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Promotion Plan

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Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)

Contacting local news to broadcast our grand opening


Making business cards and handing them out to the public

Creating a website with our digital portfolio and online presence

Show off in a show-house, invite professionals to view our work

Spreading the word to close family and friends

The purpose of using social media platforms is to inform, sell, and improve the image of our business. We are looking to reach people looking for services in the residential and commercial sectors. These two sectors provide a wide range of people, including businesses and homeowners to property developers and the city. We believe Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social platforms are the most suitable for our company. Most of our competitors use most of these social media platforms and show a success rate. We believe having a presence on each platform will beat their competition.

The purpose of using the local news is to bring awareness to our design firm. Our target is the general public to whom we hope to achieve a response. We believe the using TV would be suitable to bring awareness to our company. Our competitors use the local news to announce their completed projects which are successful in bringing them business. We can improve their approach and beat them in competition with our deliverables.

The purpose of using business cards is to inform people about our business. The target is the general public. We are trying to get a response from potential clients. By using this method, we will be able to physically interact with the public.

Having a website serves the same purpose as using social media. It will allow us to inform, sell, and improve the image of our business, keeping the same target audience in mind. Creating a website is one of the easiest ways our future clients will be able to view our work, learn more about our company, and contact us.

The purpose of having a show off in a show-house is to improve the image of our business. Having other professionals in the design field, specifically in the residential and commercial sector view our work will allow us to receive feedback useful for the development of our business. Using social media and our website to spread the word about a show-off will be suitable in achieving this. There will be no competition, it is a moment to come together and help improve the image of other businesses.

Word of mouth will help inform and bring business to our firm as word travels fast.

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