July 11, 2013 Gladstone Dispatch

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July 11, 2013 Volume 3 • Issue 35 75 cents Send community news to gladstonenews@npgco.com

Rave reviews for market move By Bill Knust A move of the Gladstone Farmers Market seems to have come at the right time to the right location. With the market opening at its new location, the parking lot of the Gladstone Hy-Vee, the last week of June, the move was well received by vendors and shoppers. Gladstone Administrative Assistant Becky Jarrett estimated an attendance of 340 patrons June 26 at the new location despite it being one of the hottest days of the summer so far. “We’ve been well received by the Hy-Vee customers and the customers that came over,� Jarrett said. “Hy-Vee was more than welcoming in having us here. We’re thrilled to be here.� Jarrett said the move came about because of new construction by the old market location. “There is a new apartment complex coming in called The Heights, and they will be breaking ground on that in July,� Jarrett said. “Construction was starting to pick up, and we knew we had to find a new place. There was getting to be more noise and more trucks. We knew it was time.� The wife of Gladstone Hy-Vee Manager Gary Swearingen happened to be shopping at the old location one Wednesday and talked with Jarrett about maybe making the move. It was one both sides were happy to make happen. “Everyone knows where 72nd and Prospect is,� Jarrett said. “A good majority of the people know this is the only Hy-Vee in Gladstone. It’s a win-win for everyone. Our

The Gladstone Farmers Market is open Wednesday afternoons May through October in the parking lot of the Gladstone Hy-Vee. The Heights development caused the market to move from its previous location. Bill Knust/Staff Photos

customers stop into Hy-Vee to get things, and Hy-Vee customers stop by to check out the market.â€? Vendors said it did not take long to notice the difference in foot traffic. K&V Farms’ Paxton Vasbinder, in his second year as a vendor at the market, said the move was a big positive. “I was overjoyed,â€? Vasbinder said. “I am happy to be here. It is busier, and we can rely on more people to stop by. ‌ Even in the

see what is going on. “Next year we will open it up to more vendors. Gary has assured me we can have more space if we need it. We’re really feeling it out and seeing what happens.� In the meantime, Vasbinder said they would be glad to enjoy the increased traffic with the other 13 vendors. “This is a positive for everyone,� Vasbinder said. “As they say, the rising tide lifts all boats.�

first 45 minutes today we had more customers.� The switch has also been well received by other vendors. Jarrett’s phone has been active since the move was announced. “My phone has been ringing more with people wanting in,� Jarrett said. “We did close off the list of vendors this year to vendors who have already signed up with us. We wanted to keep a cap on it until we could get our feet on the ground and

Heights to break ground July 15 Gladstone will take its next step to new Heights with a ground-breaking ceremony Monday, July 15. The 10:30 a.m. event at 525 NE 70 St. will symbolize the beginning of construction for a mixeduse development featuring 222 luxury apartments and 10,000 square feet of retail and commercial space. The Heights development projec t in Gladstone’s downtown was announced in April. Representatives from Flaherty and Collins, the Gladstone City Council and city staff will join other elected officials and dignitaries at the ground-breaking. “This is a significant project for the city and a good sign of positive economic growth in a community that is landlocked with limited growth opportunities,â€? according to a city press release. The Heights is expected to draw residents from both inside and outside of the Gladstone area. HEIGHTS/Page A2

California Farmer’s Market New in Town! Try US Today! Open 7 Days a Week - 8 am to 8 pm


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Financial Aid available for those who qualify. For complete consumer information please visit: http://www.pcitraining.edu/consumerinfo.

A2 Gladstone Dispatch

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Display advertising deadline Noon Monday

Announcements Gladstone Dispatch charges a fee for engagement, wedding, anniversary, birth and death announcements. Call 454-9660 for rates and submission guidelines. The deadline for these announcements is 10 a.m. Monday the week of publication.

Classified advertising deadline 4 p.m. Tuesday 104 N. Main St., Liberty, MO 64068 Thursday, July 11, 2013 Volume 3 • Issue 35

Ad Sales Linda Petty linda.petty@npgco.com

Letters to the editor

Call for classified and display advertising

Managing Editor Amy Neal amy.neal@npgco.com

Gladstone Dispatch accepts and publishes letters to the editor on a space-available basis at the sole discretion of the editor. Letters should be no more than 300 words. Material deemed libelous in nature will not be published. The editor reserves the right to reject or edit any letter for submitted for clarity, grammar and overall length. All letters must be signed and have a phone number for verification. Name and city location will be published with letters. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Gladstone Dispatch or its staff.

gladstonenews@npgco.com Send community news and photos


Gladstone Dispatch is published by NPG Newspapers, Inc.

Gladstone Dispatch uses recycled paper, plates and ink.

Community submissions Gladstone Dispatch publishes many community submissions free of charge. Information and photos are published on a space-available basis at the sole discretion of the editor. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Friday to be considered for the following week’s newspaper. All nonpaid content should be sent to gladstonenews@npgco.com or Gladstone Dispatch, 104 N. Main St., Liberty, MO 64068.


