My Grandmother(s)
Per la mia Nonna Luisa, Con molto affetto.
Inanna, tua nipote
This book tries to find a meaning in something that has no meaning... Someone else´s life decision... With very little information about what really happened and why... I can only wonder... and accept whatever the result has been...
When I was 12 years old, I discovered that my grandma Luisa is not my biological grandmother. My grandfather married her some years after her sister, Pinuccia, my biological grandmother, died.
From the left: Luisa, my great grandma Elvira, Carla and Pinuccia.
On the left: Luis. On the right: Pinuccia.
In the same way that we can only imagine and hypothesise how our lives might have been if we had taken another direction, I can only imagine why my grandma Luisa did what she did....
My Grandmother(s) Inanna Riccardi KBH Film & Foto Skole, 2017