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GOTick is a mult-vendor e-commerce platform located in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania and aims to connect potential sellers with buyers: With GOTick, almost everyone can sell items to Tanzania and East African countries without a physical store
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What’s left to be done? How to find success in anything you do in your life. It’s time to define the new era. Our faith has been shaken. We’ve lost confidence in our leaders and in our institutions. Our beliefs have been tested. We’ve discredited the notion that the Internet would change everything (and the stock market would buy us an exit strategy from the grind). Our expectations have been dashed. We’ve abandoned the idea that work should be a 24-hour-a-day rush and that careers should be a wild adventure. Yet we’re still holding on with our failures.
There’s a way out. Instead of focusing on what’s next , let’s get back to what’s first . The previous era of business was defined by the question, Where’s the opportunity? I’m convinced that business success in the future starts with the question, What should I do with my life? Yes, that’s right. The most obvious and universal question on our plates as human beings is the most urgent and pragmatic approach to sustainable success in our organizations. People don’t succeed by migrating to a “hot” industry or by adopting a particular career-guiding mantra
(remember “horizontal careers”?). They thrive by focusing on the question of who they really are and connecting that to work that they truly love (and, in so doing, unleashing a productive and creative power that they never imagined). Companies don’t grow because they represent a particular sector or adopt the latest management approach. They win because they engage the hearts and minds of individuals who are dedicated to answering that life question.
magazine contact Published by KB foundation company Ltd. Dr es salaaam.
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Digital and printed media packs available on request. HEAD OF SALES: KELVIN TEMBA
ACCOUNTS: Temba Kelvin
distribution KB magazine is printed every 2 monthes. to subscribe contact our subscriptions team on the number below. SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGER: AbdulKareem Sangawe +255625653944 ONLINE ORDER NOW!
This is not a new idea. But it may be the most powerfully pressing one ever to be disrespected by the corporate world. There are far too many smart, educated, talented people operating at quarter speed, unsure of their place in the world, contributing far too little to the productive engine of modern civilization. There are far too many people who look like they have their act together but have yet to make an impact. You know who you are. It comes down to a simple gut check: You either love what you do or you don’t.
Your football boots allow you to perform to your best out on the pitch. With a wide range of brands including Nike, adidas, Puma and Under Armor,Plus boots suitable for a variety of diffeent playing surfaces, you will be sure to find the right footwear for you.
CONTACT: 0764528052
IFM & charity
economic facet
08 10
Olbongo & Education
food & health
Simple ways to save money
14 16
Sign, effects and treatments of gaming addiction
lifestyles & fashion
18 20
The Art of Drawing
Best food for your skin
Kazikazi and Her winning mentality Best to hit the fashion industry in 2018
sports & games The Black game
Can you find a spouse in college?
Overcrowded asset
what could be more valuable, and rewarding, than donating some of yourself? The society requires offerings and help. IFM students put their humanity foward and sacrificed for the betterment of others. “We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give”.
One of the best ways to relieve yourself from the stresses in life is by giving to others. When you help others it takes the focus off of you and your problems and shifts the focus to the needs of others. Helping others brings about change in the community and a peace to you and someone in need. Ever notice that those who are truly very wealthy and successful are always involved in charities? Many of them are not just writing checks and dolling out cash to the first charity that comes knocking. I mean they are truly involved with charities and they do this by giving their time, money, energy, setting up trusts, and getting involved in events. They really go the distance for a charity they are involved with. Usually it’s because they simply want to. For example, Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono were selected as Time Magazines people of the year not because of their personal accomplishments. But because of their involvement in charities and humanitarian causes. It’s because they give and they do it from the bottom of their hearts. The power of giving comes from a selfless act where you simply give from your heart. This act of giving is not tied to any special event, holiday or celebration; it is merely a time when you give from the heart because you want to share what you have, show your appreciation and you give because you truly care.
There should not be any other motive behind it. You don’t give so that you can get something in return. You give because you want to. It was 28th of January when we saw students of IFM doing whatever they could to lighten the lives of others. Students saw the need to give to the society, saw the need to help others. They had passion that pushed them towards accomplishing what they had in their minds. They wanted to help and so they did; even though they had to strive and contribute whatever small they had. They had to travel a relatively long distance to do their offerings. It was Saturday; finally the long wait was over. The journey started from the institute at 8:00 am; composing lots of students, leaders, teachers as well as dean of students at IFM. Two orphanages centers were visited as well as Bagamoyo hospital. Centers visited were Amani Orphanage center and permanent Glory home, where different kinds of aids were provided to those little children from the orphanages. Food and drinks, mattresses and other intangible aids like comfort and support were provided. At the end of the day; every one walked out as a happy person. Special thanks to IFMSO for the organization of that Charity event, students and teachers for showing their cooperation. Whether it is small non-profit or a worldwide organization, charities are an integral part of every community. Charities change the lives of people in need every day with even the smallest of donations making a large impact in a community. However, a charity relies on your support to continue their work in the community.
