VOL. 2 • 2014
An Introduction An Introduction The Citizen Scientist Project of the Key Biscayne
The Citizen ScientistFoundation Project of the Community and Key theBiscayne Village of Key Community Foundation and the Village of Key Equally Biscayne sponsor the Key Challenge. Biscayne important sponsor the Key Challenge. to these sponsorships, Equally the Challenge importantgratefully to theseacknowledges sponsorships, the the assistance Challenge of the gratefullyFairchild acknowledges the assistance Tropical Botanic Gardenof fortheproviding Fairchild invaluable Tropical Botanic Garden for providing information used both to design the first invaluableKey information used both to design Challenge and to make changesthe to first improve this Key Challenge and to make changes to improve this year’s Key Challenge. year’s Key Challenge. Following the example of The Fairchild Challenge Following of The and Fairchild Challenge andthe it’s example wider audience area of concern, the Key and it’s wider audience and area of concern, the Key Challenge is an island-wide initiative directed at Challengeincreasing is an island-wide initiative directed at student’s appreciation and knowledge of increasingthe student’s and knowledge island’sappreciation natural resources. The ofChallenge the island’s natural resources. The Challenge incorporates 4 disciplines- art, writing, informatics incorporates disciplinesart,disciplines writing, informatics and 4science. These are further broken and science. These disciplines are group further broken open to down into individual and/or challenges down intovarious individual and/or group challenges open to grade levels. various grade levels. The Challenge starts on October 27th, 2014 and The Challenge starts October 2015 and will be concludes on on March 20th,16th, 2015. Awards concludesannounced on April 21st, 2016. Each individual/group on April 22th, 2015 (Earth Day). Each challengeindividual/group will be judged bychallenge grade groupings. Grades by grade will be judged are separated by the Grades followingare breakdown: groupings. separated by the following down: and First grade (PK/K/1) Pre-K,break Kindergarten Pre-K, Kindergarten Second and Third grades (2/3)and First grade (K) Second and Third grades (3) Fourth and Fifth grades (4/5) Fourth and grades Fifth grades Sixth through Eighth (M) (5) Ninth andSixth Tenththrough grades Eighth (H1) grades (M) Ninth and Tenth grades Eleventh and Twelfth grades (H2) (H1)
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Collage (INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, & CLASS | up to 2ft x 3ft) Create a paper collage of a KB native habitat, which includes a native species as well as elements representing the shelter, food, water, air and place to raise their young. Please include a written description (by the teacher or parent), which describes the process of creating the collage and the lessons learned about the habitat and its inhabitants during this process.
Landscape (INDIVIDUALS | up to 10in x 14in) Create a 2D landscape painting of a Key Biscayne view. Technique may include all types of paint and dry media (colored pencils, oil pastels, sharpies, etc.)
Photograph (INDIVIDUALS | 8in x 10in without mat) Take a photograph of an element of the natural environment of Key Biscayne ( i.e. an animal in its habitat; the beach; the mangroves; marine life, etc.). Include a title for the photograph as well as a short description of the location of the photo.
Book (INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, & CLASS | max 28 pgs including cover) Create an ABC or Counting book using the natural resources found on Key Biscayne. The artwork and words must be student generated, but the book may be computer printed.
Science Project (INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, & CLASS | on a presentation/science board) Graph the iguana population over time in a particular location and at the same time of day (identify whether the data has been collected daily, weekly or monthly).
Collage Collage (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | up to 2ft 3ft) (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | upx to 2ft x 3ft)
Create aCreate paper acollage a KB native includes a native a paper of collage of a KBhabitat, native which habitat, which includes species native as wellspecies as elements representing the shelter, food, air food, as well as elements representing thewater, shelter, and place to raise their young. Please include a written description (by water, air and place to raise their young. Use whatever materials the teacher or parent), which describes the description process of creating the available. Please include a written (by the teacher or collage parent), and the lessons learned about the habitat and its the inhabitants which describes the process of creating collage and the during this process. lessons learned about the habitat and its inhabitants during this process.
2D Mixed Media Painting 2D Mixed Media Painting (INDIVIDUALS | up to 10in x 14in)
up painting to 10in xof14in) Create(INDIVIDUALS a 2D drawing | or one of Key Biscayne's natural a 2D drawing or painting one ofetc.). KeyMixed Biscayne's resources Create (plant, animal, mangroves, beaches,ofoceans, Media natu resources (plant, animal, beaches, oceans, etc.). Mi may include all types of paint andmangroves, dry media as well as found objects may include all types of paint dry description media. Include a writ that willMedia not decompose. Include a title and a and written of the of the artwork which a comment about wha artwork description which includes a comment about includes what is important or unique important or the unique about subject of the painting or drawing. about the subject of painting orthe drawing.
