Foundation newsletter - winter 2024

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Cancer patient coordinates event, raises $6,000 for fellow patients

With a spirit of gratitude and a song in her heart, Janice Huber, North Platte, was eager to find a meaningful way to show her appreciation for the Great Plains Health Callahan Cancer Center.

Diagnosed with cancer in September of 2019, Janice has spent a lot of time with the team at the Cancer Center. She wanted to think of a way to give back to the Cancer Center, in turn helping other patients walking a similar journey.

There are many ways you can support the patient experience at Great Plains Health. Learn more about how you can make an impact for your friends and neighbors here by supporting our latest campaign!


“I just felt like it was what I needed to do because the physicians, nurses and all of the staff had done so much for me,” said Janice. “When I asked Dr. Benjamin George, Amanda Miller, APRN, and my nurses about something I could do that would be impactful for the Cancer Center, they were selfless. They didn’t ask for anything for the Cancer Center, but instead wanted something that would directly touch patients’ lives.”

Local musicians including Dr. Kim Baxter, Steve Barger, Bob Clang, George Lauby and other friends and family joined Janice to perform on October 22, 2023, at the Prairie Arts Center. More than five tables filled the space with silent auction items donated from businesses and individuals across the region. The turnout was impressive.

“It was a God thing,” said Janice. “It was so neat to see so many people and touch so many lives. The people I know who have cancer said it meant a lot to see the support.”

Her efforts raised just under $6,000, which will directly support a variety of patient needs, including transportation and accommodations as patients seek treatment.

From there, Janice’s idea for a community event began to take shape. With a love for music and a talent for singing and playing the guitar, she coordinated an event with live music and a silent auction. Other community members quickly joined her efforts.

“We so appreciate Janice’s generosity and her thoughtfulness for local patients,” said Dr. Benjamin George. “We know this impact goes a long way for patients who need extra support on this journey.”

Janice Huber (center, teal jacket) joins members of the Foundation and Callahan Cancer Center to recognize the impact of the event she coordinated. Janice said she was compelled to make this gift to show her appreciation for the care she has received as a patient.

A message from leadership

Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we reflect on the impact that we made together in 2023. From our first in-person gala since 2019 to the launch of our campaign to bring a pediatric therapy space to North Platte, the past year held so many moments to celebrate.

When the Great Plains Health Care Foundation unveiled our pediatric campaign in June of 2023, we were immediately met with widespread community support. Community members and local businesses saw our vision for this project and understood its need. No other child-specific therapy space exists within a 100-mile radius of North Platte. In the six months following the launch, we raised more than half of our campaign goal of $500,000 thanks to you, our generous donors.

While we are moving closer toward our goal every day, we are not finished yet! Please continue to share the excitement of this project with your friends and neighbors, and follow our fundraising efforts at

We recently marked the groundbreaking of the sports and therapy and rehabilitation center that will house this special pediatric therapy wing, and we anticipate serving patients in this new and innovative facility in late 2025. We are eager to see the impact that this space makes on children and families for generations to come. Thank you for your ongoing support of the patient experience.


Care Foundation Laura Troshynski Board Chair, Great Plains Health Care Foundation
It’s a Life 2023 Great Plains Health Care Foundation Gala BY THE NUMBERS $225,719.00 Total gift raised for the pediatric rehabilitation campaign 13 Number of physicians who sponsored the physician lottery, which raised $12,250 255 Tickets sold 21 Generous event sponsors 10 Volunteers who gave their time toward making the event a success 20 Silent and live auction items November 15, 2024 Mark your calendars for this year’s gala
Laura Troshynski, Foundation Board Chair Megan McGown, GPHealth CDO and Foundation Director

Donor’s gift to active cancer patients provides ‘ray of hope during the most difficult journey’

Unless you have been diagnosed with cancer, you can never quite understand the journey. One anonymous donor knows all too well what it is like and decided to make a special gift directly to active patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

In December of 2023, a former patient of the Great Plains Health Callahan Cancer Center approached Lisa Kosmacek, BSN, RN, Cancer Center Director, with a desire to make the holiday season a little brighter for cancer patients.

Lisa sprang into action, contacting the Great Plains Health Care Foundation to put into place a proper process to make this gift possible.

