Paps questionnaire with scoring guide feb 25, 2015

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Group GAD-related Consulted InitiatedPurpose Participated Date Results of event consultation Conducted (gender issues and strategies identified) GMEF ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE-PROGRAMS, ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS (PAPs) DESCRIPTORS




Score per item

Means of Verification/Remarks

1. Initial Activities to Facilitate GAD Mainstreaming (max score: 5; for each item or question:0.83)

1.1 Is the organization observing international /national/local GAD-related events (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83)

Organization has not initiated or participated in the observance of international/national/ local GADrelated events

Organization initiated or participated in 1-2 observance of international/national/ local GADrelated events

Organization initiated or participated in 3 or more observance of observance of international/national/ local GADrelated events

Please enumerate GADrelated events initiated or participated by the organization (e.g. International Women’s Day celebration).

No Basic GAD orientation Organization conducted Organization conducted 1.2 Has the Please attach training design, attendance sheet and results of training organization conducted or GST conducted for its GAD orientation or GST GAD orientation or GST evaluation if available. for either internal or for both internal and Basic GAD Orientation or clients external clients external clients Gender Sensitivity If no, please explain why GAD orientation or Gender Sensitivity Training Training (GST) for its (GST) has not been conducted? clients (internal and external)? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83) No consultation conducted with Conducted consultation activities Conducted consultation activities Please discuss results of 1.3 Has the clients with either internal or external withboth internal and external organization conducted consultation activities: clients to identify gender issues clients to identify gender issues consultation activities with and corresponding strategies and corresponding strategies clients (internal and If consultations are external) to identify gender conducted, what genderissues and corresponding



Name of organizations/indivi duals consulted

strategies? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83)

Agenda of the consultation

No consultation conducted at all on Initiated consultation with either 1.4 Has the PCW or relevant organization consulted PCW gender mainstreaming organizations/individuals on and relevant organizations/ gender mainstreaming individuals on GAD mainstreaming?(possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83)

No review of existing IEC 1.5 Has the Materials and KPs organization reviewed conducted and revised existing Information/Education/Co mmunication (IEC) materials and knowledge products (KPs) to ensure use of gender-fair language and images? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83)

1.6 Has the organization set up a GAD corner? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83)

No GAD Corner set-up

Results of theconsultation

Initiated consultation with both PCW and relevant organizations /individuals on gender mainstreaming

related issues were reflected in the GPB?

Please enumerate consultations initiated including name of organizations /individuals consulted and results of consultation

Some existing IEC materials and KPs reviewed but not revised to ensure use of genderfair language and images

Some existing IEC materials and KPs reviewed and revised to ensure use of gender-fair language and images

Please provide a list of IEC materials reviewed andrevised to ensure use of gender-fair language and images.

GAD IEC materials and KPs compiled and collected but no GAD corner set up

GAD corner with updated GAD IEC materials and KPs established and accessible

Provide photo layout of GAD corner and list down titles of existing Information/Education/Communication (IEC) materials and KPs available for use and reference of clients and GAD Focal Foint System (GFPS) members.

Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 1: PAPs)

Content of of GPB Title

BasisTA ofProvider development Date Conducted Remarks (in house trainer, (GAD agenda/ emerging PCW) gender issues, international/national GAD mandates/results of gender analysis)

2. Establishing Commitment towards Gender Mainstreaming (max score: 5; for each item or question: 0.62) No GAD agenda or With draft GAD agenda With final GAD agenda Please attach GAD agenda or strategic framework on GAD. 2.1 Has the strategic framework on or strategic framework or strategic framework organization formulated on GAD on GAD GAD agenda or strategic GAD framework on GAD? (possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62) GPB is not based on GAD agenda, GPB is based on 1-2 of the GPB is based on 3 or more of the Please attach GPB of the 2.2 Has the following: GAD agenda, emerging following: GAD agenda, emerging Organization developed its emerging gender issues, most recent fiscal year citing gender issues, gender issues, GAD Plan and Budget (GAD international/national GAD basis for its development. mandates, results of gender international/national GAD international/national GAD PB) based on its GAD analysis mandates, results of gender mandates, results of gender agenda, emerging gender analysis analysis issues, international/national GAD mandates or results of gender analysis? (possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62) No deepening sessions on GAD Conducted deepening session/s on Conducted deepening sessions on Please enumerate the 2.3 Has the conducted GAD for either the GFPS or GAD for either GFPS or concerned organization conducted deepening sessions on GAD concerned staff members but not staff members based on the results deepening sessions on GAD conducted: based on the results of TNA or of TNA or updated GAD policies or based on the results of the updated GAD policies or tools tools Training Needs Assessment (TNA) or updated GAD policies and tools as part of Please attach a copy of the continuing capacity Training Needs Analysis development of GAD Focal (TNA) results and design of Point System (GFPS) and deepening sessions. If TNA concerned staff members? was not administered, (possible scores are 0, 0.31 please explain how the and 0.62) organization identified the



GAD Name facilities of PAPs and services

2.4 Has the organization used Gender Analysis (GA) tools and techniques in the review, enhancement or development of PAPs? (possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62) 2.5 Does the organization have facilities and services that address the gender issues and concerns of its clients (internal and external)? (possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62)

