2013-2014 review of community programs co-sponsored by the Village

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The Key Biscayne Community Founda4on 2013-­‐2014 review of community programs co-­‐sponsored by the Village.

Key Biscayne Community Foundation

Mission: to empower and facilitate residents of Key Biscayne to make a posiCve impact in the local, greater, and global community through Cme, talent or treasure. Community Programs: our community programs focus on: seniors (Healthy Aging); youth development (Village of Empathy); civic engagement (Village of Empathy); philanthropy (Key to Giving); and, environmental stewardship (CiCzen ScienCst Project). Cultural partnerships: An Evening with Art by the de la Cruz CollecCon; Winter Music Concert Series with a variety of musicians; Play Readings by City Theatre. Fiscal Sponsorship funds: our fiscal sponsorship provides economy of scale, so that residents can accomplish their charitable goals while we focus on the administraCve burden. Some of our sponsorships include: Art Cares for Kids; Art Heart; Fourth of July Parade; Lighthouse Run; Key Biscayne Women’s Giving Circle; Chief Press’ Charitable Fund; Michael’s Magic Camp; iPads for Soldiers; KB Youth AthleCcs; KB Life Enhancement Forum; Principals’ CoaliCon; Good Neighbor Award.

Key Biscayne Community Foundation

The list of community programs below fall under the Founda4on’s charitable umbrella. These programs received line item funding in the Village of Key Biscayne 2013-­‐2014 budget. All funding went to programma4c expenses: 1.  CiCzen Science Project: environmental stewardship and preservaCon 2.

Healthy Aging: ASK Club: older adult evidence-­‐based programs


Village of Empathy: civic engagement, youth development, building a community that cares


KB Fourth of July Parade


KB Lighthouse Run

Citizen Scientist Project: environmental stewardship and preservation

Citizen Scientist Project: environmental stewardship and preservation •

Mission: CiCzen ScienCst provides a program to help preserve this Paradise in the face of risks both natural (e.g., hurricanes, tornados, floods) and man-­‐made (e.g. breaks in sewer pipes, dredging, polluCon).

Vision: A future Key Biscayne and Virginia Key characterized by the same bounty and quality of natural resources

Objec4ve: The program is founded on an educated user base, who will contribute to this preservaCon. These users are “CiCzen ScienCsts” who will not only have access to the informaCon on the Key’s resources needed to preserve these riches, but will also contribute to the collecCon, interpretaCon, and use of the data.

Partners: The project is the result of the collaboraCve efforts of the community foundaCon, the village of Key Biscayne, the Knight FoundaCon, and the RosensCel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami.

CommiPee: Dr. Robert Molinari, Anne Rothe, Dr. Andrew Baker, and Dr. Diego Lirman.

Citizen Scientist Project: environmental stewardship and preservation •

Programs: 1. Environmental lectures: total of 20 lectures between 2013-­‐2014 2. Youth Fishing Clinics (2): total of over 160 children parCcipated with their parents 3. Key Challenge: 900 student par4cipants with 300 student finalists represenCng all five schools 4.  BuPerfly Gardens/Nature Trails: 2 outdoor classrooms: Village Beach Park & Fernwood/Westwood garden 5.  Restora4on Projects & Outdoor Ac4vi4es: ecological assessment of natural resources by the University of Miami; community clean up of mangroves and seagrass; protecCon and monitoring of restoraCon sites.

•  Highlighted Program: The Key Challenge is sponsored by the CiCzen ScienCst Project of the Key Biscayne Community FoundaCon. It is an island-­‐wide iniCaCve involving the schools of the island and is directed at increasing student’s appreciaCon and knowledge of the island’s natural resources. The Challenge incorporates three disciplines: art, wriCng, and technology. These disciplines are further broken down into individual and/or group challenges open to various grade levels. The Key Challenge will begin on September 23, 2014.

Village 2013-­‐2014 line item for CiCzen ScienCst was $15,000, specifically for the lecture series, Key Challenge, and markeCng. We request funding for 2014-­‐2015 of $25,000 to make up for the final year of Knight funding unCl another grant can be secured.

