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Nature The seaside The mountains Heritage














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Tourist Offices



The Region of Bastia Cap Corse - Nebbio - Saint Florent


East Coast Costa Serena - Costa Verde - Castagniccia


South Corsica Bonifacio - Porto-Vecchio - Lecci Sainte Lucie de Porto-Vecchio - Alta Rocca - Solenzara

The Grand Valinco Propriano - Taravo - Region of Sartène


The Region of Ajaccio Porticcio - South shore - Bastellica - Bocognano

West Corsica Porto - Piana - Cargèse - Region of Vico

Balagne Calvi - Ile Rousse - Galeria - Ostriconi

Central Corsica Corte - Venacais - Niolo - Bozio - Asco

Come and enjoy the fragrance of the herb-scented Maquis. Corsica is nothing like the image we have of a Mediterranean island. In fact, no other Mediterranean island has Corsica’s lushness. With the green of the chestnut trees of Castagniccia, the green of the rustling bushes along the paths of the “maquis” (scrubland), the verdant mountain pastures that are at their most beautiful during the summer, the green of the vast forests of indigenous pine trees that are hundreds of years old and that stand out against the Aïtone sky, the emerald patches of the mountain lakes, the silvery green Nebbio olive groves, the transparency of the waterfalls and pools of Restonica, and the green lines of the Patrimonio vineyard in the spring. With more than 2000 plant species, Corsica will dazzle you with colour. What is more, the Regional Nature Park of Corsica covers more than two thirds of

Biguglia Pond where 127 species of aquatic

the island. Five nature reserves protect some unique flora and fauna with

birds nest. In the spring everything is in

the Cerbicale Isles that provide a sanctuary for crested cormorants, the

bloom and the “maquis” is at its most

Lavezzi Isles where 68 species of fish have been recorded, the Finocchiarola

fragrant, and autumn is also a delight when

and Scandola Isles that are France’s leading land and sea reserve, and the

the chestnut harvest is celebrated in the villages perched on the tops, making Corsica a delight to explore whatever the season.



You can come on foot, by mountain bike or on horseback, but don’t delay. Walking on Corsica is the best way to explore the true Corsica. Wonder at the fortified granite houses and shepherds’ dry-stone shelters, bathe in the pure water pools that have formed in the rocks from waterfalls, and enjoy the magnificent landscapes in the forests where you will perhaps come across one of the island’s semi-wild pigs or catch a glimpse of the bearded vulture or the moufflon. Everywhere you go the many hiking trails take you right to the heart of the real Corsica. The most well known long-distance trail is the GR 20 (long-distance hiking route) that takes you across the upper mountains, from Calenzana (in the Calvi region) to Conca (in the Porto-Vecchio region). This difficult path is one of the most beautiful in the world. For easier routes, take the “Mare e Monti Nord” between Cargèse and Calenzana, and the “Mare e Monti Sud”, from Porticcio to Propriano. Lastly, three long-distance routes link the two coasts, one of which, the “Mare a Mare Sud”, is passable all year round.

the route of the old Genoese bridge. Accessible to

All along the route you will find a shepherd or villager who

all, country tracks will take you to the Alta-Rocca,

will show you a spring where you can stop to drink, and even

close to the fabulous Bavella peaks. In the Bozio area your walk will take you to explore ancient Roman chapels decorated with frescos. The Niolo area is a paradise for mountain climbers and offers easy looped walks that will take you deep into the breathtaking pine forests. If you prefer mountain biking, you will also not be disappointed. Sporting circuits and loops that are perfect for family outings, with hundreds of forest paths, walking routes and short routes are open all year. Lastly if you like horse riding, you will enjoy Corsica. Almost 2000 km of tracks are open to riders and will take you to areas and villages that cannot be reached by road. So, saddle up!



Come to the beach! - Yes, but which one? Crystal clear waters, vast beaches of powder sand, small isolated coves and wild cliffs populated with sea eagles:

to find a quiet little cove where you will feel like Robinson Crusoe. You are sure

Corsica offers a range of marine landscapes that are unique to the Mediterranean. With over one thousand kilometres

to be surprised by the temperature of the waters. Even in October swimming in

of coastline, the island is a succession of fabulous places to swim, fish, dive or simply walk. To the northwest of the island,

the sea is still common where the water can be up to 20°! Corsica’s charm

the Agriates beaches that you can reach through the “maquis” are some of the wildest beaches on the island. Further to the

continues under water, with anemones, gorgonians and coral that light up the

south, around Ile Rousse, the Balagne beaches have vibrantly coloured rocks that rise out of turquoise waters. In the

seabed with an array of colours. Corsica is a dream place to learn to dive.

sport in an exceptional setting. As

Golfe de Porto, there are large and small beaches for you to enjoy in a protected natural setting, and the magnificent

Fishes abound everywhere you look with scorpion fish, red mullet, sea bass,

sailing enthusiasts will tell you,

landscapes of the Calanches will amaze you. Then between Bonifacio and Porto-Vecchio, fabulous beaches stretch over

gilt-head bream all of which will delight fishing enthusiasts. Not to forget the sea

nothing beats a tour round Corsica

kilometres, punctuated here and there by coves. Further to the north and up to Solenzara, the Côte des Nacres (mother-

urchins that will form part of memorable meals during the winter until the start

by boat for an unforgettable cruise.

of-pearl coast) has sandy coves that are bathed in emerald green waters. Even at the height of summer it is not difficult

of spring. Sea kayaking, jet-skiing, water skiing, harpoon fishing, fun-boarding

That goes for you too; as soon as

and even surfing – you will have plenty of opportunity to practise your favourite

you discover the shores of Corsica, you will only want to do one thing and that is weigh anchor.



Explore the mountains in the morning and head to the beach in the afternoon. If you like mountains, you will love Corsica. It is the most mountainous island in the Mediterranean with more than

are on hand to help you explore the most beautiful areas and will enjoy sharing

100 peaks over 2000 metres high. Everywhere you look you will see magnificent landscapes in a protected setting. The

their passion for the island with you. Why not come and enjoy a snow weekend in

mountains make up the heart of Corsica and provide the setting for island traditions and even the very identity of the

Corsica? Far from the crowded slopes of the Alps, you will discover the exhilaration

islanders themselves. As you walk about, you will discover that Corsican hospitality is far from a myth.

of being out in the heart of nature. Families will enjoy cross country skiing on the

In this abundance of nature, water is never far away. With its thermal springs, spectacular waterfalls, natural pools,

Cuscione Plateau and alpine skiing and surf skiing at Ghisoni, Bastelica and

rivers full of fish, mountain lakes, Corsica is a veritable water tower where you will enjoy taking time to recharge your

Vergio, with superb snow-shoe walks on the peaks and the veritable sporting

batteries. For lovers of sport, canyoning is practised from mid-April to November, with canoeing and kayaking and

adventure of the Haute Route Ă Ski (a long ski route): all snow activities can be

rafting available from February to the end of May. If your preferred element is air, why not take the opportunity to explore

practised until April. With landscapes that will take your breath away, just one

Corsica by paraglider. From Cap Corse to Nebbio, via Castagniccia, Niolo and Balagne, it is sure to take your breath away.

hour away by car spring is already emerging on the coast.