Publisher Sandy Nelson sandy.nelson@npgco.com

HEIGHTS: Luxury living part of project

All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preferences, limitations or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Call for delivery

CELEBRATING AMERICA’S LOVE OF FOOD Published the first week of every month.

Continued from Page A1 “This multifamily project will be the premier residential rental project in the Kansas City North metropolitan area, with rent ranging from $600 to $1,400,� the city release said. The development is part of a series of projects related to Gladstone’s downtown concept that has been in the works for several years. Other projec ts include the Gladstone C om mu n it y C e nte r and North Kansas City Schools Natatorium, and Linden Square, which includes ice skating, a variety of performing arts and an approximately 18,0 0 0 -square-foot two-story office building that opened in June.




Assembly Of God






Ph. (816) 781-6633 Jeff Davidson, Pastor

Rev. David Culver New Traditions Worship........ 8:30 am Sunday School ................... 9:30 am Traditional Worship ............10:50 am Alfa Y Omega Iglesia Cristiana Discipulos de Cristo Servicio los Domingos a las 6:00 pm


Church Directory

9555 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64155

(816) 734-2216 ext. 204

At the corner of N. Oak and 96th Street

Sunday Worship ............ 9:00, 10:15 & 11:30 am Children’s Sunday School.....9:00, 10:15 & 11:30 am Pre-K - 5th Grade Sunday School .........10:15 am

Schedule: Sunday School ................... 9:30 am AM Worship .....................10:30 am Sunday Evening ................. 6:00 pm

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Childcare Provided. Casual Dress The coffee’s hot, the music rocks and the message is real.

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11 101 N. Forest Ave. Liberty, MO 64068 pastorjeff@liberty-assembly.org

(DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) 427 East Kansas • 781-3621

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Non-Denominational Christian Science 8


3400 NE 80th Street, Kansas City, MO 64119 (816) 746-8388


web site: metrobaptistchurch.com Traditional Music and Choir Expository Biblical Preaching

Sunday services .............10:30am & 6:00pm Wednesday evening ......................7:00pm

GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH An Open and Affirming Congregation

www.graceepiscopalliberty.org SUNDAY SCHEDULE

Sunday Service ..............8:30am-10:00am ............................... 10:30am-12:15pm Wednesday Service ..Classes start at 7:00pm




10 18



www.harmonyvineyard.com Call About Home Groups


69 Hwy. Liberty


3400 NE 82nd St. • KCMO 64119

Episcopal 3


600 NE 46th Street Kansas City, MO 64116


Sunday Services ......................10:30 am Sunday School ........................10:30 am Wed Evening Testimonial Meeting .. 7:00 pm Reading Room open to the public Call for hours and location ..........455-0443






587-8898 John Brown, Pastor


9:00 am – Education 10:15 am – Worship

520 S. 291 Hwy. (816) 781-6262 The Rev. Susan McCann, Rector The Ven. John McCann, Priest Associate

Presbyterian 18


138 Main Interim Rev. Joe Carle Sunday School .......................9-9:45 am Traditional Worship ..................10:00 am Nursery Provided • 781-6528



6 1441 NE Englewood Rd. Sunday Service ....................... 10:30 am Sunday School ..........................9:15 am Rev. Seth Wheeler Childcare Available www.northminsterkc.org 453-2545

If you would like to have your church included in the Church Directory, please contact Rachel at 816.389.6618

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gladstone Dispatch A3

News in Brief

The North Patrol of the Kansas City Police Department issued a community crime alert July 2 that there had been an increase in burglaries since the weather had warmed up. “Some of the burglaries involve residents who leave their garage doors open while home, doing yard work or during overnight hours,” the alert said. “Thieves will drive around looking for open garage doors during all times of the day.” Capt. Jeff Self of the Gladstone Department of Public Safety said a similar increase in burglaries had not been seen here, but the city’s Department of Public Safety advises residents to make sure garage doors are not left open and unattended.

“Please take a moment each night to make sure you have shut your garage door and that it completely closes,” said the Kansas City alert. “You can also help your neighbors by giving them a call if you see their door left open.”

Storybook Trail returns to Oak Grove Park This Saturday, July 13, the city of Gladstone, in partnership with MidContinent Public Library, Clay County Health Department and North Kansas City Schools, will host the second Storybook Trail in Oak Grove Park. The story “Off We Go!” by Jane Yolen will be posted on the trail from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. July 13 through Sunday, July 21. This activity is designed to promote reading and healthful outdoor

exercise. Individual pages of a storybook will be placed on signage around the trail at Oak Grove Park. Families with young children will read one page and advance by walking, hopping, skipping, etc. to the next page. Storybook Trail storytimes with a live librarian from Mid-Continent Public Library will be offered at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 17, and Saturday, July 20, at the large shelter in the park.

