2014-2015 Key Challenge Brochure

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VOL. 2 • 2014

An Introduction An Introduction The Citizen The Citizen Scientist Scientist Project Project of the of Keythe Biscayne Key Biscayne Community Community Foundation Foundation and the andVillage the Village of Keyof Key Biscayne Biscayne sponsorsponsor the Key the Challenge. Key Challenge. Equally Equally important important to these to sponsorships, these sponsorships, the Challenge the Challenge gratefully gratefully acknowledges acknowledges the assistance the assistance of theof the FairchildFairchild TropicalTropical BotanicBotanic Garden Garden for providing for providing invaluable invaluable information information used both usedtoboth design to the design firstthe first Key Challenge Key Challenge and to and maketochanges make changes to improve to improve this this year’s Key year’s Challenge. Key Challenge. Following Following the example the example of The of Fairchild The Fairchild Challenge Challenge and it’s and wider it’saudience wider audience and area and of area concern, of concern, the Keythe Key Challenge Challenge is an island-wide is an island-wide initiative initiative directeddirected at at increasing increasing student’s student’s appreciation appreciation and knowledge and knowledge of of the island’s the island’s natural natural resources. resources. The Challenge The Challenge incorporates incorporates 4 disciplines4 disciplinesart, writing, art, writing, informatics informatics and science. and science. These disciplines These disciplines are further are further broken broken down into down individual into individual and/or and/or group challenges group challenges open toopen to various various grade levels. grade levels. The Challenge The Challenge starts on starts October on October 27th, 2014 27th,and 2014 and concludes concludes on March on March 20th, 2015. 20th, Awards 2015. Awards will be will be announced announced on Aprilon22th, April2015 22th,(Earth 2015 Day). (Earth Day). Each Each individual/group individual/group challenge challenge will be will judged be judged by grade by grade groupings. groupings. Grades Grades are separated are separated by the by following the following break down: break down: Pre-K, Kindergarten Pre-K, Kindergarten and First and grade First(K) grade (K) Second Second and Third andgrades Third (3) grades (3) Fourth and Fourth Fifth and grades Fifth (5) grades (5) Sixth through Sixth through Eighth grades Eighth (M) grades (M) Ninth and Ninth Tenth andgrades Tenth (H1) grades (H1)

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Collage (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS) Create a collage of a KB native habitat, which includes a native species as well as elements representing the shelter, food, water, air and a place to raise their young. Use whatever materials available. However, additional points will be given for the use of natural and found objects. Include a written description (by the teacher or parent), describing the process of creating the collage and the lessons learned about the habitat and its inhabitants during this process.

Photograph (INDIVIDUALS | 8in x 10in print) Take a photograph of an element of the natural environment of Key Biscayne ( i.e. an animal in its habitat; the beach; the mangroves; marine life, etc.).


Book (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | max 24 pgs including cover) Create a book about natural resources found on Key Biscayne and the special beauty of our island. The artwork and words must be student generated, but the book may be computer printed.

Science Project (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | poster/science board) Create a bird watching graph for at least 3 species, 1 of which is migratory and monitor these species at school or at home for a 4 month period. This can be done by choosing dates to observe at a chosen location (i.e. every Tues) or by species (keeping a running tally sheet with dates of sightings). Weather conditions should be included in the data collection. A list of birds likely to be seen will be provided.


Create Create a collage a collage of a KBofnative a KB habitat, native habitat, which includes which includes a nativea nat species species as well as well elements as elements representing representing the shelter, the shelter, food, and food, a place and a pl to raiseto their raise young. their young. Use whatever Use whatever materials materials available. available. However, Howe additional additional points will points be given will befor given the use for the of natural use of natural and found andobjects. found obje Include Include a written a written description description (by the(byteacher the teacher or parent), or parent), which wh describes describes the process the process of creating of creating the collage the collage and theand lessons the lessons learnedlearn about the about habitat the habitat and its inhabitants and its inhabitants during this during process. this process.

Science Science Project Project (INDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | poster/science | poster/science board) board)

Design Design and conduct and conduct a simplea experiment, simple experiment, which addresses which addresses the needs the ne of plants. of plants.


D Illustration 2D Illustration

NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS | up to 18in | up to x 24in) 18in x 24in)

Create Create a 2D drawing a 2D drawing or painting or painting of one of of one Key of Biscayne's Key Biscayne's natural natural sources resources (plant, animal, (plant, animal, mangroves, mangroves, beaches, beaches, oceans,oceans, etc.). Include etc.). Include a a ritten written description description of the artwork of the artwork which includes which includes a comment a comment about about hat iswhat important is important or unique or unique about the about subject the subject of the of painting the painting or or awing.drawing.


NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | max 24 | max pages 24 including pages including cover) cover)

Create aCreate book about a booknatural about natural resources resources found on found Key Biscayne on Key Biscayne and theand the ecial special beauty beauty of our island. of our The island. artwork The artwork and words and must wordsbemust student be student enerated, generated, but the but book the may book be may computer be computer printed.printed.

Performance Video (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | max length of 8 minutes) Create a video which sends an environmental message for our community about caring for the natural resources of Key Biscayne. Entries to be submitted via Dropbox.