Another way to explore the heights is by climbing. Beginners must be encouraged to join in. Professional instructors



there are more than 300, celebrates its patron saint each year. During such celebrations the profane

In Corsica, even the old stones have a soul.


and its Genoese watch-towers dotted along the coastline.

meets the religious with fairs,

With a rich heritage of monuments, Corsica is also a wealth of culture,

music, singing, dancing and cinema

craft and living traditions among which gastronomy plays a significant

festivals, and sporting events all

part. With “prisuttu”, delicious finely-cut ham made from semi-wild pigs

year round. And at night, when the

Corsica’s uniqueness – quite apart from the fact that it is

is on display in the Museum of Aléria. However, these

that feed on acorns and chestnuts, “figatelli”, liver sausages and "coppa"

“paghjelles” begin – traditional

an island that is unique to the Mediterranean – also stems

ancient colonists left other, far more succulent memories

charcuterie based on pork ribs. Chestnut “pulenta” (with a flour base) will

songs sung by three people, it is

from its heritage. Everywhere you go, you will see a

of their time on Corsica, in the form of vineyard cultivation

accompany your wild-boar stew and as regards cheese, enjoy tasting

the Corsican soul, proud and

chapel, a bridge, a tower, or something of interest to

and oyster farming. In the Middle Ages, a large number of

“brocciu”, a locally produced goat and sheep’s cheese: all authentic and

passionate that you will hear

explore. From pre-history you can see the remains of

Roman chapels and churches with simple lines were built

generous cooking. By the sea, you can enjoy crawfish, fish, and “aziminu”

sing out.

watchtowers from the mysterious civilization known as

in the villages of Castagniccia, Nebbio and Balagne. The

a Corsican fish-based soup. 8 AOCs (guarantee of origin) compete to produce

the “civilization toréenne” as well as hundreds of menhir

17th and 18th centuries saw the emergence of churches

wine that is both aromatic and full of flavour. Do not hesitate to call in to

statues, including the famous Filitosa statues with their

built in the baroque style and the richness of their interior

see the wine cellars. The winegrowers themselves will be delighted to let

enigmatic sculptured faces. This was followed by the

decoration will amaze you. Corsica’s turbulent history can

you taste their products. “A saluta” - “Cheers”!

Greek and Roman periods. A fantastic collection of artefacts

be seen through the fortification and citadels of its towns

Corsica is also an island where people know how to party. Each village, and 13

The Region of Bastia Facing the coast of Tuscany, Bastia has all the charm of an old Mediterranean town with its narrow streets flanked by tall buildings whose understated elegance is enhanced by



that sprang up all over the town during the 17th and 18th centuries. The church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Corsica’s largest church, and the churches of Sainte-Marie

painted shutters.

and the Chappelle Sainte Croix will not fail to amaze you with

Founded in 1378 by the Genoese that turned it into the

their ornate Baroque interiors.

Saint-Florent is the starting point of the beach path that

island’s capital, its name comes from the ‘bastille’ or fortress

If you are tempted to go for a swim, there are beaches not far

stretches the length of the Agriates coast, 40 km of which

that dominates the town. It is a lively place and one where you

from the entrance to the town. Pebble beaches to the north,

is protected by the Conservatoire du Littoral. It is an

will enjoy strolling about at will. Place Saint Nicolas and the

sandy beaches to the south with the superb Marana beach

Place du Marché are both favourites with the local townsfolk

that borders the ornithological reserve of the Pond of

celebrities enjoy playing a game of pétanque, and many

by torrents. A land of wind and sun where the only traces

and are always full of vibrancy and colour. From here you can

Biguglia. Make the most of a trip there to explore the cathedral

café terraces where you will enjoy stopping to watch the

of human life are found in the “pagliaghji” that provide

tour round the old port by walking down rue Napoleon,

church of Canonica, a masterpiece of Roman art.

world go by. Wander at leisure through the old town,

shelter for shepherds and their sheep. In the spring, the

looking at the shops and beautiful boutiques as you go.

Bastia paves the way to the Port of Nebbio and Saint-Florent

explore the citadel, a stunning monument from the

fragrance of the “maquis” is at its finest on the edge of

You must stop off and visit the Mattei buildings, creators of

on the west coast. Set in the dip of the gulf that bears the

Genoese period, and also the beautiful Roman church of

the beaches of Roya, Lodo and Saleccia that are great to

the famous Cap Corse aperitif. Other sights to see, this time

same name, this fishing port is a very fashionable place to

Santa-Maria Assunta, before sipping an aperitif in the

cross on foot, horseback or bicycle.

of a more spiritual nature, are to be found in the churches

visit. With a lively nightlife around the famous marina where

Place des Portes.

amazing universe of stony scrub-covered hills punctuated


Cultural events


February BASTIA - Symposium on Italian Cinema

Every Sunday morning - BASTIA, PLACE ST NICOLAS - Flea market

March/April BASTIA - Spanish Cinema Festival

Cap Corse

April BASTIA - Symposium on the cartoon

Cap Corse begins north of Bastia. A sharp mountain

April BASTIA - British film week

ridge 40 km long heading north, it is a land of sailors and fishermen. A coastal road takes you right over the ridge and affords spectacular views at each twist and turn. Explore Nonza and its Genoese watchtower that are certainly worth a postcard, along with Centuri which is a beautiful little port with crystal-clear waters. From here the customs trail takes you along the coast to Macinaggio. Explore the nature reserve of Finocchiarola with the Audoin gulls and the Sainte Marie and Tamarone beaches. There is also the picturesque fishing village of Erbalunga where, in the 30s, many painters came and set up their easels.

June MACINAGGIO - Nautival (Festival of the sea) July BASTIA - The changing of the governors (Historic show) July PATRIMONIO - Guitar evenings End of July SANTA SEVERA (Luri marina) Festa di u mare (Cultural and sporting events on the theme of the sea) 1st week of August ERBALUNGA - Festival of music

To taste To see From Bastia, why not treat yourself to a trip to Cardo, a village nestled against a lush backdrop with commanding views over the town and Cap Corse. Take a photo of the Genoese watchtowers of Cap Corse, particularly the one at Nonza, a charming little coastal village, and the watchtower known as Seneca’s tower where, on clear days, you can see across to the Italian coast. Participate in the Lavasina pilgrimage that draws together thousands of faithful followers on 8 September. At Sisco, admire the “palazzi americani”, beautiful residences belonging to people from Cap Corse that emigrated to South America. In the church of Tomino you will find a beautiful display of sea offerings and everywhere you go, you will find beautiful Roman chapels with pure and simple lines, for example, the churches of Santa-Maria Assunta at Canari and the church of Saint Michel at Sisco, a masterpiece from the 21st century.

The famous Cap Corse and Patrimonio wines, two AOCs (wines with guarantee of origin) that in addition to the red, white and rosé wines also produce two sweet wines, one white, one red which are quite rare. A wine fair is held on the first weekend in July in Luri.

Mid-August NONZA - Cultural Meetings (Exhibitions concerts and conferences) August SAINT-FLORENT - Porto latino (Event that brings together types of music of Latin American inspiration) Mid-October BASTIA - Bastia music festival (Based on the voices and music of the south) November BASTIA - Open International (Chess championship) November BASTIA - Festival of Mediterranean film and culture December BASTIA - U Mercà di Natale (Christmas market)

Sporting events April BIGUGLIA - Fita star kalliste (This competition involves the best national and international archers) May Water sports festival (Hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries) September Six-day cycle tour of the île de beauté

Religious events March/April Easter Week BASTIA - Procession BORGO - Penitential procession performed kneeling down inside the church ERBALUNGA - “Cerca” procession over 12 km long from church to church SAN MARTINO DI LOTA Processions of Brotherhoods 19 March BASTIA - Celebrations of St Joseph 13 June BASTIA - Celebrations of St Antoine 24 June BASTIA - Celebrations of Saint John the Baptist 15 August BASTIA - Procession accompanying a statue of the virgin September LAVASINA - Annual pilgrimage of Notre Dame de Lavasina

Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.

Country fairs July LURI - Wine Fair



East Coast was finally razed to the

If you can see vast beaches in front of you and behind, stand hills and mountains that are cool and shady,


the 5th century. Trace its

Turning inland now, an ocean of forests awaits you. The origin of



these forests dates back to 1584 when the Genoese organised the


archaeological site here

systematic planting of precious tree species, in particular chestnut

And, since you are on holiday, why not

and in the Museum of Aléria that is located

trees. As the region was highly populated at that time, the orchard

start by laying your towel down on the

in the Fort of Matra, and includes a

became a vast forest of chestnut trees giving its face and name to

powdery sand of the Costa Serena or the

collection of magnificent Greek ceramics.

the area known as Castagniccia today (castagna – chestnut).

discover in one of Europe’s most beautiful

Costa Verde? From the Moriani Plage at

In this region of vast open spaces, you will

A land of popular revolts (Pascal Paoli was proclaimed general-

umbrella pine forests. From Ghisoni, head

Aléria to Ghisonaccia, beaches stretch for

enjoy seaside outings and swimming in

in-chief of the Corsican nation in 1755), Castagniccia will charm you

to the resort of Renoso where, in the winter,

miles bordered by sumptuous pine

the many rivers that flow through the

with its character, its stone-roofed houses that all have their own

you can ski in a vast and fully-preserved

forests. A favourite with holidaymakers,

region. Here, all the joys of the seaside,

“rataghju” (chestnut drying room) and its flamboyant autumnal

natural setting. It is the starting point for

the region’s resorts blend in nicely with

sunshine and gastronomy abound. The

colours. The region covers the three “pieves” (ancient parishes) of

climbing Mont Renoso (2352m), one of the

the natural surroundings. The first visitors

large farming concerns produce juicy

Alesani, Orezza and Ampugnani, all of which are an ideal place for

highest peaks in Corsica. Make the most of

to this area were the Phoenicians that

shaddocks (type of grapefruit), clementines,

forest walks from where emerge, like the light of a lighthouse across

your climb to visit the sheep barns of the

founded Aléria in the 6th century BC.

kiwis, avocados and quality wines, while

the sea, the sound of the peeling bells of the Baroque churches.