2.6 Has the Organization developed orientation modules for new employees with gender sensitivity as a core competency?

GA tools Clients applied (internal/external)

No GA tool applied; Results of the application of GA No PAPs reviewed using GA tools tools used to review, enhance or develop 1-2 PAPs

No facilities and services addressing gender issues and concerns of the organization’s clients

No GAD orientation module with gender sensitivity as a core competency

Gender Results issues of and concerns application addressed

Results of the application of GA tools used to review, enhance or develop 3 or more PAPs

With existing facilities and services With existing facilities and services that address the gender issues and that address gender issues and concerns of either internal or concerns of both internal and external clients external clients

need for deepening sessions and explain the basis for the training design/s used.

Please enumerate GA tools used to review, enhance or develop PAPs.

Please enumerate facilities and services addressing gender issues and concerns of the organization. (e.g. Facilities to address strategic and practical gender needs of women and men employees such as child minding centre, breastfeeding centre, and CODI, among others)

Developed GAD orientation module but not yet mainstreamed in the orientation of new employees of the organization

Developed GAD orientation module and mainstreamed in the orientation of new employees of the organization

Please attach copy of GAD orientation module (s) with gender sensitivity as a core competency.

GAD IEC materials

Target Audience


(possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62)

No GAD IEC materials developed Developed GAD IEC materials but Developed and disseminated GAD Please provide list of new 2.7 Has the not yet disseminated IEC materials organization developed and GAD IEC materials and the disseminated new target audience. Information/Education/Com munication (IEC) materials on GAD to clients (internal and external)? (possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62) No GAD section in the Developed GAD section Developed GAD section Please list website link for the GAD Section of the organization. 2.8 Has the agency website created in agency website but in agency website and organization created a not updated regularly updated GAD section in its website?(possible scores are 0, 0.31 and 0.62)

Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 2: PAPs) 3. GAD Application (max score: 5; for each item or question:0.71)

3.1 Has the organization monitored the implementation of its GAD Program/Project/Activities

No implementation of GAD PAPs monitored

Implementation of GAD Implementation of GAD PAPs intermittently PAPs regularly monitored and not monitored and reported reported


Please attach monitoring reports on the implementation of GAD PAPs.


GAD Capacity Development Activities

(PAPs)? (possible scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)

3.2 Has the organization prepared and timely submitted its GAD Plan and Budget (GAD PB) and GAD Accomplishment Report (GAD AR)? (possible scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)

No submitted GAD PB and GAD AR

GAD PB and GAD AR submitted to PCW*/DILG** but not endorsed

Target Participants

GPB and GAD AR endorsed by PCW*/DILG**

Inclusive Dates

Please submit copies of prepared and/or endorsed GAD Plans and Budgets (GAD PBs) and GAD Accomplishment Reports (GAD ARs), including cover letters.

*PCW endorses GAD PBs of NGAs, GOCCs and SUCs **DILG endorses GAD PBs of LGUs

3.3 Has the organization conducted and sustained GAD capacity development for its clients (internal and external)? (possible scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)

3.4 Has the organization conducted capacity development on GAD to develop internal GAD experts?(possible

No GAD capacity development conducted and sustained for clients

GAD capacity development GAD capacity development conducted and sustained for either conducted and sustained for both internal external clients internal and external clients

No capacity development on GAD Conducted capacity development Conducted capacity development conducted to develop internal GAD on GAD but no internal GAD on GAD that resulted to the experts experts developed development of internal GAD experts

Please list GAD Capacity development conducted for clients.

Please enumerate GAD capacity development sessions conducted to develop internal GAD

GADTitle Tools of GAD Purpose GAD ofExpertise Result of Remarks Date of Applied Capdev Application developed application Application Conducted

scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)


Please attach also the list of internal GAD experts and their GAD expertise. No GA tools applied

3.5 Has the organization regularly applied Gender Analysis (GA) tools in the development planning cycle (planning/programming, budgeting, implementation, management, M&E)? (possible scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)

3.6 Has the

GAD section has not

been updated for more organization regularly than a year updated its GAD section in the website? (possible scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)

GA tools applied in 1-2 levels of the development planning cycle

GA tools applied in 3 or more levels of the development planning cycle

Please enumerate GA tools applied in any of the development planning cycle and the frequency of application.

Please attach result of GA tool application.

GAD section updated annually

GAD section updated quarterly


Please provide updating schedule of GAD section in website.


3.7 Has the organization set up Knowledge Management (KM) system as a mechanism to transfer knowledge on GAD? (possible scores are 0, 0.35 and 0.71)

No existing plan to set up With initial plan to set up KM system as a KM KM mechanism to transfer knowledge on GAD set up

Please attach Knowledge Management (KM) system plan,framework or web link.

Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 3: PAPs) 4. GAD Commitment and Institutionalization (max score: 5; for each item or question: 1.0) No GAD mandate GAD mandates GAD mandates 4.1 Has the Please list down GAD-related mandates being implemented and continuously implemented continuously continuously organization sustained monitored by the organization. and monitored implemented but not implemented and implementation and regularly monitored by regularly monitored by monitoring of Please attach monitoring reports. the organization the organization international, national and local GAD mandates in its programs?(possible scores are 0,0.5, and 1) No sector specific capacity Sector specific GAD capacity Sector specific GAD capacity 4.2 Has the Please list down title of development session/son GAD development session/s conducted development session/s conducted organization conducted sector specific capacity conducted for either internal or external clients for both internal or external clients sector specific capacity development session/s on development sessions on GAD conducted or discuss GAD for clients (internal and status of the development of external)?(possible scores sector specific GAD capacity are 0,0.5, and 1) development session/s for clients being done by the organization(e.g. Women’s Economic Empowerment, Gender and Justice, Gender

GA tools Title of Sector applied Specific Capacity Development Program on GAD

PAP/ODA-funded Participants assessed

Results of Purpose application

and Climate Change)

Please attach activity reports and/or documentation. No GAD tools applied to assess GAD tools used to assess gender- GAD tools used to assess gender4.3 Does the responsiveness of 1-2 PAPs responsiveness of 3 or more PAPs organization regularly apply PAPs gender analysis (GA) tools to assess genderresponsiveness of programs/activities/projects (PAPs) including Official Development Assistance (ODA) funded projects? (possible scores are 0,0.5, and 1)

4.4 Has the organization developed a sustainability action plan for its GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0,0.5, and 1)

No sustainability action plan on GAD efforts developed

With draft sustainability With approved action plan on GAD sustainability action plan efforts on GAD efforts


Please list down Programs/Activities/Projects (PAPs) assessed and list of gender analysis (GA) tools regularly applied by the organization

Please attach result of GA tool application.

Please attach draft or approved sustainability action plan on GAD efforts of the organization


4.5 Has the organization conducted impact evaluation of its GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0,0.5, and 1)

Gender Impact assessment not yet conducted

Impact assessment of GAD efforts on-going

Impact assessment of GAD efforts completed and reported

Please attach a copy of Gender Impact Assessment Report of the organization’s GAD efforts.

Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 4: PAPs) 5. Model PAPs (max score: 5; for each item or question: 1.25)

5.1 Has the organization been recognized as a GAD learning hub for its notable GAD efforts?? (possible scores are 0, 0.62 and 1.25)

Organization is still developing notable GAD efforts

Organization has been recognized Organization has been recognized as a learning hub but GAD efforts as a learning hub and its GAD not replicated efforts replicated by other organizations

GAD Program /Activity/ Project Recogni zed

Award/C itation Receive d

Conferri ng institutio n

If nominated/cited/certified, kindly attach photocopy of certificate/recognition received. Please also include press releases, photos and

Type of GAD KP/GAD IEC Material

5.2 Has the

No convergence model Convergence model resulting from partnership recognized but not partnership replicated

organization’s with stakeholders resulted in a convergence model that is recognized and replicated by other organizations? (possible scores are 0, 0.62 and 1.25)

5.3 Has the organization’s knowledge products (KPs) and Information, Education, Communication (IEC) materials on GAD used by other organizations? (possible scores are 0, 0.62 and 1.25)

GAD KP/GAD IEC Material Developed

Organization s that Utilized GAD KP/GAD IEC Material

Convergence model recognized and replicated


documented testimonies for nominations/citations/certific ations received, as applicable. Please describe GAD convergence model that resulted from the partnership and list down organizations that replicated it.

GAD KPs and GAD IEC materials GAD KPs and GAD IEC materials GAD KPs and GAD IEC materials not yet cited as reference by other used and cited as reference by at used and cited as reference by at 3 organizations 1-2 organizations or more organizations

Please list down GAD knowledge products (KPs) and GAD Information, Education, Communication (IEC) materials developed and how it is utilized by the organization. (e.g. MCW mobile application, videos, brochures)


5.4 Has the organization’s existing award/incentive system been integrated with GAD perspective? (possible scores are 0, 0.62 and 1.25)

Award system not yet integrated with GAD perspective

Award system being Award/incentive system reviewed for integration integrated with GAD of GAD perspective perspective

Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 5: PAPs) TOTAL GMEF SCORE (PAPs)

Please attach criteria for the existing award/incentive system integrated with GAD perspective.

GUIDE FOR ANSWERING GMEF PAP QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Using the GMEF descriptor matrix or the “banig� as reference and the results of the organizational assessment tool, mark the appropriate cell of the score sheet where accomplishments of your organization are located. 2. Each item is marked with specific scores representing (1) NO; (2) PARTLY YES; and (3) YES. Indicate a score in the appropriate column to signify the degree to which your organization has complied with the GAD element. Under the MOV/Remarks column, indicate/attach the means of verifications required or provide explanation in support of your response. 3. Transfer the sub-total score per level to the GMEF Score Sheet. Add the scores per level and indicate it in the shaded box to come up with the total score for the Policy entry point. 4. To get the overall rating, add all the scores per entry point and indicate it in the shaded box. Refer to the Legend of Scores for the corresponding equivalent rating and stage.



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