Who Wants More Energy? The Importance of Mitochondria

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Who Wants More Energy?

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Karen Koffler, M.D. Medical Director Osher Center for Integrative Medicine University of Miami Miler School of Medicine

An Integrative Medicine View of Energy: • Biochemical – Cell – Organs Systems

• Lifestyle – Diet – Exercise – Sleep – Exposures

• Sources of Energy/ • Sources of Depletion

How do we create energy? Oxygen Nutrients

What interferes with generation of energy? Toxins Malnutrition Poor communication Lack of restoration (depletion)

Mighty Mitochondria: power houses of life • Most active tissues: brain , muscle, heart, Make up 40%-70% of the cytoplasm • A gift of 100,000 from your mom

Mighty Mitochondria • 10% of our body weight… • Determines cell death • Has their own DNA….which happens to look like bacteria • More mitochondria=more energy

How do we protect mitochondria? • Protection from oxidation (“rusting”) – Vitamins A, E, C – Selenium – Lipoic acid – CoQ 10 – Carnitine – NAC – Magnesium

What preserves mitochondria? • • • •

Resveratrol Omega 3 fats Reduced calories Exercise

A Word about NAD • Critical in energy production • Levels go down with stress and aging • Does taking a pill enhance longevity?

Pulling the lens back: • Is there proper communication between the cell and the rest of the body? • Is there a process depleting the organism?

Insuring proper communication: HORMONES • • • • •

Insulin Thyroid Adrenals Sex Hormones Vitamin D

Insulin Resistance • If your cells are no longer sensitive to your own insulin, they do not allow glucose inside • Ideal fasting blood sugar: < 90 • Ideal fasting insulin: <7

Thyroid • Controls metabolic rate • Hypothyroidism is common ESPECIALLY AS WE AGE • TSH, Free T3, Free T4, thyroid antibodies, rT3

Hypothyroidism • • • • • • • • •

Brittle nails Cold hands/feet Constipation Depression Dry skin Elevated cholesterol Fatigue Hair loss Hypertension

• • • • • • • •

Infertility Poor concentration Poor memory Menstrual irregularity Weakness Anxiety Weight gain Puffiness under eyes

Adrenals • “Fight or Flight” – Cortisol – DHEA – Epinephrine

• Pervasive stress leads to adrenal fatigue

Persistent Stress: Adrenal Exhaustion • • • • •

Fatigue Crave salt, carbs Depression Easily overwhelmed Exhausted at night; too wired to sleep • GI symptoms: constipation • Hair loss • Poor sleep

• • • • • •

Headaches Shaky when not eating Low body temp Decreased memory Recurrent infections PMS/ Menopausal symptoms • Slow wound healing • Irritable

Cortisol • • • • • • •

Inhibits thyroid function Anxiety Depression by depleting serotonin Abdominal obesity Insulin resistance Sleep disturbances Worsened menopausal symptoms due to estrogen excess • Osteoporosis

DHEA • Lowered in states of stress and with aging • Potentially lowered via aggressive cholesterol management • Precursor hormone to testosterone and estradiol • Anabolic: builds muscle • Reduces insulin resistance • Improves cholesterol profile • Lowers inflammation • Improves energy

Sex Hormones • Both Estrogen and Testosterone – libido, clarity, focus, strength, ENERGY

Vitamin D • Over 300 functions in the body • Deficiency implicated in: – – – – – – – – – – –

17 varieties of cancer heart disease, hypertension stroke autoimmune diseases diabetes depression chronic pain and osteoarthritis osteoporosis muscle weakness birth defects periodontal disease

Other sources of depletion: • Chronic infection/inflammation – Sinuses – Dental – Gut • Food sensitivities • Imbalanced gut flora

Toxins that interrupt energy production


Diet • Food to the body is Energy and Information • Do you fuel yourself properly? – Clean sources of protein – Abundance of phytonutrients

• Are you absorbing and utilizing your nutrients? – Gut inflammation and food sensitivities – Biochemical individuality: NutrEval

