LakeViews May 2011

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Happy 20th Birthday Care Center!

Hearing Your Best for Life

Associated Audiologists, Inc. Meets the Hearing Healthcare Needs of Lakeview Village LEADERS IN: Hearing Diagnostics Hearing Aids Dizziness and Balance Tinnitus Overland Park Saint Luke’s South Medical Building

913-498-2827 Prairie Village Prairie Village Office Center

913-262-5855 Shawnee Mission Shawnee Mission Medical Building

913-403-0018 Lenexa Shawnee Mission Outpatient Pavilion

913-634-5583 Leavenworth Cushing Medical Plaza

Onsite services include: • Hearing Screenings • Hearing Aid Cleaning and Maintenance • Wax Removal • State-of-the-art Hearing Aid Technology • Hearing Assistive Technology Traci Ring, M.S., FAAA, audiologist, visits Lakeview Village the second Friday afternoon of each month.

To schedule an appointment to see the audiologist, call 913-403-0018. We also are on staff at Shawnee Mission Medical Center.


“I like the convenience of Country Club Bank here at Lakeview Village along with the friendly and helpful services.” MICHAEL MUELLER

Homebody I never leave home to go to the bank We understand the need for convenience, that’s why Country Club Bank has a full service office inside Lakeview Village. From opening new accounts to cashing checks and notary service we can do it all for you at home.

913 744 2493 w w w. c o u n t r y c l u b b a n k . c o m

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Where roots run deep, relationships grow strong.

LakeViews 3

Highlights in this issue:

Did You Know…

May 25th is Senior Health & Fitness Day

Wednesday, May 25th, is a day set aside to celebrate the 18th annual National Senior Health & Fitness day. The goal for this day is to help keep older Americans healthy and fit. Senior Health & Fitness day is also the nation’s largest annual health promotion event. For the last four years, Lakeview has celebrated Senior Fitness Day with many games such as basketball, cornhole, lasso roping and many other fun activities—so mark your calendar and come celebrate this year once again with some old favorites and some new fun games. The 2011 Theme: “Make Fitness a Goal for Life!” Living Well will be putting together a day of activities for you to come and join in on to make the day a fun, fit and memorable one. You can stop in anytime to play, or stay and watch. The schedule for the day will be: 10:00 AM–12:00 PM—Aquatic Center: Floating Basketball, Relay Games and Whatever else we can think of! 1:30 PM–3:00 PM—Eastside Terrace Lower Level: Pickleball, Croquet, Cornhole, Washers



Scott Edwards, Facilities Director (913) 744-2468 We are receiving more and more work orders requesting us to do something about the raccoons and opossums on patios. We are discovering these furry friends are setting up

Living Well.............................................Page 5 Care Center’s 20th Birthday............... Page 6-7 Center of the Plate..................................Page 8 Volunteer Opportunities.........................Page 8 Marketing In Motion..............................Page 9 Health News You Can Use.....................Page 9 In the Spotlight.................................... Page 11 Published by Sun Publications, Inc. 4370 W. 109th St. • Overland Park, KS 66211 913-381-1010 Fax: 913-381-9889 ©2011 Sun Publications, Inc. Art Director: Reyna Smoker Advertising Account Executive: Carol Burrington

The next issue of LakeViews will be available Monday, May 31st.

The deadline to submit content for the March issue of LakeViews is noon Friday, May 6th.

For more information about Lakeview Village, please contact our Marketing department at (913) 744-2449. The Living Well Staff will be available to help you compete or teach you how to play all of these fun games. There will be prizes, drawings and tons of fun! Bring a friend and make fitness a goal in your life. We hope to see you there! If you need further information or have any questions, please call Jackie Halbin at 744-2422 or email at See you at the games! n house under your patios because of the food source. Many of you enjoy seeing the cute little chipmunks, birds, etc. eating on your patios; however, with the bread, bird seed and peanuts also bring the raccoons and opossums. In order to trap a wild animal and transport it to another location, you must be licensed with the Kansas Department of Wildlife. If we were to trap them and release them on Lakeview property, it would be infective because they just go back to where we caught them. Calling in a licensed professional to trap and remove them can be very costly ($75 per animal). We are not asking you to stop feeding the animals, just understand not all animals you attract with your crumbs may be desirable. n