Drawing contest open to kids 3 to 12 years “I love nature” is the theme of the ninth annual drawing contest for Northland children ages 5 to 12 co-sponsored by the North Kansas City Kiwanis Club, children’s section of the North Kansas City Public Library, Country Club Bank and Northland

Art League. Entry forms are available at the North Kansas City Library or online at www. nkcpl.org. The contest is open through the end of July. Completed entries must be turned in to the library,2251 Howell St. in North Kansas City, by Wednesday, July 31. Entries will be judged by the Northland Art League, an organization of 50 professional artists. Judging will be in four categories: ages 5 and 6; ages 7 and 8; ages 9 and 10; and ages 11 and 12. First-place winners in each category will have their drawings professionally framed and will be awarded a $25 gift card, courtesy of Country Club Bank. Winners will be notified in early August, and prizes will be awarded at a ceremony at the library Wednesday, Aug. 7. All entries will be on display during the month of August in the children’s section of the library.

Michael Patrick Knoll

Wilhelm H. Siegle

Wilhelm H. Siegle, 73, Weatherby Lake, Missouri, died June 13, 2013. Survivors include his wife, Dorle Siegle; sons, Michael Siegle and Chris Siegle; daughter, Beate Rock; sister, Rosemarie Gravemeier; and granddaughter, Emma Rock . The family suggest memorial contributions to Crossroads Hospice, 2900 NE 60th Street, Gladstone, Missouri 64119. Fond memories and condolences may be left at www.churcharcherpasley.com (Arr: ChurchArcher-Pasley Funeral Home, 119 E. Franklin St., Liberty, Missouri 64068 816-781-2000)

Michael Patrick Knoll, 52, KCMO, died Thursday July 4th 2013. He is survived by parents, Dr. Richard & Janice Knoll; wife, Ronda (Buffy) Knoll; children Timothy Fischer, Alaina, Olivia, and Joseph Knoll; sisters & brother, Sherri Hellums, Debby Ewers, Carla (Tina) Bass, twin sister, Patrice Schmitt, & brother, Erich Knoll. Fond memories and condolences may be left at ChurchArcherPasley. com (Arr: Church-ArcherPasley Funeral Home, 119 E. Franklin, Liberty, MO 64068 816-781-2000)

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Thieves take advantage of open garage doors



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A4 G l a d s t o n e D i s p a t c h



T H U R S D A Y, J U L Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 3










Legal Notices

ACCORDING TO THE LEASE BY AND BETWEEN, B-18 Melissia Batson, #D-20 Heather A Dixon, AND TKG-StorageMart and its related parties, assigns and affiliates IN ORDER TO PERFECT THE LIEN ON THE GOODS CONTAINED IN THEIR STORAGE UNITS THE MANAGER HAS CUT THE LOCK ON THEIR UNIT AND Upon cursory inspection THE unit(s) were found to contain: T.V.’s, sprayer, floor jacks tools, saw, drill, pallets, gas grill, book shelf, speakers, end tables, chest, entertainment center, VCR/DVD player, totes and boxes. Items will be sold or otherwise disposed of on July 26, 2013 @ 9:30 am at the location listed below to satisfy owner’s lien in accordance with state statutes. Storage Mart #122 11510 N Main Kansas City, MO 64155 (816)734-3989 Published: July 11, 2013

Real Estate


• Stove • Fridge • A/C • Deck • Second Floor • No Pets

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• Studios

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Riverside 4-plex,2 br.CA, appls,

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Litter Special


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Professionally Managed by Charles F. Curry Real Estate Company


Public Notice

Looking for participants from Clay/Platte County for a jury study regarding a real case. Participants will be paid $60.00 for their time. The event will take place on Saturday, July 27, 2013 with two sessions, one beginning at 9:00 a.m. and one session at 3:00 p.m. in Liberty, Missouri. Participants can only participate in one session. Each session will take approximately 3 to 3 1/2 hours. If you would like to participate, please call 816-423-5538 or email us at juryproject13@gmail.com


Real Estate Auctions


Mobile Home Sites

Claycomo- Quaint neighborhood, close to shopping, schools & hwys. Single lots $315. Water and sewer paid, yards mowed.


Real Estate Auctions

Help Wanted

for KC Parts Distribution Warehouse

• Experience working on mainframe and/or personal computer applications using Microsoft Windows 7 or equivalent.

Help Wanted

• A self-starter requiring minimal supervision. • A team player exhibiting a willingness to take on new challenges.

Hiring Warehouse Associates Forklift Operators/Order Pullers Northland Location Up To $12.00/All Shifts Available 2 Years Recent Warehouse Experience Stable Work History Must Pass Drug Screen www.prologistix.com 816-452-5978

• Customer Service Skills. • Must be physically fit and capable of performing all normal warehouse activities. • High level of manual dexterity is required. • Forklift experience an asset but not necessary. • Previous parts experience an asset especially farm equipment parts. Responsibilities: • Entering & co-coordinating dealer parts orders and problem resolution.