Effects of Calorie Restricton • Rats fed a diet 30% fewer calories live 33% longer – Same is true of yeast, nematodes, fruit flies, fish, spiders, dogs and monkeys • They have delayed onset of

cancer, CVD, neurodegenerative disease

Why does calorie restriction delay aging? • Reduces damage to mitochondria from free radicals • Reduce energy stores (fat and glucose) results in reduced demand on mitochondria • Improves efficiency of ATP production

The Fountain of Youth Gene: SIRT 1 • Found in all living organisms • Regulate gene activity • Reduces cellular stress and promotes cellular survival • INCREASED in response to caloric restriction and exercise • Activation results in increased production of mitochondria!

What else activates SIRT 1? • Resveratrol • Arginine • Alpha Lipoic Acid • By turning on Sirt1, increases mitochondria production – Increases metabolic rate and therefore energy

Herbs and supplements that can help you energize: • • • • • • • •

Green tea Ginsing B vitamins Vitamin D CoQ10 Carnitine Rhodiola Cordyceps

Caffeine • In moderation, does not appear to be a problem. As a drug however…. • Caffeine causes nerve fibers to keep firing • T 1/2 is 6-7 hours • If interfering with sleep, contributes to fatigue

KK’s Daily Energy Boosts • • • • • • • •

Deeper Greens Maca Green tea Resveratrol B complex Magnesium Stair running Quick set of push ups

Exercise • Not to nag but….

– We lose 1 pound of muscle per year without regular exercise

• One pound of muscle burns 50 calories more at rest per day. More when it is in use. • If you are not energized by exercise, chances are your adrenal reserve is very low • Cardiovascular: 30-60 minutes 5d/week • Strength: 2-3 days/week • Stretching daily • Balance daily

Let’s Move!


The Problem in the U.S.: • We are now sleeping 1.5-2 hrs less/night than our great grandparents • Major cause of auto accidents (more than etoh) • Affects memory, concentration, irritability, enjoyment of life, pain threshold, weight, blood pressure, depression, infection and of course, energy

Sleep Cycles

Stages of Sleep Stage 3 • Deeper stages • Delta waves predominate • Lasts about 20- 30 minutes each time • Growth hormone released • Promotes healthy weight, lean body mass • Immune function • Restorative sleep: Animals denied this will die

Sleep Hygiene • Feng Shui your bedroom – Television – Stressful conversations and activities – Clock radios

• Cooler room temps • Good mattress • Create a soothing haven

Improving Your Sleep • Sound Therapy – Mozart and classical – Binaural Beats

• Breathing Techniques – In for 2, out for 4

Improving Sleep • Valerian • Kava • Passionflower • Lavender aromatherapy • Magnesium • Progesterone

Improving Sleep • Melatonin – – – – –

Naturally produced Determines circadian rhythm Decreases with age, drugs Effective for jet lag Produces vivid dreams

• Drugs

– Short term

• Do not mimic normal cycle

– Chronic use associated with increased mortality

Meditation • An opportunity to experience our inner landscape • This evolves into the ability to notice our perceptions and patterns • This detachment allows us new ways of thinking • Cultivation of a quiet mind

Meditation • Study of obese women: mindfulness meditation and slow savory eating reduced the number of binging episodes • Psoriasis sufferers healed 4x faster listening to meditation tapes during UV therapy • High School students with PTSD in Kosovo had significant reductions in symptoms • Improves depression and anxiety in female caregivers of demented spouses • Improves mood, stress and fatigue in cancer patients.

Thought carries energy • Energetically, what is depleting you? – Thoughts – Situations – Relationships • Those around you • You, yourself

Spiritual Practices that enhance energy: ✵ Meditation ✵ Breath ✵ Imagery ✵ Hypnotherapy ✵ Music, Poetry, Art ✵ Laughter ✵ Religion ✵ Nature ✵ Dance ✵ Movement ✵ Prayer ✵ Service ✵ Community ✵ Love

Therapies that can improve energy

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