Pozzi, these peat bogs that punctuate the

Occupied since then by the Etruscans, the

aquaculture activities will fill your plate

Further south is the region of Ghisoni, where you can see a pretty

bright green moss with blue patches.

Carthaginians and the Romans, the town

with a wide variety of seafood and fish.

16th century village and also enjoy walks that are full of things to

you are on the east coast.


ground by the Vandals in


Morosaglia It is in this small village of the Castagniccia region where in

handed Corsica over to France. Paoli organised a

1725, Pascal Paoli, “father of the Corsican nation”, was born.

resistance movement, but his defeat in the battle

A highly educated soldier, he led the insurrection against the

of Ponte Nuovo in 1769, forced him into exile. A

Genoese in 1755. Appointed “general of the Nation”, he set

small museum has been set up in the house of his

up his capital in Corte and introduced a republican

birthplace near to where his ashes now lie.

Cultural events

Sporting events

May TRAVU - San Pancraze: Aleria crossroads of civilisations

May Water Sports festival (Hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries)

August ALERIA - Festa antica: Aleria crossroads of civilisations (Music, Olympiads, jousts in Roman costumes

Constitution, built an administration, founded the Ile Rousse, the University of Corte. However, in 1768 the Genoese

August/September Region of TAVAGNA Settembrinu di tavagna (TAVAGNA Music Festival at Peru Casevecchje, VeloneOlmeto, Taglio Isolaccia, Poggio Mezzana, Talasani) September GHISONACCIA - Festival of St Michel

Country fairs 1st weekend in July QUERCITELLO - Pratu fair: "a boccadi u pratu"(Livestock competition and product exhibition)

Markets ALERIA - Every second Tuesday of the month

September ILE ROUSSE - MOROSAGLIA La Paolina - (72 km international marathon between the port of Ile Rousse and Morosaglia)

Religious events March/April Easter week CASTAGNICCIA - Procession and Penitential procession in the villages OREZZA – AMPUGNANI July/August CASTAGNICCIA - Piazzole (Mass and repeat of the ancient pilgrimage to the convent of St François d’Alesani) August CAMPANA - Ascent of Mont St Petrone

GHISONACCIA - Every second Thursday of the month

September Convent of Alesani Religious festival and procession

CASTAGNICCIA - Every Sunday in July and August at the col d’Arcarotta (Local products)

Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.

To see On the coast, you will see the Pond of Urbinu and the Pond of Diane where oysters have been farmed since Roman times. Also visit the Casabianda reserve that houses more than 100 species of bird and turtles. At Ania di Fiumorbu, you can see the cave of the “last bandit of honour” and at Bujia, see the breathtaking waterfall of San Gavino that is 100 metres high. In the Castagniccia region there are many churches with ornate interior decoration in the Baroque style that are well worth a visit. The churches of Saint-Pierre and Saint Paul in Pedicroce, Notre-Dame-du Mont Carmel at Stoppia Nova, La Porta, Giacatojo, Quercitello and the Valle d’Orezza are all listed as ancient monuments. There is also the magnificent convent of Alesani to see, which celebrates its festival on 8 September.


To taste Beaches These include the Arinella and the Vignale that is 10km long and bordered by the vast pine forest of Pinia, ideal for mountain biking and walking.

Many specialities with a chestnut base: polenta, cakes, preserves; charcuterie, goats cheese, wines, seafood and the succulent citrus fruits of the region, not forgetting the Mavella liqueurs (awarded the gold medal). Lastly, also try the sparkling water of Orezza, whose thermal spring dates back to antiquity and where you can certainly quench your thirst.

To do Horse rides; via ferrata scrambling at Chisa; hike across the route known as the “Mare a Mare Centre” that crosses the island and part of the Ghisonaccia region. Also visit the winegrowing areas.


South Corsica H e re , i n t h e southern




shade of its pine and cork

the Côte des Nacres via the Solenzara Valley. Situated at the



mouth of the river, Solenzara is a pretty little marina which

Corsican mountains sweep down to the

skirting the lake. Further west, you come

makes a pleasant port of call in the summer months. The

sea in an apotheosis of beaches, creeks

to the imposing wooded massif of the Alta

region is perfect for canyoning, abseiling down waterfalls,

and islets. The third largest town in

Rocca from which emerge the summits of

rock climbing, hunting and fishing. Your southerly journey will

Corsica, Porto-Vecchio attracts yachts-

the Aiguilles de Bavella. At sunset these

take you to the Gulf of Pinarellu and the beautiful beaches of

men with its roads well protected in a

seven jagged mountain pinnacles are lit

Saint Cyprien and Cala Rosa. At the southernmost tip of the

cirque of cork oak-fringed hills. You won’t

up in a blaze of glory, and whatever angle

island, perched atop awesome white cliffs battered by the

be able to resist the lure of the beaches,

you see them from, they are a truly

waves, stands Bonifacio – the most visited of the exceptional

Sailing boats and their crews will find a whole

some of which, like Palombaggia and

breathtaking sight. From the Col de

sites of Corsica. There is a distinctly mediaeval air to the

series of calanques (deep narrow creeks) and

Santa Giulia, rank among the most

Bavella, you will make your way to the

upper town which was founded in 833 by Boniface, Count of

gulfs in which to drop anchor along this highly

beautiful in Corsica. The beaches are only

Polischellu waterfalls or perhaps to the

Tuscany, and has had a colourful, tumultuous history.

indented coastline. Submarine life is every bit as

a few minutes from the Ospedale massif,

curious “trou de la bombe” piercing the

But Bonifacio is also a safe, eminently accessible port attracting

extraordinary with gorgonian, sponge, grouper

an ideal spot for walking enthusiasts, with

rock wall, before dropping down towards

seagoing pleasure craft in large numbers. Here, where the

and coral all abounding. And why not spend a day

wind blows some 250 days a year, fun-boarders are in their

on the Lavezzi Isles, just four kilometres off the

element. The best spots (but keep it to yourself!) are: Figari,

coast? This maze of rocky islands surrounded by

La Tonnara, Piantarella, Santa Manza and Balistra.

tropical blue water enjoys the protective status of

region o f t h e island, the

an international marine park.



Cultural events April SOLENZARA - Costa Serena International Rally May PORTO-VECCHIO - Festival of humour May PORTO-VECCHIO - Festival of nature sports June SOLENZARA - Sea Fair (Exhibition of the trades of the sea) June BONIFACIO - Medieval festival (Period costumes, music and dance)

To see The large number of prehistoric sites that are dotted all over the region, in particular those at Castellu d’Araghju and Ceccia. Also visit the sites at Cucuruzzu and Castellu di Capula with their impressive cyclopean walls. At Levie, discover the “lady of Bonifacio”, the island’s oldest inhabitant (6570 years BC) at the departmental museum of prehistory at Alta Rocca. At Bonifacio, visit the old town with the Bastion de l’Etendard, the Place d’Armes, the very moving sailor’s cemetery, the magnificent King of Aragon steps carved out of the cliff face, and the church of Saint Dominique, one of the island’s few Gothic buildings. At Porto-Vecchio, you can stroll around the old town that is protected by Genoese fortifications.

