GMEF ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE-PEOPLE DESCRIPTORS SCORE Score per item Means of Verification/Remarks NO PARTLY YES 1. On the Establishment of GFPS & GAD Champions/Advocates (max score: 5; for each item, .083) 1.1. Has the organization designated people in strategic positions as members of its GAD Focal Point System (GFPS)? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) The organization has yet to identify key people to be members of its GFPS Some members of the GFPS occupy strategic positions in the organization Majority of the members of the GFPS occupy strategic positions in the organization
If Yes, please provide details on the policy formalizing the creation/reconstitution of the organization’s GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) and attach a copy for validation.
If no, please explain why the organization has not identified people in strategic positions who can be members of its GAD Focal Point System (GFPS)? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 1.2. Has the organization’s GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) members attended appropriate and relevant trainings on GAD? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
GFPS members have not attended any of the basic GAD trainings [Gender Sensitivity Trainings (GST), Gender Analysis (GA) and GA Tools and GAD Planning and Budgeting]
GFPS members attended 1-2 basic [Gender Sensitivity Trainings (GST), Gender Analysis (GA) and GA Tools and GAD Planning and Budgeting] GFPS members attended all three basic GAD trainings [Gender Sensitivity Trainings (GST), Gender Analysis (GA) and GA Tools and GAD Planning and Budgeting
Title ofName GAD of Number and Basic Training Profile of Top GAD Participants Manage Orientati
ment Official
on/GST Attended
Trainer/ Institutio Institutional nal/Traini Provider ng Provider
Please list down GAD trainings attended by GAD Focal Point System members.
1.3. Has the organization’s top management attended Basic GAD Orientation or Gender Sensitivity Training (GST)? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
Top management not yet attended GAD orientation or GST Only selected members of the top management/ attended Basic GAD Orientation or GST All top management officials attended Basic GAD Orientation or GST
Please list down top management official/s who attended Basic GAD Orientations/Gender Sensitivity Trainings (GSTs)
1.4. Has the organization’s staff members been oriented on GAD? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Less than 50% of the organization’s staff members attended Basic GAD Orientation or GST 50-99% of the organization’s staff GAD Orientation or GST 100% of the organization’s staff members attended GAD Orientation or GST
Please attach training profile of the organization’s staff members. 1.5. Are the organization’s top management and GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) members aware and conscious of GAD-related policies and mandates? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Top management and GFPS are not yet aware and conscious of GAD-related policies and mandates Some GFPS members are aware and conscious of GAD-related policies and mandates Some top management and all GFPS members are aware and conscious of GA- related policies and mandates
If yes, please explain how the top management and GFPS manifest awareness and consciousness of GAD related policies and mandates.
GADrelated Activity
Participa nts
Organize r
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ 1.6. Does the organization’s top management allow staff members to participate in GAD-related activities?(possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Top management does not allow staff members to participate in GAD-related activities Top management allows only the GFPS to participate in GAD-related activities Top management allows all key officials, GFPS members and staff members to participate in GAD-related activities
Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 1 People)
2. GAD Initiatives & Capacity Development Activities (max score: 5; for each item: 0.83) 2.1. Does the top management direct the implementation of the GAD Plan and Budget (GAD PB) of the organization? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Top management not supportive of GAD PB implementation Top management approves GAD PB but not visible during critical/significant GAD activities Top management approves GAD PB and attends critical /significant GAD activities (e.g. setting of GAD agenda, strategic planning on GAD, etc.)
Please cite critical incidents showing top management directing the implementation of the organization’s GAD Plan and Budget (GAD PB)? Please attach relevant documents indicating support of top management to GAD (attendance sheet, copy of Opening/Closing Remarks during GAD trainings, photos taken during GAD trainings, etc.) 2.2. Are program implementers trained on gender analysis (GA) and the use of gender analysis (GA) tools? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) 3 TSD UPDATED VERSION AS OF FERBUARY 25, 2015 – PEOPLE
Title Title GAD ofof GA Effort/s Training Participants Participants Type of Trainer/Instit Date Participants Conducted Date training Involvement utional of Male Provider Employees
Program implementers not yet trained on GA and use of GA tools Only selected (some) program implementers trained on GA and use of GA tools All program implementers trained on GA and use of GA tools
Please enumerate trainings on Gender Analysis (GA) and Gender Analysis (GA) Tools attended by program implementers
Please also attach training design and attendance sheets of trainings on gender analysis (GA) and gender analysis (GA) tools attended by program implementers. 2.3. Are concerned staff members trained to collect sex-disaggregated data (SDD)? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Concerned staff members not yet trained to collect SDD Concerned staff members trained to collect SDD Concerned staff members trained to collect and are collecting SDD
Please list down trainings conducted for concerned staff members on the collection of sex-disaggregated data.
2.4. Are male employees involved and appreciative of the organization’s GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
Male employees do not yet participate in the organization’s GAD efforts Male employees participate in the organization’s GAD efforts Male employees initiate and participate in the organization’s GAD efforts
Please provide list of the organization’s efforts initiated and/or participated by male employees:
Activity *Type of Involvement of Male Employees: as participants, organizers and/or resource persons in the conduct of the organization’s GAD efforts.