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Over 25 years each of experience, Triple Boarded in Pain Management

LakeViews 5

WHAT IS AFAP? At Lakeview Village

Eastside Terrace

Sandy Ayars, Living Well Instructor (913)951-3812


he Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program (AFAP) is a low impact workout designed for people with arthritis; however, everyone is welcome! Participants can improve joint flexibility and reduce their pain and stiffness while supported by the water’s buoyancy and resistance. AFAP also provides a friendly and fun atmosphere! The class includes a variety of exercises to increase strength. We also utilize water weights and noodles to add variety and fun. No two classes are the same! Here are some comments from a few of our Arthritis Foundation Aquatic class regulars! “We like the companionship and congeniality of being with friends and meeting new friends” agrees both Norma Eker and Ruth Hansbury. Catherine Dunlap says, “participating in a structured class makes me stick with it!”

News Dee Fisher believes she’s still walking because of the benefits of water exercise. How wonderful is that?! The warm water warms up Jo Corriston while both Anne Dickerson and Jeannie Gregg say, “exercise is easier in the water and gentle on my joints”! Everyone, especially Helen Soper, loves that she feels so good when done with class! Jim Owens, among others, loves the feel of the warm, soft water!

While in class, we also improve our concentration skills while enjoying good Music—sometimes supplied by our residents themselves! Come join us! M-W-F 10:00 AM or T-Th 2:00 PM

You are also welcome to come and watch a class! Dee Carver is happy that “it improves my balance”. If you already come to class, bring a friend! n

6 LakeViews

Happy 20th Birthday to Centerpointe Care Center! By Jessica Silfverberg May marks the 20th Anniversary of Centerpointe Care Center. For the last two decades, it has served many residents and their families. The original Care Center served 21 residents in the original Heritage building, located in what now is the administrative hallway. As the population grew during the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, so did the demand for nursing care. With the addition of Gardenview (then called the South Highrise) in May of 1991, came a new Care Center located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the new building. The 120-bed skilled nursing center also included physical therapy, an activities room, two dining rooms and a room for families to meet. Most recently, Lakeview has remodeled three bathing rooms, thanks in part to the Lakeview Village Foundation and the What-Not Shop. The Foundation also helped provide new furniture for the

common areas and dining rooms on both floors. And while everyone can say that their employees care, here at Lakeview, we go the extra mile. For example, the Grounds Crew recently purchased and installed a water

ful for the care provided to their loved ones. In fact, staff receives many letters of thanks, such as the following: “Each time Mary* (*name has been changed) went to the Care Center, she was convinced that staff would do whatever

Courtyard water garden that rests behind the Care Center

Care Center on a beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky feature for the Care Center garden area using their own personal money just because they care. Family members are very grate-

necessary to make her well. Not only were family members happy with the staff, but pleased with all staff with whom they

Care Center residents have a visit from the petting zoo

came in contact, including maintenance, catering and administration.” The heart of caring at Centerpointe is built around Person-Centered Care, which focuses on residents as individuals. When moving into an assisted living or skilled community, the residents are allowed and encouraged to keep their life-long daily routines. Staff is committed to honoring each person’s rights, preferences and self-respect by offering more choices, freedom and independence. “I love it here, and I guess I’ll be here for the

Although yesterday may not be remembered, today can still be meaningful. ■

All stages of memory care

Dementia-trained staff

8 secured units

20 licensed therapists on staff

Specialized therapeutic programs

Family education programs

Expect more from us. We do.

Gardenview/Care Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony-Richard Catlett, retired President and CEO, in center rest of my life, at least I plan to,” said Rita Green, Centerpointe Resident. “I’ve been here quite a while. I enjoy the people. It’s a nice place to be, the food is good, and the helpers here are great,” said LaVaughn Scott, Centerpointe Resident. n

If care and compassion were measurable—we would be off the charts. So when we say you can expect more from us, we mean it, and it’s a promise we deliver by providing: • More accessibility • More service hours per patient • More one-of-a-kind programs • More options to maximize life

