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We Are Light We Are Love

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Copyrights 2023 8 8 Boundless Being 8 8
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B oundlessBein g



Alecia Posener We Are Love

Being WE are light we are love boundless being book.indd 5 2/1/23 8:30 PM
8 8 Boundless

A Special Note For You

This goes out to all those that love and light up the world. Every moment has led you up to this one here. Take a moment to appreciate all that you have accomplished, how far you have come in this journey of life and what got you here. I thank you for your mindfulness, passion, and all that your heart has been open to.

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Table of Contents Illustrations 1-5 Artists Perspective 6 Reminder From The Universe 7 Posters Available 8 WE are light we are love boundless being book.indd 7 2/1/23 8:30 PM
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The Artists Perspective

Withthe perspective of existing as infinite spiritual being, through the gift of human experience is where the inspiration for this book was found.

Our bodies are a sacred temple in which our souls resides; our bodies are our home while we experience the human life. As infinite beings we are healers and are one with the world and one with life.

When you love yourself, you radiate that energy through the earth and into the cosmos. When we come together as love we transcend energetically and shed the ego; what remains is what we truly are: The Universe.

This book is here to remind you that you are never alone. Everything in The Universe is connected. You are light, you are love, we are one.

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A Reminder From The Universe

Right now in this place in time The Universe has a reminder for you. This message was destined to find you.

The Universe wants to remind you that you have become a warrior by growing through challenges and healing wounds. You are a light in this world, you are love. Your loving presence heals the world. The Universe is encouraging you to choose kindness and to love yourself unconditionally. To be passionate, and your most authentic self. With loving and trusting yourself, The Universe is lighting your inner flame to guide you towards your greatest good. To be a light for your own path, also lights up the world.

You are a compassionate being who deeply cares for others. The Universe wants to remind you that you can let go of the weight of the world on your shoulders. By surrendering and trusting The Universe and letting go of control you are making space for miracles to bloom. When you trust, The Universe will lead the way and light your path.

The Universe is reminding you that you hold the life-force within you. You always have the power to be the love you wish to see in the world. Be your own light and recognize you are the embodiment of love. Love is who you are and love is what connects you to all that is.

Sincerely, Boundless Being

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Posters Available

Find posters at the Boundless Being shop.

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8 8 Boundless Being

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You are connected to everything that surrounds you

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