Targeted Audience
Date Conducted
2.5. Are clients (internal and external) oriented on the GAD efforts of the organization? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
Clients are not oriented on the GAD efforts of the organization Either internal or external clients oriented on the GAD efforts of the organization Both internal and external clients oriented on the GAD efforts of the organization
If yes, please identify the organization’s efforts to orient clients on the GAD efforts of the organization (e.g. PCW website, news, GAD corner in the organization, social media (FB, twitter); among others.
Please also attach results of assessment or surveys conducted to measure awareness of clients (internal and external) on the GAD efforts of the organization, if applicable. 2.6. Are the clients (internal and external) able to articulate their gender needs/issues in the development of the organization’s GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Clients (internal and external) not able to articulate gender needs/issues in the development of the organization’s GAD efforts Either internal or external clients articulate gender issues/needs in the development of the organization’s GAD efforts Both internal and external clients articulate gender issues/needs in the development of the organization’s GAD efforts
Please attach documentation of consultations/meetings (e.g. survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews) and list of issues raised by clients (internal and external) during consultations, etc.
(Level 2 People)
Responsible Unit
Organization PAPs
GAD Perspective Integrated
GFPS 3. GAD Sponsorship & Related Programs (max score: 5; for each item: .83) 3.1. Does the top management direct integration of GAD in the organization’s program/activities/projects (PAPs) and performance indicators? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
Program Implementer s
No initial discussion among top management officials on the integration of GAD in the organization’s PAPs and performance indicators With initial discussion among top management officials regarding integration of GAD in the organization’s PAPs and performance indicators Top management issued directive/s to integrate GAD in the organization’s PAPs and performance indicators
Please attach directive/s issued by top management to integrate GAD in the organization’s program/activities/projects (PAPs) and performance indicators
3.2. Are the GFPS and program implementers able to integrate GAD in the development of the organization’s program/activities/projects (PAPs)? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) GFPS and program implementers not able to integrate GAD in the development of the organization’s PAPs Either GFPS or program implementers able to integrate GAD in the development of the organization’s PAPs Both the GFPS and program implementers able to integrate GAD in the development of the organization’s PAPs
Please enumerate organization program/activities/projects (PAPs) and performance indicators integrated with GAD perspective by GFPS members and program implementers.
Type of SDD 3.3. Are concerned staff members able to utilize sex-disaggregated data (SDD) for gender analysis (GA) to enhance the organization’s GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
P/A/P where SDD was Applied
GAD Efforts Enhanced
Concerned staff members not yet able to utilize SDD for GA Concerned staff members utilized SDD for GA Concerned staff members utilized SDD for GA and recommend ed strategies to enhance the organization’s GAD efforts
If yes, please explain how concerned staff members utilize sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis to enhance the organization’s GAD efforts. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
3.4. Does the top management support the appointment of qualified women staff members to leadership positions? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Top management support to qualified women staff members inadequate
Top management support to qualified female staff members limited to provision of relevant trainings Top management support to qualified female staff members includes issuance of relevant directives, provision of relevant trainings, mentoring and others
Please attach documents issued by top management supporting the appointment of qualified women staff members in leadership positions (e.g. department order or executive orders, trainings available and kinds of training etc.). 3.5. Do women assume critical roles and authority in the organization? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83) Women occupy less than 50% of the third level, and middle management and technical positions in the organization
Position Women occupy less than 50% of third level positions but comprise 50% or more of the middle management and technical positions in the organization Women occupy 50% or more of the third level positions in the organization
Please identify the number of employees in the following position:
No. of Men
No. of Women
% of Women
Top Management Middle Management Technical Staff
3.6. Are the clients (internal and external), able to participate in the planning and implementation of the organization’s GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0, 0.41, and 0.83)
No client (internal and external) involvement in the planning and implementation of the organization’s GAD efforts Either internal or external clients participate in the planning and implementation of the organization’s GAD efforts Both internal and external clients participate in the planning and implementation of the organization’s GAD efforts
If yes, please describe how clients participate in the planning and implementation of the organization’s GAD efforts. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Please attach attendance sheets and documentation of meetings, as applicable.
Please also attach documents external clients’ membership in the technical working groups (TWGs) and project management offices (TWGs). Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 3 People)
4. GAD Champions as Program Implementers (max score: 5; for each item: 0.83) 4.1. Are the GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) members able to serve as GAD resource persons within the organization, including its regional offices and attached agencies? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83) GFPS members have not yet served as resource persons on GAD within the organization Less than 50% of the GFPS members served as GAD resource persons, within the organization, including its regional offices and attached agencies 50% or more of the GFPS members served as GAD resource persons within the organization, including its regional offices and attached agencies
Please attach list and profile of the GFPS members including the trainings conducted. Name of GFPS member who served as GAD Resource Person
Title of GAD Activities Conducted
Name of Office/Unit , Regional Office and/or Attached Agency
Date Conducted
4.2. Does top management direct the monitoring of the organization’s GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83) No initial discussion among top management officials on the monitoring of the organization’s GAD efforts With initial discussion among top management officials on the monitoring of the organization’s GAD efforts Top management issued directive/s to monitor the organization’s GAD efforts
Please attach copies of directive/s issued by the top management regarding the monitoring of the organization’s GAD efforts as well as monitoring reports, as applicable.