3rd week in September PORTO-VECCHIO ALTA ROCCA - Mosaïcales (classical music concerts)

Country fairs May LECCI - Craft fair

To do Dive at Mérouville. Head off along the inland tracks to explore the “barraconni” shepherd shacks and old oil mills. Refresh yourself at the Piscia di Gallo waterfall, in the Ospedale massif. Visit the “cinematheque” at Porto-Vecchio that is open all year. Play a round of golf on the superb course at Spérone, designed by Robert Trench Jones by the sea. From Bonifacio, take a boat trip to explore the famous sea caves.

To taste The charcuterie of Alta-Rocca, goat and sheep’s cheese, honey, olive oil from Saint Lucie de Tallano and a variety of seafood with scorpion fish, ocean bream, red mullet, sea bass, sea urchins and crayfish. Also try the Bonifacio aubergines. From Michelin star restaurants to farm/inns, the south of Corsica is a gastronome’s delight.

March/April SAINTE LUCIE DE TALLANO Festa di l’oliu novu (Grand market of new olive oil) July SOLLACARO - A fiera di u turisimu campagnolu (Rural tourism fair) Mid-september PORTO-VECCHIO - fair (Traditional fair showing the local economy through various exhibitors)

Sporting events May Water Sports festival (Hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries)

End of May BONIFACIO - Ripcurl Bonifacio (French Funboard Championship Round) July Mediterranean trophy (International sailing competition) August/September BONIFACIO - Big Fish challenge (Tuna fishing in the entrance to Bonifacio) September PORTO-VECCHIO Corsican Rally September BONIFACIO - Inter-island challenge (Windsurfing competition between Bonifacio and Sardinia) October BONIFACIO - RoundCorsica sailing trip (Regatta from Bonifacio to Bonifacio, 250 miles non-stop) October ALTA ROCCA 4WD offroading (4WD Rally)

Religious events March/April Easter week BONIFACIO - Procession of the five brotherhoods August/September BONIFACIO - Festival of “Notre Dame” August BAVELLA - Pilgrimage of “Notre Dame des Neiges”

Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.

May SOUTH CORSICA The southern route (Cycle race)



The Grand Valinco Corsica’s origins


protected area Roccapina

lived to the rhythm of the harvests, grape

and its beach of

harvests and chestnut picking. With a large

with its large number of prehistoric

powdery sand overlooked by a

number of historic sites and other features of

sites and castle remains that date

rocky outcrop, passing through

interest, the hinterland is a region full of

back to the time of the lords. The

Tizzano, to the charming little fish-

activity. The trail of old craft traditions at

Valinco area provided a setting in

ing port of Porto Pollo, is an un-

Olmeto and the “Route des Sens Authen-

the 19th century for many novels,

interrupted succession of coves

tiques” will take you on a journey to explore



and beaches, including the beautiful

pipe, knife and ceramic factories as

freshwater and sea water, dozens of activities are on offer including,

“Colomba”. Propriano, a seaside

beach of Cupabia. A coastal path

well as specialities of local produce.

climbing, river fishing, horse trekking, and other excursions, not

resort set in the heart of the Gulf of

takes you to Tizzano through the

Everywhere you go you are sure to come

forgetting that the region is also the starting point of two walking

Valinco, a gulf that is so deep and

“maquis” from Campomoro.

across thermal springs with for example

trails: the Mare a Mare Sud and the Mare e Monti Nord.

calm that it could be mistaken for

A veritable valley of green, the

the hot springs at Baracci that have been

From Propriano, go as far as Sartène, “the most authentically

a lake. The journey from the

Taravo Valley has for a long time

taken since the days of antiquity. There is also

Corsican town” as Prosper Mérimée wrote. As capital of the Terra

the Roman pool at Caldane, and the waters of

dei Signori, the high facades of the houses with their thick walls

Guitera and Tacana. Between two pools of

stand like ramparts where the echoes of history are heard. On Good

can be traced to this small region



Friday, the old town provides the setting for the impressive Catenacciu procession during which a citizen disguised in a red hooded robe re-enacts Christ’s struggle to get the cross to Calvary. His feet are wrapped in chains and he carries a cross weighing more than 30 kilos. The event takes place in atmosphere of fervour and passion.



To taste The wines with an AOC (guarantee of origin) produced in Sartène along the Wine Routes (to be followed with moderation). Why not try the different types of olive oil in one of the many mills in the region. Also try “brucciu” cheese, local cakes and pastries, Pulenta (with a flour base), charcuterie of Tasso, and of course a wide variety of seafood.

To see At Sartène, take time to stroll around the old town. Stop for a coffee in the Place de la Libération, explore the church of Sainte-Marie, the former palace of the Genoese governors and the Santa Anna quarter with its grey granite cobbled streets. Visit the fascinating museum on Corsican Prehistory that displays artefacts from all of the prehistoric sites on the island. The watchtower at Campomoro, built in 1583 is also worth a visit. Located in a vast protected area where the wild coastline contains many small coves.

Visit the town of Olmeto where you can see the house of Colomba Bartoli and Fozzano, the place where the terrible vendetta began that was to inspire Prosper Mérimée’s “Colomba”. Lastly, at Foce that has a very impressive fortified house, the viewpoint commands superb panoramic views over the Gulf of Valinco. A little further on, you will find Santa Maria where you can explore the Roman church of “l’Annunziata” that is set among the olive groves.

To explore The megalithic sites at Palaggio and the 250 monoliths, I Stantari of Cauria, the Fontanaccia dolmen, the most beautiful in Corsica, and lastly Filitosa with its menhir statues that are spread over a magnificent area. The Genoese bridge of Spin’a Cavallu, is perhaps the most beautiful in Corsica. Make the most of a visit there to swim in the Fiumicicoli. Explore the castle of Istria at Sollacaro and the castle of Rocca di Valle at Olmeto.


Cultural events June PROPRIANO - Festival of fishermen Earlier September PROPRIANO - Festi Acqua (Festival of water)

Country fairs Earlier August FILITOSA - Fair

May Water Sports festival (Hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries)

Religious events March/April Easter week SARTENE "U catenacciu" (The most famous of the Good Friday processions)

Mid-August BARACCI Craft fair

Easter Monday PORTO-POLLO - Festival

Sporting events

Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.

May SOUTH CORSICA The southern route (Cycle race in stages)


The Region of Ajaccio Ajaccio is above all a unique and magical place. The town rises


spectacular sunset that glows red and lights

you from the moment

up the Iles Sanguinaires, the night will belong

you arrive.

to you, with parties, singing and an atmosphere

In the morning, you

of conviviality.

favourite with surfers and it is sure to transport you miles

with circuits that open up magnificent views to the

can soak up the atmos-

Why not explore the shores of the Gulf of

away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

mountains, valleys and villages.

the world, set against a backdrop

phere of the city by strolling

Ajaccio? To the north, the coastal road passes

To reach the southern coastline and the seaside resort of

Walks of all levels are to be found everywhere. Climb up the

of mountains that are often

around the old port, through the

in front of the Marinella beach, as feted by

Porticcio, you can choose between the coastal road or a

Prunelli valley and twenty minutes later you will find yourself

snow-capped until the spring.

lively markets and through the

Tino Rossi, which will lead you to Parata point

sea shuttle. With its three valleys, three rivers, overlooked

in the heart of the deep chestnut tree forests of Bastelica,

The beauty of the area is matched

narrow streets of the noble

that is overlooked by a Genoese watchtower.

by two Genoese watchtowers, the whole of the southern

fatherland of Sampiero Corso. From Bastelica, climb

by the mildness of the climate

houses in the old town.

A path leads you to the end of the point from

coast is a fantastic place to visit and an ideal spot for

towards the Ese plateau, and head to Bocognano that

and the “Ajaccian art of living”.

