6 minute read
Hello Aqua Apes!
My name is Rea Angela Vera Cruz, please call me Angela or Angie, and I am proud to say that I serve you all as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2023-2024 term! I am a rising senior at Jefferson High School, at the time you may read this, I might already be a senior at Jefferson! I hope you guys all love this August Newsletter, please applaud our Division Newsletter Editor, Cat, for this piece of work. When you think of August, you probably think of school being back in session. Just know you are valuable and you got it this school year! I hope this school year will be the best for you all, and honestly contact me if you guys ever need to, it can range from Key Club questions to just talking to me about general things!
As the school year approaches, I hope you guys are also excited about future Key Club events as well. In the upcoming months, we have things like club rush, September dares, and even big events like RTC (Region Training Conference) -which will take place on October 14-15 -- and FRN (Fall Rally North) -- which will take place on October 21. Please look through this newsletter for more information, and stay tuned for future newsletters when it comes to more important information to retain! For all clubs reading this, I recommend hosting minimum of about 5 service events per month if we want to reach out goal! Remember that service events do not have to fully be through other organizations, you can host some of your own during club meetings or over zoom. Secretaries, remember to turn in the MRF!
I'm glad I was chosen to be your Lieutenant Governor, I hope we all have a fun term. Please let me know if anything is ever needed!
Hey Aqua Apes!!
I’mMelodyChen,andI’msoexcitedtoserve as one of your EAs for this term! I am a rising junior at Aragon, and am also the Vice President at Aragon’s key club. I hope all of your summers have been well, and that you have a restful couple of weeks before school starts again. I loved seeing you all at Officer Training Conference and Key Club Training Conference this past month (especially all the secretaries)! I’m looking forward to workingwithyouallthisterm
NatalieNG Thanks,
Executive Assistant ricolanicole@gmail.com
Hello KEY clubbers!
It's August and school is starting up soon. That means more exciting events to comethisyear.Thankyouforcomingout to KCTC if you made it last month! I wasn’t able to but it sounded great! This is my first EA message of many to come! You’re always welcome to contact me whenever! I’m so excited for the rest of the year! Take care and stay safe!
It's August and KCTC during July was so fun. It was so nice seeing all my fellow officers and getting to talk and meet with them. I had such ablastalthoughthedrivewasalittlefaraway. I also had such a great time at the SF Marathon run hosted by Jefferson, Westmoor, and Galileo. I hope to see you all soon and I hope you're enjoying your summer. Catch you later.
Division Secretary
I hope everyone is having an amazing summer break so far. My name is Julia Tsuei and I am a rising senior and co-president at El Camino. I havebeeninKeyClubsincefreshmanyearand it's been such an honor being able to serve my community while meeting fellow key clubbers from all over CNH! I am also looking forward to workingwitheveryoneandgrowingasaleader. On another note, during my free time, I love playing and listening to music (I mostly play piano, guitar, and trumpet), gaming, and cooking. I'm also a pretty chill person so if you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate reach out to me :> I am beyond thrilled to serve this division, let's make the best outofthisterm!
I attended the Writing Letters to People in Need event and it was very easygoing. I wrote uplifting messages for people struggling with mental health. Overall I would recommend it to anyone who wants to make someone’s day.
Kathleen Lin | Carlmont
In the Writing Letters to People In Need event, we had the opportunity to unleash our creativity through thoughtful and artistic cards. The cards had encouraging messages written within them that we hope will uplift those who struggle with mental health. We drew fun and lighthearted images to create a sense of joy for whoever reads it. All cards will be sent to "Letters Against Depression" in Florida.
Daniela Cuadros | Carlmont
DuringtheOceanBeachCleanup,Iworkedindividuallytoclean the coast as I could not find the other Key Clubbers. Using my plastic bag and gloves, I started by picking up trash along the pathways people were crossing. I wasn't able to find much litter at the beginning other than some plastic wrappers and cigarettes. When I searched in a more isolated location; however,Ifoundtonsoftrashthatwerelikelyleftthereforalong time. I was able to fill my bag with a large quantity of garbage aftersometime.Itwasinterestingtomehowtherewerevarious typesofmaterialleftonthebeachandhowtheolderageofthe garbage makes it blend more with its surroundings. I eventually found our club members and group up with them at the end of theserviceeventtodiscardthepileIhavecollected.