Help Wanted

Golden Living Center Smithville is seeking a Staffing Coordinator/ Central Supply. Must have some LTC experience as well as computer skills. This candidate must be able to relate professionally, positively and work with patients, families and other employees. All interested candidates can stop by 106 Hospital Drive, Smithville, MO or call 816532-0888.

Sell it in the Classifieds! Call 816.389.6618 252

Real Estate Auctions



Eldon E. McClarnon Trust 111.03 Acre M/L of Vacant Land (92 Acres Tillable)

Oakwoods Estates, Phases 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 14800 NE Highway 92

July 25, 7:30 PM Auction Location: Kearney Fire House 106 S. Jefferson Kearney, MO Auction Conducted By Gary Ryther Auctioneers, Inc. Lawson, MO (816)580-4204 For More Info Call or Check Website

w w w. g r y t h e r a u c t i o n e e r s . c o m

• Ability to assist dealers with parts look up for harvesting equipment.

Trucking/ Drivers

• Ability to react to changing priorities in a fast paced environment. • Willing to work flexible hours. • Be available for emergency after hours service if required. • Other duties as assigned including warehouse picking/packing/shipping at peak times. This is a full-time position with benefits (company funded) for the right candidate. This salary position is commensurate to experience. Interested applicants can submit resume and cover letter to Attention Joyce Slocum - jslocum@macdon.com

Garage Sales

650 651

Vocational Services, Inc.

Estate Sales

Liberty- 1808 Shannon Dr., July 1213-14, 9:15-4p. Huge Sale, guns, furniture, bar, collection of sample liquor bottles, vintage items, sewing machines, antique clock, china, Fenton, patio set, tools, records, and more. www.classicestatesaleskc.com


Garage Sales

Gladstone- Plastic model kit collections, tanks, cars, planes, accessories, Sat. 7/13, 8a-4p. 1 day only. 6705 N. Garfield.

is accepting applications for the following full-time positions • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR $27,600 to $30,000 per year Plans, organizes and directs all ongoing and special project funding programs. This is a full-time exempt status position requiring a college degree and a minimum of 1 year of experience in fund raising or managing events. • JOB COACH ($10.75 - $11.25 per hour) Supervises and train consumers to the specific job duties for the company that they are employed at. This is a full time hourly position requiring a high school diploma or a GED and previous experience in retail, food service, maintenance or production preferred. • SUPERVISOR ($10.00 - $10.50 per hour) Supervises and coordinates activities of individuals with disabilities in the sheltered workshop working in a production environment. This is a full time hourly position requiring a high school diploma or a GED, and one year of production or supervisory related experience. Salaries are based on Education or experience. Benefits offered include: Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Sick and Vacation pay. To apply please fax a resume to 816-792-9501 or email to hr@vsiserve.org or you may also come to our office at 935 Kent St., Liberty, MO. to fill out an application. E.E.O. / AA

KC North- 8028 N. Lydia Ave. Sat. 8a-1p. Books, patterns, fabric, dolls, clothes, collectibles. KC North- 9618 NE 98th St., 35 N. to Cookingham W., Sat. 7/13, 8 am, Boys toddler clothes, carseat, changing table, toys.

SOFTWARE-SR. SOFTWARE DEVELOPER (Kansas City, MO) Analyze, evaluate, design, implement, customize, test system components for integration into overall application architecture for Business Intelligence Reporting Tools and Websockets-CSS (Customer Service System) in Java, Mina, Spring and Wicket; using DAO4J, DB2/OS, Oracle, and performance tuning including query optimization, SQL Hints, JStack heap dumps, JHAT, and memory leak analysis; configure and administer web and application servers in FabricTC, FabricERS environment and operating systems services; research and recommend software tools to management and other system architects; create technical and software specifications; provide technical support and mentoring services; enforce all appropriate standards; identify, diagnose, and resolve application defects; design Direct Web Remote (DWR) reports, data library, iText, and implement into existing and new applications. BS in Information Technology or any computer related field plus 5 year experience in the job offered.

KC North- Barrington Woods Neighborhood Sale, Sat. 7/13, 8am, Cookingham W. & 35 N. Many houses. KC North- Garage Sale. Fri. & Sat. 7am. 8111 NE 108th Ter. Washer/Dryer, lots of misc. KC North- Gigantic 4 Family Sale. Don’t miss. Lots of everything! Fri. & Sat. 8a-6p, 3441 N. Cleveland. KC North- Moving Sale, Sat. 7/13. 9204 N. Stark, Hunter’s Glen.Furniture, front load washer, dryer, dining table, household items.

Mail resumes w/salary requirements to: HR Manager, Missouri Gas Energy, 3420 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 54111.

KC North- The garage sale my husband has been waiting for! TV, women’s XL, 1X, 2X, 3X, men’s 2X clothes, kitchen items, lots of books, games, Bath & Body Works, misc. 11501 N. Lane Ave., KCMO 64157 Hunter’s Glen, 7/12• 8a-5p, 7/13 • 8a-3p.