During the day, enjoy the pleasures

where you can admire the Iles Sanguinaires

getting away from it all. It is a real haven of nature where

dominates the upper valley of the Gravona region, set in a

Bright colours, radiant light,

of white sandy beaches where

and access the beaches of the large and

coves and beaches of powdery sand abound and a place

majestic landscape of giant chestnut trees. Half an hour

delicious cooking smells, smiles

you can swim until the end of

small Capo di Feno. The turquoise waters

where you can practise all types of water sports.

away by foot, you can explore the waterfall of Voile de la

of the Ajaccian people – Ajaccio

autumn. At night, after the ever-

and wild landscape make this place a

The hinterland begins just a stone’s throw from the beach

Mariée – an impressive waterfall of more than 70m in height.

up from one of the most beautiful gulfs in


knows how to charm


Cultural events Sporting events April AJACCIO - Films of the Resistance April AJACCIO - Festival of Japanese film

May AJACCIO - Imperial May Regatta (Classic yacht AJACCIO - “Ile danse” (Isle race; starting and finishing of Dance) (Professional in Ajaccio) companies from all over the Mediterranean appear End may between AJACCIO and Corsica raid aventure PROPRIANO) (European mountain adventure race) June VERO - La nuit du conte July ("The storytelling evening" Mediterranean Trophy returns with the art of the (Internationale sailing competition) narrative)


July/August Summer events in AJACCIO (Evening shopping, traditional festivities, dinners, shows...)

This village set in the Prunelli valley is the fatherland of the legendary



Sampiero Corso. Born in about a soldier in the armies of

Ajaccio, the imperial city

Francois I. He fought at Bayard,

In Ajaccio, the names of the streets, the statues, the monuments, all evoke the

saved the dauphin Henri who, on

memory of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born on 15 August 1769 in a house

becoming king, promoted him to

on the rue Saint Charles. At the age of nine, he left Corsica to attend a military

the rank of colonel. In 1553, he

school in Brienne. A lieutenant of the artillery in 1785, he was appointed

participated in the conquest of

second-in-command lieutenant-colonel of the national guard at Ajaccio in

Corsica by the French, but in

1792. However, following several incidents he was forced to leave his native

1559, the treaty of Cateau-

town and returned at the end of the Egypt campaign to a triumphant welcome.

Cambrésis handed Corsica back

He became Consul in 1799, Emperor in 1804 and in 1814 he abdicated in the

to the Genoese. In 1564, he landed

face of a united Europe and died in Sainte-Hélène on May 5 1821.

on Corsica again to incite the

The tour of the imperial city begins with a visit to the family home. Pillaged in

islanders to rise against the

1793, when the Paolist forces drove out the French, it was refurnished by

Genoese and was killed in an

Napoleon’s mother in 1798. From here head to the Napoleon rooms in the


Town Hall where you will see on display a number of items that relate to the

1498, he left Corsica to become

To see At the foot of the citadel of Ajaccio, you can explore the church of Saint Erasme, patron saint of fishermen, decorated with model boats; the cathedral (1593) where Napoleon was baptised. In the Fesch Museum, admire the magnificent collection of masterpieces by artists such as Boticelli, Bellini, Titien, all gifts from Cardinal Fesch, Napoleaon’s uncle.

Ajaccio, you can also visit the country residence of the Bonaparte family,

To do All types of water sport such as diving, which can be practised all year round, jet-skiing, sailing, fun boarding and game fishing. A lovely walk awaits you along the “chemin des Crêtes” that follows the coast from the centre of Ajaccio to the Iles Sanguinaires.

known as Les Milelli.

Visit Cupulatta Park, Europe’s leading centre for turtle research, near to Vero in the Gravona valley. At the start of the spring, put on your skis on the Ese Plateau for a visit to the edge of the “pozzi” (peat bogs). Canoeing and kayaking is available in the wild gorges of Prunelli.

Why not go for a walk in the state-owned forest of Chiavari, in the south of Porticcio and take the hiking route known as the “Mare e Monti” that leaves from Porticcio. If you are feeling flush, why not try your luck in the Casino in Ajaccio !

Mid-August AJACCIO Napoleonic Festivities (Large procession, parade, Napoleonic show, commemorative ceremonies) October AJACCIO - Festival of Mediterranean films October AJACCIO - International mountain film festival November AJACCIO - Spanish and Latin-American Festival December AJACCIO - International Cartoon Festival

Emperor, before making your way to the imperial chapel. On the outskirts of


May Water Sports festival (Hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries)

To taste For a true taste of the town, start with an aperitif in one of the café terraces. Enjoy fish and other local produce from the markets with mountain charcuterie, goat and sheep’s cheese from the valleys of Gravona and Taravo, “chaussons”, a type of pasty made with swiss chard, onions and courgettes, “ambrucciate” which are small flans made with brocciu cheese and delicately flavoured with lemon that go will with one of the AOC (wines with a guarantee of origin) wines made in Ajaccio. Wintertime is perfect for tasting sea urchins, known as “orsinades”.

Country fairs July CAURO (Bastelica route) A samperina - (Exhibition of local produce) November BASTELICA - Apple and natural product festival

August AJACCIO - Beach Volleyball World Championship 21 years September Six-day cycle tour of the île de beauté September BOCOGNANO - Festimonti (Festival of the mountains) October Corsican Car Tour – French Rally

Religious events 18 March AJACCIO - Festival of Notre Dame de la Miséricorde 2 June AJACCIO - St Erasme (Mass and procession in honour of the Patron Saint of Fishermen) 15 August AJACCIO - Religious ceremonies of the Assumption

Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.

December BOCOGNANO - Fiera di a castagna (Chestnut Fair)


West Corsica With its coastline bordered by red granite cliffs that plunge into a sea of intense blue, the Gulf of Porto is



Porto, a welcoming seaside resort is

discover what are known as “taffoni”, which are natural

famous for its magnificent sunsets.

caves that provided shelter for the first men on the island.

Its square-shaped Genoese watch-

The village of Piana is one of France’s most beautiful.

well deserving of its classification by UNESCO as a “world

tower station has stood like a sentinel watching over the

Cargèse is famous for having given asylum to Greek refugees

heritage site”. It is a wonderful display of nature at its

sea for the past four centuries. Overlooking the gulf is

that sought refuge in Corsica in 1676. Its two churches,

hinterland of the gulf of Porto has remained enclosed

finest. To the north, lies the Girolata peninsula that can

Ota, a typical Corsican village built on the side of the

one Orthodox and the other Catholic, stand facing each

for a many years but retains its authenticity and the

only be reached by foot or by boat. This magnificent

mountain. It forms the starting point of the Spelunca gorge

other. Sagone, a southern resort, will open up a completely

traditional warmth of its welcome.

landscape developed as a result of a volcanic eruption

trail, a veritable canyon whose grandiose aspect is enhan-

new universe to you: in the space of a few minutes you

Climbing towards the Verghio pass you will come

with steep cliffs, jagged peaks, lava flows that have set

ced further by the heady fragrance of the “maquis”. It is

can go from its sunny beaches into the coolness of the

across Evisa, a village that is surrounded by chestnut

and formed tube shapes and stairs from where the fish

the ideal place for a family walk.

forests of the Regional Nature Park, where Vico, a region

trees and borders the Aïtone forest whose immense

eagles dive into the turquoise waters. To the north of this

Further south, you will see the “calanches” of Piana,

of shepherds, offers many excursions to lake Creno and

umbrella pine trees hide wonderful rivers and natural

area lies the Scandola nature reserve that is Europe’s only

amazing giant granite sculptures that change from orange

the Liamone gorges.

pools. It is also the starting point for excursions to

land and sea reserve.

to red according to the time of day. Here you will

Like a mountain that has been thrown into the sea, the

Tafunatu, Mount Cinto and the lakes of Nino and Creno. 35

To see On leaving the calanches, explore the charming village of Piana that overlooks the gulf with Monte Cinto forming a backdrop with its frequently snow-capped peaks. Visit the Genoese watchtower of Porto that houses a small museum on this particular type of edifice and also the aquarium of Porto that displays under water flora and fauna. At Cargèse, take a look inside the Greek church that houses some beautiful icons and, so as not to offend anyone, also have a look round the Catholic church. Explore the Genoese bridges of Pianella and Zaglia, and the Ota tiles that the women used to mould on their thighs. Other points of interest are the small dry-stone constructions known as “grataghji” or chestnut drying sheds. At Vico, visit the convent of Saint Francois built in the 15th century by a group of Franciscans and a trip to Guagno-les-Bains to visit the thermal sources is also well worth it.