SIMPLE WAYS TO SAVE MONEY Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. It can be difficult to figure out simple ways to save money and how to use your savings to pursue your financial goals. This step-by-step guide to money-saving habits can help you develop a realistic savings plan. Record your expenses The first step to saving money is to figure out how much you spend. Keep track of all your expenses that means every coffee, newspaper and snack you buy. Ideally, you can account for every penny. Once you have your data, organize the numbers by categories, such as gas, groceries and mortgage, and total each amount. Consider using your credit card or bank statements to help you with this. If you bank online, you may be able to filter your statements to easily break down your spending. Make a budget Once you have an idea of what you spend in a month, you can begin to organize your recorded expenses into a workable budget. Your budget should outline how your expenses measure up to your income so you can plan your spending and limit overspending. In addition to your monthly expenses, be sure to factor in expenses that occur regularly but not every month, such as car maintenance. Plan on saving money Now that you’ve made a budget, create a savings category within it. Try to put away 10–15 percent of your income as savings. If your expenses are so high that you can’t save that much, it might be time to cut back. To do so, identify non-essentials that you can spend less on, such as entertainment and dining out. Choose something to save for One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. Start by thinking of what you might want to save for anything from a down payment for a house to a vacation then figure out how long it might take you to save for it. Here are some examples of short- and long-term goals: Short-term (1–3 years) •
Emergency fund (3–9 months of living expenses, just in case)
• Vacation •
Down payment for a car
Long-term (4+ years) • Retirement •
Your child’s education
Down payment on a home or a remodeling project
*If you’re saving for retirement or your child’s education, consider putting that money into an investment account such as an IRA or a 529 plan. While investments come with risks and can lose money, they also create the opportunity for compounded returns if you plan for an event far in advance.
Tip: Considering savings a regular expense, similar to groceries, is a great way to reinforce good savings habits. Decide on your priorities After your expenses and income, your goals are likely to have the biggest impact on how you save money. Be sure to remember long-term goals it’s important that planning for retirement doesn’t take a back seat to shorter-term needs. Prioritizing goals can give you a clear idea of where to start saving. For example, if you know you’re going to need to replace your car in the near future, you could start putting money away for one.
Pick the right tools If you’re saving for short-term goals, consider using these FDIC-insured deposit accounts: •
Savings account
Certificate of deposit (CD), which locks in your money at a spe-
cific interest rate for a specific period of time
For long-term goals consider: •
FDIC-insured individual retirement accounts (IRAs), which are
tax-efficient savings accounts •
Securities such as stocks or mutual funds. These investment
products are available through investment accounts with a broker dealer. Remember that securities, such as stocks and mutual funds, are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of a bank and are not guaranteed by a bank, and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal investment. 7 Make saving automatic Almost all banks offer automated transfers between your checking and savings accounts. You can choose when, how much and where to transfer money to, or even split your direct deposit between your checking and savings accounts. Automated transfers are a great way to save money since you don’t have to think about it and it generally reduces the temptation to spend the money instead.
8 Watch your savings grow Check your progress every month. Not only will this help you stick to your personal savings plan but it also helps you identify and fix problems quickly. These simple ways to save money may even inspire you to save more and hit your goals faster.
Brings all your desired books in your pocket. Walk with and read them anywhere at any time. This app enables a user to upload and share books in Olbongo. Also it enables a user to read books uploaded by other members. This app was specifically designed to help students in their studying activities by ensuring to them enough reference books. Olbongo, all books in your pocket. Gte registered and read your desired books.
Is another Olbongo app which schedules, automates and synchronizes school timetables. Timetables from different universities in Tanzania may be automated by OCA. A student just needs to login into his olbongo account and access his/her school timetable. OCA is equiped with a notification feature that can send information to all students in case a class period is postponed or rescheduled.
This is a comfort to all youths; this app allows a user to share and access all information concerning job opportunities. Get connected and subscribe to this app and you will be notified when a new job opportunity is available at a certain organization. Get connected to Olbongo and increase your chance of securing a job if you are looking for jobs. Olbongo community also pose different matters realting to jobs and job markets in Tanzania.
Olbongo brings you together with your beloved ones. Share your life moments and experience with community app. Let people comment and like on your pictures, videos or statuses you have posted. Olbongo community app gives you the same experience as other social networks do. Support what’s yours; support Olbongo for it is the product of Tanzania. Signup and share your experience now with community app.
OLBONGO Is an online app consisting of several apps made in Tanzanian for the sake of upbringing the value of different sectors Tanzania such as health, education, etc. It is extremely useful for students in different universities. Olbongo consists of several apps. Those apps perform different tasks as described in this article. Visit www. for more details. OCHAT
This app allows Olbongo users to chat with each other. Share private information with another user you desire through Ochat. You can send messages in terms of pictures, videos or characters. Olbongo respects and understands the importance of your privacy. Share information privately with Olbongo Chat app. Experience good charting enviroment with emojis as other biggest social media platforms.
This app allows users to send and solve problems or questions in Olbongo. User may send his/ her question and get answered by Olbongo community. Also a user has the ability to answer questions posted by other users. This app wa specifically designed to help students in their studies by sharing their problems to Olbongo community and get answered. Signup and learn different complex matters that have been solved by community.
This app allows you to vote for different life aspects such as entertainments, sports and games. Also provides a room/ environment for different contests that require voting. It ensures that the final decision on aspect under voting to be just basing on the equality derived from user votes. You can use Olbongo Tuzo app in any of your matters that require voting only if the agreements with the olbongo owners have been reached.
Create, update and share drives with odrive app. This app was designed specifically for students and teachers for the sense that it allows a teacher to create a drive about his/ her subject and upload all notes. Then his students can access the contents of his drive by getting connected to it. Also students have the ability to create their own drives and share them with other members. Very useful app for storing learning materials.
