LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Foundation Formation Installation of Strategic Mechanisms
LEVEL 3 GAD Application
LEVEL 4 Commitment Enhancement and Institutionalization
1.1 International/national/loc alGAD-related events observed by the organization 2.1 GAD agenda or strategic framework on GAD formulated
3.1 Implementation of GAD PAPs monitored
4.1 Implementation and monitoring of international, national and local GAD 3.2 Organization’s GAD PB and GAD mandates sustained and 2.2 GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) AR prepared, timely submitted institutionalized developed is based on the and endorsed GAD agenda,emerging gender issues, international and national GAD mandates, and result of gender analysis
(30 descriptors) 1.2 Basic GAD orientation or 2.3 GAD deepening sessions for 3.3 Capacity development on GAD 4.2 GST conducted for the GFPS members and conducted and sustained for organization’s clients concerned staff members clients (internal and external) (internal and external) based on results of TNA or updated GAD policies and 3.4 Capacity development on GAD to develop internal GAD experts tools conducted conducted
GMEF Descriptor Matrix- TSD Version of February 25, 2015
Sector specific GAD capacity development sessions on GAD conducted for clients (internal and external)
LEVEL 5 Replication and Innovation
LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Foundation Formation Installation of Strategic Mechanisms
LEVEL 3 GAD Application
1.3 Consultations with s 2.4 GA tools applied in the 3.5 GA tools regularly applied in the 4.3 clients (internal and review, enhancement or development planning cycle external) to identify development of PAPs gender issues and corresponding strategies 2.5 Facilities and services that conducted address gender issues and concerns of clients (internal 1.4 Consultations with PCW and external) established and relevant organizations/ individuals on GAD mainstreaming conducted 1.5 Existing IEC materials and 2.6 Orientation module for KPs reviewed and revised employees with gender to ensure use of gendersensitivity as core fair language and images competency developed 1.6 GAD corner set-up
2.7 IEC materials on GAD for clients (internal and external) developed and disseminated 2.8 GAD section in organization’s website created
GMEF Descriptor Matrix- TSD Version of February 25, 2015
3.6 GAD section in website regularly updated
LEVEL 4 Commitment Enhancement and Institutionalization
LEVEL 5 Replication and Innovation
Regular application of GA tools to assess genderresponsiveness of PAPs, including ODA-funded projects conducted
5.1 Organization is recognized as a GAD learning hub for its notable GAD efforts 5.2 Convergence model resulting from partnerships with stakeholders recognized and replicated by other organizations 5.3 GAD KPs and GAD IEC materials used by other organizations
LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Foundation Formation Installation of Strategic Mechanisms
LEVEL 3 GAD Application
LEVEL 4 Commitment Enhancement and Institutionalization
LEVEL 5 Replication and Innovation
3.7 KM system as a mechanisms to 4.4 Sustainability action plan for 5.4 Existing award/incentive transfer knowledge on GAD setGAD efforts developed system of the up organization integrated 4.5 Impact evaluation of GAD with GAD perspective efforts of the organization conducted
GMEF Descriptor Matrix- TSD Version of February 25, 2015