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8 LakeViews


of the


Jon Williams, Dining Services Director 744-2402 A Brief History of Mother’s Day in the United States In the United States, Mother’s Day started nearly 150 years ago, when Anna Jarvis, an Appalachian homemaker, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community—a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called it “Mother’s Work Day”. In 1905, when Anna Jarvis died, her daughter— also named Anna—began a campaign to memorialize the life work of her mother. Anna began to lobby prominent businessmen and politicians, including Presidents Taft and Roosevelt, to support her campaign to create a special day to honor mothers. At one of the first services organized to celebrate Anna’s mother in 1908, at her church in West Virginia, Anna handed out her mother’s favorite flower, the white carnation. Five years later, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution calling for officials of the federal government to wear white carnations on Mother’s Day. In 1914, Anna’s hard work paid off when Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Mother’s Day as a national holiday. Mother’s Day has flourished in the United States. In fact, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year to dine out and telephone lines record their highest traffic as sons and daughters everywhere take advantage of this day to honor and to express appreciation for their mothers. n

Please join us as we honor our Lakeview Mothers with a meal fit for a queen Sunday, May 8, 2011.

Volunteer Opportunities

Shellie Sullivan, Community Life Manager (913)744-2410 Care Center We are looking for people who like to visit! If you like to talk and would be willing to share your time, we would love to have you become a “friend” to someone in the Care Center who needs you. Call Shellie if this is you! Care Center Do you love birds? We are in need of a caretaker for the Bird Aviary and Dove Cage. We need help with feeding, watering and cleaning for our beloved birds. Let me know if you are willing to help. Work for Troops Senior citizens all throughout Kansas and Missouri who are knitting caps and scarves for our troops need assistance for the postage to mail the items. If you are able to help, contact Stewty Bailey at 268-4687. n

Library News Come in and visit the remodeled Lakeview Village Library. We have beautiful new bookshelves made by our own resident Ron Pentz. You will need to stop by often as we are a work in progress—and we are always adding new books to our collection. Due to the Book Sale on May 5th & 6th, we will close the Library for regular service May 4th-6th. Hope to see you at the sale!

LakeViews 9

Colette Panchot

Director of Sales and Marketing



e are pleased to report that the Sales and Marketing Department is hopping like the Easter Bunny! In March alone, about 200 people visited the campus, including the 130 guests who attended the Spring Open House, the 45 guests for the Pies & Pianos event at Southridge, and those who came in for one-onone appointments. We also have an exciting line-up of spring and summer events that will

introduce even more prospective residents to our campus and to our marvelous residents. We have more good news to share: Since the renewal of the Lakeview Ambassador Club, we have received names and contact information for nearly 40 new individuals or couples, in addition to tips about those who have a renewed interested in moving here. We reward our Lakeview Ambassadors for taking the time to give us

Health News


Marketing in Motion these valuable contacts and/or for volunteering to host events. The winner of the first quarterly prize of 2011 is Betty Harris of Northpointe, who won a $50 Hy-Vee gift card. Please join me in welcoming the newest member of Lakeview’s Sales and Marketing Department, Staci Banhart, who joined us in early April. To learn more about Staci, see her story “In the Spotlight”. We are truly fortunate to have Staci on our team. n

Jan Pearson, Director of Health Services (913) 744-2475

you can use

aving multiple levels of care at Lakeview Village is a wonderful benefit, but it can also cause a great deal of confusion. The question most often asked of the health services staff is “When is it appropriate for a Lakeview resident to be admitted to Eastside Terrace versus Centerpointe Care Center?” Eastside Terrace Short-Stay Rehab was specifically designed to care for Lakeview residents ( and clients from outside the community) who have had a qualifying hospital stay and are in need of therapy and/ or nursing care in order to return home. What makes a qualifying hospital stay? According to Medicare guidelines, you must have stayed in the hospital for at least 3 midnights and have physician’s orders for a rehabilitation stay. There are certain circumstances when a

Lakeview resident with a qualifying hospital stay may be admitted to Centerpointe if staff determines their needs can be better met there. Lakeview Village Lifecare contracts provide for temporary stays in the Health Center when medically necessary; however, unlike a hotel where one is at liberty to check in and out, admission to Centerpointe requires pre-authorization and a physician’s order regardless if an individual’s planned stay is 24 hours, several weeks or longer. In order for staff to best meet someone’s needs, they must have information from the individual’s doctor about their medical condition(s), including all prescriptions. For this reason, it is important to contact the admissions office (744-2433) if you anticipate you may need even a temporary stay at Centerpointe. n