Title of Calibrated GAD Effort/s
Emerging Gender Issues Addressed
Unit/Concerned Staff Responsible
4.3. Are concerned staff members able to calibrate GAD efforts to address emerging gender issues? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83) Concerned staff members not able to calibrate GAD efforts to address emerging gender issues Concerned staff members able to identify emerging gender issues but not yet capable of calibrating GAD efforts to them Concerned staff members able to calibrate GAD efforts to address emerging gender issues
Please list down GAD efforts calibrated to address emerging gender issues
4.4. Do top management and concerned staff members reflect GAD functions in their performance contracts or terms of reference (TORs)? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83) No reflection of GAD in the performance contracts or TORs of top management and concerned staff members GAD reflected in the performance contracts or TORs of either top management or concerned staff members GAD reflected in the performance contracts or TORs of both top management or concerned staff members
Please attach sample of Terms of Reference (TORs), Performance Contract, Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) forms of staff members and Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System (CESPES) of top management officials of the organization
4.5.Are concerned staff members able to develop tools and/or knowledge products (KPs) on GAD?(possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83)
No tools and/or KPs on GAD developed Developed tools and KPs on GAD with assistance from external GAD experts/resource persons Developed tools and KPs on GAD on their own
GAD Tools and/or KPs developed
Name and Designation of GAD experts tapped for assistance
Please provide details of tools and/or knowledge products (KPs) on GAD developed.
4.6. Are clients (internal and external) able to participate in 3 or more levels of the development planning cycle (planning, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of the organization’s GAD efforts? (possible scores are 0, 0.41 and 0.83) No participation from clients in all levels of the development planning cycle of the organization’s GAD efforts Either internal and external clients participate in 1-2 levels of the development planning cycle of the organization’s GAD efforts
Both internal and external clients participate in 3 or more levels of the development planning cycle of the organization’s GAD efforts
If yes, please describe the participation of internal and external clients in the development planning cycle (planning management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) of the organization’s GAD efforts. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 4 People)
5. GAD Experts (max score: 5; for each item: 1.67)
5.1. Does top management raise GAD concerns during high level meetings/ discussions? (e.g. Cabinet cluster meeting, international conferences) (possible scores are 0, 0.83 and 1.67)
Meeting/Discu ssion
GAD concerns discussed/ raised
Name of Top Management who Raised GAD Concern
Name of Person who supported the GAD Concern
Top management not yet able to raise GAD concerns during high level meetings Top management are able to raise GAD concerns during high level meetings
Top management able to raise and receive support on GAD concerns from colleagues during high level meetings
Please attach documentation of meetings and/or discussions where GAD concern/s was/were raised by the organization’s top management.
5.2. Are the organization’s staff members recognized as GAD experts by other organizations? (possible scores are 0, 0.83 and 1.67) Staff members not yet tapped by other organizations Staff members recognized as GAD experts and tapped by 1-4 organizations Staff members recognized as GAD experts and tapped by 5 or more organizations
Please attach list and profiles of internal GAD experts.
Kindly enumerate seminars/conferences/trainings facilitated by internal GAD experts for other agencies and organizations Name of Internal GAD Expert
Title of GAD Activities Conducted
Name of Inviting Organizati ons
Date Conducted
Awards/Citations/No minations Received
Organization Conferring the Award/Citation
Date Conferred
5.3. Are external clients of the organization recognized as GAD champions by reputable local, national and international organizations? (possible scores are 0, 0.83 and 1.67) External clients not yet recognized for their gender mainstreaming efforts External clients nominated, shortlisted or cited in their respective localities on their gender mainstreaming efforts External clients received awards for their gender mainstreaming efforts from reputable local, national and international organizations and recognized in their respective localities
Please also attach copies of news articles, other write-ups or documentation (e.g. TV interviews) regarding recognized gender mainstreaming efforts, if applicable. *May not apply to agencies with no clear external clients (e.g. DND-Government Arsenal)
Sub-total GMEF Score (Level 5 People)
GUIDE FOR ANSWERING GMEF PEOPLE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Using the GMEF descriptor matrix or the “banig” as reference and the results of the organizational assessment tool, mark the appropriate cell of the score sheet where accomplishments of your agency are located. 2. Each item is marked with specific scores representing (1) YES; (2) PARTLY YES; and (3) “NO”. Indicate a score in the appropriate column to signify the degree to which your organization has complied with the GAD element. Under the MOV/Remarks column, indicate/attach the means of verifications required or provide explanation in support of your response. 3. Transfer the sub-total score per level to the GMEF Score Sheet. Add the scores per level and indicate it in the shaded box to come up with the total score for the People entry point. 4. To get the overall rating, add all the scores per entry point and indicate it in the shaded box. Refer to the Legend of Scores for the corresponding equivalent rating and stage.