PET SITTER NEEDED to help us keep growing.

For Liberty going towards North Oak. Must have reliable transportation and be able to drive in all kinds of weather. Internet access. Have cell phone & be able to walk dogs & clean litter boxes. Must be available when needed. HOLIDAYS, WEEKENDS AND SUMMERTIME ARE A MUST!!

KC North - 5010 N. Cleveland, Fri 6/12 & Sat 6/13, 8-4; Tools, Household items, lots of miscellaneous.

Please contact Randy 816-415-9264 or website www.noworriespetcare.net for more information.

Kearney- Huge Garage Sale. 906 Madelyn St. (Brookhaven). Sat. 7/13, 9a-3p. Liberty- 517 Cierra Circle off Mid Jay Dr. Fri. & Sat. 8a-? Bicycles, motorcycle jack, Christmas, furniture. Liberty- 610 Cottonwood Lane7/12-13, 8a-2p. Furn., pool table, queen bdrm. set, antiques, patio sets, sports memorabilia & misc.

Full-Time Certified Licensed Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker

• Answering phone calls from dealers with parts inquiries & customer service questions.

Drivers: CDL-B: Great Pay, Hometime! No-Forced Dispatch! New Singles from St. Joseph to surrounding states. TruckMovers.com or 888-567-4861.



• Processing daily paperwork accurately & efficiently.

SUMMER PRICE SPECIAL!! Real estate classes start August 5 in Gladstone. Free catalog. 455-2087. www.realestateprepschool.com

Professionally managed by Charles F. Curry R/E Co.



Public Notice





House for rent, 2BR, 1 car garage, $650/mo. + $650 dep. Liberty. 816781-3400.


302 West Street- Parkville, 1BR, 1BA, LR, stove, fridge, AC, stor., $475/m, $450/sd. 1 yr. lease. 913766-6501/816-674-8122.



Houses For Rent

Northgate Mobile Estates

Business Property


Qualifications: • High School, graduate with post secondary education preferred.

Part-time stocker needed, $11/hr to start. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Apply in person: Bubbles 7407 N Oak Trfwy, Gladstone. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

OAK TREE APTS Studios with Kitchen

Help Wanted

Agricultural Parts Coordinator

$250.00 dep. 816-436-7871.

3 BR, 1.5 BA Duplex in Liberty, all appliances included except fridge, 1 car garage. W/D hookups.

• 4 lines • 4 weeks


Pleasant Valley- 1 half duplex, 2BR, 1BA, 1 car garage, CA. $625 /mo + dep. Owner/Agent Mike Littlejohn, 816-407-5058.

FOR LEASE -$3.95 per sq. ft. 10,800 sq.ft. commercial building w/large parking lot. Other sizes available, Excelsior Springs. For more information call 816-6373371 or cell 913-488-6450.



Financial Services

N o Application Fee


7590 SW F Highway, Trimble, MO 64492 816-288-3813


Stop collection calls today. Control your finances with one low monthly payment. New or consolidation loans available. Troubled credit ok. Call Pinnacle Capital 1-800-549-5156

Apartments Unfurnished

Professionally managed by Charles F. Curry Real Estate Co.

Homes For Sale

Financial Services

Debt Problems Solved!


200 231


Liberty- Household items, sports stuff, great prices, July 13, 8am1pm. 1706 Windsor Lane.

APARTMENT MAINTENANCE North of the River apartment complex seeking maintenance person. Must have own transportation. Some tools required. Basic plumbing, electrical, HVAC & carpentry experience necessary. HVAC certified. Salary plus benefits.

Fax Resume to Jean 816-452-4757

T H U R S D A Y, J U L Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 3 515

Help Wanted

G l a d s t o n e D i s p a t c h A5



Help Wanted








Auctions 816.781.4941

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PIPEFITTER L.P.G. Ventures, the nationâ’s leader in LPG, NGL and NH3 plant construction is seeking an experienced heavy industrial pipefitter. Position would require extensive threaded and welded pipe design and layout working out of our Kearney, MO facility. An estimated 20-30% travel required. Must be able to perform physical lifting, pass pre-employment drug and alcohol test and have a clean driving record. Apply with Ian at:




971 N. Jefferson, Kearney, MO. EOE ACTIVITY ASSISTANT

New Mark Care Center is currently taking applications for a creative/flexible/compassionate individual PT/PRN who enjoys working with the elderly. Duties would include leading Group and individual therapeutic activities. Experience and documentation skills a plus: willing to train the right individual. Contact: Angela Troncin, New Mark Care Center 11221 N. Nashua Drive. (816) 734-4433 or fax (816) 734-4026.


