Column 4: Relevant Agency MFOs/PPAs • This column reflects the agency MFOs/PPAs relevant and appropriate to the gender issues and GAD mandate identified in Column 1 of the previous year’s GPB. Column 5: GAD Activities • This column enumerates the activities or interventions that were undertaken by the agency in response to the identified gender issues, concerns and GAD mandates. GAD activities that are not included in the endorsed GAD Plan and Budget but were implemented by the agency shall also be reflected. Column 6: Targets •

This column indicates the targets identified in the previous GPB which the agency committed to achieve within a specific period. Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

Column 7: Actual Results • This column reflects all the results/outputs of the GAD activities that were conducted and or implemented. It shall provide a description of the change that has occurred after implementing a particular GAD activity. The agency must also indicate the accomplishment of previously identified targets. Column 8: Total Approved Agency Budget • This column indicates the actual agency budget. The figure may differ from the amount identified in the PCW-endorsed GAD Plan and Budget. Column 9: Actual Cost or Expenditure • This column shows the actual cost or expenditure in implementing the identified GAD activities of the previous GPB. To avoid double counting and attribution, the agency shall provide a breakdown of the expenditure if necessary. Column 10: Variance/Remarks • This column shall indicate any deviation from the identified results, activities, targets. The reasons for the deviation as well as the factors that have facilitated or hindered the implementation of the agency's PCW- endorsed GAD Plan and Budget, shall also be cited. Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

In Summary‌

Gender planning is not just a technical process. It is a political tool to push government to address gender issues and allocate resources for it.


Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

In Summary‌

It is important for all stakeholders to determine and articulate their ISSUES and CONCERNS. Hence, there is a need for inclusive and participatory process in development planning. 38

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

SALAMAT PO! Philippine Commission on Women

Office of the President Philippine Commission on Women

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