REPORTER: Mmari Richard
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? Is there a thing that changes abruptly in a sense that no one can dare try to stop it? Yes there is, time. Time flies and carries things with it. Time causes changes and changes occur with time. Technology is one among the aspects that changes with time causing big transformations in human lives. Technology advances everywhere and today we are going to look at transport technology in Tanzania particularly in Dar-es-salaam. There are various ongoing transportation projects in Dar-es- salaam; speaking on successful projects there is no way you can avoid to put a glimpse at mwendokasi project. Mwendokasi is a famous name usually used by Tanzanians to represent Dar-es-salaam rapid transport buses. Mwendokasi project is among successful projects in Tanzania for it has successfully managed to reduce traffic jam in Dar-essalaam. Thanks to Mr. President; John Pombe Magufuli for making the continua-
tion of mwendokasi project that was initiated before his leadership period. Mwendokasi has strengths and weaknesses though today we are going to speak only about 1 challenge facing passangers of mwendokasi. What is the problem for sure? Passengers or regulations set? What should be done? You will ask yourself these questions when you see overcrowded people in buses. How many passengers should exactly use 1 bus? This is a question to be asked since we see people overcrowded in such a way that airborne diseases can be inevitable. Foreigners may even fear to use this service at this current situation. To save the reputation of this project and safeguard its resouces; something needs to be done to control number of passengers per bus. What can be done? Don’t miss next edition of kb magazine limitless knowledge; the answers will be there.
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4YOUR SKIN You already know that filling your diet with power foods like dark leafy greens, dark chocolate, citrus can help beat chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. But did you know that certain foods can also work wonders on your skin? “What you eat can affect your hormone balance, cause acne, and create or lessen inflammation, which is associated with skin aging.” Nourish yourself with meals that will help perk up your energy and boost immunity.
of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids, which may play a role in the youth boost. The antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil could also quench damaging free radicals.
TOMATOES People who ate 5 tablespoons of tomato paste daily, along with almost a tablespoon of olive oil for 12 weeks, had 33% more pro-
In fact, what you eat can be as important as the serums and creams you apply on your skin,. That’s why we rounded up 14 foods that are good for you and fantastic for your skin. Here’s to you, gorgeous!
When researchers analyzed the diets of 1264 women, they found that a higher consumption of olive oil (more than 8.4 grams or 2 teaspoons a day) was associated with 31% fewer signs of aging compared to people who ate less than 3.8 grams (about 1 teaspoon). Olive oil beat out the other oils tested, including sunflower and peanut. Why? About 75%
Green tea
In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2011, people who drank a beverage containing green tea polyphenols daily for 12 weeks had skin that was more elastic and smooth, and had onequarter less sun damage when exposed to UV light compared to a control group. The brew’s catechins like EGCG (antioxidants) boost blood flow and oxygen to the skin, which delivers key nutrients to keep your complexion healthy, say researchers.
tection from sunburn compared to a control group that ate just olive oil, according to a 2008 UK study. The antioxidant lycopene (levels of which are higher in cooked, processed tomatoes) improves your natural skin.
Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas.
of The Beauty Diet. She suggests sticking to a 1 ounce portion, or 150 calories, to reap the good skin benefits without the weight gain.
The sweet treat is rich in cocoa flavanols, plant compounds with antioxidant properties, which help hydrate skin and improve circulation. Women who consumed a high flavanol cocoa powder drink daily for 12 weeks experienced less skin roughness and scaliness compared to a control group. They consumed the equivalent of 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate, but that’s far too many calories for most women, says Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, author
A whole grain oatmeal is a better pick for breakfast over a bagel and jelly. That’s because the latter offers a double whammy for skin: refined, sugary carbs that prompt your body to make insulin and increase the production of hormones known as androgens. Elevated androgens cause sebaceous glands in the skin to secrete more oil that gets trapped inside pores, causing pimples. Instead of brown sugar, add natural sweetness to your oatmeal with chopped fruit.
WALNUTS It’s the only type of nut that contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which is especially important for vegetarians who are skipping fish. Walnuts pack an omega-3 called alphalinolenic acid. Deficiency in this fat can result in eczema, which is associated with dry, scaly skin, sr.
SARDINES One serving (3.5 ounces) of these little swimmers contains 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, making it one of the best sources of the fat. Fatty fish is particularly rich in the type of omega-3 called DHA, an anti-inflammatory.
ORANGE PEEL Researchers from the University of Arizona looked at people who reported that they ate citrus fruits, juices, and peels weekly. People who ate peels (orange peel or lemon zest, for example) had a 33% decreased risk for squamous cell carcinoma. Juice and fruit didn’t have any effect. The researchers credit limonene, a compound found in the oil in the peels that offers the UV-protective benefits.
sugar levels are high, sugars can attach to proteins in collagen and produce compounds that cause skin to sag and wrinkle.
Almond milk
SOY A small study of middle aged Japanese women found that those who daily consumed 40 mg of aglycone (an isoflavone found in soy), had fewer fine lines and improved skin elasticity within 12 weeks compared to a placebo. The isoflavone can help stop collagen from breaking down, which is what leads to sagging and lines. You’ll find about 40 mg of isoflavones in 3 ounces of tempeh, 1 ounce of dry roasted soybeans, or 6 ounces of tofu.
OYSTERS You’re looking at the best source of dietary zinc. Six of these bivalves provide over 50% of your daily need in a scant 57 calories. The mineral plays an important role in the growth and function of skin cells and, though more research is needed, some studies suggest that acne sufferers have lower than normal levels of zinc.