Photograph Photograph
NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS | up to| 8in x 10in 10in)without mat)
Take aTake photograph a photograph of an of element an element of theofnatural the natural environment environment of Keyof Key scayne Biscayne ( i.e. an ( i.e. animal an animal in its in habitat; its habitat; the beach; the beach; the mangroves; the mangroves; arine marine life, etc.). life, Include etc.). Include a titleafor title theforphotograph the photograph as wellasaswell a short as a short escription description of theof location the location of theof photo. the photo.
Comic Comic Strip Strip
NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS | up to| up 10in to x10in 14in)x 14in)
CreateCreate a to explain a to explain one ofone KeyofBiscayne's Key Biscayne's natural natural resources resources and raise and raise wareness. awareness about its' importance to our community.
Science Science Project Project
NDIVIDUAL (INDIVIDUAL & GROUPS & GROUPS | on | poster/foam on a presentation/science core board with board pictures) with pictures)
GraphGraph the iguana the iguana population population over time overin time a particular in a particular location location and atand at e same the same time of time dayof(identify day (identify whether whether the data the has databeen has been collected collected aily, daily, weeklyweekly or monthly). or monthly). Provide Provide written written information information about about the habits the habits nd habitat and habitat of theof iguana the iguana (diet, life (diet, cycle, life cycle, etc.) and etc.)what and changes what changes might might ave caused have caused or willorcause will cause changes changes in the in population. the population.
2D Mixed Media Painting (INDIVIDUALS | up to 10in x 14in) Create a 2D drawing or painting of one of Key Biscayne's natural resources (plant, animal, mangroves, beaches, oceans, etc.). Mixed Media may include all types of paint and dry media as well as found objects that will not decompose. Include a title and a written description of the artwork which includes a comment about what is important or unique about the subject of the painting or drawing.
Photograph (INDIVIDUALS | 8in x 10in without mat) Take a photograph of a plant or animal in its natural environment on Key Biscayne. Include a title for the photograph as well as a short description of the plant or animal's interaction with the environment (is it feeding, hunting, nesting, etc.).
Personal Narrative (INDIVIDUALS | 1-2 typed pages) Create a personal narrative (fictional) with yourself as a person or native plant or animal which takes place on Key Biscayne and involves at least one natural resource.
Performance Video (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS) | max length 8min submitted via Dropbox) Create a video which sends an environmental message for our community about caring for the natural resources of Key Biscayne.
Science Experiment (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | poster/science board) Conduct an experiment which addresses the needs of plants and the potential impacts of environmental changes. In the conclusion, include a view forward to what the environment for these plants will look like in 10,20 or 30 years if there are significant changes to our island (i.e. global warming, sea level rise, population increase, etc.)
Scrapbook Scrapbook (INDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | max 28 | max pages 28including pages including cover) cover)
Create aCreate scrapbook a scrapbook on a natural on a feature/s natural feature/s of Key Biscayne. of Key Biscayne. Materials Materials can include include pressedpressed leaves, leaves, flowers flowers and small anditems smallofitems interest. of interest. Additional Additio consideration consideration will be given will betogiven thosetobooks thosewhich booksuse which natural use or natural recycled or recyc materials materials as opposed as opposed to storeto bought store scrapbooking bought scrapbooking materials. materials.
Photograph Photograph (INDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS | 8in x 10in | 8inwithout x 10in without mat) mat)
Take a photograph Take a photograph of a plant of or a plant animal orin animal its natural in its environment natural environment on Key on Biscayne. Biscayne. Include Include a title for a title the photograph for the photograph as well as awell short as description a short descript of how the of how plant the orplant animal or takes animal advantage takes advantage of the environment of the environment (does the (does environment environment offer food, offer camouflage, food, camouflage, nesting,nesting, etc.) etc.)