971 N. Jefferson, Kearney, MO. EOE

Entry-level position for professional case management work with Clinton Co. SB40 Board in a purchase-of service & community placement program for persons with developmental disabilities. Home office in Lathrop, Mo. Must have a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or University in the specialties field of human services. One or more years of experience in this field a must. Further qualifications will be e-mailed to you by contacting Sue841@msn.com. A resume may be mailed to Clinton Co. SB40 Board, P. O. Box 397, Lathrop, Mo. 64465

Garage Sales

Liberty- 724 W. Hurt St. Moving Sale, years of accumulation, beautiful oak hutch, lots of men’s westernwear, Sat. 9a-6p. Liberty- 9019 N. Oxford Ave., 64157. Copperleaf Subdivision. Fri. 7/12, 8a-4p, home deor, adult & kids clothes, area rug, picture frames, 6 dining room chairs, lots of misc. Liberty-517 Vivian St., 7/11-13, Multi-family, hsehld, holiday items & collectibles, Longaberger, lots of misc. Come often - restocking daily! Smithville- Large Garage Sale Friday-Sunday with lots of baby girl clothes, up to 4T girl clothes including dresses, shoes, and boots. In addition children books, toys and accessories. Also men’s and women’s clothing, house decor, and sporting goods. 702 Liberty Road.


700 760

Household Goods

Large roll, new carpeting, multi/speckle brown, approximately 50 yards. 816-436-0153

HELP WANTED Check out the opportunities in this week’s classifieds.


Household Goods

Side by side refrigerator, cooktop, oven, microwave, formal dining set & hutch-cherry, some antiques & other furniture. 816-916-6335, 816455-2247 8am-6pm.


Liberty Tribune

Montana 2002 • 32’, 2 slides, 2955 RL, new AC. Excellent condition. 816-213-1408 or 816-914-8792


Wanted Automotive

CASH !!!!

FOR YOUR GOOD CLEAN USED CAR, TRUCK OR VAN. CALL RICK: 816-781-1026 or 816-223-4655

#1JANE A’s Professional Housecleaning, LLC Complete Service, Reasonable Rates, Serving Liberty &The Northland. Supplies Furnished. Insured • Licensed• Bonded 816-868-5024




Liberty Tribune 816.781.4941 www.libertytribune.com

Lawn Service

Liberty Tribune 816.781.4941 www.libertytribune.com

Retired man wanting lawns to mow, very reasonable. 816-734-9101.




Interior/Exterior, Paperhanging Residential/Comm. Quality Work, Reasonable Rates. 24 Years Experience


Call An Expert

L.P.G. Transport is seeking a OTR driver for flatbed mostly OD hauling. Applicant must be 25, have clean driving record and able to pass DOT physical, drug and alcohol tests. If you’re ready to work, want a family company atmosphere, we have a spot for you. Apply with John Ketterman at:


Home/Business Cleaning

House Cleaning, lots of experience, free estimates, references available, reasonable rates. Please call at Socorro at 816-868-4851.

971 N. Jefferson, Kearney, MO. EOE

L.P.G. Ventures, the nation’s leader in LPG, NGL and NH3 plant construction is seeking an experienced welder capable of passing extensive code certifications. Position would require extensive tank and pipe layout and welding working out of our Kearney, MO facility. Must be able to perform physical lifting and pass pre-employment drug and alcohol test. Apply with Jared at:


1400 1437


Daycare/preschool opening in Liberty. Small group, low tution, great references. New borns welcome. Call Barb today 781-6905.

Published the second week of every month.

SELL it in the

Classifieds 1340





Wanda Statuary- manufacturers of concrete statuary since 1972. Large selection & low price. Bird baths, fountains, benches, replacement bowls, statuary refinished & repaired, Claycomo 454-2311.


Musical Instruments

Pianos Pianos Pianos New Yamaha & Pearl River Pianos, On sale now. For information call Bette at 816- 228-5656, or Mitzi 816-746-0500.


1300 1375

Coin & Currency

Motorcycles/ Accessories

Harley Davidson 2003 Ultra Classic 100th Yr Anniv Edition, Blk/Silver, 36,000 miles, 2 helmets w/communication system, stereo & leather jacket. $12,500.Call:816-896-0345


2003 Chevrolet Corvette “50th Anniversary”

Sunday, July 14 • 11 AM North Country Community Center Lawson, MO 4-1/2 mi. N. of Excelsior Springs, MO. on 69

Over 330 lots of quality coins and currency. Check our website for more info, terms, photos and complete listing. Online bidding will be available through Proxibid.com. Almost new with under 17000 miles. loaded, including a multi-disc CD player, tour/performance controls, removable roof panel, both glass and solid panels and much more. This car has never felt a rain drop or crushed a snow flake. Garaged 99.9% of its life! Kelly Blue Book is $30,196.00, will sell for $29,500.00 firm. The car is located in Smithville. For information call Phil at 630-878-8488.

Preview 9 AM Biscuits and Gravy until 11 AM


w w w. g r y t h e r a u c t i o n e e r s . c o m

ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, July 13, 10:30 AM



The Classifieds bring together homeowners and house hunters every day.