Design a Brochure, Flyer, or Comic (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | up to 8.5in x 11in) Use any of these formats to explain one of Key Biscayne's natural resources in an effort to raise awareness of our environment and motivate others to care for it.


Pic-Collage (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS) Create a photo collage, which explores and examines one of the natural resources of Key Biscayne. Include a brief description of the subject chosen and the elements included in the collage.

Science Project (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | poster/science board) Conduct an experiment which addresses plants' reactions to a greenhouse environment (i.e. increased humidity and heat). (Hint: there is a greenhouse project on Education.com)

Coloring Coloring BookBook (INDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | max 24 | max pages 24including pages including cover) cover)

Create Create a coloring a coloring book for book younger for younger childrenchildren that explores that explores and a describes describes the natural the natural resources resources of Key Biscayne. of Key Biscayne. This canThis be written can be written as a story, aasstory, a guide as abook guideofbook different of different things to things look to forlook on Key for on Biscayne Key Biscay or any other or anyformat other format that inspire that young inspire children young children to take to notice take and notice careand c for of the fornatural of the natural environment environment around around them. them.

Design Design a Brochure a Brochure (INDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | 8.5in x| 8.5in 11in trifold) x 11in trifold)

Design Design a brochure a brochure which describes which describes the history the history of a Key of Biscayne a Key Biscay natural natural resource resource using primary using primary sourcessources and archival and archival information information and/or and interviews. interviews.


Performance Performance Video Video

NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | max length | max of length 8 minutes) of 8 minutes)

Create Create a videoa which video sends which an sends environmental an environmental message message for ourfor our ommunity community about caring about for caring the for natural the natural resources resources of Key of Biscayne. Key Biscayne. ntries Entries to be submitted to be submitted via Dropbox. via Dropbox.

Science Science Project Project

NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | poster/science | poster/science board) board)

Design Design and conduct and conduct a standard a standard sciencescience fair project, fair project, which explores which explores nd monitors and monitors one of Key one Biscayne's of Key Biscayne's natural natural resources. resources.

Timeline (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | powerpoint, presi, or poster board) Create a timeline of one of the natural resources found on Key Biscayne (beaches, mangroves, sea grass, etc.) using archival photos, records and/or interviews. The timeline should span over at least 25 years.

Scientific App (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS) Create an app that facilitates monitoring a natural resource on Key Biscayne (birds, butterflies, native plants, etc) and use it to generate a timeline (at least one month) of evolution of selected resource.


Performance Video (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | max length of 8 minutes) Create a video which sends an environmental message for our community about caring for the natural resources of Key Biscayne. Entries to be submitted via Dropbox.

Computer Game


Create a simple computer game that explores the history of Key Biscayne and/or it's natural resources.

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The The FineFine PrintPrint • Each •school Each school must complete must complete a School a School Registration Registration form byform October by October 27th, 2014. 27th, 2014. • The Challenge • The Challenge starts officially starts officially at that time. at that time. • 2 entries • 2 entries will be will accepted be accepted per challenge per challenge and class and forclass judging. for judging. 1 winner1 will winner be chosen will be chosen per challenge per challenge and grade andlevel grade category. level category. • In order • Intoorder submit to submit an entryanfor entry judging for judging the the participant(s) participant(s) is (are) isrequired (are) required to attend to attend at at least one leastCitizen one Citizen Scientist Scientist Project Project event event (e.g., lecture, (e.g., lecture, cleanup,cleanup, etc.) or etc.)other or other environmentally community environmentally focusedfocused community This information service service activity.activity. This information will be will be on the individual entrywhich form, which requiredrequired on the individual entry form, will be submitted with each challenge will be submitted with each challenge entry. entry. will with work schools with schools to develop We willWework to develop Speakers’ Night in to order to this fulfill this Speakers’ Night in order fulfill requirement. Speakers’ at schools requirement. Speakers’ Nights Nights at schools be to open Key Challenge should should be open all toKeyall Challenge participants. participants. • Maximum • Maximum members of aisgroup members of a group four. is four. • All judging • All judging will be anonymous. will be anonymous. • A Community • A Community Award will be given Service Service Award will be given to the school the greatest percentage to the school with thewith greatest percentage a school’s population of a of school’s studentstudent population participating an environmental participating in an in environmental event event other than lectures. other than lectures. • This year • This we require students stay within weyear require students stay within the challenge assigned theirlevel. grade level. the challenge assigned to their to grade

K e y B i s c a y n e C i t i z e n S c i e n t i s t P r o j e c t ’s K e y C h a l l e n g e

2014 Key Challenge The Citizen Scientist Project’s goal is to secure a future Key Biscayne characterized by the same bounty of natural resources that exist today, thus maintaining the title of “Island Paradise,” while the Key Biscayne Citizen Scientist Lab provides a place to record and organize your findings in and around our island and to learn more about our island. The Citizen Scientist Project’s Key Challenge is sponsored by the Key Biscayne Community Foundation, the Village of Key Biscayne, the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, and the Knight Foundation. Communication is always welcome. Contact the Key Biscayne Citizen Scientist Project at: E: Info@KeyBiscayneFoundation.org W: www.KeyChallenge.org. T: (305) 361-2770

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