Coloring Coloring BookBook (INDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS & GROUPS | max 28 | max pages 28including pages including cover) cover)
Create aCreate coloring a coloring book that book tellsthat an tells Environmental an Environmental Fable (may Fable change (may chang a traditional traditional or createornew), create and new), be sure and be to include sure to include the "moral" the "moral" of the story. of the sto
Animal-Eye Animal-Eye Video Video
NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS) & GROUPS) | max |length max length 8min submitted 8min submitted via Dropbox) via Dropbox)
CreateCreate a 3D amodel 3D model of a reef of a or reef mangrove. or mangrove. Film aFilm video a video using using the the odelmodel offering offering a view a view from from an animal's an animal's perspective perspective withinwithin the the osystem. ecosystem. The same The same modelmodel may be may used be to used create to create multiple multiple videos. videos.
uture Future KeyKey Biscayne Biscayne Model Model
NDIVIDUALS (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS) & GROUPS) | on poster/foam | on poster/foam core board core board with pictures) with pictures)
CreateCreate a model a model (actual(actual or virtual) or virtual) of KeyofBiscayne Key Biscayne in the in future the future whichwhich ddresses addresses resource resource management management needsneeds in theinfuture the future (i.e. water, (i.e. water, trash, trash, ansportation, transportation, etc.). Include etc.). Include the impact the impact of global of global changes. changes.
Food Web Collage (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | up to 10in x 14in) Create a food web photo collage of an animal native to Key Biscayne.
Photograph (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | 8in x 10in without mat) Take a photograph of a native plant or animal in its natural environment on Key Biscayne. Include a title for the photograph as well as a short description of why this animal has chosen this environment.
Coloring Book or Illustrated Story (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | max 28 pages including cover) Create a coloring book that tells an Environmental Fable (may change a traditional or create new)- be sure to include the "moral" of the story.
Video (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | max length 8min submitted via Dropbox) Create a time lapse video of an Environmental Action project in which you have been involved.
Human Impact PPT/Prezi (INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS | max 25 slides submitted via Dropbox) Create PPT or Prezi which describes the consequences of human activity on a natural resource of Key Biscayne.
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The The FineFine PrintPrint
• Each school must complete a School • Each school must complete a School Registration form by October 27th, 2014. Registration form by October 16th, 2015. • The Challenge starts officially at that time. • The Challenge starts officially at that time. • 2 entries will be accepted per challenge • 2 entries will be accepted per challenge and class for judging. 1 winner will be chosen category per class for judging. 1 winner will be per challenge and grade level category. chosen per challenge and grade level category. • In order to submit an entry for judging the • In order to submit an entry for judging the participant(s) is (are) required to attend at participant(s) is (are) required to attend at least least one Citizen Scientist Project event one Citizen Scientist Project event (e.g., lecture, (e.g., lecture, cleanup, etc.) or other cleanup, etc.) or other environmentally focused environmentally focused community community service activity. This information service activity. This information will be will be required on the individual entry form, required on the individual entry form, which which will be submitted with each challenge will be submitted with each challenge entry. entry. We will work with schools to develop We will work with schools to develop Speakers’ Night in order to fulfill this Speakers’ Night in order to fulfill this requirement. Speakers’ Nights at schools should requirement. Speakers’ Nights at schools be open to all Key Challenge participants. should be open to all Key Challenge • Maximum members of a group is four. participants. • All judging will be anonymous. • Maximum members of a group is four. • A Community Service Award will be given to • All judging will be anonymous. the school with the greatest percentage of a • A Community Service Award will be given school’s student population participating in an to the school with the greatest percentage environmental event other than lectures. of a school’s student population • Students must stay within the challenge participating in an environmental event assigned to their grade level. other than lectures. • All entries must be picked up directly after the • This year we require students stay within Awards Ceremony. the challenge assigned to their grade level. • Please remember that entries should be created to tolerate numerous moves.
K e y B i s c a y n e C i t i z e n S c i e n t i s t P r o j e c t ’s K e y C h a l l e n g e
2015 Key Challenge The Citizen Scientist Project’s goal is to secure a future Key Biscayne characterized by the same bounty of natural resources that exist today, thus maintaining the title of “Island Paradise,” while the Key Biscayne Citizen Scientist Lab provides a place to record and organize your findings in and around our island and to learn more about our island. The Citizen Scientist Project’s Key Challenge is sponsored by the Key Biscayne Community Foundation, the Village of Key Biscayne, the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, and the Knight Foundation. Communication is always welcome. Contact the Key Biscayne Citizen Scientist Project at: E: Info@KeyBiscayneFoundation.org W: www.KeyChallenge.org. T: (305) 361-2770