Citizen Scientist Project: environmental stewardship and preservation Ci4zen Scien4st Project 2013-­‐2014 Income Program Income VKB KBCF Knight FoundaCon Inkind Total Income

15,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 43,557.00 103,557.00

Expenses Grants Lectures Key Challenge: students/schools Bujerfly garden/nature trails Youth Fishing Clinics Special Event/ AcCviCes MarkeCng/AdverCsing Surveys, Studies, Reports Inkind admin/accouCng/supplies Total Expenses

-­‐5,653.41 -­‐4,400.00 -­‐12,337.37 -­‐1,000.00 -­‐2,500.00 -­‐2,234.81 -­‐16,156.11 -­‐11,475.00 -­‐43,557.00 -­‐99,313.70

Healthy Aging: quality of life for older adults

Healthy Aging: quality of life for older adults •

Mission: The Healthy Aging programming seeks to improve the quality of life for all seniors on the Key by providing physical fitness evidence-­‐based programs and opportuniCes for social interacCon.

Vision: a community of older adults that are happy and healthy.

Objec4ve: Allow older adults to maintain a high quality of life by cumng down on chronic illnesses, improving emoConal well-­‐ being, and the lessening the likelihood of assisted living.

CommiPee: Ed Stone, Glen van Hartz, Lois Greenberg, Dome O’Brien, Dora Posada, Pury SanCago, Bobbie Savage, and Jean Wenzel.

Highlighted Program: Enhance Fitness Program is a low-­‐cost, research-­‐based exercise program that helps older adults (over 60) of all fitness levels to become more acCve, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. Enhance Fitness focuses on stretching, flexibility, balance, low impact aerobics, and strength training exercises.

Healthy(Aging ASK(Club 201362014 Income Program'Income '''EnhanceFitness '''Lunches '''Grants'and'other'donations '''VKB' '''KBCF '''Inkind '''Special'Event Total(Income

13,570 1,356 7,610 12216.68 5,335.00 2,600 37 42,688

Expenses '''Grants J338.96 '''Office'Supplies/Accounting/Graphic'Design J2,600 '''Marketing/Advertising J4,649.00 '''Volunteer'Stipend J2392 '''Miscellaneous J497 '''Special'Events J10,602.60 '''Lunches J2,234.81 '''EF'Instructor J18,610.00 '''MOB'Instructor J800.00 Total(Expenses J42724.37

civic engagement, youth development, community that cares

Village of Empathy: civic engagement, youth development, community that cares

•  •

Mission: The Village of Empathy mission is to create a Village of Empathy through (1) an academy for civic engagement, (2) a Sister City IniCaCve with Liberty City, and (3) evidence-­‐based programming designed to develop empathy and stop bullying. Vision: Our vision is a community that understands the rights and responsibiliCes of ciCzenship in order to create current and future leaders; a populaCon of youth that are empatheCc and desire to make a posiCve impact in the local, greater and global community. Objec4ve: The objecCve of the Village of Empathy is to create civic engagement and social change agents. Partners: Key Biscayne Community FoundaCon, Village of Key Biscayne, Miami Children’s IniCaCve, Chief Press Charitable FoundaCon, AnC-­‐DefamaCon League, and Ashoka. CommiPee: Theo Holloway, Anne Rothe, Ana Colls

Village of Empathy: civic engagement, youth development, community that cares •

Programs: 1.  Civic Engagement Academy: lectures and forums on the past, present and future of our Village. The 2014 class of the Village Engagement Academy had 24 graduates. 2.  An4-­‐bullying: conCnuing the programming of the ADL’s designaCon of No Place for Hate with Ashoka’s Start Empathy (implemented at the K-­‐8 School and KBPC School); City Theatre’s Shorts 4 Kids: the Golden Rule (community-­‐wide); ADL training (staff at KBCC). 3.  Sister City Ini4a4ve: Cradle to Career impact in Liberty City: food co-­‐op started every last Friday of the month by Pat Molinari; vocaConal training classes by Chef Rene; back to school supplies for children by Chief Press; and, toys and turkeys for children and seniors by Chief Press. Over 200 Key Biscayners parCcipated with Cme, talent or treasure in Sister City programming through back to school event on the Village Green; toy give away in Liberty City; food co-­‐op every month as well as other opportuniCes.