HOW DOES IT HELP? This makes the list because of what it’s not: dairy. Research shows dairy is highly inflammatory, which means it will aggravate acne, wrinkles, and rashes. When you drink coffee or pour a bowl of whole grain cereal, she recommends using a non-dairy milk, like unsweetened almond milk.
Almond milk is a plant milk manufactured from almonds with a creamy texture and nutty flavor, although other types or brands are flavored in imitation of dairy milk.
Eggs offer up a hefty dose of protein without tons of fat, and less fat is a good thing for your skin: Higher fat diets are associated with aging skin. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a 17-gram increase in fat intake increased your odds of developing wrinkles by 28%.
Cooked pumpkin is one of the top sources of beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A (a half cup of cooked pumpkin packs nearly 400% of your daily value for A), which is essential for the growth of skin cells. This, in turn, helps keep skin soft, smooth and wrinklefree, says Drayer.
ROSEMARY Consuming four or more herbs regularly rosemary or thyme, for example was associated with up to a 60% reduced risk of melanoma, finds a study in the International Journal of Epidemiology. Herbs pack a ton of antioxidants into a tiny skin protecting package, squelching free radicals from the sun before they can damage skin.
WATER Yes, water keeps your skin hydrated and staying hydrated makes it appear more plump and less wrinkled. But there’s another reason to fill up on water over other drinks: You’ll save on sugar. Sugars found in juices, sodas, and sports drinks cause your skin major woes. “When blood
COFFEE Women who drank coffee every day had an 11% lower prevalence of non-melanoma skin cancer (the most common form of skin cancer) compared to people who don’t drink coffee, according to a study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention in 2007. Downing six cups a day of caffeinated coffee slashed the risk by 30%, however, experts say to keep your habit under 28 cups a week, as higher consumption may lead to other health concerns. As with anything, moderation is key.
HEALTH TIP! Eat more fish including a portion of oily fish Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat at least two portions of fish a week, including at least one portion of oily fish. Oily fish contains omega-3 fats, which may help to prevent heart disease. For more details visit
Although it is not yet recognized by the American Medical Association as a diagnosable disorder, video game addiction is a very real problem for many people. According to the University of New Mexico, recent studies suggest that 6 to 15 percent of all gamers exhibit signs that could be characterized as addiction. Though this disorder can have significant consequences to those suffering from it, its signs and symptoms can sometimes be very difficult to recognize. Are There Different Types of Video Game Addictions? There are two major types of video games and therefore two major types of video game addictions. Standard video games are generally designed to be played by a single player and involve a clear goal or mission, such as rescuing a princess. The addiction in these games is often related to completing that mission or beating a high score or preset standard. The other type of video game addiction is associated with online multiplayer games. These games are played online with other people and are especially addictive because they generally have no ending.
Gamers with this type of addiction enjoy creating and temporarily becoming an online character. They often build relationships with other online players as an escape from reality. For some, this community may be the place where they feel they’re the most accepted. What Are the Signs of Video Game Addiction Problem? As with any other addiction, video game addiction has warning signs. It is important to know how to recognize these signs if you or someone you care about is an avid gamer. According to the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery, these symptoms can be both emotional and physical. Emotional Symptoms of Video Game Addiction Some of the emotional signs or symptoms of video game addiction include: Feelings of restlessness and/or irritability when unable to play Preoccupation with thoughts of previous online activity or
Lying to friends or family members regarding the amount of time spent playing Isolation from others in order to spend more time gaming Physical Symptoms of Video Game Addiction Some of the physical signs or symptoms of video game addiction include: Fatigue Migraines due to intense concentration or eye strain Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by the overuse of a controller or computer mouse Poor personal hygiene Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Video Game Addiction Like any other compulsive disorder, video game addiction can have severe negative consequences. Though most of the symptoms listed above have short-term effects, they can lead to more severe long-term repercussions if not addressed properly. For example, someone addicted to video games will often avoid sleeping or eating proper meals in order to continue gaming. While the short-term effects of this may include hunger and fatigue, it could eventually lead to a sleep disorder or diet-related health issues. Similarly, those who isolate themselves from others in order to play video games may miss out on family events, outings with friends, or other events in the short-term. If this continues to be a pattern for a long period of time, however, addicts might find themselves without any friends at all Other long-term effects of video game addiction to consider are the financial, academic and occupational consequences involved. Video games and video game equipment can be very expensive, especially when factoring in recurring costs such as the high speed Internet connection required for online multiplayer games. These games can also be very time consuming, leaving addicted gamers with less time to focus on their education or career Is There a Test or Self-Assessment I Can Do? The most effective self assessment that can be done is to examine the above list of symptoms associated with video game addiction. If you find that you or someone you care about exhibits any of these warnings signs, it may be a good time to cut back on the amount of time spent gaming Medication: Are There Drug Options for Video Game Addictions? Treatment for video game addiction can come in many forms, including different types of therapy or 12 step programs. Certain medications may even be able to inhibit addictive behaviors Drugs: Possible Options According to, bupropion is one medication that has been used recently to treat this type of disorder. The drug works in a way that changes the brain’s chemistry and helps to decrease cravings for video game play. Though it has proven to be fairly effective, this option may not be for everyone. Others may choose to medicate only when absolutely necessary, treating the symptoms as they occur. For example, a gamer suffering from migraines may take medication for headaches. Likewise, an addict suffering from sleeplessness may turn to sleeping pills Medication Side Effects When you take any form of medication, especially when selfmedicating, it is very important to read all directions and follow dosage instructions carefully. Even over the counter medications can result in dependency and therefore should not be taken for long periods of time