Lucas Wen |Jefferson
Duringtheoceanbeachcleanup i think there was a confusion in dates. however, we showed up with buckets and grabbers and started walking along the beach, picking up trash. i mostly picked up plastic, socks, and cans. there weren’t many people at the beach which made it easier to roam around and grab things. we walked a long distance and then camebackandcalleditaday.
Haydee Villanueva | Jefferson
Duringtheoceanbeachcleanup, we as a group walked along the beach to pick up trash. I brought my own bucket and grabber for the event and I got gloves from one of the key club members. Most of the trashed I picked up includedchipbags,capbottles,a croc and a sandal. We started walking back near 11:30 and got back to where we started at 12. The sun wasn’t out and it was reallywindyonthatday.
Yinai Deng |Jefferson
During the ocean beach cleanup, we worked to collect trash around the beach!Thoughitwasnotan officialevent,webroughtour own buckets, gloves, and trash bags. We found many wrappers, plastic items, and tins. We continued to volunteerdespitethefogand wind. We helped create a better ecosystem for the beach!
Amy Guan |Jefferson
On Saturday, June 24th, the D34N DCM and Officer Training Conference took place at Burton Park in San Carlos. There were seven people in attendance: six Carlmont Key Clubbers and our Kiwanis advisor, Rosie Jimenez.Wemetupwithclubsfromotherhighschoolssuch as El Camino, Sequoia, and more. After we updated each other on current events, we split off into officer groups to learnmoreaboutourduties.I,assecretaryfortheincoming term, listened to a presentation summarizing the roles and responsibilities that come along with being Carlmont Key
At KCTC, members from Region 17 were given the opportunity to participate in many workshops and meet key clubbers from across the region. The workshops were very fun and interactive as many ice breakers were provided! There was also a service opportunity provided in which key clubbers were given the task to make origamicreatures.Asidefrom the workshops and service events, we enjoyed listening to our keynote speaker. At KCTC, we also had our July DCM which went well. The ltgs presented us with a competition to which we got a prize for completing all the tasksonthechecklist.Ontop of that, we had the opportunity to ride the train, carousel and buy snow cones! Other than the heat, KCTC was a memorable event. Thank you to those who attended KCTC and we hope to have more Aqua Ape representatives at RTC andFRN.
Lieutenant Governor:
Rea Angela Vera Cruz | Jefferson
Executive Assistants:
Melody Chen | Aragon
Natalie Ng | Lowell
Lucas Nguyen | Aragon
Division Newsletter Editor:
Catharine Nightingale | Westmoor
Division Secretary:
Julia Tsuei | El Camino
Spirit Coordinators:
Carlos Menendez | Jefferson
Serene Li | Hillsdale
Service Coordinators:
Ting Ting Wang | Burlingame
Fundraising Coordinator:
Charis Hsieh | Aragon
Public Relations Coordinator:
Jernee Evangelista | South San Francisco
Spirit Committee:
Chloejane Velasquez | Jefferson
Angelo Sta Cruz | Balboa
Service and Fundraising Committee:
Liana Myvett | Jefferson
Yaqeen Khalil | Jefferson
Amy Guan | Jefferson
Public Relations Committee:
Ryan Chung | El Camino
Brianna Khuu | Jefferson
Safiyah Ahmad | Lowell
CNH program designed to promote the service goals of the CNH District. By focusing on different themes each month, clubs are able to host a variety of service, social, and fundraising events that all go towards important causes in the community.
Children’s Education
It’s August and that means school is starting up again. Education is a very crucial aspect for children and unfortunately, not everyone has access to it. August is the perfect month for us to collect school supplies and donate it to those in need! We can also help by hosting tutoring sessions to elementaryandmiddleschoolers!
For more information on the monthly SOSP: please visit cnhkeyclub.org > Projects
> Spotlight on Service Program.
During the month of June, key clubbers were encouraged to host and or participate in service events that helped our community stay safe and healthy. Carlmont Key Club participated in the annual Kidney Walk which helped to raise awareness for Kidney Diseases. They also wrote letters to people in need to help raise awareness towards people who are struggling with mental health.
Planning a service/social/fundraising project for February’s SOSP (The Children’s Fund) & submitting it to the district can get your club 15 banana points!
Some project ideas include:
● BookDrive
● SchoolhouseTutoring
● Self-cafepackages
● DollHousesfromUpcycledBoxes