Village of Empathy: civic engagement, youth development, community that cares Village'of'Empathy 201342014 Income Program'Income '''VKB' '''KBCF '''Inkind Total'Income Expenses '''Civic'Engagement '''AntiABullying'programming '''Town'Hall'forums '''Marketing/Advertising '''Inkind'admin/accouting/supplies Total'Expenses

9,154 2,434.41 2,500 14,088

A5,653.41 A3,500 A1,210.00 A1,224 A2,500 A14,087.41

Key Biscayne Fourth of July Parade

Key Biscayne Fourth of July Parade •

About: Bringing together the Key Biscayne community and celebraCng our country. For over 55 years, the parade has had over 50 entries, and is renown for being “the Best Lil’ Hometown Parade in South Florida!”

The parade began in 1959 when a couple of local Key Biscayners decided they wanted to teach their children the importance of being an American. They called on their friends and neighbors to celebrate the 4th of July by parading through the island streets. As the years progressed, the parade organizaCon grew.

Each year members of the community submit float entries for the parade, fostering community and celebraCng being American. Every year thousands of people from all over Miami-­‐Dade County come to watch the parade

Partners: Miami-­‐Dade County, Village of Key Biscayne, Key Biscayne Community FoundaCon.

CommiPee: Rafa Momene, Jane Morris, Mark Fried, Mike Rice, Tim SCckney, Alexa and Theo Holloway, Patricia Riestra-­‐ Pereita, Michele Estevez, Bob Haney, Patrick Kelly, Jonathan Greiffenstein (Griff), Sallie Pickell, Bob Bristol, Robin Macklin, Jim and Pat Eraso, Ed and Ceci Sanchez, Patricia Villa, Trish Flik, AusCn Tellam, Mark Fried.

Key Biscayne Fourth of July Parade 4th of July Parade 2013-­‐2014 Income Program Income VKB Key Rat Reunion Sponsorships T-­‐Shirts/Bujons BBQ Grants Firemen Total Income Expenses Grants Key Rat Reunion Admin, Promo, AdverCsing Parade Equipment & Misc Floats & Bands T-­‐shirts/Bujons Total Expenses

0.00 12,298.00 10,597.00 5,496.00 8,866.00 6,000.00 1,464.00 44,721.00

-­‐192.50 -­‐11,201.00 -­‐2,869.58 -­‐4,653.00 -­‐20,085.00 -­‐3,882.94 -­‐42,883.94

Key Biscayne Lighthouse Run

Key Biscayne Lighthouse Run •

About: Founded by Jim Brewster, he and Jill Gomez organized the Lighthouse Run for over three decades. It is South Florida’s oldest 10K race. The Lighthouse Run donates proceeds every year to the chariCes that volunteer to help run the Race. Over 1000 runners and walkers parCcipate annually.

“Giving people on and off the Key a wonderful race to run or walk while hopefully moCvaCng them to get out and exercise more.”

Partners: Village of Key Biscayne, Key Biscayne Community FoundaCon

CommiPee: Marco Gomez, Michael Holmquist, Todd Hofferberth, Melissa White

Key Biscayne Lighthouse Run Lighthouse Run 2013-­‐2014 Income Program Income VKB ParCcipants Sponsorships Total Income Expenses Grants to volunteer organizaCons Insurance for Park, VKB, KBCF Park Officers Graphic design Event ProducCon Event LogisCcs T-­‐Shirts MarkeCng VKB reimbursement Total Expenses

8,000.00 34,290.00 0.00 42,290.00

-­‐8,500.00 -­‐2,998.00 -­‐705.00 -­‐500.00 -­‐8000.00 -­‐8,363.67 -­‐7,796.76 -­‐1,776.00 -­‐2,569.16 -­‐41,208.59

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