unless it is recommended by a medical professional Bupropion, though often helpful, is not for everyone. Some possible side effects include: Drowsiness Dry mouth Excessive sweating Itching Fever Antidepressant Drug Addiction, Dependence and Withdrawal in Online Addicts Due to the evident link between video game or Internet addiction and depression, it is not surprising that many addicted gamers take antidepressant medication to help with the symptoms. Though most healthcare professionals consider this type of medication to be safe and effective, it also comes with its own set of risks and side effects. One factor to consider before beginning antidepressant medication is that it may be difficult to stop taking it. It is common to experience withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, irritability, nausea and dizziness. In more serious cases, it is possible to experience depression as a symptom of withdrawal from the medication. This depression can be even more severe than the original depression, leading the patient to believe that the illness has returned Medication Overdose According to the National Safely Council, unintentional overdose is responsible for more deaths among Americans between the ages of 35 and 54 years old than motor vehicle crashes. When taking any medication for addiction or any other problem, it is important to take only the amount prescribed. If you suspect possible overdose, it is important to act quickly. Options for immediate response include dialing 911 or contacting the National Poison Control Center Depression and Video Game Addiction Two recent studies concerning the ties between video game addiction and depression showed an alarming correlation between the two. If you suffer from both conditions, it’s important to seek help at a treatment facility that can address both issues. If you attempt to treat the video game addiction without treating the underlying depression, the addiction is more likely to recur Dual Diagnosis: Video Game Addiction and Substance Abuse Because video game addiction has been linked to depression, sleeplessness and an overall lack of concern for one’s own health, it is not surprising that substance abuse is also a problem for many gamers suffering from this compulsive disorder. For those suffering from video game addiction as well as substance abuse, proper treatment is imperative to recovery Getting Help for Video Game Addiction Recovery is not always easy, but it is achievable. Video game addiction can be just as dangerous as any other addiction and should be treated as such. The first step in overcoming dependency is being able to recognize that it exists. If you or someone you know exhibits any of the signs or symptoms described above, please don’t hesitate to find help treating a video gaming addiction
Life after the applause...
THAT WINNING FEELING The golden envelope is opened. It’s your name. And then what? Our reporters talk to Nelly Kazikazi about life after the applause. It was the awards season, the time of nominations, shortlists and statuettes. And if you happen to be up for one, whether it be employee of the month or the gong for best vegetable patch, you’ll be in the spotlight. But imagine how much more intense it would be if you are crowned as a queen of the crowned ones? You knew that more than 10,000 of people across the continent were settling down to watch your reactions and judge your acceptance speech.
NELLY KAZIKAZI A SHOOTING STAR We asked her to describe the experience of being honored. How did the award change her? What did she learn from the experience? And did it really make a difference to her career? Nelly Kazikazi, winner of Miss Higher learning TZ, student at IFM pursuing accounting, CEO of Vaa design tells the mass about her wining mentality saying: “It is all about working hard and pray; it not only because am beautiful and attractive. When I enter competitions and outsmart my opponents with a smile, it is because I worked harder ten times with a struggling face.” “Since last year, I am still introduced and written about as ‘Miss Higher learning TZ’; I even use it to my advantage sometimes. I met a photographer recently and said ‘Hi, I am Nelly kazikazi, do you study in any of the universities in Tanzania? He said yes; and I said well I am your queen. You should help me’. It’s a shorthand. I can’t say it doesn’t help”.
“Honestly the experience is exciting since I get to a lot of people, and a lot who get to know me but speaking the truth it also has effects but if you have brain it’s a good platform to do anything. And yes the award did change me since I’m not that shy girl who can’t speak in front of a crowd anymore; I’m a person who can speak with any person who has any status and this means I have highest level of confidence. Well what I learnt on being a beauty pageant is dealing mostly on creativity, not giving up, try new things each day but also get involved with a society much. What I’m studying is very different with beauty pageant but it is related a lot since Beauty pageant need skills and it doesn’t matter if it’s accountancy, social protection or anything. What matters is having something working your brain and so with my career it did make a difference since am able to connect myself with the society. Through beauty pageant am able to deal directly with the society and at the end still be an accountant who can bring difference. But the big thing about being a beauty pageant is it is fun and very addictive”. Nelly Kazikazi speaking. We see her progress, as days go on and we see her achieving bigger things. She managed to feature a music video ‘kilio’ by WCB Artist Lavalava and she did it in an astonishing manner. Speaking of her winning mentality; it is oozing in such a way that any one could place a bet on her whenever she gets nominated in a certain competition. She conquers and roars; she wins. Truly she was born with a winning mentality. We have seen her interacting with the society in a pleasant manner despite her achievements. She cooperates with her fellow friends to achieve their common objective; example at college. We have seen her conquering Miss higher learning competition and secured her place in Miss Tanzania competition. Everyone is waiting to see her performing in that competition, everyone wants to see if she is going to conquer it with the same winning mentality as she does. Truly; her journey has just began and it continues.
e’re always looking a season ahead to find the next Iit item or trend. It’s part of our DNA as fashion lovers. If you’re like us, you’ve been paying close attention to what’s been popular on the streets and runways this past Fashion Month that’s what gives us a good indication of what to wear in 2018. While we definitely know glittery boots are “in” right now and so is wearing red, we took things one step further and predicted the next big need to know trends. That way, you can adequately prepare your shopping list. These are major styles we think every fashion girl should know for this year.