To do The Gulf of Porto is an ideal place for learning to dive or for climbing the cliffs. Dive into the turquoise waters of the Menasina beach, near to Cargèse, which is hidden away in some beautiful “maquis”. Boat trips are available departing from Porto, Cargèse and Sagone to Scandola. Exhilarating walks await you, especially those that take you to the beautiful lake Creno, which is covered with waterlilies. According to legend, they were put there by the devil that wanted to hide in the lake. Enjoy swimming in the pools of fresh water created by the Aïtone waterfalls. For lovers of sport, there is a programme of canyoning and climbing available.

To taste The charcuterie of Cristinacce, brocciu canelloni (brocciu is a locally produced cheese), the marron glacé of Evisa, Murzo honey and mushrooms.

Country fairs February RENNO - Tumbera - Col St Roch (This traditional fair is based on the theme of pork and the various ways it is prepared in Corsican cuisine) June PORTO - St-Jean Fire August RENNO - St Roch Fair September MURZO - Mele in festa (Exhibition of local produce including A.O.C. Corsican honey – honey with a guarantee of origin)


Mid-November EVISA - Chestnut festival (With a focus on the Evisa chestnut variety called “Institina”, a very special variety)

Sporting events May Water Sports festival (hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries)

Religious events Easter festival CARGESE - (Pascal ceremonies are held in the Orthodox church at Cargèse and follow rituals under the direction of the Archimandrite) August VICO - Procession of the brotherhoods and festival of the convent August EVISA - Festival of the Christ-King

Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.


Balagne Often called "the garden of Corsica" because of its fertile hills, Balagne is


still known as "Saint Balagne" because

can put your towel out on the beach. Ile Rousse is the other seaside resort on this coast. It takes its name from

Calenza which is set against a backdrop of olive groves, and provides the

of the large number of religious buildings there. A second

the porphyry red rocks of the Isle of Pietra, just to the

starting point for the GR 20 (long-distance hiking route). To see: the three

adjective befitting of this place is “festive”, as everything

north of the town. As an ancient Roman trading post, its

villages of Montegrosso, Lunghignano and its oil mill, Cassano and its

that goes on here is an excuse for a party or festival.

boom years date back to Pascal Paoli who built a port and

star-shaped square, Montemaggiore and its commanding views over the

Firstly, at Calvi, the vast bay and 5 km beach, the line of

ramparts to rival the sea trade between Gênes and Calvi.

gulf of Calvi. Sant’Antonio, a perfectly preserved medieval eyrie, Pigna, a

mountains covered with snow until May, the walls of the

Its climate is so mild that it could be called the “Mild Isle”.

lively craft centre and Corbara with its highly Baroque church of the

citadel that go out into the sea - you could not dream of a

Nothing is more pleasant than strolling through the shade

Annunciation and convent that are still used as a place of retreat.

more picturesque location. Tour round the ramparts of

of the 100-year old plane trees in the Place Paoli that is

On the heights of Balagne, you will find the region of Ghjunsani where you

this proud city, about which the saying “Semper Fidelis”

edged with date palms.

cannot fail to get away from it all in this place of wild nature. From

Further to the north, the Ostriconi

echoes its turbulent history. From here, walk down

Inland, a large number of terraced villages provide the

Belgodere, that is perched on a rocky outcrop overhanging the Reginu

valley falls into the sea creating a

towards the port and marina, which is one of the most

ideal destination for a variety of trips in a magnificent

valley, a hiking trail will take you to Olmi Capella. Vallica dominates the

sumptuous white sandy beach. This

popular in Corsica and not far away from this point, you

natural setting. At the foot of Montegrosso, explore

hillsides that are cut into terraces and set within a majestic mountain ridge.

region was Corsica’s former oil-

From Mausoleo and Pioggiola you can walk in a landscape dotted with

producing area. Here you will discover

Genoese bridges and chapels.

many mills, the beautiful village of Lama that is overlooked by Mount Astu, and Pietralba set within its mountain ridge.



Cultural events April LOZARI - Classical music festival June ILE ROUSSE - Festimare - (Event that brings together different sectors on the theme of the sea) June CALVI - jazz festival June/July CALVI - International pyrotechnics festival July PIGNA and Villages of BALAGNE Estivoce (Festival in which voices of the world join the voices of Corsica) End of July ILE ROUSSE - Corsican book fair July/August LAMA - Film festival (The cinema and the rural world) August GHJUNSSANI Valley - Theatre Festival of Upper Corsica Mid-August ILE ROUSSE - Festimusica - (Concerts, street shows, exhibitions and artists) September CALVI - Polyphonic festival of Calvi October CALVI - Festiventu - (Festival of Wind)

Country fairs July LUMIO - Fiera di san petru di Lumiu - Fiera di a Petra (Craft Fair) July MONTEMAGGIORE - Olive Tree Fair

To see At Calvi, the Genoese citadel, visit the pretty Baroque church of Saint John the Baptist that contains the “Christ des Miracles” which, it is said, led to the end of the siege of the town by the Turks in 1553. Also take time to look behind the pink door to the church of Sainte-Marie-Majeure and that of the Oratory of the Brotherhood of Saint Antoine. Why not visit the Revellata peninsula with its remarkable seabed and head up to Notre Dame de la Serra to enjoy its commanding views over the bay. In Ile Rousse, tour around the market place with its 21 columns and go for a lovely stroll along the Marinella and visit the traditional coffee-making plant. At Aregno, you can admire the church of the Trinity of San Giovanni, a remarkable Roman work of art, decorated with magnificent statues, including one of a man extracting a needle from his foot, as a symbol of the evil that can be extracted from the soul.

August AREGNO - Almond Tree Fair

Sporting events May Water Sports Festival (Hosted by the Federation of Water Sports Industries) September ILE ROUSSE - MOROSAGLIA La Paolina (International marathon)

To do All types of water sports are available all year round. At Calvi, you can go sailing at the sailing school and the water never goes below 14° even in the winter! You can also go cycling along the coast and if you follow the “Strada di l’Artigiani” it will lead you to the craftspeople that continue the traditions passed down over generations, also do not forget to visit the wine cellars.

To taste To explore Off the beaten track, the gulf of Galéria offers wild beauty to hikers and diving enthusiasts alike.

Olive oil and in particular “niellaghja” olive oil that is a local speciality; “oliosi” which are biscuits made with Lama olive oil and the Sant’Antonino “croquants”, small crunchy almond biscuits.

October ILE ROUSSE - BALANINA - long-distance running race November ILE-ROUSSE - Car rally of BALAGNE ( National rally, 125 km of race against the clock)

Religious events March/April Easter week CALVI - La Granitola (Penitential Procession) 2 June CALVI - St Erasme (Mass and procession in honour of the Patron Saint of Fishermen) 15 August CALVI - (Religious ceremonies of the Assumption)


Information available from Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.


Central Corsica Between 1755 and 1769 Corte was known as Pascal Paoli’s capital of the “government of the Corsican nation”

and at just 40 minutes away from the


opens the way to four different regions, each with their own particular identity.

trail and to many mountain lakes. It is land of the

of Corsican history. The Corsican constitution was introduced

Ascu, which is a majestic valley with green waterfalls,

moufflon and the bearded vulture and if you fancy

here, a constitution that was admired by all of Europe of

where you can stop and bathe. It is also the name of a

getting up to their heights, why not have a go at

the colours of which will delight you.

the Enlightenment. An historic town, Corte is also a young

charming and picturesque village and a wild fauna

paragliding from Alturghja. A real adrenaline rush

South of Corte, you enter the Venachese area, a high

and lively city that plays host to more than 4000 students.

reserve that is part of the Natura 2000 programme. Here


pastoral land covered with forests including those of

Built on a rocky outcrop and overlooked by a citadel, the

you will come across many shepherds that produce a

East of Corte, you enter the area of Bozio that

Noceta/Rospigliani and Vizzanova famed for its umbrella pine

upper town is full of character with old houses on narrow

delicious variety of cheeses.

