Kaylyn O'Donnell: Artist, Graphic Designer, Photographer.

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Kaylyn ODonnell • Pa i n t e r • G ra p h i c D e s i g n e r • P h o t o g ra p h e r



Kaylyn O’Donnell has lived in the greater Sacramento area all of her life. She was introduced to art at a young age, and was what some called a finger-painting prodigy at the age of 3. Since then she has expanded her knowledge of the arts, exploring all different forms of mediums and styles. From watercolor, to oil, to acrylic, to spray paint and more, the options with painting are endless. Experimenting in not just painting, but computer based programs as well. She is a self-taught graphic designer that uses vector and pixel based graphics to produce her bodies of work. Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, and Painter are just a few of the key programs she uses. Kaylyn graduated from Granite bay high school in 2013, where she continued on to Sierra College where she plans to get her AA in Graphic design. From Sierra College, she yearns to receive a BFA of from Brooks Institute in the near future. In 2012, Kaylyn not only had an exhibition in Placerville, Ca, but also was a paid photographer for GBHS golf team. She was then awarded first place news photo by the Journalism Education Association of Northern California in 2012. A year prior she held and internship with Bayside on the photography team shooting events, services, and concerts which helped her broaden her skill set with working in tricky and unfamiliar light situations. Currently Kaylyn is working on producing a large body of work that includes painting; vector based artwork, as well as photographs for 2014. In addition to her artwork she hopes to master HTML 5 and work on websites for herself as well as for other emerging artists.


The process Paint

I have loved photography for as long as I can remeber. I enjoy surrealism in my photographs just like in my paintings. I can walk for hours looking for the right scenery or to try and capture at the right time of day. Climbing high to get the right angle or laying belly-down in the dirty to get closer. Photography is all about advernture and letting your viewers live through your photographs and stories. There is always programs to ehance your images, but capturing that moment in time, getting the right shot, is what is most important.


Though mainly I use paint as a way to express myself, I enjoy photography and graphic design as well. Recently I started using vector based programs to break into the modern art world using technology. I alwats am willing to enhance my knowledge, broaden my artistic ability, and tackle a new challenge. I’ve become interested in combining elements from photographs; vector-based artwork, as well as painting to make a new mixed media. By using all of my passions, new and old, I hope to create a whole new medium, giving an unexpcted reult.



Through the years, I have discovered the importance of the creative process, which, may be time-consuming, helps me produce my best work. Development of my ideas and concepts is huge. First writing down whatever comes to mind, whether it is something I am going through in that moment of my life or often times something that has recently inspired me. Then, I go through and circle and elaborate on ideas that stand out to me. Next, listing imagery of how I can portray my ideals. Then it’s time for rough thumbnails, followed by sketches, and finally the piece of artwork.




2010 -2013

About the Artist As an emerging artist from the Sacramento area, I focus mostly on figurative work in an interesting setting. My artwork is urban contemporary, containing abstract elements with a spin of surrealism. I love to incorporate painterly monochromatic figures. My bold brush strokes and pops of color are what set me apart from other artists. I am inspired by graffiti street art as well as the pop art movement. To me, art is mainly about com making connections between the artist and the audience. While I do hide most of underlying meaning of my pieces, I like my viewers to be able to make their own assumptions by finding their own meaning in my artwork, while still keeping them guessing.

life experiences, religious beliefs, personal obstacles, and modern society’s struggles. Through the years I have discovered the importance of the creative process, which can be time-consuming, helps me produce my best work. First writing down whatever comes to mind, whether it is something I am going through in that moment of my life or often times something that has recently inspired me. Then, going through and circle and elaborate on ideas that stand out to me. Next, listing imagery of how I can portray my ideals. Then it’s time for rough thumbnails, followed by sketches, and finally the piece of artwork.

Though mainly I use paint as a way to express myself, I enjoy photography and graphic design as well. Recently I started using vector based programs to break into the modern art world using technology. I always am willing to enhance my knowledge, broaden my artistic ability, and tackle a new challenge. I’ve

My most common medium is acrylic on canvas, and my favorite tool is my hands. I love the feeling of being out of control and messy. What most eyes view as chaotic, I see it as freeing. Most of my conceptual artwork comes from my

become interested in combining elements from photographs; vector based artwork, as well as painting to make a new mixed media. By using all of my passions, new and old, I hope to create a whole new medium, giving an unexpected result. My new bodies of work will keep my audience on their toes.