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LakeViews 11

Resident Myrna Stringer By Maggie Weed Myrna Stringer’s biography is an amazing and varied list of activities. She has been a secretary, farmer, jazz singer, president of many PTS’s, active member of the League of Women Voters, politician, United Community Services Board member, Olathe Planning Commission for 9 years, Shawnee Mission School Board and Advisory Board—elected 3 times. And she is a mother of 3, grandmother of 10, great grandmother of 4. Myrna grew up on the near eastside of Kansas City, Missouri, where she graduated from high school and soon had a job as secretary in a theatrical booking agency. Because she loved singing, she bought all of the popular records of the time to learn the words. When Warren Durrett came into the agency looking for a girl singer for his orchestra, Myrna got the job. Around the same time she met Bill Stringer at the local YMCA. He was studying product design at the Art Institute. After they married in 1948, they bought some “acreage” in Olathe and he designed and built their home where they lived for 20 years. Later they decided to move to Shawnee so their children could attend Shawnee Mission schools. Bill died in 1998 and Myrna soon knew she could not care for the property, so she moved to Lakeview in 2006; “It’s the right place for me,” she notes. Now she is volunteering again. She remains active with League of Women Voters, sings with SM Chorale and is member of LV Chorale and Chapel Choir; for 3 years she has served as chair of LV’s Living Green Committee and this year takes over as Chairman of the What Not Shop. Looks like she hasn’t slowed down a bit!

Employee Staci Banhart By Lauren Nelson Please join me in welcoming our newest staff member to the Sales and Marketing Department. Staci Banhart joined the team in early April. A graduate of Avila College with a B.A. in Social Work, Staci brings six years of experience in senior living sales and admissions, as well as five years in fundraising. A Kansas City native with family in the area, Staci recently relocated from Scottsdale, Arizona where she lived for the last 8 years. She is happy to be back in Kansas with her family, but will miss the recreational fun Arizona offered. Staci is an avid sports fan. She enjoys cheering on the Chiefs and Royals, and even became a supporter of the Phoenix Suns while residing in Scottsdale. She has a 19-month-old son, James Paul, who attends Lakeview’s Child Development Center. Staci has lived all over the west. She valued growing up in the Midwest and wanted the same for Jimmy. “I want him to have the same experiences as I did,” stated Staci. A majority of her family lives in the area, which is convenient because family is her number one priority. She gets pleasure from going on walks with Jimmy and loves going to the theatre. She anxiously anticipates the season opening of Starlight Theatre. Staci was a tap dancer for 13 years, studying at the Betty Tillotson Studio of Dance. Betty Tillotson is now 97 years of age and continues to teach tap in the local area. Most of all Staci is very happy to be at Lakeview and is excited to meet all the wonderful individuals who reside here. Please say hello to Staci as she gets to know our community.

12 LakeViews


at Lakeview Village

Lakeview Village’s new Eastside Terrace facility offers seniors a full continuum of exceptional healthcare services all in one convenient location. With an on-site medical director to oversee all aspects of care, spacious, modern patient rooms, a state-of-the-art therapy and rehab facility and an on-site, specialty geriatric center, our expert team of medical professionals work to successfully transition you from hospital to home.

Short-Term Post Acute Care A state-of-the-art facility for residents who require temporary care. This facility specializes in post-surgical, cardiac, stroke and orthopedic rehabilitation.

Skilled Nursing Care 24/7 licensed skilled nursing services in a secure facility with individualized plans for treatment and care.

Assisted Living A home-style model of living designed to foster independence while having the safety and security of 24/7 staff.

Therapy & Rehab Services On-site outpatient therapy and rehab clinic with licensed, certified physical, occupational and speech therapists (including a Vital Stim therapist and fall prevention specialists), Hydroworx therapy pool, occupational therapy kitchen, large treatment rooms and fitness center.


at Lakeview Village: 9000 Park St., Lenexa, KS

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