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GoTick is a legal registered e-commerce platform that connects vetted sellers with potential buyers. With GoTick, almost everyone can sell or buy items to Tanzania and other countries. The aim of GoTick is to facilitate creativity and innovation among East African small and medium businesses by offering an equal opportunity for sellers to put their goods on the market, thus promoting competition and increased consumer choice. In addition, GoTick Company aims at facilitating secured online transactions between Korean, Chinese, and other sellers around the world to the Tanzania buyers.
OUR GOALS To facilitate secured online transaction in Tanzania To create self employment opportunities to youth and other entrepreneurs in Tanzania
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Susan Patton ruffled the feathers of many women, young and old, when she wrote a letter to the editor of her alma mater’s student newspaper, The Daily Princetonian, encouraging college women to focus on looking for their life mates while in college. Her argument was straightforward: it’s where you’re going to find the highest concentration of smart men from good backgrounds, and you aren’t getting any younger. A year later, she followed it up with a piece in the Wall Street Journal previewing her new book, Marry Smart: Advice for Finding ‘The One.’ The opening of her Journal piece was a tad cruel. “Another Valentine’s Day. Another night spent ordering in sushi for one and mooning over
‘Downton Abbey’ reruns. Smarten up, ladies.” Prickly as she may be, she makes some valid points. Points that a lot of women, especially career-driven, educated women don’t want to hear. Points like, “your fertility won’t wait,” or “for most of you the cornerstone of your future happiness will be the man you marry,” or that women looking for husbands in their thirties are “competing with women in their twenties.” True, true, and true. Susan Patton addresses a real problem: many women today do not approach marriage with the same focus as they do their careers, and it hurts them in the long run. But her solution is elitist and insufficient.
SUSAN PATTON ADDRESSES A REAL PROBLEM ..... but her solution is elitist and insufficient. REPORTER: Emmanuel Lema
First, scaring women about their biological clocks is not a good tactic. And encouraging women to spend their undergraduate years looking for a husband will likely seem naive to college students and recent graduates. Most college men show no interest in marriage, nor much readiness for it. It’s certainly appropriate for women to begin thinking about marriage in college, but college in many respects is a utopian fantasy. Princeton, for example, looks like a British medieval world. There are few real world demands in college. It’s simply not a good environment for feeling out a future spouse. A woman should not be looking for a J. Crew cutout who is fun on the weekends and whose parents have a nice home to visit on Christmas break. She needs the chance to search for a mate who suits her in the environment she will inhabit: reality. She should be looking for the guy who will pick her up late from work, who will help her move into her new apartment, who will accompany her in the everyday struggles. You don’t marry a resume. You marry a man. And men and women go through a lot of personal change when they leave college for the real world. So while it’s good that Patton encourages women to approach marriage with focus and care, it’s ultimately counterproductive to tell them to try to lock in an elite fantasy man in an elite fantasy world. Patton’s advice also ignores a lot of recent data, which has found that women are actually better off waiting until their mid or late twenties to marry. In fact, the longer a woman waits to marry, the less likely she is to get divorced. A woman getting married between 20 and 23 has a 34 percent chance of getting divorced, versus a 20 percent chance between 27 and 29 and an 8 percent chance after 30. Women who marry older are also more likely to make more money and to be in a higher income household. Instead of devoting their energy to finding a husband in college, women should reconsider their approach to dating in their twenties.
Many women, however, hear data like this and take an approach to dating in their twenties that is not healthy. Rather than view dating as a chance to grow personally and to home in on the characteristics they seek in a life partner, many twentysomething women treat dating as a recreational activity. They engage in casual sex or cohabitate, which hinder and obfuscate important life choices (and which have been shown to hurt marital outcomes). Instead of devoting their energy to finding a husband in college, then, women should reconsider their approach to dating in their twenties. A better source of advice than Patton’s Marry Smart is Jennifer Marshall’s 2007 gem, Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the TwentyFirst Century. She points to data that shows that nine in ten women say they want to marry, but nearly 30 percent of women find themselves single at 30. She advocates for an openness to marriage that recognizes that one might meet one’s future spouse in college, but not to panic if one doesn’t meet him or her until one’s early thirties. The key, she argues, is to be open to marriage and not to lose sight of its connection to dating, but at the same time to seek peace and contentment in one’s present state. For most of us, even if we have satisfying careers and other outside pursuits, the cornerstone of our future happiness really will be the person we marry and the families we build. But if we want to help women to succeed in this realm, we have to take a hard look at how society encourages young people to court. Susan Patton is fighting the very real problem of society advising women to delay marriage, freeze their eggs, shack up with their boyfriends, et cetera But telling women to marry their college boyfriends is a shallow proposal that misses the bigger picture. Story by: Ashley McGuire from Institute of Family studies.
DRAWING REPORTER: Godfrey Shekidele
DRAWING is defined as the action of making marks on any surface with any mark-making material. It is clear, by this definition, that anyone can draw. If you can write your name, well then you can draw. Now that we’ve established that, we all know that some of us can draw better than others. Becoming skilled at drawing requires several factors coming together. Some of these factors include desire, instruction, practice, time, and more practice. I decided to put together this list of quick tips on drawing so that you can immediately see results in your drawing abilities. This list of 10 tips on drawing is not a “catch all” formula for drawing.