extends through Castagniccia. This is the homeland

trees. From here you can climb the Monte d’Oru (2389 m) or

cobbled streets. Set at the heart of the Regional Nature

West of Corte, if you take the Scala di Santa Regina, you

of Sambucucciu who led the first revolt against

walk to the “cascade des Anglais” and see its natural

Park of Corsica, at the foot of some of the island’s highest

will reach the Niolo region, a high plateau surrounded by

the lords in 1358. The Chapel trail will allow you to

pools. Fresh water aplenty! You can also go as far as Vivariu

peaks, Corte is the perfect starting point for many excursions

Corsica’s highest peaks and villages. It is an ideal location

explore the many small Roman chapels that are

or the Pasciolo Fort from where you can enjoy commanding

such as energetic hiking trips, leisurely strolls and family

for hiking along routes that will take you to Monte Cintu,

dotted over this region of wild beauty. It is worth

views of the Vecchin gorges. Lastly, why not explore the

walks. It is also the ideal place to practise outdoor sports

along the Albertacce archaeological trail, the Lozzi nature

taking a look inside as they hide precious frescos,

Verghellu valley?

and it retains its position at the heart


closest beaches, Central Corsica


Cultural events Sporting events June CORTE - "San ghjuvà" (Conferences and concerts on traditional Corsican music and poetry) August CORTE - Festival of dance (Ballo in Corti)

August NIOLO - Via Romana (Triathlon and trail bike event in Corsica)

November VENACO - Open International (chess championship)

August CASAMACCIOLI - Festival of the pointer dog in the Niolu region

Country fairs

September CORTE - CENTRAL CORSICA - Car Rally

May VENACO - A fiera di u casgiu (Exhibition of cheese)

Religious events


To see At Corte you can follow the heritage trail that takes you on a visit of the old town. Climb up to the Belvédère, which has commanding panoramic views over the valleys of Restonica and Tavignanu. Explore the citadel, built in the 15th century, with its eyrie that stands high above the town and the church of the Annunciation with its ornate interior decoration. Also visit the Museum of Corsica to see its displays on Corsican customs and traditions. See the “turtle village” at Moltifau and do not miss the Genoese bridge at Asco. Climb to the peaks of “U Capu Tafunatu” and “A Paglia Orba” in the Niolu area. Admire lakes Melu and Capitellu at the end of the Restonica valley (listed as a Conservation Area). Explore the Saint Francois Convent at Alandu in the Bozio area, as well as the Gustave Eiffel viaduct and the Vizzanova forest in the Venachese region.

July CORTE - Great inter-lake race (Individual running race in the mountains)

To do Swim in the rivers, hiking and horse riding. Canyoning, rafting, kayaking, canoeing, mountain biking, climbing, Via Ferrata scrambling at Asco, paragliding, cross country skiing, snow shoe walking, hunting and fishing. Explore the Restonica and Tavignano valleys.

To taste The variety of specialities from these regions produced by shepherds from whom you can buy delicious cheeses. Try some of the Niolu charcuterie, chestnut-based products from the Bozio area, AOC (guarantee of origin) honey from Ascu, goat and sheep’s cheese from Venachese, “brocciu” cheese made in Corte and other specialities. For a delicious treat, try trout, Corsican soup and wild boar in sauce.

March/april Easter week CORTE - Procession of May “Christ the King” in the CORTE - Fiera di Corti/San evening through the Teofallu (Craft and naturestreets of the old town sports fair) August June SERMANU - a paghjelle VIZZAVONA - Donkey fair (Religious singing festival) June September CORTE - Cavall’ in festa NIOLO - Santa di u Niolu (Regional horse festival) (Festival with polyphonic June singing) VEZZANI - Festa di u legnu e di a furesta Information available from (Wood industrie festival) July/August

Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres. See list on page 47.

QUERTICELLU Col of Pratu Fair September CASAMACCIOLI - Niolo Fair (Of pastoral tradition, today it is mostly focused on crafts)

Markets Every Friday morning in CORTE



Tourist Offices and Tourist Information Centres ◆ The Region of Bastia Pages : 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 Cap Corse - Nebbio - Saint Florent BASTIA*** OFFICE MUNICIPAL DU TOURISME DE L'AGGLOMERATION DE BASTIA Place Saint Nicolas - 20200 Bastia +33 (0)4 95 54 20 40 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 54 20 41 E-mail : Internet : LUCCIANA OFFICE DE TOURISME DE LUCCIANA Mairie de Lucciana Res Canonica - 20290 Lucciana +33 (0)4 95 38 43 40 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 38 33 94 MACINAGGIO (in the process of classification) OFFICE DE TOURISME DE MACINAGGIO Port de Plaisance - 20248 Macinaggio Postal address : BP 19 - 20248 Macinaggio +33 (0)4 95 35 40 34 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 31 78 62 E-mail : Internet : SAINT FLORENT OFFICE MUNICIPAL DE TOURISME DE SAINT FLORENT 20217 Saint Florent Postal address : BP 81 - 20217 Saint Florent +33 (0)4 95 37 06 04 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 35 30 74

Photo credits P. couv.

JC. Attard (les calanches de Piana les 2 golfes), A. Lorgnier (Soveria).

P. 2/3

JC. Attard (Mare e sole).

P. 4/5

F. Milochau (arbouses - rivière - pins à Bavella). C. Andreani (cascade), R. Huitel (clocher à Cateri), JC. Attard (fleurs du maquis - Riventosa).

P. 6/7

JC. Attard (lac de Melu), F. Milochau (ravin de Polischelu), C. Andreani (vélocyclistes à Bonifacio marcheur à Foci Alta), R. Huitel

◆ East Coast Pages : 18 - 19 - 20 -21 Costa Serena - Costa Verde - Castagniccia

P. 16/17

C. Andreani (Saleccia), JC. Attard (tour d’Albo - Bastia - Nonza), F. Milochau (étang).

P. 18/19

C. Pilorget (Ghisoni), C. Andreani (les enfants sur la plage), JC. Attard (Salicetto, étang).

P. 20/21

Paoli). P. 22/23

(randonnée équestre). P. 8/9

P. 10/11

C. Andreani (Cupabia - plage d’Olmetto), JC. Attard (Girolara véliplanchistes), G. Antoni (tortue flore marine). C. Andreani (Quenza - golfe de Piantarella), JC. Attard (Restonica), G. Antoni (plongeur sous marin), J. Jouve (le mouflon), R. Huitel (fleur), F. Milochau (coscione).

P. 12/13

A. Lorgnier (chapelle en haute Corse), JC. Attard (alignement de Palaghju).

P. 14/15

JC. Attard (église Ste Julie à Bastia Saint-Florent - immeuble à Bastia).


JC. Attard (Morosaglia), C. Hochet (jambon), G. Guittot (buste de Pascal JC. Attard (Bonifacio), G. Antoni (étoile de mer - plongeur sous marin), C. Andreani (place de Porto-Vecchio).

P. 24/25

A. Lorgnier (pins enneigés), C. Andreani (golfeurs – Palombaggia).

P. 26/27

A. Lorgnier (Rocapina), JC. Attard (Propriano), F. Milochau (la tour).

P. 28/29

A. Lorgnier (le rocher - Sartène - Propriano), G. Antoni (plage).

P. 30/31

C. Boisvieux (les Sanguinaires), A. Lorgnier (Ajaccio).

P. 32/33

G. Antoni (région d’Ajaccio), JC. Attard (statue de Napoléon).

P. 34/35

G. Antoni (Porto), C. Pilorget (Vico), G. Antoni (Scandola).

P. 36/37

F. Milochau (la roche à Piana), JC. Attard (chataîgnes), C. Andreani (roche à Piana).

ALERIA* OFFICE DE TOURISME D'ALERIA Casa Luciani - 20270 Aleria +33 (0)4 95 57 01 51 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 57 03 79 E-mail : FOLELLI ET PIEDICROCE SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE INTERCOMMUNAL DE LA CASTAGNICCIA RN 198 - 20213 Folelli (all year round) 20229 Piedicroce (seasonal) +33 (0)4 95 35 82 54 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 58 41 01 E-mail : Internet : GHISONACCIA** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE GHISONACCIA OFFICE DE POLE DE LA COSTA SERENA RN 198 - 20240 Ghisonaccia +33 (0)4 95 56 12 38 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 56 19 86 E-mail : Internet : MORIANI PLAGE*** OFFICE DE TOURISME INTERCOMMUNAL DE LA COSTA VERDE Maison du Développement - RN 198 - 20230 Moriani Plage +33 (0)4 95 38 41 73 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 32 41 78 E-mail : Internet : PRUNELLI DI FIUMORBU SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE DU FIUMORBU Route de la Plaine - 20243 Prunelli di Fiumorbu Postal address : BP 35 - 20243 Prunelli di Fiumorbu +33 (0)4 95 57 05 47 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 57 05 47 E-mail : Internet :

P. 38/39

R. Huitel (Lumio), JC. Attard (Calvi - Pigna), A. Lorgnier (optimiste).

P. 40/41

JC. Attard (ruelle à Pigna), A. Lorgnier (Notre Dame de Serra).