7380 SE Watkins Rd., Lawson, MO

Directions: From Liberty, MO. take I-35 north to PP Hwy., turn east to Watkins Rd. Real Estate: Nice 3 br., 2 ba., dbl. wide mobile home with plenty of space on this beautiful 5 acres setting. 21x25 ft. detached garage and tractor shed. Nice garden area, fruit trees, large pond, fenced property & more. Personal property sells following real estate. 2001 Pontiac Montana Mini Van; IH Mod. 154 Cub Lo Boy Tractor with Belly Mower w/reserve; Iseki Diesel Tractor, sold with 3pt. Mower and Blade, w/reserve; Furniture; Glassware, & Misc. Household.

See Website for photos! S T EV E R IT T ER AU CT I ON Ex. S p g s ., M O . (81 6 )6 3 0 - 125 2 S te v e & S te v e n R i tt e r www .r i tt er a u cti on .co m




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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gladstone Dispatch A7

Community Calendar Thursday, July 11 HORSES: “Horse Hooves in the Grass,â€? an all-ages program from Kansas City’s Running Star Ranch Horse Stables, will begin at 10 a.m. at the Antioch branch of Mid-Continent Public Library. Participants will have the opportunity to meet, groom and pet a horse. Registration is required by calling 454-1306. KOSMOS: Kosmos Singles, a social group for adults 50 and older, will meet from 5 to 7 p.m. at Juicy’s in Zona Rosa. A dollar donation is requested. For more information, visit www.kosmossingles.com. TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 1072 meets weekly from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Thursdays at Kansas City North Community Center, 3930 NE Antioch Road. For more information, call 455-8517. BIBLE CAFE: Bible Cafe is from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursdays at First Christian Church, 2018 Gentry St. in North Kansas City. Enter at the doors by the mailbox. Child care is available. For more information, call 842-23241. TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 787 meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at North Kansas City Hospital Pavilion in the Frontier Room. For information, call Linda at 591-9772. ART: The work of painter and

sculptor Corey Antis is on exhibit in the Gladstone Community Center Public Art Space through Tuesday, Sept. 24, during the normal operating hours of the community center.

Friday, July 12 SOUNDS ON THE SQUARE: Rivertown will play a high-energy country pop concert at 6 p.m. at Linden Square Amphitheatre. The show is free. The outdoor venue is at 70th and North Cherry streets. STORYTIME: Toddler storytime will begin at 10 a.m. at the Antioch branch of MidContinent Public Library. LIVE MUSIC: The 5 Star Jazz Band will play from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Friday in the Park at North Kansas City’s Festival Pavilion in Macken Park. For more information, visit www.nkc.org.

SATURDAY, JULY 13 SOUNDS ON THE SQUARE: Now & Then will play a variety of hits spectators can dance to at a free concert at 6 p.m. at Linden Square Amphitheatre. The outdoor venue is at 70th and North Cherry streets. STORYBOOK TRAIL: “Off We Go!â€? by Jane Yolen will be

posted on the Storybook Trail in Oak Grove Park through Sunday,July 20. Families with young children will read one page and advance by walking, hopping, skipping or other means to the next page. The storybook will be on the trail from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. FLOWER SHOW: The Northland Garden Club will host its Fiesta Flower Show from 1 to 3 p.m. at Belvoir Winery, 1325 Odd Fellows Road in Liberty. Admission is free. HOT TROT: The third annual Northland Hot Trot 5K and 1-Mile Family Fun Run, a benefit for Northland Neighborhoods, will begin at 8 p.m. Packet pickup will be at 6:30 p.m. The event will conclude with a reception featuring live music from Abbey Road Band, a Beatles tribute act. Register online at sportkc.org. BOOK CLUB: ABC, the book club at Avondale United Methodist Church, meets in the church library at 10 a.m. the second Saturday of each month except September. Visit avondalemethodist.org for information on future book selections.

Monday, July 15

This program is for ages 4 and older. Registration is required by calling 454-1306. MARVEL MOVIES: A five-day Marvel movie marathon for teens will begin at 3 p.m. at the Antioch branch of Mid-Continent Public Library. Participants are encouraged to bring floor cushions or lounge chairs. “Iron Manâ€? is tentatively scheduled as the feature film. Registration is required by calling 454-1306.

teens will continue at 3 p.m. at the Antioch branch of MidContinent Public Library. “Iron Man IIâ€? is tentatively scheduled as the feature film. Registration is required by calling 454-1306. ROTARY: Gladstone Rotary meets at 7 a.m. Tuesdays at Fairview Christian Church, 1800 NE 65th St. For more information, visit www.gladstonerotary. org.

CRAFT: North Cross United Methodist Church, 1321 NE Vivion Road in Kansas City, will make Bling Christmas Trees for shut-ins and nursing home residents at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Participants will decorate cardboard trees with cast-off jewelry and other craft items. The goal is to make 90 trees. For more information, call 452-2939.