1. Drawing is a Skill This means that drawing is not some magical activity that some people are born with the ability to do. A skill is something that can be taught and most importantly learned. If you want to draw, draw better, or draw as a professional you can. Anyone can become skilled at drawing. Don’t ever say, “I can’t draw.” 2. Drawing is at least 50% Observation Drawing is about seeing. Have you ever taken a photo of something without pointing the camera at it? Of course you haven’t. Yet so many people think they can draw well without looking at an object. Then they become disappointed that their drawings don’t look representational. You must look at objects in order to draw them. In fact, you need to look at objects a lot in order to draw them. I suggest that
the amount of time you should spend looking at your object should be half the time it takes to complete the drawing. Drawing is at least 50% observation. If you want to draw an elephant, then look at an elephant. Really study it. Understand why you see it that way, then draw it. Everyone knows that one way to cheat on a test is to look at someone else’s paper. When you draw, look at your object; the answers are there. Just put them on your paper. 3. Use Resources This one is related to #2. Gather photos or better yet take photos of objects if you can’t draw them in person. Some people may forsake me for this one. It’s just not possible to draw everything from life. So when you can’t be in the African Savannah to draw that lion, use a photo or three.
4. Look For Basic Shapes Everything in the world can be simplified into basic shapes. When you are studying your subject, try to pick out the basic shapes that make up the over all shape. Usually these shapes are pretty easy to draw. Draw the shapes then draw the contours (outlines). ( This tip will help you with your speed as well.) 5. Use a Full Range of Value Value is the darkness or lightness of a color. So value is about light. We can’t see without light, therefore we see things because of value. It’s not about color.(Although color is important too.) Make a value scale and then use it. Make sure that your drawing has a full range of value. (i.e. All of the values on your value scale.) You define the light source through your use of value. 6. Use Line Quality Line quality is the thickness or thinness of a line. If your drawing is a line drawing, you need to consider line quality. Draw your lines thicker in some areas and thinner in other areas. This will add interest to your drawing as well as variety.
7. Stay Consistent with Your Style Make sure that you start and finish your drawings with the same style. If you start your drawing loose and gestural, keep it that way. If your drawing begins tight and precise, finish it that way. Make sure the drawing looks like the same artist drew everything on the surface. This will insure that your drawing is unified and harmonious. 8. Know Your Medium Make sure that you understand the correct way to use the medium that you are using for your drawing. It’s fine to experiment, but knowing and understanding your limitations with a medium goes a long way. 9. Loosen Up Drawing doesn’t have to be stiff. In fact, it shouldn’t be. For example, when you are trying to define the contour of an object, draw several light lines. You have a better chance of “finding” the right line when you draw several of them. (You have a better chance of winning the lottery if you buy several tickets instead of just one.) Try holding the pencil differently than how you hold it when you write. Draw with your shoulder instead of your wrist by moving your whole arm when you make a mark.
GAME REPORTER: Richard Sebastian
BLOG: www.kbmagazine.
DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO PLAY? Just as important to the Jordan icon as his amazing play and remarkable marketing skill is the game he plays. Basketball is no longer the strictly white game that it was when James Naismith invented it as an American sport in 1892. On January 15 of that year the sport was first played in recognized and organized fashion in YMCA’s around Springfield, Massachussetts. As the game’s appeal continued to grow, it spread to universities around the country as a game played dominantly by whites. But this white domination did not last long because blacks began to play the game in the cities as a sport of their own in post-Civil War America. It has come a long way from Naismith’s original game -- so far, in fact that the original peach “baskets” on barns have turned into rusted metal rims with chain “nets” on courts covered with broken glass in the inner city ghettos. It is now this image that defines a game that truly has become an African-American game. Black Americans have “invented” basketball just as much, or more than, Naismith did. Basketball has become a reflection of black ghetto culture, much in the form of jazz and blues music represented black culture in the American past. (George: xvii) Especially to lower class blacks in the inner cities of America, basketball has become one of the most expressive modes of cultural expression; much like music, literature and fashion in other forms. It has become a ritual of expression. Sometimes you may feel like you have what it takes to be a pro in basketball by being skillful balck giant. When you experience some failure moments and hardship is when you will start to think that there is more to consider in basketball game. What Does it Take to be a Basketball Player? Being a basketball player does not imply merely wearing the uniform and just being a member of a squad. There are many more important phases to think about if you want to be a winner not only in basketball but in life as well. Ask yourself these questions, and answer them honestly. Are you coachable? Can you take coaching? Can you take criticism without ever looking for an alibi? Are you a “know it all”? Will you always do your very best to try to improve? Do you have the spirit of competition which fires an intense desire to win? Does it bother you to lose? Are you willing to practice or do you want to practice? You must want to work every day with the same zeal, speed, and determination you use during a ball game. Do you have two speeds‑‑a Practice speed and a Game speed? The great players of the past were the ones who had one speed, and it was the same every day, every practice, every game. If you loaf and cheat in practice, you will loaf and cheat in a game.