P. 42/43

JC. Attard (Corte - baigneurs dans la Restonica), R. Huitel (muletier).

◆ South Corsica

P. 44/45

JC. Attard (lac de Creno - fromages), F. Milochau (rivière Restonica), A. Lorgnier (marcheur sur le pont).

Pages : 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 Bonifacio - Porto-Vecchio - Lecci - Sainte Lucie de Porto-Vecchio - Alta Rocca - Solenzara

P. 46

F. Milochau (palmier).

BONIFACIO*** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE BONIFACIO 2 rue Fred Scamaroni - 20169 Bonifacio +33 (0)4 95 73 11 88 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 73 14 97 E-mail : Internet : PORTO-VECCHIO*** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE PORTO-VECCHIO OFFICE DE POLE SUD CORSE Rue du Docteur Camille De Rocca Serra - 20137 Porto- Vecchio Postal address : BP 92 - 20538 Porto-Vecchio +33 (0)4 95 70 09 58 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 70 03 72 E-mail : Internet :

SAINTE LUCIE DE PORTO-VECCHIO SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE DE SAINTE LUCIE DE PORTO-VECCHIO Cité Administrative - 20144 Sainte Lucie de Porto-Vecchio +33 (0)4 95 71 48 99 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 71 48 99 E-mail : Internet : SOLENZARA* OFFICE DE TOURISME DE SOLENZARA OFFICE DE POLE DE LA COTE DES NACRES 20145 Solenzara +33 (0)4 95 57 43 75 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 57 43 59 E-mail : Internet :

◆ The Grand Valinco Pages : 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 Propriano - Taravo - Region of Sartène OLMETO SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE D'OLMETO Descente de l'Eglise - 20113 Olmeto Postal address : Cours Balisoni - 20113 Olmeto +33 (0)4 95 74 65 87 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 74 62 86 E-mail : - Internet : PROPRIANO** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE PROPRIANO Port de Plaisance - 20110 Propriano +33 (0)4 95 76 01 49 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 76 00 65 E-mail : - Internet : SARTÈNE (60) OFFICE DE TOURISME DE SARTENE Cours Sœur Amélie - 20100 Sartène +33 (0)4 95 77 15 40 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 73 28 03 E-mail : Internet : SOLLACARO SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE DE SOLLACARO - FILITOSA Filitosa - 20140 Sollacaro +33 (0)4 95 74 07 64 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 74 07 64

◆ The Region of Ajaccio Pages : 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 Porticcio - South shore - Bastelica - Bocognano AJACCIO** OFFICE DE TOURISME D'AJACCIO 3 boulevard Roi-Jérôme - 20000 Ajaccio Postal address : BP 21 - 20181 Ajaccio +33(0)4 95 51 53 03 - Fax +33(0)4 95 51 53 01 E-mail : Internet : BOCOGNANO OFFICE DE TOURISME DE LA HAUTE GRAVONE Hôtel de Ville - 20136 Bocognano +33 (0)4 95 27 41 86 | Fax : +33 (0)4 95 52 89 93 PORTICCIO*** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE PORTICCIO Centre commercial - 20166 Porticcio Postal address : 316 Bd Rive Sud - BP 125 - 20166 Porticcio +33 (0)4 95 25 10 09 - +33 (0)4 95 25 01 01 Fax : +33 (0)4 95 25 11 12 E-mail : Internet :

◆ West Corsica Pages : 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 Porto - Piana - Cargèse - Region of Vico CARGÈSE** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE CARGESE Rue du Docteur Dragacci - 20130 Cargèse +33 (0)4 95 26 41 31 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 26 48 80 E-mail : Internet : PIANA** OFFICE DU TOURISME DE PIANA Place de la Mairie - 20115 Piana +33 (0)4 95 27 84 42 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 27 82 72 E-mail : - Internet : PORTO** OFFICE DE TOURISME DE PORTO La Marine - 20150 Porto +33 (0)4 95 26 10 55 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 26 14 25 E-mail : Internet :

SAGONE OFFICE DE TOURISME DE VICO-SAGONE Mairie annexe - 20118 Sagone +33 (0)4 95 28 03 46 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 28 07 89 E-mail : Internet : OFFICE DE TOURISME DES DEUX SORRU 20118 Sagone - Postal address : BP 5 - 20118 Sagone +33 (0)4 95 28 05 36 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 28 05 36 E-mail :

◆ Balagne Pages : 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 Calvi - Ile Rousse - Galeria - Ostriconi ALGAJOLA OFFICE DE TOURISME D'ALGAJOLA Immeuble La Moresca - 20220 Algajola +33 (0)4 95 62 78 32 CALVI*** OFFICE MUNICIPAL DE TOURISME DE CALVI OFFICE DE POLE BALAGNE Port de Plaisance - 20260 Calvi Postal address : BP 97 - 20260 Calvi +33 (0)4 95 65 16 67 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 65 14 09 E-mail : Internet : GALERIA SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE DE GALERIA-FALASORMA 20245 Galeria +33 (0)4 95 62 02 27 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 62 02 27 E-mail : OLMI CAPPELLA OFFICE DE TOURISME DU GHJUSSANI Bâtiment Battaglini - 20259 Olmi Cappella +33 (0)4 95 47 22 06 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 47 22 06 ILE ROUSSE * OFFICE DE TOURISME DE L'ILE ROUSSE Place Paoli - 20220 Ile Rousse Postal address : BP 42 - 20220 Ile Rousse +33 (0)4 95 60 04 35 (reception) +33 (0)4 95 60 80 99 (admin.) Fax : +33 (0)4 95 60 24 74 E-mail : - Internet : LAMA OFFICE DU TOURISME D'ALTI D'OSTRICONI 20218 Lama +33 (0)4 95 48 23 90 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 48 23 96 E-mail : - Internet :

◆ Central Corsica Pages : 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 Corte - Venacais - Niolo - Bozio - Asco CALACUCCIA SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE DU NIOLU Route du Valdoniellu - 20224 Calacuccia +33 (0)4 95 47 12 62 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 47 12 62 E-mail : CORTE* OFFICE DE TOURISME CENTRU DI CORSICA OFFICE DE POLE La Citadelle - 20250 Corte Postal address : La Citadelle - 20250 Corte +33 (0)4 95 46 26 70 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 46 34 05 E-mail : Internet : SANT'ANDREA DI BOZIO (33) SYNDICAT D'INITIATIVE DU BOZIO Poggio - 20212 Sant'Andrea di Bozio +33 (0)4 95 48 69 33 - Fax : +33 (0)4 95 48 69 36 E-mail : Internet :

Fédération Régionale des Offices de Tourisme et Syndicats d’Initiative F.R.O.T.S.I de Corse Mairie 20243 Prunelli di Fiumorbu +33 (0)4 95 56 51 11 Fax +33 (0)4 95 56 51 15

Union départementale des offices de Tourisme et Syndicats d’initiative NORTHERN CORSICA Maison Righetti Toga - 20200 Bastia +33 (0)4 95 54 20 45 - Fax +33 (0)4 95 54 20 41 E-mail : SOUTHERN CORSICA BP 125 - 20166 Porticcio +33 (0)4 95 25 10 09 - Fax +33 (0)4 95 25 11 12


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Collectivité Territoriale de Corse Agence du Tourisme de la Corse 17 boulevard Roi-Jérôme BP 19 - 20181 Ajaccio cedex 01 Tél. : 33 (0)4 95 51 00 00 - Fax : 33 (0)4 95 51 14 40

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