“Subway” Acrylic on Canvas

“Homeland” Acrylic on Canvas



“Market Run” Acrylic on Canvas

“Grandpa” Acrylic on Canvas





“Out of This World”


“Just Beachy”

“Mountains High”



“Friday Night”

“Anahiem Hills”


“Mee t me in Heav en”

Graphic Design


“Coffee Logo” Illustrator

Behind the Design De s ig n i n g eve r y l og o i s d i f f e re n t . I n t h i s L og o t h e I ex p l o red t h e G e s ta l t p r i n ci p l e of C l o s u re. C l o s u re s i m p l y m ea n s t h e o u t l i n e of an image appear inside of another image. I had a coffee cu p bu i l t i n f ro n t of a d i m o n d m a d e o u t of m u i t p l e s q u a re s . U n d e rs ta n d i n g t h e c l ie n t s n eed s i s c r u icia l i n g ra p h ic d e s ig n . This small town coffee shop wanted a simple but inviting l og o. T h ey w a n ted t h ei r cu s to m e rs to f ee l t ra n q u i l n ot j u s t i n t h ei r s to re b u t w h e n eve r t h ey a re re m i n d ed of t h ei r b ra n d . B y u s i n g a f a d i n g g ra d ie n t pa t te r n, i t a d s w eig h t to t h e i mage. The cup appears to be sit ting on a table, while the to p l ig h t co r ner s how s t he s tea m f ro m t he hot cu p of joe. T h i s h e l p s c rea te s ey e m ove m e n t t h ro u g h o u t t h e p iece a n d kee p s vei w e rs e n g a g ed w h i l e t h ey a re e n joy i n g t h a t l a t te.



#Selfie Illustrator Photoshop

Forgery Painter Photoshop


Kaylyn ODonnell • Granite Bay, California • 95746 • CELL (916) 380-9818 • Website http://kaylynodonnell.wix.com/artwork • E-MAIL kaylynodonnell@gmail.com EDUCATION

AA Graphic Design Sierra College, Rocklin, California, 95765 Date of Graduation 2015

High School Diploma Granite Bay High School, Granite Bay, California, 95765 Graduated 2013

Certificate in Photography Sierra College, Rocklin, California, 95765 Expected Date of Completion 2014


Photography: -Have worked with both digital and film -Nikon preferred -Expert in Photoshop, Lightroom, and after imaging programs Art: -Favorite medium is acrylic on canvas but can also do watercolors, oils, spray paint, leaf paints, color pencil, ink, tempera, charcoal pencils, and pastels. -Experience in mixed media -Airbrush, stencils, print press, Xerox transfer, ceramic, turpentine effects, and dimensional paint.


Design: Illustrator InDesign Painter HTML5/CSS Dreamweaver Pc/Mac Interface friendly -Have exceptional computer based skills (i.e. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Paint, Internet Explorer/Firefox/Chrome/ Safari)

Process: I always keep a sketchbook nearby. -Experience in print press + digital after imaging programs -Sketches (both Photoshop based and hand drawn), thumbnails, wireframes, mind maps, brainstorms, studies, research/references. -Advertising, networking, organizer, social media

EXPERIENCE School Team Photos Shots of Granite Bay High School Golf Team (2012) Games - Candid’s - Team Photo -Was in charge of setting up equipment, backdrops, lighting of event portraits. Took candid’s of team members for GBHS golf team as well as shooting the team during games/competitions. In addition to after processing of images in a timely manner, I made sure they were appropriate for print as well as web viewing. Bayside Intern/ Photo Team Member One-Year Internship in Photography Department (2011) Events - Weekly Services - Concerts - Children’s Ministry -Was in charge of photographing special church related events such as Breakaway, the summer kid’s camp where I helped with backdrop, lighting of hundreds of kids portraits. Experience in mass uploading, editing/ processing of after images, maintaining of photography site management for the church. In addition to events, I photographed weekly church services which taught me how to photographs in low light situations. Also did Christian concerts and photographed different church ministries for website and weekly bulletin such as Club 56, The Bridge, Special Needs, etc.


Journalism Education Association of Northern California Best News Photo (2012) 1st Place


El Dorado Arts Council Gallery Exhibition (2012) Featured Artist in gallery of variety of work in Placerville, California –Was in charge of creating announcements to be given out to friends, family members, and guests to attend. Making sure canvases are wrapped and ready to hang. Setting up and taking down of show.


Kaylyn ODonnell • Granite Bay, California • 95746 • CELL (916) 380-9818 • Website http://kaylynodonnell.wix.com/artwork • E-MAIL kaylynodonnell@gmail.com



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