Mia Lami

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GRUBA Meaning: /mine/ - a place for the extraction of minerals. Silesian language.

Poland The area between southwest of Warsaw and northwest of Krakow - some of what is also called Upper Silesia - home of the biggest mining area of Poland, people are living side by side with coal power plants facing the consequences of high airpollution, nature decay and shaky grounds. Coal production has helped Poland become independent in energy achievement. Though EU’s continually pressure on Poland to reduce their fossil threatening the industry, it carries a huge labour and economic risk for the country. Small cites in the area are battling mining companies exploitation. “They want to dig at a depth of only 180 meters, the cheapest possible method. The ground is likely to sink up to 6 meters” said anonymous activist. “No one cares. It’s like David fighting against Goliath”.

Thanks to Kbh film & fotoskole Fine art photographer Linda Hansen Photographer Emil Ryge Graphic Designer Jacob Birch Bookbinder Klara K @mialamiphoto

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