Crooked teeth are frustrating at any age. They're unsightly and difficult to brush and floss.
You may have considered braces in the past to fix these issues, but the thought of metal in your mouth for years at a time isn’t a desirable situation.
There's an answer to those metal-braces frustrations, however. Invisalign is a product that aligns your teeth through customized aligners.
These molds fit onto your teeth and gently tug them into the proper spaces.
If you're wondering if Invisalign is right for you, take a look at the features involved with the proper candidates.
Invisalign is right for you when removal is a necessary component.
Metal braces are glued to your teeth with wires strung between the brackets. There's no way to remove them without a professional's help.
Invisalign can be removed with one swift motion. It's simply a mold that fits up and around the teeth.
Remove it when you have a presentation at work or school.
Eat without any worries about your bracketry by using Invisalign.
The fact that the component is removable means that patients have more versatility during their day to complete their tasks while maintaining straight teeth in a subtle way.
The ideal candidate only requires minor adjustments to their teeth. There might be a slight crookedness to the teeth or gaps between them.
Issues with bites, including under, over and cross, are treatable with Invisalign.
Be aware that your dentist must evaluate your teeth before making a bracketry decision.
Your situation may be severe enough where regular braces are necessary. Professionals will take a look at your teeth to make a determination.
They might suggest a step-by-step process where traditional braces and Invisalign are used together in order to achieve the desired appearance.
You may have had metal braces before, and taking care of your oral hygiene was a problem.
Invisalign products are right for you in these cases. You're able to remove the mold so that brushing and flossing are possible.
Place the mold back on so that the alignment can continue.
There are no difficulties with flossing because the teeth are bare for easy access.
Improved, oral hygiene is one of the main reasons why dentists approve of Invisalign for their patients.
Make a note that Invisalign is designed for older patients. Children and teenagers have teeth that are constantly moving.
They may qualify as Invisalign patients, but most people tend to be adults for these products.
Their teeth are relatively stable so the molds work efficiently on their crooked smiles.
Many adult patients are well into their retirement years when they try Invisalign.
Correcting your smile at any age is beneficial to your physical and mental health.
Speaking to your dentist or orthodontist is the only way to truly narrow down your choices when it comes to straightening teeth.
They'll evaluate your situation and create a plan. There's no obligation to continue with this plan, but it's created just for your needs.
By trying out Invisalign when it's right for you, straight teeth will be possible in the near future.
Noble Dental Care is a family oriented Tempe AZ dentist office with staff and doctors that truly care about you and your health.
Give us the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams. Call us for an appointment at (480) 820-3515.
Visit site:
Noble Dental Care 1980 East Baseline Road #101 Tempe, AZ 85283 (480) 820-3515