Are you willing to make sacrifices? Conditioning to play is not fun. It is stark punishment at times. Training is exacting; the responsibility is heavy. It is rough and includes personal denials in order to remain in tiptop condition, but it has its rewards. You thrill with an inner glow that reflects a feeling of happiness when you are able to dive and save a ball from going out‑of‑bounds. The only way for you to remain in good shape is never to get out of it. Do you have a desire to improve? Will you practice the things you cannot do three times longer than the things you can do? Are you willing to put in long grinding hours, concentrating on a skill until you have perfected it? Are you eager to work so diligently at the skills you lack that they eventually become your strongest assets? Do you have the ability to think under fire? Can you concentrate on the work to be accomplished at the moment? Can you shut out from your mind a previous failure, success, rule infraction, or personal insult in order to give undivided attention to the offensive and defensive maneuver in the here and now? Games are not won by yesterday’s score, but by what is happening now, at this moment. Are you willing to be impersonal‑toward your opponent? Do you shut out all personal feelings about your opponent except to beat him as often and quickly as you can, in accordance with the rules? Our experiences have taught us that the moment a player becomes personal he plays only to release individual grievances and ceases to play basketball as a team member. Are you willing to study just as hard as you did before coming out for basketball? Basketball was never meant to take the place of studies. The athletic tail must never wag the academic dog. If you must eliminate something from your schedule, it must not be study time. First things come first, and your academic growth is of paramount importance. Do you believe in your school, your team, and your coach? Your school is as good as you make it. Your coach is a genuine employee of your school given the responsibility of coaching, not his team, but your team. Are you willing to work toward that spirit of oneness so that everyone possesses the feeling of belonging through their contribution? Will you keep uppermost in mind that when a coach blisters the team with criticism his remarks are never meant to be personal affronts? The only intent is to pressure you to want to correct your mistakes so that success for everyone results. Despite his scathing remarks he loves all of you as if you were his very own. Will you strive daily to improve your muscular coordination and speed? Basketball is a game of movement and daily drills will tend to speed up your reaction time. Speed and coordination are necessary ingredients in a winning combination. Finally, remember this saying: Hard work guarantees nothing, But lack of it does.
ENTERTAINMENTS Walimwengu wakubeza
na wengine wakucheke mwelekeo umepoteza hata mbele hauoni tena nyumbani njaa kali kazini tafrani benki una deni biashara imefeli kuna watu hawajui mangapi yanayo kukabili kabla ya kuzama kuna mambo mengii yaliyofungwa kwako we yatafunguliwa aah kabla ya jua kuzama utaona mengii yaliyofungwa kwako we yatafunguliwa oooh bado kidogo (bado kidogo) oooh bado kidogo(bado kidogo) oooh bado kidogo (bado kidogo) oooh bado kidogo (bado kidogo) oooh babo kidogo (bado kidogo) uuuu usife moyo(bado kidogo) ukifeli usijione haufai give thanks and praise to the most high naona unavyofuta machozi wewe nashida unazopata ili kusonga mbele hatua ziko chache ilikufika kule pambana usiyumbishwe na zao kelele nakuona una pigania haki simama utashinda kuna watu hawajui mangapi yanayokukabili kabla ya jua kuzama kuna mambo mengi yaliofungwa kwako we yatafunguliwa na kabla ya jua kuzama utaona mengi yaliofungwa kwako wee yatafunguliwa oooh bado kidogo(bado kidogo) oooh bado kidogo(bado kidogo) uuuuh usife moyo (bado kidogo) usione kama vile jua lakuchoma peke yako usione kama vile giza limetanda tuu kwako oooh bado kidogo(bado kidogo) ooh bado kidogo (bado kidogo) uuh usife moyo (bado kidogo)
Sports Superstitions We all hear popular superstitions when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday. And no player wants to wear the number 13. It is said that superstitions have been a part of sports since their beginning. Players and fans alike have their ways of avoiding bad luck. Some superstitions are stranger than others. For example, Michael Jordan (a graduate of North Carolina) always wore his blue North Carolina shorts under his Bulls uniform for good luck. Baseball pitcher Turk Wendell brushes his teeth and chews licorice between every inning. Wade Boggs eats only chicken the day of a game and draws a symbol that means â To Lifeâ in the dirt before every at-bat. Former pitcher Mark â The Birdâ Fidrych used to play with the dirt on the mound and talk to himself before every inning. Here are some other common superstitions.
Football Double numbers on a player’s uniform brings good luck. It’s bad luck for a professional football player to take a new number when he is traded to another team. A mascot is an important good luck symbol.
Basketball The last person to shoot a basket during the warmup will have a good game. Wipe the soles of your sneakers for good luck. Bounce the ball before taking a foul shot for good luck.
Baseball Spitting into your hand before picking up the bat is said to bring good luck. A wad of gum stuck on a player’s hat brings good luck. It is bad luck if a dog walks across the diamond before the first pitch. Some players believe it is good luck to step on one of the bases before running off the field at the end of an inning. It is bad luck to touch the baselines while running off and onto the field between innings. Lending a bat to a fellow player is a serious jinx. Some players actually sleep with their bat to break out of a hitting slump or stay in a groove. If a pitcher is throwing a perfect game or a no-hitter, never speak of it while it’s going on.
Bowling To continue a winning streak, wear the same clothes. The number 300, a perfect score, on your license plate will increase your score. Carry charms on your bowling bag, in your pockets, or around your neck for good luck.
Fishing Fish may not bite if a barefoot woman passes you on the way to the dock. Spit on your bait before casting your rod to make fish bite. Throw back your first catch for good luck. It is bad luck to change rods while fishing. Don’t tell anyone how many fish you’ve caught until you’re done or you won’t catch another.
Tennis It’s bad luck to hold more than two balls at a time when serving. Avoid wearing the color yellow. Walk around the outside of the court when switching sides for good luck.
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