Beginner s guide to kayaking

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Beginner’s Guide to Kayaking

Presented By Kayak Radio

Go to the pros Before you go kayaking, find a good local outfitter with a certified instructor who can give you a lesson. "There are outfitters everywhere, says Cranberry. Just look in the phonebook or search online under ‘kayak outfitters’ and you’ll find one.

Get sized up An instructor will teach you the basics, but also will get you in the right type and the right size kayak. Sea kayaks tend to be less tippy than shorter whitewater kayaks, for example, so they’re often the best type for beginners.

Go wide for stability The wider the hull, the more stable the kayak will be. "Beginners tend to go with the open cockpit style, as well," says Cranberry. It’s a lot easier to get in and out of.

Don’t push yourself Kayaking is like anything you do for the first time: You need to be honest about what you’re capable of, says Cranberry. So go easy at first, and concentrate on learning the technique. "When you get the technique down—which isn’t difficult to do—you can paddle along almost effortlessly," he says. "You don’t need to be in great shape to do it, by any means."

Sit up straight "Your instructor will tell you about technique, but basically you need to sit upright, with maybe a slightly forward lean," says Car berry. "In the kayak, you have less control when you lean back." As for your paddling stroke, he adds, "think toes to butt, toes to butt. Put your paddle in the water as far forward as your toes, and pull it out of the water when it gets even with your butt."

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