FAITH FOR WOMEN: North Cross United Methodist Church, 1321 NE Vivion Road in Kansas City, will offer Fellowship and Faith for Women at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays in July in Room 203. Participants will view and discuss a short video from the Nooma.com series by Rob Bell. Each class is independent of the others. There is no pre-work and no cost. For more information, call 452-2939.

Tuesday, July 16

Wednesday, July 17

STORYTIME: Preschool storytime will begin at 10 a.m. at the Antioch branch of MidContinent Public Library. MARVEL MOVIES: A fiveday Marvel movie marathon for

MOVIE: Books to Movies, featuring a movie based on a favorite book, will begin at 10 a.m. at the Antioch branch of Mid-Continent Public Library.

FARMERS MARKET: The Gladstone Farmer’s Market will be open 2 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays May through October in the Hy-Vee parking lot at Northeast 72nd Street and North Prospect Avenue.

TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets 9 to 10 a.m. weekly at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6409 NW 72nd St. in Kansas City North. The nonprofit group offers weight-loss education and support. Visit for free. Class is led by a home economist and will continue every Wednesday. No registration is required. For information, call 741-8708. UKRAINE: “Around the World: Ukraine,â€? a program for ages 5 and older, will begin at 10 a.m. at the Antioch branch of Mid-Continent Public Library. Registration is required by calling 454-1306. MENTAL HEALTH: The Northland family support group organized by the National Alliance on Mental Illness will meet at 6 p.m. at Tri-County Mental Health Services, 3100 NE 83rd St. in Kansas City. For more information, call 468-0400. MARVEL MOVIES: A fiveday Marvel movie marathon for teens will continue at 3 p.m. at the Antioch branch of MidContinent Public Library. “Thorâ€? is tentatively scheduled as the feature film. Registration is required by calling 454-1306.


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July 11-16, 2013 Earnest Shepherd Youth Center 610 E. Shepherd Road, Liberty, MO Sponsored by Clay County 4-H THURSDAY, JULY 11 Exhibits Open to the Public ........................................................................ 5-6:30 p.m. Demonstrations ........................................................................................... 6:30 p.m. FRIDAY, JULY 12 Exhibits Open to the Public ........................................................................ 5-6:30 p.m. Cat Show........................................................................................................5:30 p.m. Pet Show.............................................................................................................6 p.m. Public Speaking & Power Point Contest ........................................................6:30 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 13 Exhibits Open ...................................................................................8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Poultry Show ..................................................................................................... 8 a.m. Rabbit Show .................................................................................................... 10 a.m. Dog Show ...........................................................................................................1 p.m. 4-H Jeopardy ......................................................................................................4 p.m. Working Demonstrations ....................................................................4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Kansas City Zoo Mobile.......................................................................5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Fashion Show - Shepherd Hall ............................................................................7 p.m. Awards Program Ice Cream Social Silent Auction for Baskets closes after Awards Program HORSE SHOW EVENTS Jesse James Park Arena, Kearney, Mo. Horse Show ............................................................................. Sunday, July 14, 9 a.m. Horse Show ............................................................................Tuesday, July 16, 6 p.m.


Senior Gems Presentation a program by Teepa Snow designed to help caregivers and families

caring for their elderly loved ones battling this devastating disease. Tuesday, July 16th, 5 pm k i nd l y r s v p

Join us for a video presentation of “A New Perspective on Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care.� Teepa Snow is a dementia care & education specialist with over 30 years of experience in geriatrics. She has partnered with Senior Helpers on this revolutionary program. Kindly RSPV to: Lori Carter (816) 407-9667

Public is invited to attend all of the events during the Clay County 4-H Fair Days July 11 - 16th


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A8 Gladstone Dispatch

Thursday, July 11, 2013

UNC studies health center On June 12 and 13, representatives from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro Department of Public Health Education conducted a site visit at the Clay County Public Health Center in Liberty. The purpose of the visit was to gather input for a case study being conducted by the university on the use and impact of employing evidence-based public health activities in the community. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded project will look at how four local health departments across the county use evidence-based public health

strategies to address population health issues. The Clay County health department was identified as a possible site for the study based on a data from the 2010 National Association of County and City Health Officials profile. Clay Count y was identified as a high-performing local health department that uses evidenced-based decision making in implementing public health programs and services. Staff from the health center, its board of health and local community partners engaged in one-on-one interviews with UNC faculty during

the two-day study to evaluate evidenced based activities occurring in the community. “We were excited and humbled to be one of the few chosen for this national study. It is a great feeling to have your work validated by an independent organization. We couldn’t provide this level of service without our wonderful community partners, the leadership and support from our board of health, and of course our outstanding staff here at CCPHC,” said Gary Zaborac, health center director. The university expects to publish the results of the study in January 2014.

CELEBRATING AMERICA’S LOVE OF FOOD Published the first week of every month.



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