While the image fades
Jón Helg i Pálmason
Augað gleður indæl sjón, yngjast gömul kynni. enn er bjart við Blikalón, best þó fólkið inni. Blikalón, what a lovely sight, familiar and nice. The evening sun still shines. Most enjoyable are however the people inside. - Leifur Eiríksson
“Nýlega var komið að mér í draumi. Huldufólk, bentu mér á að gras væri vaxið á steininn stóra út á túni. Buðu mig um að fjarlægja grasið. Þau sæju nefnilega ekki út um gluggann sinn.” “Recently I was approached in a dream. hidden people, they informed me that grass had overgrown on the rock out in the field. Asked for it to be removed. They in fact could no longer see outside their window.”
A so called “Gaflari” or simply a “Hafnfirðingur”. A person who is born and raised in Hafnarfjörður. Being a “Gaflari” had great value to it and people were proud to be it. Especially before the 21. century.
A “Gaflari” through and through.
“Menn unnu allann liðlangann daginn. þannig var því bara háttað og yfir því var ekkert vælt. Aldrei var neitt að, það mátti ekki.” “The men worked all day. Thats just how it was and no one complained. Everything was always just fine. It couldn´t not be. That wasn´t an option.”
“Ég hef siglt víða um heim. Mér leið ætíð vel á sjó.” “I sailed all over the world. I always felt peace at sea.”
Grandparents from my fathers side. Together since 1945.
Together for 72 years. Until 2017.
Grandparents from my mothers side. Together since 1957.
Together for 59 years. Until 2016.
My parents: 1993.
My parents: 2020.
Thank you Emil Ryge Nina Worren Mette Juul Linda Hansen Klara K KBH Film&Fotoskole My parents
© Jón Helgi Pálmason Á meðan myndin dofnar / While the image fades First edition 2022