“The patients were very teary eyed,” said Lisa. “The patients would say, ‘There are still a lot of good people in this world,’ and a few patients even said that the $70 would be used that very same day to take care of immediate needs.”

for assisting people in possibly their lowest moments. It makes a huge difference.”

The Cancer Center has received notes from many of the recipients, all expressing deep gratitude.

“As a cancer survivor who went through treatment, I know what patients are going through,” said the anonymous donor. “I wanted to give these patients some encouragement and I had the means to do so. Thank you to the Cancer Center and the Great Plains Health Care Foundation for making it happen.”

“The gift was so thoughtful, and came on a day that was not as good as we had hoped. Your donation means so much to us.” – Patient of the Callahan Cancer Center

In the spirit of kindness, at least three patients chose to pay it forward, opting to share their gift with fellow patients in greater need.

At the start of the New Year, Lisa was able to begin sharing the donor’s gift with patients. She connected with each patient personally over the course of a month and, by the end of January, 150 active patients each received an envelope with $70.

“We are going to give it to our neighbor who also has endured chemotherapy and radiation at the Cancer Center and has had a financial hardship throughout her treatments,” shared one recipient. “We are very grateful for the donor and Foundation

“The gift was so thoughtful and came on a day that was not as good as we had hoped. Your donation means so much to us,” said one patient’s letter.

Another letter read, “As a fellow warrior, I’m sure you understand how touching it is to know others are out there who know what you’re going through on this challenging journey. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

One patient called the gift a “ray of hope during the most difficult journey,” and another shared how the gift helps with the expenses of having treatment for 15 days, bloodwork and physical therapy.

The anonymous donor’s selfless gift of $10,500 helped patients of all ages and from all walks of life, from as far north as Valentine, Neb., to as far south as Oberlin, Kan. The gift has brought hope and inspiration to hundreds of patients and family members. To learn more about how you can impact the patient experience, contact the Great Plains Health Care Foundation Office at 308.568.7410.

Great Plains Health Care Foundation | 601 W. Leota St. | P.O. Box 1167 | North Platte, NE 69103

Meet your newest board members

Great Plains Health Care Foundation is proud to introduce our two newest board members. We are deeply grateful for their commitment not only to high-quality patient care but to our community as well. It is an honor to have them as part of our team, and we appreciate their time, experience and fresh perspectives to help guide the Great Plains Health Care Foundation’s goals and priorities.

Marcy Hunter

Marcy Hunter is the Market President/HR Director and Board Member of Western Nebraska Bank. She also serves as Treasurer on the Board of of Teammates Mentoring of North Platte.

Marcy and her husband, Ryan, have three boys, Charlie (15), Sam (13) and Liam (10). They love to spend time with family and friends, be at the lake, travel and golf.

Dr. Jody Tomanek

Dr. Jody Tomanek is currently the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Mid-Plains Community College and also serves as the Campus Vice President for the North Platte locations. She has been with Mid-Plains Community College for 14 years and in the Nebraska Community College system for 27 years.

“I’m excited to be a part of the Great Plains Health Care Foundation and help as much as I can in their efforts of philanthropy. I have spent a lot of time in Nebraska hospitals with family over the past 10 years. This made me very aware of how important health care availability and the patient and family experience are and how it can affect the lives of those patients and their families. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your mission for our community and region.”

Jody is involved in committees across the state, including Partnerships for Innovation, where she is the past chairman, currently chairs the Nebraska Statewide Chief Academic Officer group, serves as a peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission, and previously served on the board for the National Council for Instructional Administrators. She has taught courses in Community College Leadership at Iowa State University. She is also involved with the Rotary Club of North Platte and has served as a host family for rodeo queens as part of the Miss Rodeo Nebraska Program. Jody spent eight years on the Great Plains Health board of directors, including two years as board chair.

In her free time, Jody likes to spend time at her cabin at Lake Maloney, travel, and spend time with her six nieces and nephews.

“What inspires me about the GPHealth Foundation is the amazing work it does to create opportunities for patients in our facilities and in our communities. GPHealth is the community’s hospital, and we all need to do our part to ensure those great opportunities for all.”


Gifts of commodities Cash Estates and property

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